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    专业英语概述,Lesson 1 Introduction,4.1 词汇特点,专业术语多 专业文献含有大量专业术语,阅读时要求对该领域的专门词汇和知识有一定了解。,广泛采用名词连用形式 cell wall target cell titration curve side effect drug tolerance,派生词汇多 派生词汇,指通过合成、转化和派生构词手段而构成的词汇,在专业英语文献中占有很大的比重。 如,由前缀hydro-,hyper-,hypo- 和inter- 构成的词条在科技英语中就有两千多条。,缩略词 缩写词是科技英语词汇的重要组成部分,具有简便的优点。 TDS (targeting drug system) 靶向给药系统 MLD (minimal lethal dose) 最小致死剂量 OTC (over the counter) FDA ( Food and drug Administration),动词名词化的结果是科技英语中的行为名词出现频率大大增加。这些行为名词可由动词加上-tion,-ment,-ance,-ence,-sion,-xion等后缀构成,可表示动作、手段、结果及条件等。 The shrinkage of the sun to this state would transform our oceans into ice and our atmosphere into liquid air. 如果太阳收缩到这种状态,就会把海洋变成冰,把大气变为液化气。,The accumulation of new data during the past decade has brought a refinement of some earlier views and concepts. 最近几十年来,由于不断积累新的资料数据,从而完善了以前的一些观点和概念。,1、介词短语 A call for paper is now being issued. 征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。,2、形容词及形容词短语。 In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light. 热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。,3、副词 The air outside pressed the side in . 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。,定语后置的五种形式,4、单个分词,但仍保持强的动词意义。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。,5、定语从句 To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission. 制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为轴的所有原子都会裂变。,The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic(弹性) solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations(横向振动), and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium(发光介质) having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.,为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物理性质的介质。这种尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的介质,后来确定不具有(存在)上述假定所认为的(那种)物理性质的发光介质。,专业词汇(词根)简介,1. 表示数量的词素,1)haplo, mono, uni 单,一,独,haploid 单倍体; monoxide 一氧化物; monoatomic 单原子的;,2)bi, di, dipl, twi, du 二,双,两,偶,bicolor 双色; dichromatic 双色的; diplobacillus 双杆菌; dikaryon 双核体; twin 孪生; dual 双重的;,3)tri 三,丙,triangle 三角; triacylglycerol 三酰甘油; tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环;,4)quadri, quadru, quart, tetr, tetra 四,quadrilateral 四边的; quadrivalent 四价的; quadruped 四足动物; tetrode 四极管; tetracycline 四环素;,5)pent, penta, quique 五,pentose 戊糖; pentagon 五角形; pentane 戊烷; quintuple 五倍的; pentomer 五邻粒;,6)hex, hexa, 六,hexose 已糖; hexapod 六足动物; hexapoda 昆虫纲; hexamer 六聚体;,7)hepta, sept(i) 七,heptane 庚烷; heptose 庚糖; heptoglobin 七珠蛋白;,8)oct 八,octpus 章鱼; octagon 八角形; octane 辛烷; octase 辛糖;,9)enne, nona 九,nonapeptide 九肽; enneahedron 九面体;,10)deca, deka 十,decapod 十足目动物; decahedron 十面体; decagram 十克;,11)hecto 百,hectometer 百米; hectoliter 百升; hectowatt 百瓦;,12)kilo 千,kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿; kilobase 千碱基; kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特;,13)deci 十分之一,分,decimeter 分米; decigram 十分之一克;,14)centi 百分之一,15)milli 千分之一,毫,millimole 毫摩(尔); milliliter 毫升;,centipoise 百分之一泊(粘度单位),16)micro 百万分之一,微,微小,微量,microgram 微克; microogranism 微生物; microecology 微生态学; micropipet 微量移液器;,17)nano 十亿分之一,毫微,纳,nanosecond 十亿分之一秒; nanometer 纳米;,18)demi, hemi, semi 半,demibariel 半桶; hemicerebrum 大脑半球; semiopaque 半透明; semi-allele 半等位基因; semi-conductor 半导体;,19)holo 全,整体,完全,holoenzyme 全酶; holoprotein 全蛋白; holocrine 全(质分)泌;,20)mega 巨大,兆,百万,megaspore 大孢子; megabase 兆碱基; megakaryocyte 巨核细胞; megavolt 兆伏; megalopolitan 特大城市;,21)macro 大,巨大,多,macrophage 巨噬细胞; macrogamete 大配子; macroelement 常量元素; macromolecular 大分子;,polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸酯; polymerase 聚合酶; multichain 多链的; multinucleate 多核的; multicistronic mRNA 多顺反子mRNA; multicopy 多拷贝;,22)poly, multi, mult 多,复合,2. 表示颜色的词素,1)chrom 颜色,chromophore 生色团; chromosome 染色体; chromatography 色谱法;,2)melan, melano, nigr 黑,melanoma 黑素瘤; melanin 黑色素; melanophore 黑色素细胞;,3)xantho, flavo, fla, flavi, lute 黄,xanthophyl 叶黄素; xanthous 黄色的,黄色人种; xanthine 黄嘌呤; flavin(e) 黄素; flavone 黄酮; lutein 黄体素,叶黄素; flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD) 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸;,4)erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf 红,erythrocyte 红细胞; erythromycin 红霉素; erythropoitin(EPO) 促红细胞生成素;,5)chloro, chlor 绿,氯,chlorophyll 叶绿素; chloride 氯化物;chloramphenicol 氯霉素;,6)cyan, cyano 蓝,青紫色,氰,cyanophyceae 蓝藻纲; cyanobacteria 蓝细菌; cyanide 氰化物;,7)aur, glid, chrys 金色,aureomycin 金霉素; chrysose 金藻淀粉; chrysanthemum 菊花; glid stone 金沙石; glid 镀金;,leucine 亮氨酸; leukaemia=leucosis 白血病; bleaching powder 漂白粉; albomycin 白霉素;,8)leu, leuco, leuk, leuko, blan, alb 无色,白色,3. 表示方位和程度的词素,1)endo, ento 内,在内,endocrine 内分泌; endocytosis 胞吞作用; endogamy 近亲繁殖; endolysin 内溶素; entoderm 内胚层;,2)ec, ect, exc, extra 外,外面,表面,ectoblast 外胚层; ectoparasite 外寄生生物; extract 抽取,浸出;,3)meso 中,中间,mesosphere 中圈,中层; mesoplast 中胚层质;,4)intra, intro, inter 在内,向内,intra-allelic interaction 等位基因内相互作用; intracellular (细)胞内的; Interurban 城市之间,5)centri, centro, medi, mid 中心,中央,中间,centrifuge 离心; centriole 中心粒; centrosome 中心体; centrogene 着丝基因;,6)epi, peri 上,外,旁,epidermal growth factor(EGF) 表皮生长因子; epibranchial 上鳃的; perilune 近月点;,7)sub, suc, suf, sug 下,低,小,suborder 亚目; submucosa 粘膜下层; subclone 亚克隆; subcellular 亚细胞; subsection 小节,分部;,8)super, supra 上,高,超,superconductor 超导体; superfluid 超流体; superoxide 超氧化物; supramolecular 超分子的;,9)hyper 超过,过多,hypersensitive 过敏的; hyperelastic 超弹性的; hypertension 高血压; hyperploid 超倍体;,10)hypo 下,低,次,hypoglycaemia 低血糖; hypotension 低血压; hypophysis 脑下垂体;,11)iso 等,相同,同,iso-osmotic 等渗的; isopod 等足目动物; isotope 同位素;,12)oligo,olig 少,低,寡,狭,oligohaline 狭盐性; oligogene 寡基因; oligomer 寡聚体; oligophagous 寡食性; oligarchy 寡头政治;,13)eury 多,宽,广,eurythermal 广温的; euryhaline 广盐性; eurytopic species 广幅种;,14)ultr 超,ultra-acoustics 超声学; ultra-structure 超微结构; ultroviolet 紫外线;,15)infra 下,低,远,infralittoral 远岸的; infrahuman 类人生物; infrared 红外线的; infrastructure 基础结构,基本结构;,英文科技文献介绍,Lesson 2 English Sci-tech Paper (I),专业文献的基础知识,Original paper:发表于专业期刊,用于报道科学研究内容和结果的文献。 Short paper / Communication: 简要报道研究内容和结果的文献。 Review paper:指就某一时间内,作者针对某一专题,对大量原始研究论文中的数据、资料和主要观点进行归纳整理、分析提炼而写成的论文。综述具有一定的深度和时间性,能反映出这一专题的历史背景、研究现状和发展趋势,具有较高的情报学价值。,专业文献的种类,专业文献(Original paper)的一般结构, Title Author Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References,4, Author Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References, Title,First author Coauthor Corresponding author,专业文献的一般结构,Lesson 3: English Sci-tech Paper (II),Reading,staphylococci,葡萄球菌的,mould,霉菌,发霉,staphylococcus, 葡萄球菌属 streptococcus, 链球菌属 pneumococcus, 肺炎球菌 gonococcus, 淋菌,typhoid fever,伤寒症,cephalosporin,头孢菌素,Penicillin,青霉素,Words,Petri dishes, 皮氏培养皿,A Petri dish (or Petri plate or cell culture dish) is a shallow glass or plastic cylindrical lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells or small moss plants. It was named after German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri, who invented it when working as an assistant to Robert Koch. Glass Petri dishes can be reused by sterilization (for example, in an autoclave or by dry heating in a hot air oven at 160 °C for one hour). For experiments where cross-contamination from one experiment to the next can become a problem, plastic Petri dishes are often used as disposables.,Enterobacteria,肠细菌,Salmonella, 沙门氏菌,hydrophilic antibiotic,亲水性的抗生素,Staphylococcus aureus, 金黄色葡萄球菌 Salmonella typhi,伤寒沙门氏菌 Escherichia coli,埃希氏大肠杆菌,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NRM) 核磁共振(光谱)分析,X-rays crystallographic analyses, X射线晶体学分析,a heterocyclic -lactamic-dihydrotiazinic system,thiazolidinic rings, 噻唑环,Intravenously, 静脉的,racemase, 消旋酶,thioester, 硫酯,thioesterases,硫酯酶,deacetoxycephalosporin,脱乙酰氧基头孢菌素,Hydroxylase, 羟化酶,Hydroxylating,(使)羟(基)化,Acetylation, 乙酰化作用,Analogously,类似,相似,Chromosomes,染色体,progenitor strain, 起源菌株,tandem repeats, 衔接重复,syphilis, sif-(-)ls 梅毒 pneumonia, 肺炎 pharynx, 'færks 咽 scarlet fever, 猩红热 diphtheria, 白喉 meningitis, 脑膜炎 septicemia, 败血病,REVIEW,2014-4,Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to screen hemicellulose degrading microorganisms.MethodsThe methods used to screen the effective strains included hydrolysis spot diameter measurement of hemicellulose plate (半纤维素平板水解圈法)and extracellular enzyme activity The methods used to identify the strains included culture characteristics,morphological,physiological-biochemical characteristics and molecular biological methods,Sample two,English Abstract,Results We isolated 4 actinomycetes ( NA9,NA10,NA12 and NA13) ,2 fungi ( NF1 and NF7) with hemicellulose degrading ability and no antagonistic effect(拮抗效应) among them The hemicellulose degrading activity of 4 actinomyces ( NA9,NA10,NA12 and NA13) was 217. 6,229. 8,221. 1 and 211. 8 U /mL The hemicellulose degrading activity of 2 fungi ( NF1 and NF7) was 217. 7 and 244. 2 U /mLThe hemicellulose degrading activity of complex microbial system was 299. 0 U/mL NA9,NA10,NA12 and NA13 were Streptomyces costaricanus; NF1 was Aspergillus candidus and NF7 was Tarlaromyces flavus,专业英语定语从句的 翻译策略,一、翻译成前置定语结构,对不是很长,且主要起修饰和限制作用的定语从句,可使用汉语的定语结构进行对等翻译。,(1)Biotechnology can be summarized as any technique that uses living organisms to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific purposes.,生物技术可以概括为使用活的生物制造或修饰产品,改良动植物,或者用于某种特殊目而培养微生物的技术。,(2)Plant breeding involves selecting optimal combinations of genes that provide desired characteristics. 植物育种就是选择提供目标特征的最优基因组合。,(3)Attempts are now being made to replace enzymes which traditionally have been isolated from animal tissues and plants with enzymes from microorganisms. 人们正在努力用源自微生物的酶来取代传统上从动物组织和植物中分离的酶。,(4)These have helped to determine minimum separation distances to reduce cross pollination to levels that are below the limits needed to maintain genetic purity. 这些方法有助于确定最小分隔距离,将杂交授粉水平降低到保持遗传纯度所需的限制水平之下。,(1)Traditional biotechnology dates back thousands of years, to early farming societies in which people collected seeds of plants with the most desirable traits for planting the following year. 传统的生物技术可追溯到数前千年前,那时的早期农耕社会里,人们搜集具有最需要性状的植物种子,以供来年种植。,(2)The era of modern biotechnology, which involves manipulation of genes from living organisms in more precise and controlled ways than traditional biotechnology, began with their discovery (the discovery of DNA structure by James Watson and Francis Clark) . 与传统生物技术相比,现代生物技术对来自活的有机体的基因的操作更精确更可控。现代生物技术世代从他们的发现(指沃森和克里克发现DNA结构)开始。,(3)NAA usually gives rise to short thick roots which may have the advantage of being better able to withstand accidental damage during planting out. NAA通常会产生短而粗的根,这种根具有在移栽过程中不易损伤的优势。,(4)Plants from protoplasts often display considerable genetic variation, which can arise from the tissues of the starting material and/or in the callus from which the plants are regenerated. 从原生质体再生的植株经常表现较大的遗传变异,这些遗传变异既可能源于起始材料组织,也可能源于植株再生的愈伤组织。,(1)The most serious current concern of plant scientists is the irretrievable loss of biodiversity, which reduces the scope for breeding crops to tolerate more extreme climates, to resist pests and diseases and produce more nutritious food. 生物多样性的不可逆丧失是目前植物科学家最关切的问题,因为生物多样性丧失会降低耐受极端气候、抗病虫害和更富营养作物的选育机会。,(2)An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. 如果生物种群由于数量稀少或者环境或捕食因素改变而处于绝种的危险,那么就称这个物种为濒临灭绝的物种。,(1)Current legislation provides a framework for these considerations but there are many issues related to the coexistence of industrial and food products that remain to be studied and debated before possible introduction. 目前的立法为这些考虑提供了框架,但对于工业产品与食品共存有关的许多问题在推出之前仍然有待于研究和讨论。,(2)Genetic engineering is only one of many methods that may contribute to maintaining productivity and food quality while reducing inputs and improving agricultural ecosystems. 有不少方法可用来保持作物产量和食物品质同时降低投入和改善农业生态系统,遗传工程仅是其中之一。,(3)The major cereal crops we use today, which provide the bulk of our calories, are descended from plants selected in prehistory for their useful traits. 今天食用的主要禾谷类作物为我们提供了大部分的热量,它们是史前时期选育出具有有用性状的植物后代。,Reading,2014-3,Direct Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts to Functional and Expandable Hepatocytes,Pengyu Huang,Ludi Zhang,Yimeng Gao,Zhiying He, Dan Yao, Zhitao Wu, Jin Cen, Xiaotao Chen1, Changcheng Liu, Yiping Hu, Dongmei Lai, Zhenlei Hu, Li Chen, Ying Zhang, Xin Cheng, Xiaojun Ma, Guoyu Pan, Xin Wang, Lijian,From Cell Stem Cell,The generation of large numbers of functional human hepatocytes for cell-based approaches to liver disease is an important and unmet goal. Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts to hepatic lineages could offer a solution to this problem but so far has only been achieved with mouse cells.,Summary,hepatocytes, 肝(实质)细胞,fibroblasts,纤维原细胞,lineages, 血统,世系,Here, we generated human induced hepatocytes (hiHeps) from fibroblasts by lentiviral expression of FOXA3, HNF1A, and HNF4A. hiHeps express hepatic gene programs, can be expanded in vitro(体外), and display functions characteristic of mature hepatocytes, including cytochrome P450 enzyme activity and biliary drug clearance.,lentiviral,慢病毒(载体),Biliary,胆汁的,Upon transplantation into mice with concanavalin-A-induced acute liver failure and fatal metabolic liver disease due to fumarylacetoacetate dehydrolase (Fah) deficiency, hiHeps restore the liver function and prolong survival. Collectively, our results demonstrate successful lineage conversion of nonhepatic human cells into mature hepatocytes with potential for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications.,concanavalin,伴刀豆球蛋白,metabolic,代谢的,fumarylacetoacetate dehydrolase,延胡索酰乙酰乙酸水解酶,第三章 应用文体的英译,第一节 书信文件的英译 第二节 产品说明书的英译 第三节 图表的英译,2学时,qq:1054482454,第一节 书信文件的英译,一、信件的种类 私人信件personal letter 申请和推荐信letter of application and letter of recommendation 学术邀请和出访信letter of invitation and letter for visit 祝贺信letter of congratulation 商业书信busine


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