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    营养报告 Nutrition Presentation 肉用仔鸡的营养浓度 Nutrient Density for Broilers 2007年3月 March 2007 作者:Dr. Macus Kenny 沈慧乐 翻译,安伟捷育种公司,肉用仔鸡的最佳营养 Optimum Nutrition for Broilers,肉用仔鸡对营养浓度的反应 Broiler responses to nutrient density. 最佳营养浓度 Optimal nutrient density. 最佳的生产性能的饲喂方案 Feed programmes for optimal performance. 最佳的饲料形状 Optimal feed form.,肉用仔鸡对营养浓度的反应 品系与平衡蛋白效应 Broiler response to nutrient density -Strain and Balanced Protein effect.,了解肉仔鸡对平衡蛋白(BP)的反应是非常重要的,因为它对日粮配方中的经济成本至关重要。 Understanding the response to balanced protein (BP) is important as it is a critical economic cost in diet formulation. 试验证明品系在最佳营养方面存在着着很大的差异。 Trial information indicates important differences in optimum nutrition for different strains.,平衡蛋白质 Balanced Protein,按安伟捷的建议将可消化氨基酸平衡至理想氨基酸比例。 Digestible Amino Acids balanced to an ideal amino acid profile as per Aviagen recommendations. 蛋白质和必需氨基酸至少与赖氨酸保持恒定的比例。 Protein level with essential amino acids held (at minimum) in constant ratio to lysine.,试验设计 Experimental design,两个商品肉鸡品系(A与B ) 2 commercial broiler strains (Strain A & B) 两种性别(公与母) 2 sexes (M & F) 在育雏、育肥期采用5个平衡蛋白水平:为建议量的0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2倍 5 Balanced Protein levels (0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 times recommendations) in Starter, Grower and Finisher. 每处理90只鸡,4个重复 4 replicates of 90 birds per treatment,平衡蛋白与体重 Balanced Protein and Liveweight,10日龄,体重 克,日粮平衡蛋白,品系 A: 品系 B:,相互作用显著性: Probability of significant interactions: 品系x平衡蛋白0.104 StrainxBP0.104,平衡日粮与体重 Balanced Protein and Liveweight,32日龄,48日龄,日粮平衡蛋白,日粮平衡蛋白,品系 A: 品系 B:,相互作用显著性:Probability of significant interactions: 品系X理想蛋白 0.000 0.000 StrainxIP,平衡蛋白与饲料进食量(10-28天) Balanced Protein and Feed Intake (10-28days),饲料进食量,10-28日龄 克/只,日粮平衡蛋白,品系 A: 品系 B:,结 论 Conclusions,对平衡蛋白的反应是明显的。 The response to balanced protein (BP) is very significant. 两个品系商品肉鸡对平衡蛋白的反应是不同的。 The degree of response to BP between two strains of commercial broilers are different. 品系间的这些差异将为最佳经济性能做出不同的营养策略。 These differences between strains will lead to different nutritional strategies for optimumeconomic performance.,最佳营养浓度 Optimum nutrient density,平衡蛋白对农场和加工厂的利润空间 Balanced Protein Farm and Processing Profit Margin,农场利润空间40日龄,公,农场利润率仅从活鸡的收益 Profitability on the farm revenue from live weight only.,加工厂的利润率从白肉、红肉加翅三部分的收益 Profitability processor revenue from white AND dark meat + wing portions.,加工厂32日龄 ,混养,利润 ,美分/只,品系 A: 品系 B:,品系 A: 品系 B:,日粮平衡蛋白,日粮平衡蛋白,肉鸡饲养中的实际应用 Practical implications in Feeding the broiler.,根据亚洲的成本与收益价公鸡、母鸡与混养2.5公斤肉用仔鸡的最佳氨基酸浓度() Optimal amino acid density (%) for males, females and A/H 2.5kg broilers -based on Asian costs and revenues prices.,日粮理想蛋白水平对3公斤公鸡 胸肉产量的影响,相对胸肉产量,平衡蛋白对应于当前肉鸡手册的,结 论 Conclusions,当代肉鸡品系对理想蛋白浓度的增加呈正反应。 Modern strains respond positively to increased BP density. 品系之间的生物学和经济学反应是很不相同的。 The biological and economicresponses between strains is very different. 这就导致对最佳经济性能的不同营养策略。 This will lead to different nutritional strategies for optimumeconomic performance. 对于不同的目标采用不同的理想蛋白。 Different BP (balanced protein) levels for different objectives.,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,在一些地区肉用仔鸡日粮的情况是: In some areas broiler diets are: 比较昂贵,如要达到建议的能量和可消化氨基酸水平; more expensive to reach recommended levels of energy and digestible amino acids. 利用油脂的可能性很小; Less oil available. 谷物的价格上涨减少油脂在配方中的比例或用以取代玉米 Cereal prices are increasing = decreasing oil inclusion or replacing maize. 降低能量或平衡蛋白。 Reduce energy or balanced protein.,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,日粮能量和蛋白水平对35日龄肉鸡体重的影响,活重 克,蛋白质,,能量,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,日粮能量和蛋白质水平对2公斤肉仔鸡饲料转换率的影响,饲料转换率,能量,蛋白质 ,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,日粮能量和蛋白质含量对2公斤肉仔鸡胸肉产量的影响,胸肉 ,蛋白质 ,能量,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,日粮能量和蛋白质含量对46日龄肉鸡红肉产量的影响,红肉 Red Meat ,蛋白质 ,能量,能量还是蛋白质? Energy or protein?,当日粮能量来源昂贵时提高蛋白水平会比较经济。 When dietary energy is expensive to source it is more economical to increase dietary protein 鸡将以提高进食量来补偿较低的日粮能量; birds will increase feed intake to compensate for a lower dietary energy 但是,当能量降低至最佳水平时,再下降也不会导致 饲料进食量的增加; However, there will be an optimum energy level below which decreasing energy further will not lead to an increase in feed intake 对于饲料的形状与温度没有限制条件。 Non limiting conditions feed form and temperature.,能量浓度与饲料形状对35日龄肉仔公鸡体重的影响 The Effect of Energy Density and Feed Form on Male Broiler Liveweight at 35 days,体重 克,能量浓度(建议量的),粗颗粒 粉 料,能量浓度与饲料形状对肉仔公鸡饲料进食量的影响 The Effect of Energy Density and Feed Form on Male Broiler Feed Intake,饲料进食量, 克/只,能量浓度(建议量的),破碎料 粉 料,能量浓度与饲料形状对肉仔公鸡(2公斤)饲料转换率的影响 The Effect of Energy Density and Feed Form on Male Broiler FCRa (2kg),饲料转换率,能量浓度(建议量的),破碎料 粉 料,为最佳生产性能的饲喂方案 Feed Programmes for optimal performance,育雏日粮蛋白质含量对35日龄活重 (P=0.000)和饲料报酬(P = 0.000)的影响,育成日粮蛋白质含量对35日龄活重 (P=0.000)和饲料报酬(P = 0.000)的影响,育肥日粮蛋白质含量对35日龄活重 (P=0.000)和饲料报酬(P = 0.000)的影响,育肥日粮蛋白质水平,育成日粮蛋白质水平,育雏日粮蛋白质水平,体重 克,饲料报酬,饲喂方案 Feeding Programmes,提高育雏日粮中的平衡蛋白将对最少地提高饲料成本有最大的改进。 Increasing balanced protein in the starter diet will give biggest improvement in performance for minimum increase in feed cost 在生产中将育雏蛋白水平提高10%将获得一下效果: in the fielda 10% increase in Starter protein levels will give * 10天长10克 10g at 10 days * 35天长30-50克 30 50g at 35 days * 0.2胸肉 0.2% breast meat * 较高的整齐度 better uniformity,饲喂方案 Feeding Programmes 改喂育成料的时间对体重和饲料转换率有反应。 Time of change to the Grower diet -Response in liveweightand FCR.,平衡蛋白的水平以及改喂育成日粮的时间对35日龄活重的影响 The response of BP level and time of change to the grower diet on 35 day liveweight,三个处理对平衡蛋白的增加都有反应,所有年龄段对此也有相似的反应。14日龄换料的活重最高,7日龄的反应较差是由于蛋白水平和饲料形状;21日龄的反应是因饲料形状之故。 There is a response to increasing BP across all treatments this is similar across all time transition ages.Best liveweight is at a transition age of 14 days. Poorer response at 7 days is a protein and feed form response. At 21 days there is a feed form response.,活重 克,育雏日粮蛋白质 ,平衡蛋白水平以及改喂育成日粮的周龄对2公斤肉鸡饲料转换率的影响 The response of BP level and transition age to the grower on 2kg FCR,饲料转换率,育雏日粮蛋白质 ,对蛋白质水平的反应模式取决于改喂育成料的年龄:7日龄换料时雏鸡对平衡蛋白的反应最小,14日龄时的反应比较明朗,而21日龄换料时对平衡蛋白的反应最明显。 The pattern of response to protein changes depending on transition age. The response to BP is small when changing at 7 days of age. When changed at 14 days of age the response is clearer. When changed at 21 days of age the response to BP is greatest,结论饲喂方案 Conclusions Feeding Programmes,日粮平衡蛋白的水平对雏鸡尤为重要。 Dietary balanced protein levels particularly in the Starter are important. 改喂育成或育肥日粮的时间受日粮平衡蛋白的影响。 Time of change to grower or finisher diet is influenced by dietary balanced protein content.,饲料形状对肉鸡体重的影响 The effect of feed form on broiler weight,增重 克,表观可消化赖氨酸 (% of CVB),粉料 劣质颗粒 优质颗粒,E0507 试验程序 E0507 TRIAL PROCEDURES,试验设计:Trial Design: 每栏120只1日龄公雏,三个重复3 replicates of 120 day-old male broilers per pen. 4个营养水平。4 nutritional treatments.,试验结果 TRIAL RESULTS,试验结果 TRIAL RESULTS,结 论 CONCLUSION,试验结果与更多的最新研究同时表明:较差的物理性状的饲料使肉鸡生产性能显著下降。 The results concur with more recent work showing that poor feed physical quality results in a severe reduction in broiler performance. 体重下降20%,饲料转换效率4.9% Liveweightreduction of 20% and FCR of 4.9%.,1. 对照 (破碎料),2. 粉料,饲料形状对肉仔公鸡的影响 The Influence of feed form on male broilers,生产中饲料物理性状较差是一个问题。 Poor feed physical quality is an issue in the field. 过去在欧洲进行的饲料形状试验表明较差的物理性状可导致活重下降20%,饲料转换率差5%。 Past European feed form trial resulted in a 20% reduction in live weight and a 5% deterioration in FCR. 目标是在亚洲环境条件下研究这种反应。 Objective was to investigate this response in an Asian type environment. 安伟捷使用泰国BARC 的设施进行试验。 Aviagen used the BARC facilities in Thailand.,试验设计 Trial Design,1 种产品 X 1 个性别 X 3 个饲料处理 X 8 栏 24 栏 1 products x 1 sex x 3 feed treatments x 8 reps = 24 pens 日粮: Diets:,环境条件 Environment,饲料性状对42日龄肉仔鸡活重与饲料报酬的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Broiler Liveweight and FCR (42days),活重 克,饲料转换率,100%破碎料/颗粒料 50%破碎料/颗粒料 100%破碎料/颗粒料 粉料 粉料,饲料形状 Feed Form,活重 饲料转换率,饲料形状对42日龄肉仔鸡累计饲料 进食量的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on broiler Cumulative Feed Intake to 42 days,饲料转换率 42 天,100%破碎/颗粒料 100%粉料 50%破碎料/粉料,饲料类型 Feed Form,结 果 Results,饲料形状不佳可使体重下降20%。 Feed form reduced live weight by 20%. 它对饲料报酬的影响较小;降低了6%。 FCR was less severely effected; reduced by 6%.,结 论 Conclusions,肉用仔鸡在亚洲试验中的反应与过去的研 究结果相似。 The broiler response is identical to previous studies. 在亚洲环境下以玉米为基础的日粮以及在欧洲环境下以小麦为基础的日粮,二者对不良饲料形状的反应是相似的。 The response to poor feed form is the same on a maize based Asian environment as on a wheat based European environment.,三种不同饲料形状下鸡的三小时饮水量,饮水量,克,时间,颗粒 粉料 颗粒/粉料,饲料形状 Feed Form,颗粒耐久指数 (P.D.I) 提高10%就等于增加 1克/日增重 An improvement in P.D.I by 10% equates to:Approximately +1g/ADG. 提高颗粒耐久指数(P.D.I) 10%=2.1美分/只(¥0.1637元) +10% increased PDI = 2.1(USc) cents/bird (CNY 0.1637),饲料形状 Feed Form 采用破碎料以延长采食时间 Use of crumb for extended periods.,饲料测定站 Feed Stations,记录鸡的终生饲料进食量。 Record feed intake through the lifetime of the bird. 每只鸡的饲料采食资料;即:数量、频率和持续时间。 Individual feed consumption data;e.g. quantity, frequency and duration.,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,颗粒料 破碎料,饲料进食量(克/只/日)Feed intake(g/bird/day),日龄,饲料进食量 克,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,采食持续时间(秒)Meal duration (seconds),持续时间,日龄,颗粒料 粉 料,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,每次平均采食量(克)Average meal size (grams),采食量 克,日龄,颗粒料 粉 料,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,食位占有率% Occupancy of Feed Places,占有率 ,日龄,颗粒料 粉 料,对照组,粉料组,饲料形状对采食行为的影响 The Effect of Feed Form on Feeding Behaviour,采食破碎料鸡的行为像是吃“正餐”,用较长的时间采食大量饲料,但频率较低。 Birds fed crumb tend to behave like dinnerseating larger quantities for longer periods, less frequently. 采食颗粒料鸡的行为像是吃“零食”,在较短的时间采食较少,但频率较高。 Birds fed pellets tend to behave like snackerseating smaller quantities for shorter periods more often. 采食破碎料的鸡在“采食活动”上花费的时间比例较高。 Birds fed crumbs spend a higher percentage of time engaged in feeding activity. 因此可用于生长的能量较少。 Less energy will be available for growth.,饲料形状 Feed Form,尽量减少粉末 。Minimize fines.,颗粒耐久指数(PDI)每提高10%等于:约1克/日增重。 An improvement in P.D.I by 10% equates to:Approximately +1g/ADG. 提高颗粒耐久指数(PDI)10%1.6欧元/只。 +10% increased PDI = 1.6cents/bird,15日龄后勿用破碎料。 Dont use crumbs beyond 15 days 换成3.5毫米的颗粒料。 Use 3.5MM Pellets.,影响颗粒质量的因素(原料因素除外) (Behnke1998) Factors affecting pellet quality except raw materials(Behnke, 1998),冷却与 烘干,碾磨,制粒压力,调质,调 质 Conditioning 获得优良物理质量的最重要 因素! Most important factor in achieving good physical quality!,淀粉糊精化 Starch Gelatinisation,初始膨胀,完整的淀粉颗粒,膨胀而糊精化的淀粉颗粒以及 在溶液中沥滤过的直链淀粉,在水溶液中破碎的淀粉颗粒片断与随意的直链淀粉卷状物以及胶淀粉片断段,Lineback and Rasper, 1988,调 质 Conditioning 在两个不同类型的日粮中不同加工条件对淀粉 糊精化程度的影响 (Svihus 2005) The effect of different processing conditions on level of starch gelatinisation in two different diet types,70/30 秒 90/180 秒,小麦日粮,玉米日粮,日粮类型,Zelatinization 糊精化 ,调质的温度与时间对颗粒硬度的影响(Svihus 2005) The effect of conditioning temperature and time on pellet durability. (Svihus 2005).,调质生产性经验 Conditioning -Field Experiences,单腔调质器,快速通过! Single barrel conditioners. Quick transit! 单蒸汽加入点。 Single steam addition point. 高压 6-7 Barr. , 蒸汽温度120。 High pressure 6-7 Barr. 120 degree centigrade steam temperature. 低温 65 ! Low temperatures 65 degrees centigrade!,调 质 Conditioning 如何达到目的呢? How do We Achieve It?,饲料进入,饲料出口,肉用仔鸡的营养浓度 Nutrient Density for Broilers,对营养的反应存在品种间的差异。 Breed differences in nutrition responses. 最佳营养浓度。 Optimal nutrient density. 为最佳生产性能制定饲喂方案。 Feed programmes for optimal performance. 最佳的饲料形状。 Optimal feed form.,


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