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    PEP小学六年级英语全套复习资料(教师版) .doc

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    PEP小学六年级英语全套复习资料(教师版) .doc

    英语复习资料教师版· 复习资料(讲义·答案)· 试卷分析(答案·分析)· 学生资料(资料·卡表)11目 录小学六年级英语复习资料第一部分 复习资料 1、 一般过去时 (讲义).P1 (答案).P3 2、 一般现在时 (讲义).P7 (答案).P9 3、 一般将来时 (讲义).P17 (答案).P19 4、 现在进行时 (讲义).P23 (答案).P25 5、 There be (讲义).P27 (答案).P29 6、 情态动词 (讲义).P33 (答案).P35 7、 时态对比 (讲义).P37 (答案).P41 8、 比较级 (讲义).P49 (答案).P51 9、 be 和 do (讲义).P53 (答案).P57 10、人称和数 (讲义).P59 (答案).P61 11、单词短语 (答案).P65 12、教材知识整理.P69 13、英语作文 (答案).P77 14、其他.P81第二部分 试卷分析 1、期中检测试卷T2(答案).P83 2、单元检测试卷R1(答案).P87 (分析).P91 3、单元检测试卷R2(答案).P93 (分析).P97 4、第一次模拟试卷 (答案).P99 (分析).P103 5、第二次模拟试卷 (答案).P105 (分析).P109 6、第三次模拟试卷 (答案).P111 (分析).P115第三部分 学生资料 1、学生读背句型.P117 2、学生错题卡.P121 3、学生单词错漏卡.P1232一般过去时1概念表示过去某个时间里存在的状态表示过去发生的事情和动作2特征was,were,would等yesterday,last week,last month,just now,.ago等3结构be动词:主语+be(was,were)+其它行为动词:主语+行为动词(过去式)+其它4例句 She was at home yesterday evening. He did his homework last night.be动词(was,were)行为动词(过去式)1肯定句I was at home yesterday.I visited my uncle yesterday.He was excited yesterday evening.He did his homework last night.It was Bens birthday last Friday.He worked in Shanghai ten years ago.We were busy just now.We went to zoo yesterday.They were in the gym just now.They played football yesterday.2否定句He was not in the park yesterday.He didnt do his home work last night.She wasnt at home yesterday evening.They didnt play football yesterday.We werent busy just now.They didnt swim in the lake yesterday.3特殊疑问句Where was he born?Where did he go yesterday?He went to Kunming.Who was at the zoo yesterday?Who climbed mountains last weekend?Tom climbed mountains.What day was it yesterday?What did you do last night?I went swimming.How was your school trip?How did you go to school this morning?We went by plane.When was he born?When did you finish your homework?I finished it at 7 oclock.4一般疑问句Was he a pupil five years ago? Yes,he was. / No, he wasnt.Did he do his homework last night? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.He did his homework last night.Was she at home yesterday evening? Yes,she was. / No, she wasnt.Did John play computer games last night? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.John played computer games last night.Were they in Li Yans home last night? Yes,they were. / No, they werent.Did they play football yesterday? Yes, they did. / No, they didnt.They played football yesterday.Were you busy just now? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.Did you study English in 1990? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.I studied English in 1990.Were you born in Shanghai? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.Did you read books yesterday?  Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.I read books yesterday.否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换动词过去式变化1一般情况 加“ed”watch-watched look-looked play-played2不发音e 结尾 加“d”like-liked live-lived use-used3辅音字母加y结尾,改y为i加"ed"study-studied try-tried worry-worried*fly-flied/flew 元音(a,e,i,o,u)字母加y结尾看情况stay-stayed play-played *say-said buy-bought4重读闭音节/r 双写末尾字母加“ed”stop-stopped plan-planned prefer-preferred即辅音元音辅音5不规则am/is-was eat-ate do-did see-saw go-went注意1一般现在时常有标志词:yesterday,last week,just now,.ago等I got up at 6:00 yesterday.He played football last week.2前面使用助动词did, didnt, would, wouldnt等,后面动词用原形He didnt want to go shopping yesterday.What would you like for lunch? 4动词过去式没有人称变化I visited my uncle yesterday.He visited my uncle yesterday.5看准时态,区别现在进行时等Tom sang a song just now. Tom is singing a song now. 6注意结构,避免漏掉动词What did he do last weekend?She went hiking last holiday.7注意原形,否定、疑问第二个动词He didnt go to school by bike yesterday.Where did he go yesterday?8同一个主语第二个动词沿用形式Tom got up at six and went to school at seven yesterday.He read books and wrote letters yesterday evening.9否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句一二人称互换,some改any, and改or教材重现1Book8Unit3&4What did you do last weekend?I played football.2Did you help them clean their room? Yes, I did.3What did you do yesterday? I went fishing.4Did you read books? Yes, I did.5Did you clean your room? No, I didnt.6Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.7What did you do there?I sang and danced with my new friends.8How did you go there?I went by train.1Book3Unit5What would you like for lunch? Id like some 21Book5Unit32动词过去式的不规则变化1改变动词中的元音 awake-woke take-took wear-wore eat-ate draw-drew fall-fell 醒来 拿(衣服)穿(边)吃(边)画(直到太阳)落下 eget-got speak-spoke forget-forgot到(某处)演讲 忘(词了) ibegin-began sit-sat drink-drank give-gave write-wrote swim-swam win-won ride-rode sing-sang开始 坐下 喝水 给(你)写信(告诉)游泳 赢了(要)骑车(去)唱歌 ocome-came know-knew grow-grew become-became throw-threw来(让你)知道(植物)生长 变化(然后)扔出去 urun-ran “跑了”2变词尾的“d”为“t”bend-bent send-sent lend-lent build-built spend-spent 弯(腰)派(人)借(钱)建(造)来消遣3双“e”改单后加“t”sweep-swept sleep-slept meet-met feel-felt 打扫(后)睡觉(会)遇见(好)心情4与动词原形一样put-put cut-cut hurt-hurt read-read cost-cost let-let get-get shut-shut放(刀)切伤 读书(人)(要)花钱 让 得到 停止5变“ay”为“aid”say-said lay-laid pay-paid说(给你)安排、补偿6采用不同词根think-thought tell-told teach-taught buy-bought sell-sold想(着)告诉(你) 教(你做)买 卖7其他am/is-was are-were have/has-had go-went do-didsee-saw hear-heart find-found make-made will-would leave-left (我们)是 有 去 做(坏事)看(到)听(到)找(到)做(完)(后)将会 离开answeredaskedbrushedcatchedcleanedclimbedcollectedcookedcountedfinishedfishedguessedhelpedjoinedjumpedkickedlearnedlistenedlookedopenedpassedperformedplantedreachedrowedshowedsnowedtalkedtouchedturnedvisitedwalkedwashedwatchedworkedcloseddancedhikedhopedlikedlivedlovedmovedrecitedshinedskatedtastedusedcarry carriedcry criedfly flied/flewstudy studiedworry worriedplayedstayeddriveplannedstoppedshoppedamarebecomebeginbuybuildcomecutdodrawdrinkdriveeatfeelfindforgetgetgivegohavehearhide-hidhurtiskeepknowleaveletmakemeetput readriderunsayseeseek-soughtsellsendshutsingsitsleepsweepswimtaketeachtellthinkthrowwakewillwinwrite一般过去时练习一、填空(一)写出下列动词的过去式形式answeredaskedbecamebegancleanedclimbedclosedcollectedcamecookedcountedcutdanceddrewdrankdroveatefoundforgotgotgavehelpedhide-hidhikedhopedhurtjoinedjumpedkeptkickedlearnedleftletlikedlistenedlivedlookedlovedmademetmovedopenedperformedplannedplantedput readrecitedroderowedransawseek-soughtshinedshoppedshowedsatskatedsleptsnowedstoppedswamtooktalkedtastedturnedusedvisitedwokewalkedworkedwrotebrushedcatcheddidfinishedfishedgo-wentguessedpassedreachedtaughttouchedwashedwatchedcarriedflied / flewstudiedworriedcriedboughtplayedsaidstayedhaswouldsangwonknewthrewsentbuiltsweptfeltshutthoughttoldheartsoldam-wasis-wasare-were(二)用动词的适当形式填空。1. I was at school just now.2. We were students two years ago.3. They were glad to see each other last month.4. He was at the camp last week.5. She was happy yesterday.6. Yang Ling was eleven years old last year.7. It was Bens birthday last Friday.8. The mobile phone was on the sofa yesterday evening.9. There was an apple on the plate yesterday.10. There was some milk in the fridge on Sunday.11. Today is the second of June. Yesterday was the first of June. It was Childrens Day. All the students were very excited.12. I made (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.13. I didnt sweep (not, sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother did.14. I want to pick apples. But my dad picked all of them last month. (pick)15. He is playing football now, but they played basketball just now. (play)16. He lived (live) in Wuxi two years ago.17. She cleaned (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon. 18. She likes reading newspapers, but she read a book yesterday. (read)19. Did he go to school by bike this morning? No, he didnt. He went to school on foot.20. Did she read a book yesterday evening? No, she didnt. She did her homework.21. The girls sang (sing) and danced (dance) at the party.22. Her father read (read) a newspaper last night.23. Gao Shan put (put) the book on his head a moment ago.24. Amy didnt go to school yesterday. She had a headache.25. The cat ate (eat) a bird last night.26. We w


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