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    Module 4,Life in the future,Unit 2,Every family will have a small plane.,New words,air n. 天空; 空中;空气,sea n. 海;海洋,space n. 太空; 空间,rain n.雨; 雨水 v.下雨,比一比,看谁能快速说出下面的单词。,land n. 陆地,robot n. 机器人,traffic n. 交通,true adj. 真的;真实的,come true (希望、梦想等)实现,成真,traffic jam 交通堵塞,jam n. 堵塞; 拥挤,bike(= bicycle) n. 自行车,car n. 汽车; 轿车,wind n.风,hour n.小时,Warming up,小组活动 展开联想的 翅膀,讨论一下十年后咱们学校的样子吧:,小组活动展开联想的 翅膀,讨论一下人手一架小飞机的样子吧:,Look at the pictures and describe what you see. Use the words and expression from the box to help you.,air land job machine rain robot sea space traffic jam wind,Match the paragraphs with the headings.,1. Weather 2. Clothes 3. Jobs 4. Travel ,A,B,C,D,( ) 1. People have to change clothes in hot weather. ( ) 2. The weather will be warm in spring. ( ) 3. A lot of people will travel by plane so maybe there will be traffic jams in the air. ( ) 4. People will have long holidays because machines will do heavy work.,Check ( ) the true sentences.,×,air cheap everywhere into rise true,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,Will travel in the future be expensive? No, itll be (1) _. Well travel (2) _ by plane. Well be able to (3) _ over the traffic jams on the land, and well be able to go (4) _ space. But maybe therell be traffic jams in the (5) _ too. What do you think? Do you think this idea about life in the future will come (6) _?,cheap,everywhere,true,air,rise,into,Match the words with their opposites. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you.,easy expensive hot large light long warm cheap cold cool difficult heavy short small,你都做对了吗?,你太棒啦!, I think everyone will have a small plane so travelling will be easy. Yes, but I think there will be traffic jams in the air.,Talk about life in the future.,Pair work,重难点讲解,short 是形容词,意思是“短的;短暂的;矮的”,作“短的”讲时,反义词是 long “长的”;而作“矮的”讲时,反义词是 tall“高的”。即:,short long 短的 反义词 长的,short tall 矮的 反义词 高的,heavy 是形容词, 意思是“重的,沉的”, 反义词是 light “不重的, 轻的; 轻松的; 少量的”。即:,heavy light 重的 反义词 轻的,cheap 是形容词, 意思是“便宜的”, 其反义词是 expensive 或 dear “贵的”、“昂贵的”。即:,cheap expensive / dear 便宜的 反义词 贵的,easy adj. 容易的 e.g. This question is so easy. 这个问题很简单。 rain n. 雨;雨水 v. 下雨 e.g. It rained the whole weekend.,重难点突破,here is/are. (用于介绍某人或某物)“下面”,如果后面跟的是复数名词,就用 is, 如后面跟 的是单数名词,就用 are。常常翻译成“这儿 是”或“这儿有”。例如:,Here is a pen. 这儿是一支钢笔。 Here are some students. 这儿有一些学生。 注意单数时与 This is a . 的差别,试比较: Here is a pen. 这儿是一支钢笔。 This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。,not only . but also . 不仅,而且,当 not only but also 连接的两个成分作 主语时,谓语动词要与其最近的主语在人 称和数方面保持一致。例如:,Not only the students but also the teacher likes the sea. Not only the teacher but also the students like the sea.,not only . but also . 不仅,而且,小贴士: 1. not only but also 中的 not only 不能分开使用,but also 可以。 2. not only but also 连接两个并列成分时,可以省略 but 或 also,也可以把 but also 都省略掉。,The sea level will rise as well. 海平面也会升高。,句中的 “as well”表示“也,又”,常用于句 子末尾。例如:,The little girl sings, and plays the piano as well. 这个小女孩既会唱歌,又会跳舞。 He can speak English, and speak Chinese as well. 他既会说英语,又会说汉语。,Look at the sentences, complete the sentences with so.,例: Working hours will be short. People will have long holidays. Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.,Homework,1. Everyone will have a plane so . 2. The weather will get hot so . 3. Machines and robots will do the heavy and difficult jobs so ,


    本文(天津市宝坻区新安镇七年级英语下册Module4LifeinthefutureUnit2Everyfamilywillhaveasmallplane课件新版外研版.ppt)为本站会员(本田雅阁)主动上传,三一文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知三一文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


