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    pep小学英语新标准第六册Module8 Unit 2 第一课时教案.doc

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    pep小学英语新标准第六册Module8 Unit 2 第一课时教案.doc

    小教师备课录备课人:课题新标准第六册Module8 Unit 2 第一课时授课日期教学目标1. 能听说认读单词:vegetable,milk,并复习sweets,biscuits,cake,fruit,chocolate等食物单词;2. 引导学生在情境中听懂句型,Where is the _? It was there.Where are the _? They were there. 3. 激发学生学习热情,并教育学生平时要多吃健康的食物,保持健康的饮食习惯。教 学重 点Words: vegetable,milk,Drill: Where is the _? It was there.Where are the _? They were there. 教 学难 点结合教师创设的情境,理解句意,并学会恰当表达。课 前准 备1准备食物图片:vegetables,sweets,biscuit,cake,fruit,chocolate,milk,ice-cream,chicken并于课前将图片贴于教室四周。将vegetables,sweets两张图片贴于学生不容易发现的地方。2准备单词卡:vegetable,where,hate3准备本课ppt及新课的视频教学过程StepIWarmup(热身)1.Free talk:T: What day is it today?What day was it yesterday?(幻灯出现句子)T: Today is Friday,and the weekend is coming,I can sleep all day. Im so happy.Are you happy?T: Lets sing a happy song.2. Sing the song:I was fatStepII. Revision1. Play a game:a)T: Today, the old pig comes to our classroom.Hello, boys and girls.T: Lets play the game:Where is the pig?复习单词where.请学生朗读,小组开火车朗读。接着,朗读句子:Where is the pig?b)Lets play:教师将pig放于一学生书本下问:Where is the pig? 并引导学生:It is there.接着,FindingGame正式开始。教师请一生上台遮住眼睛,一生将pig藏好,其他学生用句型:Where is the pig?来引导他找。找到后,教师问:Where is the pig?(游戏开展两次)2.Pointing Game:a)T:The pig likes milk very much.Is there any milk here? Where is the milk?Drill: milkb)T: Where is the biscuit/cake/fruit/chocolate/milk/ice-cream/chicken?教师问,学生答,教师快问,学生手指图片快速作答。C)T:Where are the sweets?引导学生找,并揭示:They are there.Drill: They are there.Step III Presentation and Revision1.Vegetablesa)T: Where are the vegetables?Drill: vegetable-vegetables(课前藏于门后,以至学生找不到)T:Haha,they are here.Drill: here.教师通过将图片放远放近,让学生理解here和there的区别。b) T: I like vegetables.What about you?2. This is a fat boy.a) T: Look, this is Xiao Gang. He doesnt like vegetables. What does he like?b) T: Yes,youre very clever.And Xiao Ganglikessweets,biscuits,chocolates,cake,coke,chicken and fruit very much. (幻灯出示小刚特别喜欢的这些食物)Xiao Gang can eat them everyday.Because his parents have a supermarket.(幻灯出示小刚家的超市)c)Talk about the supermarketT: Look, this is the first floor and this is the second floor.Bingo game:Where is the chicken?幻灯再次出示小刚特别喜欢的那些食物,让学生猜它们所处的位置。 T: Where is the cake? T: Where are the sweets? d) 将小刚所喜欢的食物猜对位置后,接着出示小刚每天享受这些食物的场景。 T: (教师头戴小刚头饰)Im so hungry. Ill go to my parentssupermarket.教师引导学生一起表演小刚享受这些东西。T: Oh, Im full. 3. a angry muma)T: Xiao Gang eat the food everyday, and he is fatter and fatter.His mum is angry.教师出示句子: Xiao Gang, youre too fat!  T: I hate the supermarket!Drill: hate表演: Xiao Gang, youre too fat! I hate the supermarket!b) T: Xiao Gangs mum is so angry, she throws away the food.幻灯出示大垃圾桶,并通过幻灯演示将小刚喜欢的食物都扔进垃圾桶,只剩下fruit.4.Where is the _?a)T: Xiao Gang is hungry now.Oh, Im hungry! Ill go to the supermarket.教师头戴小刚头饰,提着篮子出发。T: Wow, the fruit, I like it.表演将fruit放进篮子。继续表演走到另一个柜台。b)T:Oh, where is the coke!教师表演出很疑惑的小刚,并出示被灰掉的coke图片,说道:It was there!c)Guessing game: Where is the_?在猜复数时,教师特意将Where are the _?这个are 说的重一些,提醒学生用:They were there.来回答,并跟读句子: They were there.d) T:It was there!They were there!But it is only fruit.Xiao Gang is so sad!e)Warm PromptXiao Gang, eat more healty food,and you will be healthy!Drill: healthy5. Learn P32 Part 1 of the book.a)T: Today, Xiao Ling and her mum come to Xiao Gangs parents supermarket, and they cant find something ,too .What do they cants find?b) Open the book,listen to the tape and circle the food they cant find .c) Read after the tape.StepIV Homework跟读新课至少三遍,争取能读出全文。Ss:Its Friday.Ss: It was yesterday.(引导学生回答,并跟读此句)Ss sing the song together.Ss: Hello, pig!Ss: where,where.Where is the pig?Ss: It is there.Ss: Where is the pig? 用轻重声来引导找的学生。Ss: It is there.Ss: It is there.Ss: It is there.Ss: They are there.Ss:vegetable-vegetablesS1: I like vegetables.S2: I dont like vegetables.Ss: He likes chicken/beef.学生朗读食物单词S1: It is on the second floor.S2: It is on the first floor.学生自由猜测这些食物的楼层,bingo的给小组加分。教师引导学生用:They are on the _.Ss: I like the sweets,mmmmmm.I like the cake. mmmmmm.Pari work: Xiao Gang, youre too fat!Ss: Learn the word “hate” and act the sentence: I hate the supermarket!Ss: Sweets, go away! Busciuts, go away!.Ss: Go,go,go,go to the supermarket!Ss: It was there!学生跟读,并理解was 的用法。Ss: It was there./They were there.来猜小刚喜欢那些食物原先的位置。Ss: Im so sad!学生学习healthy.并跟着教师给小刚温馨提示。Ss: Watch the video.Ss: Listen and circle.Ss: Read after the tape.自由交谈,并自然过渡到唱歌环节。从歌曲引出the pig,再开始Where is the pig?游戏,为本课的重点问句做铺设。找一找,点一点的游戏重点复习句型:Where is the _? It is there.Where are the _? They are there. 从谈论是否喜欢蔬菜,自然引出故事主人公小刚。并从猜测小刚喜欢什么,来复习本课相关的食物单词。小刚能天天吃那些喜欢的东西引出他的爸爸妈妈开了家大超市。从猜测小刚喜欢的食物放在超市什么楼层复习前一课的内容。引导学生感受小刚天天享受美食的心情,并自然过渡到他妈妈生气的情景,学生比较容易理解,并能自然表演妈妈生气的样子。妈妈生气了,将这些垃圾食物扔进垃圾桶,为新授It was there.打下伏笔。小刚又一次到超市找自己喜欢的食物,突然发现食物不见了,自言自语说:Where is the coke?It was there.原先它在这里啊,现在去哪了?引出本课重点。通过让学生猜小刚喜欢的食物原先的位置来重点操练句型:It was there. They were there.最后向学生来个温馨提示:要多吃健康的食物。从课文主人公小玲和妈妈今天也去小刚家的超市找不到东西自然引出新课,并通过看视频、跟读让学生理解课文。教学反思:本课是一节教学过去式的课文,让学生理解It was there.They were there.这两个句子的意思。我通过设计一个胖小孩每天在自己家超市偷吃甜食,然后变得很胖,终于有一天妈妈生气了,将那些食物撤离了柜台,有一天小男孩又偷偷来超市找那些吃的,而找不到,然后自然自语说It was there.They were there。再请学生猜猜以前小刚喜欢的食物放在哪里,学生容易理解过去式在这里的用法,并能较好地运用It was there.They were there.这两个句型。而课前通过找一找,点一点等游戏很好地复习了句子:Where is the _? It is there.Where are the _? They are there.再过渡到过去式,能让学生轻松掌握且容易理解。上课时,妈妈生气、小刚伤心等场景也很好地让学生参与到了表演,更通过几个游戏的设计,激发了学生参与本课的兴趣,应该说本课的教学目标达成得比较理想。点评:1、徐老师充满激情的课堂让我们很享受,学生也热情高涨。她设计了很多的游戏和情景让学生沉浸在语言的自然操练中,教师引得得当,学生学得轻松。2、在课的设计上,教师比较注意让学生扎实地掌握书中知识,慢慢地激发他们学习英语的兴趣。导入阶段,板书篮子的设计既有利于小组的竞赛和评比,又对课文的引出有一定的铺垫意义-篮子里可以又很多的食品。本节课教学目标:新授句型:It was there. It were there.在课文的新授阶段教师通过猜猜和找找的游戏让学生找到藏在教室各个角落里的食品单词:Where is the hot dog/ icecream/ cake /chocolate/ biscuit/ hamburger/ vegetables/fruit? It is there. They are there.通过这样的操练来达到复习句型的一般现在时的目的。对话中的语句Where was the .? It was there是学生在四年级学生从未涉及到的过去式内容,教师充分利用一些视听资料、图片、儿歌来巩固所学单词。 3、较注重激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在课的设计上,设计得较扎实,但缺乏新意。在教学的过程中,生生互动设计得不够,对于学生的思维限制得太牢。如:教学完where was the.?句型后,教师应该设计比较合理的情景让学生有机会操练这个句型,让学生两人一组进行pair work,最后通过Group work的活动让学生能在情景中运用所学内容进行交际。这样多开发学生的思维,多激发学生的学习兴趣,多给学生表达的机会,使课堂更加灵动!


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