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    最新仁爱版八年级上册英语Unit2 Topic 1教案设计Section D.doc

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    最新仁爱版八年级上册英语Unit2 Topic 1教案设计Section D.doc

    最新教学资料·仁爱版英语八年级上册教案设计Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 You should see a dentist.Section D. Material analysis本节课为单元第五课时。主要活动为Section D 的1。本课对话讲述了Michael受伤在家休息,同学们到家看望他的过程。对话巩固了本单元提建议的几种说法:(1) Youd better do sth. (2) Follow the doctors advice. (3) Dont worry. 呈现了一些新的短语:nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctors advice等。对话呈现了同学之间的友爱和关心。课后要求学生写一篇有关日常小病的文章并提出相对应的建议。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能正确运用以下短语进行书面表达:nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctor s advice等。2. 能正确写一篇有关日常小病的文章并提出相对应的建议。Skill aims:1.能读懂Sections A-C, 完成Section D的Grammar 和Functions。清楚地知道本单元的语法重点。2.能熟练地运用nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctor s advice 等短语,结合本话题其他短语写一篇有关日常小病的文章并提出相对应的建议。Emotional aims:通过对话学习,展现了同学之间友爱之情,教会学生要懂得关心他人、帮助他人、表达并感受人与人之间的美好感情。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:学生能用以下结构提建议:1. should/ shouldnt 2. had better/ had better not 3. Please do sth./ Please dont do sth.Difficult points:1. hurt 在写作中的正确应用。2. 针对疾病或事故提建议及短语动词的正确运用。. Learning strategies巩固学生根据时态的需要,培养过去时和一般现在时正确交错使用的能力。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Everyday saying: A true friend is known in the day of adversity. 疾风知劲草,患难知友情。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. Group work5. The whole class work6. The whole class work7. The whole class work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Students sing together.3. Students act the role-play in their own group. 4. The chosen groups will perform in front of the class, and each one tries to be the best performer.5. Students exchange their homework and correct them.6. Volunteers answer like:(1) My mother.(2) My teacher.(3) My friends.7. Students listen and understand.1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Sing a song together. (Clap your hands if you are happy.) Teacher shows the Chinese words on the screen.3. Ask the whole class to act their role-play: Michael fell down.4. Teacher cast lots to find two groups to act the role-play 1a in Section C. The best actor will be awarded.5. Teacher asks the best performer to write their role-play on the blackboard and corrects it as a model.6. Teacher shows picture of “fruit” for the students to read, asking “If you have some fruit, who will you give to? Why? ”7. Teacher leads to 1, “I will /shall give the fruit to Michael. Lets see him together. ”Presentation(12 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. Some students work4. Some students work1. Students read 1 and look for the corresponding sentences in the exercises.2. Students read the correct sentences.3. Volunteers put the words and phrases under the right pictures.4. Volunteers will say “suggestion”. 1. Teacher asks the students to read 1 and mark T or F.2. Teacher asks the students to correct the wrong parts.3. Teacher lets the students read 1 in pairs, and then puts “worry, worry about” under the corresponding pictures. Three pictures indicating “happy, angry, worried” are shown on the screen. 4. Teacher asks the students to read 1 again and guess the meaning of “advice”.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Some students work3. The whole class work4. Some students work5. The whole class work1. Students read 1 and finish 2 by copying the advice in 1.2. Three students from different groups write their answers on the blackboard.3. Students read the E-mail after the teachers correcting.4. Three students read Grammar, while another three students write their answers to Functions on the blackboard.5. Students correct their answers in their own books.1. Teacher asks the students to finish 2.2. Teacher calls three students to write their answers on the blackboard, and call another student to correct them.3. Teacher corrects if necessary.4. Teacher asks the students to read the Grammar and write the Functions on the blackboard.5. Teacher corrects the answers.Practice(8 minutes)1.Group work2. The whole class work1. Students make sentences orally. Students try to make as many sentences as they can to prepare for the sentence-making. Each one will have to say one sentence, but they dont know which verb phrase they will use.2. Students play the game “Choosing Dr. Best” according to the rules in Project.1. Teacher asks the students to make sentences, describing an illness and giving some advice.have a cold/ fever/ cough/ headache/toothache/ backache/stomachache, drink coffee or tea, drink enough boiled water, lift heavy things, stay in bed and have a good sleep, feel terrible/better,have the flu,take some medicine, have a good rest,lie down and rest, see a dentist, drink cold water, work too long, eat too much candy, eat hot food, hurt his leg,fall down, give some pills,take two pills, see a doctor,call a taxi,take sb to, rest at home, look after sb.Everyone in class has to say one sentence. The order is free. Teacher will point any one to make any sentence.2. Play the game in Project.Production(7 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work1. Students do exercises shown on the screen.2. Students do the following tasks:(1) Memorize the summary after class. (2) Students write down “Dr. Best” after class, preparing for the performance in the next class. (3) Students preview the vocabulary and the dialogue in Section A in Topic 2.1. Teacher shows the summary to the students.2. Teacher assigns homework:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Teacher asks the students to write “Dr. Best”, introducing at least five kinds of illness and giving the proper advice.(3) Preview Section A in Topic 2.Teaching ReflectionRole-play is very interesting. Students are all interested in it. Teacher should design more role-play activities for the students later on. Blackboard designUnit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 You should see a doctor.Section DMaria flew while Michael . “While” here means “at the same time”. is-wasI am going to try something new. fly-flewsomething new do -didfell down with a cry go-went Are you hurt? fall- fellrun- ranDid you hurt yourself? hurt-hurtAre you badly hurt? come- came My leg really hurts. take- took tell-toldMy legs hurt. leave-left The X-rays show that its not serious. are-wereYou need to rest at home. 最新精品英语资料


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