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    江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学七年级英语下册 7B Unit 7 Abilities Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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    江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学七年级英语下册 7B Unit 7 Abilities Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

    7B Unit 7 Reading 1,A brave young man!,Smoke,Fireman,put out,burn vt. & vi. 烧伤;烧,blanket n. 毯子,match n. 火柴,n 消防员 扑灭 n. 烟,烟雾,burnt,news n. 新闻,消息,newspaper n. 报纸,reporter n. 记者,hurt adj. 受伤的 vt. & vi. 使受伤,伤害;疼,in hospital 住院,pour water over head,rubbish n. 垃圾,废弃物 bin n. 垃圾箱,pour vt. 倾倒,brave save save from next door badly could protect rush wet moment nod careful,adj. 勇敢的 vt. 救;救助 从中救出 adv. 在隔壁 adv. 严重地,厉害地 modal v. (can的过去式) 可以,能,会 vt. 保护 vi. 冲,奔 adj. 湿的;未干的; 有雨的 n. 时刻;片刻,瞬间 vi. & vt. 点头 adj. 仔细的,认真的;小心的,New words and expressions,Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.,1. brave 2. alone 3. rush 4. put out 5. burn 6. at that moment,a. run quickly b. just then c. hurt someone with fire d. not afraid e. without any other people f. stop something from burning,Lead-in:,What can we use it for?,What can we use it for in our lives?,Fire! Help! Fire! Help!,If there is a fire, what should we do?,Call 119 for help.,Run out of the fire.,shout for help,Pour water over the door.,Put a wet blanket over the body.,What happened to him?,What a brave young man,Pre-reading:,Who,What,Why,Prediction(预测) based on the title,Where,( ) Lin Tao helped his grandma out of a fire.,Fast reading: Read the story quickly and try to write “T” or “F”,F,Lin Tao helped his neighbour out of a fire.,( ) Mrs Sun couldnt get out because she hurt her left leg.,( ),( ) Mrs Sun was in her bedroom when the fire took place (发生).,( ) Lin Tao put out the fire with his jacket.,( ) The fire burnt Lin Taos neck, arms and legs.,( ) Many people visited him and brought him flowers and presents.,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),T,F,F,F,T,Mrs Sun was in her kitchen when the fire took place.,Some firemen came and put out the fire.,The fire burnt Lin Taos neck,arms and face.,Her left leg was badly hurt .,Detailed reading:Read it carefully and answer them below,1.When did the fire happened? On 10th May. 2.Was there a lot of smoke? Yes,there was 3. Why couldnt his neighbour Mrs Sun get out? She couldnt get out because she hurt her leg. 4. How long was he in hospital? He was in hospital for two weeks. 5. What did many people say to Lintao? How brave you!,Read the text together and fill in the blankets.,Lin Tao is a b_young man.He s_his neigbour Mrs.Sun from a f_. On 10th May,he was at home a_.Suddenly he heard someone s_Fire!Fire! he saw a lot of s_ from n_ _.He p_ water over his clothes to protect himself.Then he r_ into his neighbours kitchen and put a wet b_over her. He helped her out.But the fire b_ him. He was _ _ for two weeks.Many visitors g_ him some flowers and Lin Tao said that fire can be very d_. It is i_ to be _ with fire.,brave,saved,fire,alone,shouting,smoke,next doort,rushed,blanket,in hospital,burnt,dangerous,important,careful,poured,gave,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,Play a game: Choose the letter and then tell true or false statements:,How to be careful with fire,I,We cant play with matches. We should be careful with matches.,Wrong,1,Right,When there is a fire , we should call 119 at once.,2,Wrong,We cant put anything hot into the rubbish bin.,3,Wrong,We cant leave the stove(炉子) on when we are not at home.,4,Right,When there is a fire, we should use the stairs instead of a lift.,5,Wrong,We should keep long hair away from fire.,6,Wrong,We cant smoke in bed.,7,Right,When there is a fire, we should cover our bodies with wet blankets and rush out of the flat quickly.,8,Wrong,We cant jump down from the building. Jumping may be more dangerous than the fire.,9,What can we learn from Lin Tao?,Fire is useful , but it is also dangerous. It is important to be careful with fire. And we should help each other.,Proverb(谚语),To help others is to help ourselves! 帮助别人就是帮助自己!,Disscusion:,1.Retell the text of reading 2.Do Part B1 and Part B3 on Page 83-84.,Good-bye!,Retell the story according to the following,When: on 10th may Who: Lin Tao & Mrs. Sun What happened: be alone at home, hear, see, be badly hurt, not get out, run to, pouroverto, rush into, putover, helpout. Result: put out ,burn be in hospital What we learnt: dangerous, be careful with.,J : Hi , Lin Tao , Im a reporter from CCTV, How are you feeling now ? L: Im feeling better now . J: May I ask you some questions about the fire? L: Sure . When did the fire happen ? Where were you ? What did you do to help her out ? Were you afraid at that time ? How long were you in hospital ? J: How brave you are . Thank you.,Interview,Make up a dialogue in pairs .,


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