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    第二节,汉语成语、典故、俗语、谚语与歇后语英译,汉翻译英教程,汉语成语英译 汉语典故英译 汉语俗语英译 汉语谚语英译 汉语歇后语英译,目录,Go,Go,Go,Go,Go,本节为汉语成语、典故、俗语、谚语和歇后语英译。汉语成语,有时又称成语典故。本节将成语与典故分别处理,虽然二者难以截然分开。俗语、谚语与歇后语有时也统称熟语,这三种熟语在本节中也将分别处理。因此本节将分为五个部分:汉语成语、汉语典故、汉语俗语、汉语谚语和汉语歇后语英译。另外,无论是成语、典故,还是俗语、谚语、歇后语都有带数字的和不带数字的。由于本章单独设有汉语带数字的词语英译一节,故带数字的成语、典故、俗语、谚语和歇后语原则上不作为本节的内容。,上述五类汉语词语英译,是汉语词语英译的一大难题。虽不乏共性,但各有特点。成语、典故基本上是书面语言,俗语、谚语和歇后语基本上是口头语言。另外,成语与典故,尤其是典故,都有出典,俗语、谚语和歇后语虽也涉及典故,但数量较少,也更为通俗。汉语成语典故,四字格者居多,汉语俗语、谚语和歇后语中,四字格者如有也仅为凤毛麟角。如前所述,歇后语有自己的固定格式,酷似谜语。它们之间的这些差异以及下面将要具体阐述的其他差异都会反映到选择翻译策略的差异上。,翻译涉及的因素很多,既有语言层面的,也有文化层面的、时空层面的,还有译者与读者层面的,要翻译到没有斧凿之痕是很不容易的。因此翻译得是否到位,对译者而言,在很大程度上,是个是否尽了力的问题。从接受的角度看,翻译汉语成语、典故、俗语、谚语和歇后语,要尽量采用接受方读者喜闻乐见的形式,如果较多地采用异化译法,使读者感到难以卒读,就难以达到翻译的目的。另外,异化是一个循序渐进的过程,有赖于历史积淀,切忌急转直下。下面,我们将本着尽力的原则,本着对读者负责的原则,以及上面的一些想法,对汉语成语、典故、俗语、谚语与歇后语英译分别予以阐述。,汉语成语英译,如前所述,人们习惯上将成语与典故统称为成语典故,本节分而治之,先介绍汉语成语英译。现代汉语词典将汉语成语定义为“人们长期以来习用的、形式简洁而意义精辟的、定型的词组与短语。”辞海称之为“习用的固定词组”。许多成语词典或其他工具书,如倪宝元的成语辨析、成语例示,对成语都没有下定义,只是按照自己的理解决定取舍。我们虽不准备对成语下一个精确的定义,但选用的都是成语词典或其他工具书上收录的成语,是大家普遍认为比较典型的成语。,成语作为短语或词组在句中可担任一定成分,如主语、谓语(包括能愿合成谓语、判断合成谓语、兼语句谓语、连动句谓语等)、宾语(包括介词宾语)、定语、状语、补语和独立成分等,还可以分句的形式存在。但成语作为句子成分往往深埋在一定的层次中。从结构上看,成语可分为联合式、动宾式、主谓式、偏正式、连动式、兼语式、紧缩式等,如山盟海誓(联合式)、为所欲为(动宾式)、盛气凌人(主谓式)、泰然自若(偏正式)、投笔从戎(连动式)、引狼入室(兼语式)和脍炙人口(紧缩式)(倪宝元,1984)。成语的意义涉及的面很广,涉及到生活、语言、文化、历史等各个层面。,英译汉语成语是件很不容易的事,涉及语言、文化与时空,涉及这些因素的相互交叉,涉及对语言、文化、时空及其交互因素的跨越。一般说来,很难译出汉语成语的语言结构,只能译出意义,尤其难以做到既译出语言结构又译出意义。就是翻译意义,有时也往往难以兼顾本义与现在人们通常使用的意义,因为从本义到现在人们通常使用的意义有一个变迁过程,在变迁过程打下了时空的烙印。汉译英中的跨语言文化因素,又增加了翻译的难度。下面我们选择20个浅近的汉语成语并对之进行英译。,如果既有本义又有现在人们通常使用的意义,我们先译本义,再译现在人们通常使用的意义,翻译之后对该成语的结构、本义与现在人们通常使用的意义等用汉语简要地予以说明。翻译本义时往往采用字对字的翻译方法,翻译现在人们通常使用的意义时,更多地考虑英语的行文规范。这样做,或许能使读者了解一点汉语成语意义演变的概貌,进而从一个侧面窥视汉语的思维文化。这种翻译方法,通常称为意译。一般说来,直译很容易使读者茫然。另外,汉语成语英译多采用意译,是因为英汉两种语言的成语,很少具有对应性。我们有时将kill two birds with one stone译成一箭双雕,严格地说,是很勉强的,所以后来多倾向于译成一石双鸟。像这样直译成语,在某种意义上属于巧合。因此,英译汉语成语时,我们很少选用具有一定对应性的英语成语。,粗枝大叶,thick branches and large leaves; (in doing things,) do not take due care; careless or carelessly 粗枝大叶为联合结构,字面意义是,枝子很粗,叶子很大,很不精细。通常当马虎大意和粗心大意使用。,闻所未闻,hearing what has never been heard before; rarely or seldom heard of 闻所未闻为动宾结构,字面意义是听到了从未听到过的,通常用于指事理或论述的新鲜、奇特。,盛气凌人,so arrogant as to impose oneself upon others; arrogant or domineering in manner 盛气凌人为主谓结构,字面意义是骄横傲慢以气势压人,通常与不可一世、咄咄逼人等词语同义。,洋洋得意,extremely pleased as to be too proud; pleased and too proud; pleased to the extent of being too proud 洋洋得意也可以说成得意洋洋。洋洋得意是偏正结构,洋洋修饰得意;得意洋洋也是偏正结构,具体地说是动补结构,但依然是洋洋修饰得意。字面意义是满意到了骄傲的地步,得意到溢于言表。,小心翼翼,particularly careful, extremely cautious 小心翼翼为偏正结构,翼翼用做补语修饰小心。翼翼的字面意义是多多,小心翼翼的字面意义是小心多多,使用时的意义为非常小心、特别谨慎,几乎有点过分。,见异思迁,change ones mind upon seeing something new; be inconsistent in inclination 见异思迁是连动结构,字面意义是见到了不同的东西就想丢掉原来的,换上那个不同的。主要用于描写人们容易改变主意,喜爱不够专一,有时用于描写男的喜新厌旧,见到了不同于妻子的女人就想“换片子”,当然也可以用来描写这样的女性。,剜肉补疮,cut flesh to patch an ulcerate; take short-term measures to do something which requires long-term measures to be taken; to pull through a light crisis or solve a problem at the expenses of the future 剜肉补疮为连动结构,剜肉的目的是为了补疮。字面意义是,某人生了疮,为治疗这个疮竟然将自己的好肉割下来补上因生疮而烂掉的那块坏肉。人们通常用它来表达这样的意思:为了救眼前之急,竟然牺牲未来。,调虎离山,lure the tiger so that it will leave the mountain where it lives; lure somebody to leave his advantageous location so as to overwhelm him 调虎离山是兼语结构,字面意义是,想办法引诱老虎使它离开它所生活的山,因而使其失去地理优势,以便战胜老虎。此成语多用于指称战争策略。战争中,一方占据地理优势,另一方为了改变这种局面,故意引诱它离开占据优势的地方,以便使其失去优势进而战而胜之。,脍炙人口,sliced and roast meat is pleasant to everybodys taste; poems and pieces of prose are so excellent as to please every reader 脍炙人口中,脍是切成精细的小片的鱼肉或肉,炙是烤肉。脍炙人口为紧缩结构,字面意义是,好吃的东西人人都爱吃,多用于比喻好的诗文令大家赏心悦目。,昂首阔步,march with head raised stiffly; stride proudly ahead 昂首阔步为联合结构,字面意义为,昂着头大踏步向前迈进。用时多有意气风发、斗志昂扬的意思,有时略有态度高傲的意思。,半途而废,stop halfway; give up halfway 半途而废为偏正结构,字面意义是,走到半路上就不走了,用时多比喻做事干到一半就放弃了,含有惋惜甚至责备的意思。,不学无术,one is not skilled with anything due to the fact that he does not study well; be incompetent due to ones ignorance; incompetent and ignorant 不学无术为联合结构,不学和无术间既可理解为并列关系,也可理解为因果关系。因此字面意义为,由于不学习而没有本领,也可以理解为,既没有学问也没有本领。用于他人多含贬义,用于自己多表自谦。,触类旁通,knowledge of an example enables one to understand the relevant category; comprehend something by analogy; understand things of a kind upon touching an example 触类旁通为连动结构,含有如果触类了就可以旁通的因果意义,因此,本义是接触到某一类知识,就懂得了类似的或相关的知识。用时多用本义。,奋不顾身,(in charging the enemy or accomplishing a risky task,) pay no attention to ones life security; regardless of ones security or life 奋不顾身为偏正结构,意思为勇往直前到不顾个人安危的地步,用时多用本义。,泰然处之,behavior with composure; not slightly affected 泰然处之为偏正结构,意思为遇到事情能冷静对待,用时多用本义。有时也用泰然自若。,想入非非,indulge in fantasy; be unrealistic or illusory 想入非非为主谓结构,意思是思考问题时想法不符合实际,用时多用本义。,心怀叵测,harbor evil intentions at heart that are not predictable; ill-intentioned 心怀叵测为主谓结构,意思是心中怀着难以估测的歹意,用时多用本义。另一种说法为居心叵测。,无地自容,feel so ashamed as to find no place to hide oneself in; feel too ashamed to see others 无地自容为连动结构,本意是因做错了事而羞愧到了极点,羞于见人却又找不到藏身的地方,用时多用本义。,忠心耿耿,be whole-heartedly loyal; be extremely loyal 忠心耿耿为主谓结构,意思是非常忠诚,用时多用本义。,自惭形秽,be ashamed of ones inferior appearance; feel inferior 自惭形秽为主谓结构,本意是因看到自己的容貌举止不如别人而感到惭愧,现在通常使用的意思是因感到自己不如别人而非常惭愧。,汉语典故英译,现代汉语词典将典故定义为“诗文里引用的古书中的故事或词句”。辞海将典故定义为“诗文中引用的古代故事和有来历出处的词语”。应该说,典故多涉及古代故事或古人的诗词歌赋与其他作品中的词句,但也不尽然。例如,人们常用的华威先生、国外常用的某某门涉及的都是现代与当代事件。因此,我们可以概而言之,典故多源于历史、寓言、神话、传说和事件,多见于历史记载、文学作品和报刊杂志。例如,焚书坑儒源于历史事件,买椟还珠源于寓言,精卫填海源于神话,伊朗门源于当代事件等。这些典故,有的见于历史记载,有的见于诸子百家,有的见于现代报刊。,如上所述,典故往往与成语一起合称成语典故,语法功能和结构与成语的语法功能和结构也基本相同,因此这里不再说明典故的语法功能和结构。 汉语典故英译是个棘手问题。典故既有本义也有转义,如果希望读者真正理解它的本义和转义,还得介绍典故的出处。我们这里采用这样的做法,紧接在将要翻译的典故之后用汉语简要说明该典故的出处,翻译时,先翻译本义,再翻译现行的使用义,最后用增加注释的方法用英语简要地译介该典故的出处,但不是严格地将该典故的汉语部分译成英语,而是用比相应的汉语介绍更为简略的英语来介绍。下面我们选择20个典故并对之进行英译。,百步穿杨,典出战国策.西周策,有关情节可大致简述如下。楚国有个叫养由基的,十分善射,在百步之外能射中杨柳的叶子,百发百中。后来用百步穿杨来形容人们善射。 To shoot an arrow through a willow leaf at the distance of 100 steps; extremely good at shooting Note: The allusion goes back to Yang Youji, an excellent shooter in the Zhou Dynasty, who could shoot an arrow at a willow leaf one hundred steps away and never missed the target.,班女之才,典出后汉书.列女传,有关情节可大致简述如下。班女名班昭,班彪之妹。班彪编著汉书,剩下八表和天文志没有写完就去世了。班昭接替其兄,完成了他的未竟之业,她还是皇后与贵人的老师,被认为是极富才学的女性。班女之才多用于描写才高的女性。 (of a female) as capable as Ban Zhao; talented Note: Historic records have it that Ban Nü, whose name is Ban Zhao, the younger sister of Ban Biao, a historian famous for his monumental work of A History of the Han Dynasty. However, the historian died leaving the writing unfinished. Then Ban Zhao was assigned the task and completed the writing. For her talent, Ban Zhao was also appointed tutor for the empress and the emperors concubines.,伯乐相马,典出屈原怀沙,有关情况可大致简述如下。伯乐姓孙名阳,善于相马。后来经常用伯乐比喻善于发现人才的人。 Bo Le is very capable of discovering best horses; as capable as Bo Le in discovering talents Note: Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet of the State of Chu in the Warring State period, believed it that Bo Le was very capable of discovering best horses. The allusion is now often used to refer to persons capable of discovering and fostering talents.,东施效颦,典出庄子.天运,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代著名美女西施因患有心痛病,经常颦额或者说皱眉头。村里有个丑女看见觉得很美,于是也学着颦额,结果反而更丑了。后来多用东施效颦比喻胡乱模仿,结果反而不美。 An ugly girl follows the suit of the pretty lady Xishi by knitting her eyebrows; imitate awkwardly Note: Legend has it that Xi Shi, a lady living in the State of Yue in the late years of Spring and Autumn period and famous for her beauty in ancient China, often knitted her eyebrows due to her illness. An ugly girl in the village saw this, believing that the behavior added much to her beauty. Then she followed Xi Shis suit by knitting her own brows the way Xi Shi did. However, it turned out that she became all the more ugly.,董狐直笔,典出左传.宣公二年,有关情节可大致简述如下。春秋时晋灵公欲杀赵盾,赵盾逃亡。他的从弟赵穿起兵攻打晋灵公并在桃园将他杀死。史官董狐认为,此举是赵盾弑君,并不畏赵盾的权势,冒着生命危险将这件事载入了史册。后来多用此典比喻人们不为权者讳、不为贤者讳,在史册或其他书籍中,实事求是地记载或谈论他们的过失。 Dong Hu, a historian in Spring and Autumn period, recorded historic facts as they were without any distortion to appease officials for their vanity; (in recording historic events) call a spade a spade as Dong Hu did Note: Historic records have it that during the Spring and Autumn period, when Duke Ling of Jin was going to kill Zhao Dun, who then escaped by running away, Zhao Duns distant brother Zhao Chuan took armed forces to attack the duke and killed him in a peach garden. Dong Hu, the historian, believed that it was an act of regicide on the part of Zhao Dun and recorded the act in history this way despite Zhao Duns overwhelming power that might threaten his life. The allusion is later used to refer to speaking frankly.,负荆请罪,典出史记.廉颇蔺相如列传,有关情节可大致简述如下。廉颇和蔺相如都是赵国人,廉颇是赵国大将,蔺相如出身低微,但在对秦国的斗争中多次建立功勋,被拜为上卿,官位高于廉颇。廉颇不服,屡屡找茬子羞辱蔺相如。蔺相如为国家计,顾全大局,总是退让。后来廉颇知道了,蔺相如屡屡退让,不是怕他,而是担心将相不和,秦国会乘机侵略赵国。那样,赵国就会灭亡,老百姓就会遭殃。此事感动了廉颇,于是他身背荆杖到蔺相如府上请罪。后来多用此典指犯了错误又主动承认错误、改正错误的举动。 To make apology by carrying a twig of the chaste tree and asking the one to whom the apology is made to beat him or her; making an active apology Note: Historic records have it that Lian Po and Ling Xiangru were courtiers of the State of Zhao. Lian Po was the famous general at the time. Born humbly, Ling Xiangru was promoted to the position higher than Lian Pos for his outstanding contributions in the struggles against the State of Qin. This made Lian Po jealous and tried to slight Ling Xiangru, who thought that if he and Lian Po were in discord or conflict, then the State of Qin would take the opportunity to invade the State of Zhao. Therefore, Ling Xiangru always tried to avoid any possible conflict with the general. Having learned of this, Lian Po realized that he was wrong and went to Ling Xiangrus mansion to make apology by carrying a twig and asking Ling Xiangru to beat him for his wrong doings.,风声鹤唳,典出晋书.苻坚载记。这个典故也常常说成风声鹤唳,草木皆兵。有关情节可大致简述如下。东晋时期,国家分裂,南北对峙,北方的前秦主苻坚率兵攻打南方的东晋,结果被东晋打得惨败而归。苻坚等人站在城楼上观望对方,见东晋军容整齐,将八公山上的草木也当成晋军。此前,在淝水被击败而逃亡之时,将风声与鹤声也当成了追兵的呐喊声。淝水之战是我国历史上有名的以少胜多的战例,后来常用风声鹤唳或风声鹤唳,草木皆兵来形容人们由于非常害怕,便捕风捉影,将不是那回事也当成那回事了。,To take the moan of wind and the cry of cranes for enemys shouting; fearful at any slight omen; very apprehensive Note: Historic records have it that when Qian Qin, a state on the north, was utterly defeated by Dong Jin, a state on the south, on their way of escaping, Qian Qins generals and soldiers took the moan of wind and the cry of cranes for enemys shouting, and grass and trees for enemys chasing forces. This allusion is now used to refer to peoples groundless fears.,邯郸学步,典出庄子.秋水,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代燕国有一个少年看到邯郸人走路姿态很优美,就学他们的样子走路,结果没有学会,反而将自己原来的走路方法也忘了,只好爬着回去。后来用这个典故形容人们盲目地模仿他人,结果反而弄糟了。,To walk as people of Handan do; to imitate awkwardly Note: Legend has it that a youngster from the State of Yan saw that the Handans walk was very graceful and then tried to acquire the walking manner but only to find that he did not learn anything at all and had forgotten how he originally walked. Therefore, he had to crawl all the way back home. The allusion is now used to ridicule those who imitate blindly.,惊弓之鸟,典出战国策.楚策四,有关情节可大致简述如下。有一天,更羸和魏王在一起,看见有一只鸟从天空飞过。更羸对魏王说,我将弓拉开,不搭箭虚射出去,鸟会应声而落。魏王不信。更羸果然拉虚弓而使飞鸟落地。其实,那是一只受了伤的鸟,听到弓弦响就吓得坠落下来。后来用这个典故形容人遭受打击后,心理非常脆弱,常产生不必要的恐慌。,A bird that fell down at the sound of an arrowless shooting; a deadly frightened person Note: Tradition has it that Geng Lei and the king of the State of Wei were once together, seeing a bird flying across the sky. Geng Lei said to the king that if he shot without an arrow, the bird would also fall down. The king did not believe it and Geng Lei did as he had said and the bird really fell down. It turned out that the bird had been wounded by a previous shooting and was frightened down at the sound of Geng Leis arrowless shooting. The allusion is now used to refer to people who, having experienced a crisis or danger, are still affected by the lingering fear.,劳燕分飞,典出乐府诗集.东飞伯劳歌,有关诗文的细节可大致简述如下。劳为伯劳鸟,它和燕子一个飞到东,一个飞到西,两下分开了。后来用之比喻夫妻或情侣两离分。 The bird of Bo Lao and the sparrow fly apart; be separated Note: In a poem, it was said that the bird of Bo Lao and the sparrow flew separately one eastward and the other westward. The allusion is now used to refer to separation of a couple or lovers.,孟母三迁,典出烈女传,有关情节可大致简述如下。为了孟子和其他孩子有一个良好的成长环境,孟母(孟子的母亲)三次搬家以避免不好的成长环境。后来人们常用此典褒奖那些教子有方的女性,有时也用以指好邻居。,The mother of Mencius moved their home three times; moving ones home for the desired environment for the education of ones children Note: Tradition has it that Mrs Meng, mother of Mencius, moved her home three times for an ideal neighborhood for the education of her son Mencius and his brothers. The allusion is now used to give praise to those who are good at educating their young.,女娲补天,典出淮南子.览冥训,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代天的四极是残缺的,神人伏羲的妹妹女娲炼五色石以补天,斩断巨鳌的足来支撑四极。后来人们常用此典来褒奖人们救国救难、匡正乾坤的壮举,也用于指治理灾难。,Nü Wa patches the sky; to save the populace by patching the sky or doing a great deed Note: Legend has it that when the sky and the earth began to separate, the four corners of the sky were fragmentary. Then Nü Wa, Fu Xis sister, fostered stones of color to patch the sky and cut the four legs from a giant tortoise as poles to support the sky. In this way, she contributed a great deal to the mankind. The allusion is now used to such heroic deeds as salvation of the nation or pulling the people through crisis or natural disasters.,杞人忧天,典出列子.天瑞,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代杞国有个人害怕天崩地陷,无处安身,终日忧愁,以致寝食俱废。后来多用此典指有些人对有些事产生不必要的担心与害怕。 A certain person from the State of Qi worries that the sky would fall down and he would have no place to harbor himself; groundless worry Note: Legend has it that a certain person from the State of Qi worried that the sky would some day fall down and he then would have no place to shelter himself from the disaster. He worried day and night as to neglect his meal and sleep. The allusion now applies to the case of groundless worry.,绕梁三日,也有说成余音绕梁的,典出列子.汤问,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代有个叫韩娥的歌手,在去齐国的路上没有办法,在雍门卖唱乞食。唱得很好,走了之后三天之内人们仍感到余音未散,仿佛还在梁间回绕。后来用此典形容优美的歌曲。,Whirling around the beam for three days; (of a song) so excellent as to let the audience feel it lingering for a long time Note: Legend has it that in ancient time, Han E once on the way to the State of Qi had no food but to beg by singing. She sang so beautifully that three days after she left, the audience still felt that the song was lingering in the hall. The allusion now applies to the description of excellent songs or music.,塞翁失马,也有说成塞翁失马,焉知非福的,典出淮南子.人间训,有关情节可大致简述如下。古代边塞有位老翁丢了马,人们都来安慰他。他却说,马丢了,说不定还是一种福气呢。后来那匹马回来了,还引回了胡人的一匹马。此时人们又来向他贺喜。他说,说不定是一种祸事呢。正如所言,不久他的儿子因为骑那匹马摔断了腿。后来人们用此典形容祸福相依,相互转化,难以逆料。,The frontiersman loses his horse; a loss may turn out to be a blessing Note: Legend has it that a frontiersman once lost his horse and his neighbors came to comfort him. However, he said to the neighbors that the loss might turn out to be a blessing. Later, the horse came back with another horse of the Tartars and then his neighbors came to extend their congratulations. However, he said on the occasion that the blessing might turn out to be a misfortune. It really so happened that his son rode the horse, fell down from it and had his leg broken. And the story continues in that line. The allusion now applies to comforting others when they have a bad for


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