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    Unit 2,Diction (选词法), Decide the meanings of “THATs” and translate the sentence. That that is, is; that that is not, is not; but that that is not, is not that that is; nor is that that is that that is not. 实者实,虚者虚,虚非实,实非虚。 是即是,非即非 ,Pre-class Questions,What is Diction? Does the meaning of a word equals to the dictionary definition? How do you consider the viewpoint “Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words”? How to determine the meaning of a word in E-C translation?,Theoretical Ground,1. Translating means translating meaning. ( Eugene A. Nida, From One Language to Another, 1986) 2. The Largest Quantity of translation in a text is done at the level of the word. (Peter Newmark, A Text Book of Translation, 1988),3.1 Choice of Grammatical Meanings,The same word, when used as different parts of speech and playing different roles in a sentence, has different meaning. 1. Take the cart back to the back yard and back it into the shed at the back of the stable. 把牛拉回到后院,再把它倒到牛棚后面的小屋去。 2. I saw him saw with a saw in a sawmill. 我看见他在锯木厂用一把锯子在锯东西。,3. Wishes father thoughts. (John Galsworthy: The Forsyte Saga) 愿望为思想之父。 The child is father of the man. 从小看大。 4. “What do you do with so many apples?” “We eat what we can and what we cant we can.” “这么多苹果,你们要怎么办?” “我们尽量吃,吃不完就拿来做罐头。”,3.2 Choice of Contextual Meanings,Question: What is the meaning of Meaning? What is the average number of the meanings for Power? 意义:指称意义、言内意义、语用意义。 Please determine from the context the exact meaning of Power in each sentence (Drills 3.3, P. 72), and choose an appropriate equivalent one in Chinese.,1. I will do everything within my power to assist you. 我愿意尽力来帮助你。 2. The new kinescope has a resolving power of 800 lines. 这种新型显像管的分辨率为800行。 3. Basically, all power is with the people. 从根本上说,一切权利属于人民。,4. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. 枪杆子里面出政权。 5. China has a few nuclear weapons, but it will never join the so-called club of nuclear powers. 中国有一点核武器,但中国决不参加所谓核大国俱乐部。 6. The surface of ceramics must be checked by examination under a 20-power binocular microscope. 陶瓷表面必须用20倍的双筒显微镜加以检查。,7. The transistor can go from an off condition to an on condition with great speed and minimal power. 晶体管能以极快的速度和极小的功率由关的状态转到开的状态。 8. The power subsystem of the communication facility must provide a flow of current under controlled conditions of voltage and load. 通讯设施的电源分系统应在电压和负荷受控制的情况下供电。,Reflection: Whats the difference of meanings between Chinese words and English ones? 英语词义:较概括,较灵活,范围很宽 汉语词义:较具体,较凝滞,范围较窄,3.3 Choice of Collocative Meanings,Translate the following, paying attention to the collocation (Drills 3.4, P. 73). Good (adj.) good manners good humor a good king good living,得体的举止,愉快的心情;好脾气,公正的国王,讲究吃喝的生活,a good Catholic good eggs good soil a good debt a good hour a good question good sense a good eater and a good sleeper,虔诚的天主教徒,新鲜鸡蛋,肥沃的土壤,有把握收回的债,整整一小时,不易回答的问题;难以立即回答的问题,正确的判断力;解决世纪问题的智慧;理智,能吃能睡的人,小结: 1.英语学习到了高级阶段,就词汇而言,可以说没有上下文就没有词义(no context, no text)。既然“义寓于文”就必须“以文明义”,即根据上下文的逻辑关系、层次条理、前后呼应确定词的具体涵义。 2. Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Firth,3.4 Choice of Affective Meanings,Question: What is the importance of affective meanings to translation? Can you give some examples? Compare and translate the following:,Story The story of the hero is extremely moving. 英雄的事迹是极为动人的。 He storied about his age. 他捏造年龄。 That face must have a story belonging to it. 那张脸成这个模样,背后必有文章。 The real story was made public. 真相大白。(水落石出。) What a story! I dont believe a word of it. 弥天大谎!我只字不信。,小结: A good translator should represent not only the original thought but also the original style in the target language. That is called “意似,形似,神似”.,3.5 Choice of Extended Meanings,Question: How to extend the meaning when a mechanical translation is unintelligible to the readers? Can you give some examples?,Translate the following, extending the meanings of the words in italics (Drills 3.7, P. 84): 1. On Ashurt there had now come a feeling of paralysis. (The Apple Tree) 这时间阿舍特却不知道怎么办才好(呆若木鸡)。(concrete abstract),2. The Malian people, in spite of their geographical confinement, have already given the proof that they are determined to face all the difficulties and the necessary sacrifices to safeguard their dignity. 尽管从地理上说,马里人处在一个内陆国,但为了捍卫自己的尊严,他们已证明有决心去面对一切困难和必要的牺牲。 (abstract specific) 3. The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔杆子比枪杆子厉害/ 文能制武。 (abstract concrete),4. Venice is the child of her own tumultuous (喧嚣的)past. (C. Lucas: A Valentine for Venice) 威尼斯之所以演变成现在这种状况,是因为其自身混乱的过去造成的。 (昔日的乱世造成了今天的威尼斯。) ( concrete abstract) 5. Once she wondered whether her outspokenness might be a liability to Franklin. (The Glory and the Dream) 她一度怀疑自己那么心直口快,是否会成为富兰克林的包袱(累赘)。 (abstract concrete),3.6 Choice of Stylistic Meanings,Question: How do stylistic synonyms in different settings influence diction in translation? Can you give some examples? Analyze the examples from pp.76-79,Reflection: Compare the following translations, and point out which is preferred for keeping its original style. (Examples and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. (Francis Bacon: Of Studies, 1597, 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。 (王佐良 译) 读书使人感觉快乐,使人富有光彩,使人增长才干。其快乐之处,主要在于独处休闲之时,其光彩之处,主要显于社交交谈之时;其才干之处,主要见于判断处事之时。 点评:采用文言词语和句法解构,典雅畅达,效果毕肖,“文体如之”,追求神似、形似。,2. 退休工人邵劝帮对小儿子在春说,“那时候,干一天活累得连炕都上不去,浑身疼得要命,睡也睡不着。” Shao Quanbang, a retired worker, said to his little son Zaichun, “At that time, I was so fatigued after a days drudgery that I found it very hard to mount the kang. My whole frame aching acutely, I couldnt go to sleep however hard I tried.”, Shao Quanbang, a retired worker, said to his little son Zaichun, “In those days, I was usually so done up after a days hard work that I could hardly get on the kang. As my whole body ached like anything. I simply couldnt get to sleep even I tried to.” 点评:接近原文退休工人对小儿子说话的身份、口气、言辞和口语体。,Translate the following sentences with different stylistic features wherever possible. (Drills 3.5b, P. 79) 1. It is a true saying that time and tide wait for no man. “时间不等人”,这话一点也不假。 (“时不我待”,确是至理名言。),2. Nothing is sadder than to part forever; Nothing is happier than to contract a new acquaintance. 悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮结新知。 (formal & archaic) Reflection: Is it appropriate to transfer the original sentence into informal or colloquial style?,3. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (Shelley) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 严冬如来时,阳春宁尚迢遥?(郭沫若 译) Reflection: Which one is preferred for keeping its original stylistic features?,Choice of Ambiguous Meanings See pp.81-82,Conclusion,Can you make a conclusion from these foregoing skills and techniques? 1. The choice of the right word in the receptor language to translate a word in the source language depends more on the context than upon a fixed system of verbal consistency, i.e., always translating one word in the source language by a corresponding word in the receptor language (Nida & Taber, 1969:15) 2.词不离句,句不离文;文中求句,句中求词。,Homework: p.74 Drills 3.4 5; 6 p.79 Drills 3.5b 5; 6 p.82 Drills 3.6 1; 2 p.84 Drills 3.7 1; 2,


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