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    江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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    江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

    Unit 2 Travelling,Grammar,Fill in the blanks.,The old man _ (live) here since 1992. _ you _ (visit) our factory yet? 3. I _ (not see) you for a long time. You _ (change) a lot. 4. Im afraid I _ (keep) you waiting for such a long time. 5. He _ (know) the city since he was very young.,has lived,Have,visited,havent seen,have changed,have kept,has known,I have been to the Great Wall. We have been in the Great Wall for five days.,The Great Wall,Using have/has been 和 have/has gone,A,We use have (has) been to express the idea that someone went to some place and has already come back.,某人去过某地,现在已经回来了。,London,My friend Lucy has gone to London. She will be back next week.,Tower Bridge,We use have (has) gone to express the idea that someone went to some place and is still there.,某人去了某人,现在仍然在那儿,还没回来。,让我们一起来观察下面的句子并分析总结它们的用法! I have been to America many times. Its really a modern city. Millie has gone to America with her family. I hope they have a great time there.,【区别一】 通过分析上面两个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢? _ 表示曾经去过某地, 已经回来; 而 _ 表示说话时已经去了某地, 可能在途中, 也可能到达目的地。,have been to,have gone to,Have you ever been to the supermarket to buy grapes? Minnie and her father have been to the supermarket to buy grapes twice this month. Minnie and her father have gone to the supermarket to buy grapes.,【区别二】 通过分析上面三个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢? 含_ 的句子中可以加 once, twice, ever, never等时间状语; 而含 _ 的句子中不能加此类时间状语。,have been to,have gone to,【区别三】 综合分析上面五个例句, 你还能得出什么结论呢? 含 _ 的句子中主语的人称一般为第三人称形式; 而含 _ 的句子中对主语的人称没有限制。,have been to,have gone to,1. Millie isnt here. She _ to the library.,A1 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about their classmates and families. Help them complete the sentences with have/has been or have/has gone.,has gone,2. Peter and Simon _ just _ to the library. They borrowed some interesting books. 3. My cousin _ to Xian twice. 4. My parents _ to Xian and theyll stay there for a week. 5. Daniel wont be with us at the party. He _ to Shanghai.,have been,has been,have gone,has gone,Daniel: I havent seen Mr Wu for days. Where _ he _ (go)? Millie: He _ (go) to Tianjin to attend a meeting. Daniel: _ you _ (be) anywhere recently?,A2. Daniel and Millie are chatting. Complete their conversation. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,has,gone,has gone,Have,been,Millie: Yes, I _ to Hainan with my parents. Daniel: Oh, thats great! _ you _ to Sanya? Millie: Sure, we _ (be) to the beach there. Look at these photos. Daniel: The beach is beautiful. I see Andy playing on the sand too.,have been,Have,been,have been,n. 沙; 沙滩,Millie: Yes, We went there with his family. Daniel: I see. By the way, shall we invite Andy to go for a picnic tomorrow? Millie: Andy isnt here this weekend. He and his parents _ (go) to countryside. Theyll be back tomorrow afternoon.,have gone,n. 农村; 乡下,小试身手,选用have been to或have gone to的适当形式填空。,1.My father Beijing. He will be back in two days. 2.The Greens the USA twice. 3.A:Where is your aunt now?I havent seen her for a long time. B:She Xiamen. _ you ever _ Hong Kong Disneyland? 5.A: Tom Nanjing? B:Yes. He hasnt come back yet.,has gone to,have been to,has gone to,Have,been to,Has,gone to,Verbs with for and since,B,We use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past. e.g. Mr Dong has lived here for many years. Mr Dong has lived her since he was born.,Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can be used in the present perfect sense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statements.,He has left Beijing for a week.,He has not left Beijing yet.,He has been away from Beijing for a week.,He has bought a car since 2007.,×,×,He has not bought any new car since 2007.,He has had a car since 2007.,现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始, 一直持续到现在, 多与“since +点时间”或“for +段时间”连用。for表示“经过(一段时间)”,而since表示“自从(以来)”。,常见结构如下: for + 表示一段时间的状语 一段时间+ ago since + 表示过去的某一时间点 从句,Fill in the blanks wih“for” and“since”,1) _ two years 2) _ two years ago 3) _ last month 4) _ 1999 5) _ yesterday 6) _ 4 oclock 7) _ 4 hours 8) _ an hour ago 9) _ we were children 10) _ lunchtime 3. He has studied Japanese _three years. 5. It has been ten years _ she left the city.,since,for,for,since,since,since,since,for,since,since,since,since,I have lived in Taixing for 10 years. I have learned English since 6 years ago.,延续性动词+一段时间,延续性动词+一段时间,短暂动词 延续性动词 begin/start be on finish/stop be over come/go/ arrive be in/at leave (a place) be away (from) join the League be a member of the League (共青团) be in the League be a League member marry sb /get married (to sb) be married (to sb) die be dead borrow keep,Remember us!,Kitty bought a couple of key rings two days ago.,Kitty (buy) a couple of key rings since two days ago/for two days.,has had,buy - have,Explain,Kitty and her parents arrived at Disneyland two days ago. Kitty and her parents Disneyland since two days ago/for two days.,have been at,arrive in/at - be in/at,The parade of Disney characters began three hours ago. The parade of Disney characters since three hours ago/ for three hours.,has been on,begin-be on,Yang Mi married Liu Kaiwei three months ago. Yang Mi Liu Kaiwei since three months ago. Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei for three months/since three months ago.,has been married to,have been married,Try,leave school six years ago,She school six years ago.,She school since six years ago.,has been away from,Try,left,She joined the League a year ago.,She _ the League since a year ago.,She _ the League since a year ago/for a year.,has been in,has been a member of,She since a year ago/ for a year.,has been a League member,Discussion,Further thinking,He died three years ago. He has been dead for three years. It is three years since he died. It has been three years since he died. Three years has passed since he died.,他去世三年了。,2.He has gone to the park since last night.,1.He borrowed the book for two days.,3.My grandfather has died for two years.,has been in,has kept,has been dead,Correct,practice,Finish the exercise on p28 and check.,Kitty is telling Millie about her holiday in Hong Kong on the phone. Complete what she says with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,My parents and I _ (arrive) in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter holiday. We _ (be) here for three days. I _ (borrow) a book about Hong Kong a week ago. Its very useful. I _ _ (keep) it with me for a few days. It helps me learn more about Hong Kong.,arrived,have been,borrowed,have,kept,Now its noon and were in Ocean Park. The first dolphin show _ (begin) at 11:30 a.m. It _ (be) on for about half an hour. The show is really exciting.,began,has been,1.( ) I have watched the game. -When _ you _ it? A have ,watched B do ,watch C did ,watch D will ,watch,2. ( ) His grandma _ for two years. A died B has been dead C was dead D has died,C,B,Multiple-choice,Classwork,3. ( ) Where is Han Mei now? - She _ to Shanghai. She will be back in two days. A has gone B has been C goes D had gone,4.( ) You havent changed your mind , _? A do you B are you C have you D did you,A,C,5. ( )-Where have you _ these days? - I have _ to Beijing with my friends. A been , gone B been , been C gone , been D gone, gone 6. ( ) How long have you _ this book? A bought B borrowed C had D lent,B,C,1.这本书我已经借了两星期了,明天我会还给Amy. I _ _ the book _ two weeks. I will return it to Amy tomorrow. 2.会议已经开始一个小时了. The meeting _ _ _ for one hour. 3.我加入英语俱乐部半年了. I _ _ _ the English Club for half a year.,have kept for,has been on,have been in,Translation,4.他们结婚十年了. They _ _ _ _ ten years ago. 5.我的表弟离开北京两周了. My cousin _ _ _ _ Beijing _ two weeks.,have been married since,has been away from for,Conclusion,1、掌握since +时间点/for +时间段的用法。 2、根据语境正确使用短暂动词和延续性动词。 短暂动词 延续性动词 begin/start be on finish/stop be over come/go/ arrive be in/at leave be away (from) join be a member of/ be in / be a/an marry sb /get married (to sb) be married (to sb) die be dead borrow keep,Homework,1.remember the form of inchoative verbs and continuative verbs on Page28 2.Draft lecture (Period5) 3.Prepare Integrated skills before class,I. 慧眼识错。,1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months. 2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18. 3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.,have kept,has been in/been a member of,for,4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema. 5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold? 6. His grandfather has been died for two years.,came,did,catch,dead,7. Jim has gone to Beijing for ten years. 8. What time have the factory opened? 9. I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice.,has been in,did,open,been to,II. 同义句转换。,The class was over ten minutes ago. The class _ for ten minutes. His grandpa died in 2004. His grandpa _ for ten years.,has been over,has been dead,The exhibition has been on for three days. The exhibition _ three days ago. My parents got married 25 years ago. My parents _ since 25 years ago.,started/began,have been married,I bought the MP3 last week. I _ the MP3 for a week. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year. Kitty _ the Reading Club since last year.,have had,has been a member of,


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