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    上海版牛津初中英语9B Chapter3-4试题.doc

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    上海版牛津初中英语9B Chapter3-4试题.doc

    9B Chapter 3掌握词语path n 道路 proper adj 合适的,适当的medical adj 医学的 available adj 可得到的,可用的give up 放弃,停止做 praise v 赞扬,表扬save v 储蓄 bring v 带来offer v 提供 patient n 病人social adj 社会的 degree n 学位,度success n 成功,成就 water v 在.上洒(或浇)水,灌溉not yet 还没有认知词语orphanage n 孤儿院 polytechnic n 理工学院abandon v 遗弃 independent adi 独立的countless adj 无数的 employ v 雇用lip n 嘴唇 fame n 名声,名望cometic n 化妆品 fortunately adj 幸运地management n 管理,经营 desire n 渴望,渴求syllabas n 教学大纲,课程大纲 devote v 奉献,贡献charity n 慈善 wander v 闲逛,徘徊makeup n 化妆品 squatter n 擅自占地者industrialize v 使工业化 poverty n 贫穷,贫乏cockroach n 蟑螂重点语句be responsible for something else.something extraordinary turning pointbe on everyone lips a new career pathburning desire wander the streetsIn 1974, Mary Cheung was working as a secretary.While Mary was working as a secretary,. her friends were studying at Hong Kong Polytechnic.While Mary was at the orphanage ,she learned to be independent.Exercises:I.选词填空:1.Would you_ (instead, prefer) to play football?2.I havent received a message from my brother_(already, yet).3.She decides to bring _ ( up, down ) the three young children herself.4.Finally,she won the Miss Hong Kong _ (test , contest).5.Yes, I do know a _ (few, Little) words of French.II.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Jack Chan is famous for his _ (act) films.2. Many people believe Bill Gates is a _ (success ) person.3. All the _ (win) are given a prize.4. The meeting was a _ (turn) point in the war.5. Mother Teresa has devoted _ (her) to caring for the poor. III. 单项选择( )1.Alexander Bell won the fame as the inventor of the telephone when he _ as a teacher of deaf. A.employed B.is employed C. was employed D. was employed( )2.John fell asleep _ he was listening to music. A. after B. before C. while D. as soon as( )3. I _ my homework while my parents _ TV last night. A. did; have watched B. was doing; were watching C. had done; were watching D. would do; were watching( )4. Yesterday evening when I was sleeping, _ happened. Earthquake! Terrible Earthquake! A. extraordinary something B. something extraordinary C. anything extraordinary D. extraordinary anything( )5. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _ by her aunt. A. brought in B. brought out C. brought up D. brought down( )6. The heros story _ in Youth Daily. A. was reported B. was reporting C. reports D. reported( )7. The life we were used to _ greatly since 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed( )8. I _ on the computer when Jim came to see me yesterday evening. A. draw B. drew C. was drawing D. am drawing( )9. We are looking forward to _ Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. A. watched B. watches C. watch D. watching( )10. Her _ is to be an engineer. A. idea B. thought C. ambition D. futureIV.完形填空: Mary studied management at Hong Kong Polytechnic and graduated in 1980. She started her own marking and fundraising in 1995. But she didnt lose her _1_ desire to develop _2_. She then studied for a Fine Arts degree at the University of Hong Kong .Her ambition was _3_ arts and to see a proper arts syllabus in every school in Hong Kong ._4_1987, she has devoted a lot of her time _5_ photography .She has helped several exhibitions of her work in many places ,_6_ China ,New Zealand and Paris . She _7_ found time , however , to work on TV and for charity , write for newspapers and _8_ up her family . The girl _9_ wandered the streets has come a long way , but her journey is not finished _10_ .( ) 1 A. burn B. burning C. burns D. to burn( ) 2 A. her B. she C. herself D. herselves( ) 3 A. teach B. teaching C .taught D. to teach( ) 4 A. in B. to C. for D. since( ) 5 A. for B since C. in D. to( ) 6 A. include B including C.to include D. included( ) 7 A. till B. still C. already D yet( ) 8 A. bring B. take C. grow D burn( )9 A. that B. whose C. who D. which( )10 A. already B. yet C. just D. ever V. 综合阅读:The students were having their chemistry class. ( A ) _Miss Li was telling the students what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “ Whats water ?” No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “ ( B ) Why dont you answer my question ? Didnt I tell us what water is like ?”Just then a student put up his hand and said, “ Miss Li, you told us that ( C ) water has no color and no smell. However, where to find such kind of water ? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Most of the students ( D ) 同意him.“ I am sorry, children.” Said the teacher , “ Our water is getting dirtier and ( E ) _. That is a problem.”1. 请把(A)句翻译成汉语:_. 2 请写出 (B)句的同义句: _answer my question ? 3请把(C)句改成同义句: Water _color. 4 请把(D)句翻译成英语: _. 5 请在(E)处填写一个适当的词_.VI.阅读短文,然后按要求完成各题 The Girl from the Street(A)The girl was brought to the orphanage from the street by the social workers. They didnt know who her parents. A t the orphanage,the girl like all the children there, was taught to read and write. While she was studying there, she learned something (B) _ that was how to be independent, At twenty-one,she left orphanage and began to work as a secretary. In 1975,while she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something extraordinary happened. She entered the Miss Hong Kong contest and won it.(C) This was the turning point in her life. Now her name Mary Cheng was (D) 挂在了大家的嘴边。Mary entered the contest because she was ambitious and to show that orphanage girls could be (E)_.(F) Winning the competition brought her more than fame. It gave her the chance to start on new career path.1、将划线部分(A)改写为 :The social workers _the girl _the street_the orphanage.2、在(B)和(E)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:_;_3、画线处(C)指代的是_4、将划线部分(D)译成英语:_-5、将画线部分(F)合成一个句子:Winning the competition gawe her not only fame_the chance to start on a new career path.习题答案:I. 1.prefer 2.yet 3.up 4.contest 5.fewII. 1.action 2.successful 3.winners 4.turning 5.herselfIII. CCBBC ABCDCIV. BCDDD BBACBV. 1. 李老师告诉学生水是什么? 2. Why not 3. agree with 4. doesnt have any 5. dirtierVI. 1.brought ,from, to2. else, something3. She entered the Miss Hong Kong contest and won it.4. on everyones lips 5. but also9B Chapter4掌握词语yard n 码(长度单位) intend v 企图 打算fear v 害怕 brush n 刷子heart n 心,心脏 joy n 欢乐,喜悦knock v 撞击 laugh at 嘲笑mark n 标记 marry v 结婚move n 动作,移动 paint n 油漆,涂料prison n 监狱 rest n 休息right adv 正确地,恰当地 so adv 这么such adj 这样的,如此的 worry n 担忧admit v 承认 deny v 否认认知词语steamboat n 汽船,汽艇 rifle n 步枪,来复枪cart n 手推车 fence n 围栏sidewalk n 人行道 bucket n 桶handle n 柄 depressed adj 忧愁的,沮丧的dip v 浸,沾 unpainted adj 未经油漆的ignore v 忽视,不理睬 marble n 弹玻璃球gain v 获得,得到 painted adj 油漆过的scared adj 惊慌 trial adj 考验graveyard n 墓地重点语句feel depressed have a restthink of come alongmake fun of just thenpick up go on paintinggo swimming enjoy oneselfafter a while do some paintingend up and so onall sorts of toys knock outSoon the boys were free would come along.Ben Rogers was the first boy that came along the road.He started to eat the apple that Ben had given him.She was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that she gave Tom a large cake.Do you want to go swimming, Tom?I enjoy doing it.Exercises:I.选词填空1. Everyone was happy _ (except,besides)Tom,because he didnt pass the exam.2. Kate came into the classroom ,_ (sung ,singing) happily.3. Do you know where Jenny is ?-I think she _ (cant ,must ) be in the library .I saw her there just now.4. This is the boy _( who,which) gave me a kite.5. Dont make fun _ (of ,for) people who are in trouble.II.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He will _ (success) if he works hard.2. They have been _ (marry) for a couple of years.3. Dont play on the road, or youll hurt _(you),children.4. Do you know the person in the picture?-Yes,but he has been _ (die) for ten years. 5. Mark Twain wrote many famous books,_(include) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.III.定语从句专练:1. Who is the girl _ is running there?2. This is the most beautiful girl _ I have ever seen before.3.There is nothing _ can make me sad.4.Ill never forget the time _ I first reached Beijing.5.I want to visit the place _ you went last year.6.A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan.7. I dont know the reason _ she was so angry with me last night.8.The foreigner _ visited our school is from Candan.9. Do you remember the night _ we went out for a walk last autumn? A,that B,in which C,on which D,which10.Have you read the book, Great Men and Women,_ the story is taken? A,from which B,in which C,from thatIV. 单项选择( ) 1.I dont know the reason_ she didnt agree to our study planA when B why C who D that( ) 2.The first thing _my sister is going to do this evening is to write a report about English studyA which B who C that D why( ) 3.You can phone the people _you want to invite to dinnerA whom B where C which D why ( ) 4.This is toe book _Im looking for.A / B which C that D all the above( ) 5.This is the only boy _ read the bookA who B whom C which D that( ) 6.Do you know _? At two this afternoonA what time does the ship leave B what time the ship leavesC the ship what time leaves D the ship leaves what time( ) 7.I cant afford to buy this car. The price is too_.A cheat B expensive C dear D high( ) 8.I _ hate learning English. Now I love it.A used to B am used to C am going to D cant help( ) 9. What does your mother look like? _.A Shes fine and well B Shes really a nice ladyC Shes tall and thin D She likes wearing skirts( ) 10.Hurry up, or you _ the last train home.A miss B are missing C will miss D had missed( ) 11.I wonder if you can finish the work _three days.A at B on C in D for( ) 12.what she said made _hard for me to control myself.A me B it C this D her( ) 13.It was used for testing earthquakes. Wow, it's really_!A calculating B amazing C living D amusing( ) 14.I got work _easing _everyone regarded me as a lucky dog.A such, that B so, that C too, to D too, that( )15.Dont forget to write to me as soon as you _Shanghai. I wont.A arrive in B arrive C get in D reach atV. 根据短文内容选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Saturday morning came,and everything was bright and fresh. Evevy boy in town was happy, 1 Tom Sawyer.Tom stood on the sidewalk _2_ a bucket of white paint and a brush with a long handle in his hands. He looked at fence that his aunt told him _3_ and felt very _4_ .It was thirty yards long and three yards high! He dipped his brush in the paint and painted a corner of the fence. Then he stood back and _5_ .The section that was painted was so small,and the _6_ section was so big! He sat _7_ a tree to have a rest. He began to think of the games _8_ he had planned for the day. Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him. But just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work.Ben Rogers came along the road ,_9_ happily and carrying an apple. He stopped and looked at Tom. Tom went on painting and _10_ Ben.Im going swimming, said Ben. Do you want to go swimming , Tom? But I guess you cant, You have to stay and work , _11_ you?Tom went on painting Work? he said This isnt work. Im enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?Ben thought about this. Tom went on painting carefully. Sometimes he stopped ,stood back to look at the fence , and then added a bit more paint in just the right place. Ben was watching Tom s every move. He was getting more and more interested.After a while,he said,Tom, will you let me do some painting?Tom thought about it ,and said, No,Ben, I cant .You see ,Aunt Polly wants to be done properly. Im the only one who can do it rightOh , please,Tom, _12_ Ben I can do it. Ill be _13_ careful. Just let me try. Ill give you half of my apple. Ill give you all of it!Well ,all right, Ben, said Tom But you must be careful.He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down again und


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