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    Biology for water and wastewater treatment (水处理生物学),20102011学年第二学期,2019/8/27,2,Contents :,Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Ordinary microorganism(微生物) seen in water and wastewater treatment Chapter 3 Metabolism(代谢)and growth of microorganism Chapter 4 Microbial ecology Chapter 5 The function of microorganism in material cycle and metabolism of nature Chapter 6 Microorganisms hurt to waters and the methods of controlling it Chapter7 Microorganism s action in environmental monitoring and analysis(分析) Chapter 8 Microbial methods and characters in water treatment Chapter 9 The function of big aquatics(水生动物)、water plants(Hydrophytes)(水生植物) in water treatment.,2019/8/27,3,Key words:,Chapter 1 Introduction,2019/8/27,4,§1.1 The basic theory of ecology(生态学) A tree all trees all life + environment(energy,sunlight,temperature, soil, etc ),Individual 个体,Population 种群,Community 群落,Ecosystem 生态系统,Biosphere 生物圈,1、Ecosystem 1)Definition: Ecosystem is a natural entity made up of life and surrounding. They communicate each other through energy flow and material cycle. It is a changeable, opening system.,2019/8/27,5,Sketch map of ecosystem and material cycle Environment 2) Structure and function: (1)Primary productivity: capture and store energy. 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 (glucose)+ 6O2 + 6H2O (2)It forms food chain and food web.,Producers (green plants),Primary consumer (herbivores),Secondary consumer (carnivores),Decay organisms (microorganism),sun,straw, leaf,body,body,respiration,Look,2019/8/27,6,(3)There are energy flow in the ecosystem. (4)All kinds of information, such as the physical, chemical and biological, be transferred in ecosystem. 3) Ecosystem balance When a ecosystem matures, its structure and function achieves a comparatively steady state. (1)The cause of balance: There is a self-feedback(反馈) ,self-adjusting action.,eagles human snakes frogs mice birds pests rice other plants,2019/8/27,7,(2)Ecosystem unbalance(失衡). The ability of self-regulation is limited, if some man-made factors destroy ecosystems structure and environment , it will appear ecosystem unbalance. (3)Approaches to keep ecosystem balance -study ecosystems composition, structure, keep its integrality, any class of the whole or some kind life cannot be broken at mans pleasure; -protect biological diversity(生物多样性); -suitably explore and use the resources; -control environmental pollution, provide a good environment for ecosystem.,2019/8/27,8,4) Microorganisms important effect in ecosystem (1) Effect in natural matter cycle (A) Autotrophic microorganism(自养微生物), the primary producer,can change inorganic(无机的) matters into the organic. (B) Heterotrophic bacteria(异养微生物) are main decomposer of organism in nature;it can decompose completely the natural matter . (2) Effect in energy flow Autotrophic microorganism(Some ) can capture and turn solar energy into biochemical energy; Heterotrophic bacteria decompose organic compounds,release biochemical energy and take part in ecosystems activity。 In a word, there were not todays life and modern civilization without microorganism. Do you know why?,2019/8/27,9,§ 1.2 Definition, contents and aim,1、microorganism 1) Definition: microbe(microorganism) is a member of a large,extremely diverse, group of organisms that are lumped together, are so small that cannot be seen without microscope, including small plants and creatures(动物). little (individual) bacteria: µm; virus:nm 2) Basic points low(status of evolution) simple ( structure) no-cell type procaryote eucaryote (非细胞类) (原核生物) (真核生物) virus(病毒) bacteria(细菌) fungi(真菌),2019/8/27,10,3) Commonness (1)It is small on bulk,the surface is big. (2)It can absorb a lot of matter, and transform quickly. (3)It increases fast in volume and weight, and its multiplication (繁殖) is so quick that a bacteria can produce many generations in short time, for example: The coliform (大肠杆菌), an individual divides once in 12.5-20min. After 24hrs, the member of its generations is 4.7223665×1015. After 48hrs, the total weight of an individuals generation is 4000 times that of the earth。 (4)It has ability of quick variation(变异), and can acclimatize to surrounding.,2019/8/27,11,(5) It has a lot of species (种类) in nature, there are about 100000 kinds known in the world. it exists everywhere all around the world. 4) How to give microorganism name Kingdom Division Class Order Family Genus Species 界 门 纲 目 科 属 种 Eschesichia coliform Castllani and Chalmers (属名) (种名) (定名者) 5) Biology for water and wastewater treatment (environmental engineering): It is a branch of science to study the interrelationship between environment for human being survival and biology (microorganism), especially, the good and bad affect of microorganisms activity on environment, it also describes the knowledge used in environment engineering.,2019/8/27,12,(1)To study the structure , function of biological community; (2)To study microorganism how to decompose and transform pollutants; (3)To study microorganisms effect on pollution and destruction to environment; (4)To study the way to use microorganism as the measure and guideline (指标) for environmental monitoring ; (5)To study the treatment of “water pollutants” with microbiological methods (including engineering).,


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