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    上海版牛津初中英语9A Chapter 1 学案.doc

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    上海版牛津初中英语9A Chapter 1 学案.doc

    牛津英语9A Chapter 1 学案 Reading预习.new words1. 金字塔2. 史前巨石柱3. 埃及4. 举办,管理,经营5. 故事;传说6. 楼梯7. 平原8. 特洛伊9. 超出,超过10. 希腊的11. 夺取;占领12. 帮助13. 命令14. 特洛伊人15. 拖16. 市民;公民17. 愚蠢的,笨的18. 安全地;牢固地19. 包括20. 秘密的;机密的;隐蔽的21. 军队22. 黑暗23. 抓住24. 粗暴地;粗野地25. 不能,无法26. 远的27. 受惊吓的28. 打;击败phrases1. 举办短故事比赛2. 递送,呈报3. 下楼4. 上楼5. 每次6. 几秒钟后7. 向下看,俯视8. 夺取城市9. 带着10. 一匹巨大木马11. 服从命令12. 用绳子进13. 以为笑柄14. 除了15. 在黑暗中16. 拖走17. 成功做某事背景知识阅读PyramidsThe pyramids were built by the ancient pharaohs of Egypt as their tombs. The mummified bodies of the dead pharaohs, surrounded by goods and treasures , were hidden somewhere in the center of the pyramids . The most famous is the Great Pyramid of Giza, just outside Cairo . It dates from about 2,600BC and is made from 2,300,000 massive , but exactly cut , blocks of stone . It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World .StonehengeStonehenge is a strange circle of giant stones in the south of England. Built around 1,800-1,400 BC,it seems to have had religious significance , but no one knows for certain . The stones are arranged so that the sun and moon rise over certain stones on particular days of the year , such as the summer solstice . By observing the sun ,moon and stars as they passed over the stones, the ancient people were able to keep a calendar for their religious ceremonies.Kinkaku-jiKinkaku-ji, the Golden pavilion , is one of the master pieces of Japanese architecture , in the old imperial capital of Kyoto . It was the monastic retreat of Yoshimitsu , a 14th-century shogun.In 1950 , it was burned down by a mad priest , but it has been completely rebuiltTo make something special, you just have to believe it's special. 练习 根据课文内容填空The soldier came down the stairstwo at a time. “Captain, theyve gone,” he cried. “Theyve _ , all of them. The plain is ” But the _ of the guards was no longer _ . He was going up the stairsthree at atime. Seconds _, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of_. He looked down _ the empty plain, and, _ it at the empty sea. “ Theyve gone and weve won” he said. “The _ have tried for ten years to _ our city, now theyve _ away. And theyve taken _ with them.答案:time, disappeared, captain, listening, later, Troy, at, beyond, Greeks, capture, sailed, everything根据课文用所给单词适当形式填空Secure interrupt drag obey citizenTrojan enemy make include moveThe captain _ him. “Youre a soldier,” he said . “You dont have to think. You have to _ orders, and Im giving you one now, _ that horse.” And so the Trojans _ it into the city with ropes. That night, in the main square of the city, all the _ of Troy celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and _ jokes about their _ , the stupid Greeks. Then the _ made sure all the gates of the city were _ locked, and they all went to sleep, _ the gate guards.答案:interrupted, obey, Move, dragged, citizens, made, enemies,Trojans, securely, including 根据课文选词填空 No 1 stopped them as they opened the main gates. _2_ stood the Greek army. It had _3_ in the darknesswhen the citizens celebrated inside. Now the army entered the city. The _4_ seized the captain and dragged him away. For ten years, they couldnt capture the city by _5_ . In one night they _6_ in capturing it by a trick. ( ) 1. A guard B guards C a guard D some guards ( ) 2. A Outside B Inside C Before D Behind ( ) 3. A return B returning C returned D returns ( ) 4. A Greek B Greeces C Greeks D Greece ( ) 5. A fighting B fighted C fightened D fights( ) 6. A success B succeeded C succeed D successful答案:BACCAB复习 单项选择( ) 1.In order to solve the work problem for the poor, the government_a factory in the street. A. ran B. had C. open D. found( ) 2. Tom has hurt his leg, so his classmates all went to the park _him.A. besides B. except C. beside D. expect答案:A B LanguageNew words29. 修理,修补;织补,缝补30. 中国式平的帆船31. 烟火32. 以前33. 课外的34. 加入phrases18. 不必19. 由制成20. 产自21. 由组成22. 被制成23. 被某人制作24. 打败某人25. 赢得比赛26. 摆脱,除掉27. 悬挂28. 课外活动29. 传说中The present perfect tense-Exercises:1.I _ (do) my homework already.2.He_(not finish) it yet.3._ you ever_ (be) to Beijing?4.We _ never_ (see) such a good film.5.Many changes (take place) in the last two years.6.So far we(learn) five books.7.I have _(see) you before.汉译英1.我们买这本书三年了2.他感冒三天了.3.自从上星期我借的这本书4.我成为一个学生两年多了.5.Mr Black死了三年了。6.小名参军半年了。7.我们上了8年学了。8.下课10分钟了9.电影开始了一小时了答案:1 We have had the book for three years.We bought the book three years ago 2 He has had a cold for three days.He caught a cold three days ago.3 I have kept the book since last week.I borrowed the book last week.4 I have been a student for over two years.I became a student two years ago.5 Mr Black has been dead for three years.Mr Black died three years ago.6 Xiao Ming has been a soldier for half a year.Xiao Ming joined the army half a year ago.7 We have been students for eight years.8 The class has been over for ten minutes.9 The film has been on for an hour.单项选择( ) 1.How long have you _? A. gone B. come C. arrived D. been away( ) 2.She has lived her _five years . A. since B. for C. over D. from( ) 3._What a nice bike! How long_ you_ it? _ For two weeks. A Will, buy B. did, buy C. are having D. have, had( ) 4.Susan has been _ China for several years.A. to B. in C. on D. at( )5. I can play computer games because I_my homework.A. finished B. have finished C. finish D. am finishing( ) 6.When he got home, the fish has_for several hours.A. died B. been dead C. dying D. been died( ) 7.How long have you_the book?A. bought B. borrowed C. had D. lent( ) 8.-Can I speak to Mr Li ? - Sorry. He _ Sydney.A has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. will go to ( ) 9.I have _ there twice.A. go B. gone C. be D. been答案:DBDBBBCCB同义句转换:1.This is the best book I have ever read. I have _ _ a better book.2.She came here two days ago. She _ _ here for two days. She has _ here _ two days ago. Two days _ _ since she came here. _ two days _ she came here.答案:1. never read, 2. has been, been since, has passed, Its since复习并找出下列不规则动词1. am,is2. are3. beat4. become5. begin6. blow7. break8. bring9. build10. buy11. can12. catch13. choose14. come15. cost16. cut17. dig18. do19. drag20. drink21. drive22. eat23. fall24. feel25. find26. fly27. forget28. freeze29. get30. give31. go32. grow33. hang34. have,has35. hear36. hide37. hit38. hold39. hurt40. keep41. know42. lay43. learn44. leave45. lend46. let47. lie48. lose49. make50. may51. mean52. meet53. mistake54. put55. read56. ride57. ring58. rise59. run60. say61. see62. sell63. send64. set65. shall66. shine67. show68. shut69. sing70. sink71. sit72. sleep73. smell74. speak75. spend76. stand77. steal78. sweep79. swim80. take81. teach82. tell83. think84. throw85. understand86. wake87. wear88. will89. win90. writeWriting 根据书中短文填空阅读短文,根据内容,从方框中选出可以填入空白处的单词,并将其填入短文后相应题号的横线上Square, entered, failed, far away, locked, left, celebrated, seized, disappeared, trickWe tried to capture Troy for ten years, but 1 . And then we thought of a 2 . We built a huge wooden horse and 3 it outside the main gates. During the night, our army 4 , but they didn't go 5 . In the morning, the citizens of Troy saw the horse. They didnt know that I was inside with five other soldiers. The citizens opened their gates and pulled the horse into the main 6 of the city. That night they 7 and made jokes about us. Then they made sure the gates were 8 and went to sleep. After they were asleep, we climbed out of the horse. We opened the gates and our army 9 the city. We then went to the room of the captain of the guards. We 10 him and dragged him away.答案:1 failed 2.trick 3 left 4 disappeared 5 far away 6 square 7 celebrated 8 locked 9 entered 10 seizedSpeakingNew words35. 箭36. 弓37. 虚构的38. 欧洲39. 世纪40. 政治家41. 运动员(男)42. 女运动员43. 传奇人物;传说;传奇故事 补全对话在对话中填入适当单词,使对话完整正确(每空一词)A: Hello, Huiyan. Are you free this Saturday?B: Yes. Whats up?A: We plan to go out for a picnic. Why 1 come with us?B: Good idea! By the way, what need I take?A: Some useful things, 2 as foods, drinks, an umbrella and so on. Remember to wear sunglasses. They can protect your eyes.B: Its really kind 3 you. Besides, 4 and where should we meet?A: Lets meet at 7:30 a.m. outside Harbin Amusement Park, shall 5?B: Great! See you tomorrow.A: See you.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案:1. not 2. such 3. of 4. when 5. we


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