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    Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines,第一板块 重点单词 1. congratulation n. 祝贺; 恭喜; 祝贺词(常用复数) (1)Congratulations! 祝贺! 恭喜! Congratulations to sb. on sth. 为某事向某人祝贺,(2)congratulate v. 祝贺,【即时训练】 I got that job I wanted at the public library. _(congratulate)! Thats good news. (填空),Congratulations,完成句子 “I _(再次祝贺你); this is the best thing you could have done, ”said Mr Johnson in the end. The meeting over, many people stood up and _ his winning the prize. 会议结束了, 很多人站起来祝贺他赢得奖项。,congratulate you once more,congratulated him on,【易混辨析】,2. aboard adv. 在飞机上,【即时训练】完成句子 Then Tim was able to catch up and_ _. 然后蒂姆追了上来, 爬上了那条船。 Later we learnt that there was a very important person _. 后来我们才听说, 飞机上有位非常重要的人物。,boat,on board,climb aboard the,【易混辨析】,3. replace vt. 代替; 取代; 把放回原处 replace sth. with/by sth. 用某物替换某物 replace sth. +prep. / adv. 把某物放回到,【即时训练】 That could be because so many people have replaced face time _ screen time, the researchers said. (填空) A code uses symbols to take the place of words, phrases, or sentences. (短语替换) =(2016·全国卷)A code uses symbols to _ words, phrases, or sentences.,with,replace,You have to _ before you leave. 你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。,replace the books on the shelves,4. delighted adj. 高兴的; 快乐的 (1)be delighted at/with/by. . . 对感到高兴 be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事 be delighted that-clause 高兴,(2)delight n . C使人高兴的事, 乐事U快乐, 高兴 v. 使高兴; 使愉快 have/find/take delight in 高兴; 以为乐 to ones delight/to the delight of sb. 令某人高兴的是 with/in delight 高兴地, 乐意地 (3)delightful adj. 令人愉快的, 可喜的,【即时训练】单句语法填空 (2016·全国卷)Its _(delight) to see so many beautiful flowers. (2016·全国卷)I was _(delight) at the presence of such a student.,delightful,delighted,完成句子 _(使我们非常高兴的是), our government has ended its decades-long one-child policy. The professor _(高兴地发现) that two thirds of the project had been finished by the students independently.,Much to our delight,was delighted to find,People still _ talking about the legendary story. 那个传奇故事至今为人津津乐道。,take delight in,【知识拓展】相聚“快乐”家族 overjoyed 狂喜的, 极度高兴的 pleased 高兴的 content 满意的, 高兴的 bright 欢快的 cheerful 快乐的,glad 高兴的, 乐意的 merry 愉快的,第二板块 常考短语句式 1. now that 既然; 由于 up to now/until now 到目前为止 (every) now and then 不时, 时而 from now on 从现在起,【即时训练】完成句子 (2016·上海高考)_ we are used to talking about it, I have found that people are beginning to get stressed about being stressed. 既然我们习惯了谈论压力, 那么我发现人们开始对 有压力而感到有压力了。,Now that,We neednt have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. 译: _, 我们本没必要买 那么多的食物。,既然苏西不和我们一起吃饭,【知识拓展】表示“既然, 由于”的短语还有: because of on account of due to owing to,2. believe in 相信 believe sb. 相信某人的话 believe it or not 信不信由你,【即时训练】 I dont believe you. (句型转换) =I dont believe _. You have to _. No one else will, if you dont. 你一定要相信自己。如果你都不相信自己, 没有其他 人会相信你。,what you said,believe in yourself,_, I got a full mark in the exam. 信不信由你, 这次考试我得了满分。 Though I dont quite _, this time we should _. 尽管我不太信任他, 但这次我们应该相信他说的。,Believe it or not,believe in him,believe him,3. in total 总共; 合计; 总计 total n. 总数, 总量, 总额 v. 总数为, 总共达, 共计 adj. 完全的, 彻底的; 全部的 a total of 总数为 total up to 合计, 总数达到,I chose five candy bars, which brought my total to 75 cents. 译: 我选了5个糖罐, _。 Out of _17 groups, only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees. 在总共17组中, 只有一组忽略了愤怒的蜜蜂的声音。,这使我的总钱数达到75分钱,a total of,4. Amateur astronomer David Bates _ the moon through his telescope last night _ he got a big surprise. 昨天晚上业余天文学家戴维·贝茨用望远镜观看月球, 突然他有了一个惊人的发现。,was looking at,when,when作并列连词用, 意为“正在这时”。可用于下列句型: be doing sth. when. . . 正在做某事这时 be about to do sth. when. . . 正要做某事这时,be on the point of doing sth. when. . . 正要做某事这时 had done sth. when. . . 刚做了某事这时,【即时训练】 (2016·北京高考)Jack was working in the lab _ the power cut occurred. (填空),when,完成句子 I _(正要放弃这时) my father came and encouraged me to keep going. Jim _(正在看) a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.,was about to give up when,was watching,In 2012, I _ from a serious illness _ I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. 2012年, 我刚刚从一场重病中康复, 这时我收到了一 份参加在佛罗里达州的奥兰多举行作者会的邀请函。,had just recovered,when,【要点拾遗】 1. evidence n. 证据, 根据, 论据 (1)there is plenty of/no evidence that. . . 有很多/没有证据显示 (2)evident adj. 显然的 It is evident to sb. that. . . 某人清楚 It is evident that. . . 显然,【即时训练】单句语法填空 (2016·全国卷)Yet there is _(evident) suggesting that the trend is growing. (2016·江苏高考)This is despite evidence _ a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction.,evidence,that,完成句子 _ people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. 有证据表明生活中有目标的人或正在为长期或短期 目标努力的人看起来做得更好。,There is evidence that,_ President Xi Jinping was on a visit to Peru at that time. 很显然大家都知道习近平主席当时正在秘鲁访问。,It is evident to all that,2. produce vt. 创作; 生产, 制造; 引起, 产生 (1)produce. . . results 产生的结果 produce n. 产品; 农产品 (2)production n. 产品; 产量; 制作 (3)productive adj. 生产的, 有成效的,【即时训练】写出黑体部分的含义 (2016·全国卷) Hes going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music. ( ) (2016·北京高考)This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds. ( ),创作,生产,(2016·四川高考)Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control various body functions. ( ),产生,【易混辨析】,


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