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    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修2-1.9,Unit 1 Cultural relics,Overseas Chinese Congress,emblem,A foreigner came to Qingtian to attend the congress. What places or things could you advise him to visit or see?,Stone carving,rice fish,Ivory dragon boat,Dragon Boat Festival,Ming Dynasty vase,china,One of the 7 world wonders,Mogao Caves,Art treasure for Buddhism,Taj Mahal,The most beautiful tomb in the world,Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic,Natural relic,Kunqu opera,Since Yuan Dynasty-Nonmaterial relic,1)world famous 2)natural/ man-made 3)a long history 4)symbols of their countries and cultures 5)very rare and valuable,What are the similarities of these cultural relics?,A cultural relic is something that can represent cultures, which has survived for a long time to tell the history, and it is very rare and valuable. Cultural relics can be craftworks, buildings, books, paintings music, and so on.,Now, can you name what a cultural relic is?,According to the definition, what characteristics does a cultural relic have ?,mysterious,precious,old,valuable,rare,cultural relic,Can you recognize any other cultural relics? Do you have any in your family?,Angkor Wat in Cambodia,Taj-Mahal in India,The Sports Arena of Ancient Rome,Stonehenge in England,Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun,Mount Huangshan,The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors,the Leshan Giant Buddha,The Classical Gardens of Suzhou,bronze,jade,amber,琥珀的形成 琥珀是松柏科植物的樹脂所形成的化石,最少有五千萬年的歷史。特別是一種茂盛於二千萬至六千萬年前的新生代第三紀的松樹 Pinus Succinifera 的樹脂,經過壓力和熱力變質而形成琥珀。 世界最古老的琥珀,約為三億年前的產物,被發現於英國的Northumberland及西伯利亞。 琥珀是人類最古老的飾物之一,在愛沙尼亞發現紀元前3700年由琥珀製成的墬飾、珠子、紐扣等,在埃及並發現紀元前2600年由琥珀製成的寶物。,琥珀的性质 琥珀的形状多呈饼状、肾状、瘤状、拉长的水滴状和其它不规则形状。属非晶质体。颜色多呈黄色、橙黄色、棕色、褐黄色或暗红色,浅绿色和黄色、淡紫色的品种极为罕见。油脂光泽,透明至半透明,amber,beautiful,rare/precious,Can you imagine a house made of amber ?,IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM,Value History,Is the Amber Room a cultural relics?,Judging from the title, what do you think happened to the Amber Room? What questions can you raise ?,In search of the Amber Room,Read Para 1 to find detailed information about the Amber Room,Colour,Birthplace,Design,Material,Time to complete it,yellow-brown,Prussia,of the fancy style popular in those days,seven thousand tons of amber;,gold and jewels,It took a team of the countrys best artists ten years to make it.,skimming,Brief introduction to the Amber Room,The transform of the Amber Room as a gift and its change,The missing of the Amber Room,A new Amber Room,Para 1,Para 2 & 3,Para 4,Para 5,Match each part of the passage with its headline,Frederick William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift.,Catherine had completed the adding to the Amber room,The Nazi German army stole the Amber Room,The rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed.,gift,palace,Careful reading,para.2-para.5,The places where the Amber Room has ever been?,Prussia,A small reception hall for important visitors,Catherine spent her summers there,Summer Palace,St. Petersburg (Winter Palace),Out of St.Petersburg,Konigsberg,I think it is worthwhile to rebuild the Amber Room. Do you agree?,Debat,for,against,It took people a lot of time and money to search for the lost amber room. Why did people insist on looking for it ? Does the amber room deserve it ? What should be done with it once it is really found ? Why ? State your opinion.,Reading and Thinking,In my opinion. I agree that Personally speaking I must say that There is no doubt that,Suppose you are a German who find the lost Amber Room, what do you think you should do with it? To return it to Russia or keep it in your homeland ? Or?,homework,


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