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    PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 5 Let eat B Lets talk.doc

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    PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 5 Let eat B Lets talk.doc

    PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 5 Lets eat. B Lets talk 教学设计 Teaching aims:1. All the students should be able to get the main idea of the dialogue.2. All the students should be able to understand and say the words: water, cake.3. Most of the students should be able to imitate the dialogue and say the key sentences: Can I have some , please? Here you are.”4. Most of the students should be able to express their request with the sentence: Can I have some , please? Most of the students should be able to use the polite language: Youre welcome.Teaching important points:1. All the students should be able to get the main idea of the dialogue.2. Most of the students should be able to imitate the dialogue and say the key sentences: Can I have some , please? Here you are.”Teaching difficult points:Most of the students should be able to express their request with the sentence: Can I have some , please? Most of the students should be able to use the polite language: Youre welcome.Teaching tools: PPT, headwear of Wu Yifan, John and Chen Jie, pictures of food and drinksTeaching Steps:Step 1: Warm up1. 呈现情景,引入本课主题。渗透Thank you . Youre welcome.播放Lets have a picnic音乐,教师边画简笔画边说 “ Look! The grass is green. The trees are lush. The sun shines. What a lovely day!” PPT呈现Wu Yifan, John, Chen Jie 野餐的图片。“ Wu Yifan, John and Chen Jie are having a picnic. What can they prepare for picnic? Can you guess?” 学生根据生活经验,用所学单词进行猜测。回答正确的学生可以获得食物图片,渗透Thank you. Youre welcome.2. 复习食物等相关单词。Sharp eyes 的方式呈现所有学生接触过的食物及饮料,学生快速看图说出单词。Step 2: Presentation1. 学生观察情境图,学习water, cake.They can prepare so many food and drinks. But what have they prepared? 学生看情境图快速说出认识的食物图片,然后引出新词water, cake. 依次多种方式教读两个生词,并操练句子Have some water/ cake.2. 学生观看动画,整体理解文本内容。They have prepared so many things. What would Wu Yifan like now? Water or cake? Lets watch. 学生观看整个动画,找出答案。3. 分层学习对话内容。1) 处理Can I have some water, please? Wu Yifan would like some water. What is his request? Lets watch carefully. 学生观看前半部分对话,寻找答案。A. Id like some water, please. B. Can I have some water, please? 学生找出答案之后,ppt呈现句子Can I have some water, please? 教师拿出一瓶水说:“ water, have some water. ” 教读have some water.分层教读句子:Can I Can I have some water Can I have some water, please? 之后,教师拿出实物与学生进行对话,学生用水的图片与同桌进行对话操练。然后拓展到关于其它食物与饮料的对话。最后,用Good to know 帮助学生深入理解Can I have some , please? 的语用环境。2) 突破难点句子Youre welcome.Wu Yifan is a polite boy. What is his polite language? Lets watch. What about John? What is Johns polite language? 学习Thank you . Youre welcome. 通过语音迁移Very well, 语音渗透l, c, o, m 的发音以及手势操练 welcome,运用高低音游戏突破Youre welcome.的发音。之后,呈现四幅Thank you. Youre welcome.的语用情景图,学生进行意义操练。最后,建议学生做有礼貌的孩子。Boys and girls, be a polite child in your life.Step 3 Practice1. Watch, listen and imitate.2. Read together.3. Read in roles together.4. Read in roles in pairs.5. 呈现没有文字的文本图片,学生做对话。Step 4 Production1. 对话续编活动。Wu Yifan would like some water. What about Chen Jie and John? Make a new dialogue between Chen Jie and John. PPT呈现陈杰说话的话语框及句子Can I have some _, please? 学生猜测陈杰可能想吃什么。然后师生示范陈杰与John的对话,生生练习,之后展示。2. 分享会。Wu Yifan, Chen Jie and John are having a picnic in the nature. Look! 课件呈现大自然的美景。The nature is amazing. Go out and have a picnic more often. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Enjoy the happiness of sharing. But its too cold outside now. So lets have a sharing party in the classroom. 学生拿出食物与饮料等的图片用所学句型在小组内进行分享活动。之后,教师拿出实物与学生进行分享活动,然后两个学生代替老师拿着老师准备好的食物与饮料与同学展开分享活动。3. 关于“分享”的情感教育。Boys and girls, we learn together, play together. We can share food, share toys, share reading, share music and share the happiness. To share, to be happy. 4. 总结。Homework:1. Listen and imitate the dialogue until you can read it fluently.2. Bring food or drinks to the classroom and share them with your classmates. Use the sentences: Have some Can I have some , please?


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