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    最新教学资料·仁爱版英语Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和4。通过谈论去古巴出差来引出语言的差异性和重要性,并继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。1a 、1b以听、读的方式去引出official language,1c则让学生找出更多国家的官方语言,从而扩展学生的知识面,知道语言具有多样性。3以听故事的形式来说明英语的广泛性。2和4则是为了强化本课的语言知识。通过学习本课,学生要知道在许多国家,语言有官方语言和非官方语言,并认识到语言文化在沟通交流中的重要性。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。2.Skill aims: 能通过观察课文插图来猜测课文内容。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态进行看图写句子。能正确地运用强读和弱读技巧,使句子更加抑扬顿挫,富有韵律感。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生知道语言的重要性和多样性,从而增强学生学习语言的欲望。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 通过Jane和她爸爸的对话,让学生了解异国文化在沟通中的重要作用。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: tonight, communicate, conversation, explain, impossible, divide, dig, lay, be pleased with, on business, be similar to, have (no) trouble doing sth., in trouble, ask.for help.Sentences: Have a good trip! I wish you success!Grammar: Simple present passive voice 2. Difficult points: 能熟练地运用一般现在时态的被动语态进行句型转换(如:把肯定句变成疑问句等)。 能正确地运用强读和弱读技巧。. Learning strategies通过课文插图来培养学生的想象力。 通过构词法、英语释义、语境来培养学生猜测生词的能力。 通过引导学生在听前阅读3的问题,培养学生形成听前熟悉、预测听力材料的习惯。.Teaching aids联合国总部和潘基文的图片,日文的药品说明书/录音机/幻灯片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2 mins)Class activityPresent a picture of the UN headquarter or a picture of Pan Jiwen. Discuss in groups and list the official languages used in UN. Encourage the students to speak them out.T: Do you know what this is?T: Who is he?T: Great! Do you know what languages are used in the UN? Now discuss in groups and try to name the official languages used in UN.Discuss and speak out the languages.S1: Its the UN.S2: Pan Jiwen.S3: English. S4: Russia. S5: Chinese. S6: .老师可以把多种语言的名词通过小黑板或者屏幕准备好,以降低难度。最后老师一定要给出正确的答案并教读:Chinese, English, French, Russia, Spanish and Arabic.2Revision(5 mins)Group work Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss look at the pictures in 4 on page 58. First, guess the meanings and pronunciations of “divide, dig, lay”. Second, make a sentence with the given words on paper. Third, encourage groups to write one of their sentences on the Bb. Finally, let the Ss check the sentences.T: Look at the pictures and guess the meanings and pronunciations of “divide, dig, lay”. Then make a sentence with them on paper and Id like several students to write one of your groups sentences on the Bb.T: Now check your sentences.Step2: Let the Ss read the sentences they have just written. Pay attention to the stress and weak form.T: Look at the example first, and then Id like some students to read these sentences. Pay attention to the stress and weak form.Guess the meanings and pronunciations of the new words.S1: The cake is divided into pieces by her.S2: The carrots are dug by the rabbit.S3: Read the sentences according to the given example. S1: The cake is divided into pieces by her. S2: The carrots are dug by the rabbit.S3:.先让学生根据图片猜词意,然后借助词汇表读出来。学生可能会弄错dig, lay 的过去分词,老师要及时纠正并强调。尤其是lie 和lay 的过去式与过去分词。先让学生观察例句,总结出哪些词应该强读,哪些词应该弱读。3Pre-listening (7 mins)Class activity Class activityIndividual workStep 1: Present a medicine instruction in Japanese. Let the Ss guess what it is about. Move to 1a.T: Here is an instruction. Look at it carefully and guess what it is about.S1: Its about medicine.T: Wow! You are so smart! How do you know it?T: What does this mean? T: You are very clever. As we know, Japanese is borrowed from Chinese. So Japanese is similar to Chinese in some way.Step 2: Let the Ss look at the picture in 1a and predict by answering the teachers questions.T: Look at the picture in 1a, what is the man doing?Ss: He is .(write down “pack-packing ”on the Bb and teach them. Let the Ss repeat “He is packing”)T: What is he going to do? Guess!Step 3: Let the Ss scan the statements in 1b to get more useful information. Write down “possible-impossible, interpreter, tonight, on business” and encourage the Ss to read and guess the meaning. T: Now, read 1b, you may find some useful information about my questions. Pay attention to the words and phrases on the Bb.Look at the instruction and try to figure out what it is about.S1: Because some words look like Chinese.S2:It means Japanese has the same characters as Chinese.S3:It means Japanese is borrowed from Chinese.Look at the picture in 1a and answer the teachers questions.S1: He is putting away his clothes.S2: He is going to have a good trip.S3: He is going to .老师要及时总结学生的猜测并指出日语是以汉语为基础创造的。在黑板上板书词组“be similar to” 并进行教读。合理利用旧单词,通过前缀或后缀来进行词汇教学,帮助学生通过掌握这种方法来扫除阅读障碍。如:impossible。对于新单词,也可以用简单的英语进行解释,然后让学生用相应的汉语进行表述。如:tonight=on the night of today。还可以通过上下文的语境来猜测词义。如:1b中的interpreter 就可以通过上下文来猜测。4While-listening (4 mins)Individual work Let the Ss listen to 1a once and mark T/F in 1b. Then check the answers together.Listen to 1a mark T/F in 1b and check if their answers are right.不要担心学生不能完全听懂,只要了解大意即可。5Post-listening (17mins)Individual work Class activity Group work Group work Pair workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a carefully and circle the difficult points including words, phrases and sentences. Go around the class and collect what the Ss have circled and write them down on the Bb. Then encourage the Ss to read them and guess the meanings.T: First, read 1a and find the difficult points T: How do you pronounce this word, .?S1:.T: What does this word mean?S2: .Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a in roles to check if they can pronounce properly. Take notes and correct them after reading.T: Now, girls will be Jane and boys will be Father. Read 1a in roles.Step3: Let the Ss discuss in groups and make a list of the key points. Write them down on the Bb.T: Now, work in groups. Its time for you to decide which words, phrases or sentences are useful to you.Step 4: Check the Ss HMK assigned yesterday. Encourage some groups to make a new conversation based on 1a.T: Now, lets check your homework .Which group? Volunteers! You many begin like this “Chinese is spoken as the official language in China.Step 5: Ask the Ss to make a new conversation according to 1a after class.T: We dont have enough time today to make a new conversation, so youd better do it with your partner after class.Read 1a, find the difficult points and try to solve them with the help of all kinds of resources. Read 1a in roles aloud.Discuss and make the list and report to the class.S1: on business, be similar to, have trouble doing sth.S2:conversation, have a conversation, ask sb for help, S3: explain to sb, have a good trip,I wish you success, S4: communicate, pack, .Choose a member to report.S1:French is spoken as the official language in France.S2: Japanese is .in Japan.S3: English is .in Singapore.S4: .到了三年级,大部分学生应该具备借助词汇表来拼读单词的能力。老师只要适时纠正即可。让学生自己总结重点单词,词组和句子。老师对学生没有提到的或者说得不完整的要进行补充。如:have (no) trouble in doing sth., be in trouble /get into trouble, explain sth to sb,wish sb sth.等。老师对学生的答案要做出肯定的评价,如果学生的答案有偏差,老师要给出正确答案。6Finishing task 2 (2 mins)Individual work Let the Ss fill in the blanks alone and then check together. Let the Ss guess what “twin sister” means. T: Complete the blanks alone. When you finish, raise your hand.Fill in the blanks and check the answers. Speak out the answers.当给学生布置某项单人任务时,要求学生做出回应,以便老师掌控时间和步骤。7Finishing task 3 (3 mins)Individual workLet the Ss scan the questions quickly. Then let the Ss listen to the tape. Ask them to pay attention to the most important part.T: Now, you will listen to a story about Mary. Try to catch the answers to the questions.Read the questions .Listen to the tape and check the answers.S1: Mary is a /an.S2: Because Mary .S3: .8Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss go through what they have learned in this period. Speak out what they have learned.T: Now, lets sum up what we have learned today. You can speak out the words, phrases, sentences. And so on.Step 2: HMK: T: Make a new conversation based on 1c on page 57 with your partner according to 1a.Sum up and speak one by one.S1: on business, explain sth. to sb.S2: have trouble doing sth. , in trouble, get into trouble,. Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Section BWords and phrases: Grammar: Sentences:Spanish Is English spoken as the official language? Not really.divide (一般疑问形式) Oh, I see. divide into Have a good trip.lie-lay-lain I wish you success. lay-laid-laid dig-dug-dugbe similar to pack possible-impossibletonight on business interpreter communication-communicate 最新精品英语资料


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