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    WE STUDY WE GROW,Freshman,Sophomore 【sfm】,junior,senior,graduate student 研究生 Master 硕士 doctor(Ph.D) 博士 post doctorate 博士后,May you as happiness as them,The “wolf dad” 萧百佑,Howl of the Wolf Dad,Xiao Baiyou, 47, recently published a book about his fathering technique, which involves beating his children with a rattan cane when they break his rules. Businessman says hitting his kids got them into top college. The list of rules in Xiao Baiyous house is endless: No Coca Cola while surfing the Internet, no air conditioner even in the summer, no pocket money, and definitely no socializing or extra curricular activities. His four children are not even allowed to open his refrigerator without getting permission.,Xiao, who was nicknamed “Wolf Dad“ in a recently published memoir, even credits his stern parenting style for the fact that three of his offspring now attend Peking University, one of China's most prestigious educational institutions.,The end doesn't justify the means. Getting access to the university and being an professional is just superficial material success, but failure to have a peaceful and happy life is a immeasurable tragedy!,We want to buy Bamboo, Rattan, Sedge, Fern, Bamboo and Rattan Products. 我们要采购竹竿,藤,菅茅,羊齿植物,竹竿和藤产品。 rattan n. 藤;藤杖,藤条 The program generated offspring of a current form, each with slight differences 程序生成一个现有形态的后代,每一代都略有不同。 offspring n. 后代,子孙;产物 复数offsprings或offspring ,China is definitely not the cheapest place to produce any more, “ he says. definitely adv. 清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地 短语:avoid definitely避免直接说 definitely No 绝对没有 definitely Yes 绝对如此,eg: This was a prestigious and privileged position to be in. eg: If you expect to enter this prestigious university, you should apply now. prestigious adj. 有名望的;享有声望的 同义词celebrated,The most important thing is to teach your children how to behave properly in the society, rather than only own the Master or Doctor degree. Don't we ever witness those examples that people with high education degrees yet do something like frantic animal to others? Children are human beings, not little wolf!,Actually, if I had such a dad, I would rather die. He is sort of selfish, because he mainly focuses on the reputation of himself and his family without considering the feelings of kids. Growing up with such an extreme father, the children may become people with high marks but low capacity in the society.,From the point of my view , it is too cruel to Xiao's children. I was appalled by his Styles of education . Though the four children finally go to the top college of China , they suffered a lot and lost a lot .In fact , receiving education in top college , even in college is no more important than learning lessons in their life . When they are old , they may find except so-called “knowledge“ , they possess nothing useful and almost no unforgettable experience .,yeah, the father's rationale is just too extreme, and his offspring lost many things in their childhood for the family rules. His rules are killing kids' nature personalities. Maybe the kids will be outstanding in some aspects, but there are something they have missed and would never touch . Corporal punishment is useful sometimes but not all the time. Wolf father should respect his kids more.,Parents continue to search frantically for schools with “high standards“ for their children. 家长们仍旧狂热的为他们的孩子苦寻一个高升学率的学校 frantic 'fræntik adj. frantically adv. 1. (因愤怒、痛苦、悲哀等而)发狂的,狂乱的,激昂的 2. 狂暴的,狂热的 They were appalled by the damage from the fire. 他们对火灾所造成的损失感到震惊 appal 'p:l vt. 使惊愕,使惊骇,使震惊,使丧胆,惊吓:,The only rationale behind the present system is that it makes administration easy ,but it can never be called efficient. 现行制度存在的真正原因就是它使管理变得简单,但是这绝不会被认为是高效 rationale 1. 基本原理;理论基础 2. 理论(或原理)的阐述 corporal punishment 体罚 肉体的,身体的,THATS ALL THANK YOU,


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