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    高二英语 Module 3 Adventure in literature and the cinema课件.ppt

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    高二英语 Module 3 Adventure in literature and the cinema课件.ppt

    ,Module 3,Adventure in literature and the cinema,The steamboat,Do you like reading English novels ?,There are many types of Novels,Part 1 Lead-in,biography,history,thriller,fantasy,adventure,crime,历险,奇幻小说,传记,历史,犯罪,惊险小说,Check the meaning of these words.,Some types of Novels,Check your homework on p21,exercise2.,thriller,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,history,romantic,biography,crime,fantasy,cartoon,adventure,Of all the different types of books that there are, which type do you most enjoy?,Do you like adventure stories?,Have you heard of the book? What do you know about it?,Mark Twain (l8351910) was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his story of the youthful adventures of Huckleberry Finn.,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is written by Mark Twain.,Twain's classic tale follows Huck and Jim on an exciting journey down the Mississippi.,Links to the story: Huckleberry Finn (Huck) is a teenage boy who has run away from home. His companion is Jim, a black slave who has also run away,The Steamboat,Page22 From the picture, you can see Huck and his friend Jim, the two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a raft when they see something in the water ahead of them What is Huck pointing at? What will happen next?,The steamboat is part of the novel,Read the passage The Steamboat,Part 2 Fast reading Read and enjoy the story in terms of three elements of a story(小说三要素)., The setting of the story,Requirements: Read the first paragraph quickly and silently and find out the answer to the following question. What was the weather like that night? _ _,There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down,II The main plot of the story,Requirements: Read the text and number the events in the order they happen,a. Huck sees three men in a cabin. b. Huck and Jim climb onto the steamboat c. The short man suggests leaving the man on the floor d. Huck and Jim see the steamboat e. Huck and Jim take away the mens boat f. The tall man is pointing a gun at the man on the floor. g. Jim runs back to the raft. h. Huck has a plan Answer: _,d-b-g-a-f-c-h-e,III Analyze the features of main characters,Requirements: Choose the words which best describe the two characters. You may choose from the words given below. Add more, if necessary. (brave, coward, intelligent, loyal , lacking in confidence, curious) Huck:_ Jim: _,brave,intelligent,curious,coward,loyal,lacking in confidence,Listen to the tape and pay more attention to the words you cant pronounce correctly.,1,2-6,7-9,10-11,Divide the passage into four parts,Part 3 Careful reading,leave the steamboat,the situation in the steamboat,board the steamboat,discover the steamboat,The rain poured down.,steamboat,They sailed straight towards the steamboat.,Read the first paragraph and answer the Questions,1.What was the weather like that night? 2. What did they see as they were sailing down the river? 3. What did they do then?,Paragraph 1: discover the steamboat,22,Paragraphs 2-6 board the steamboat,How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat? A. They swam B. They jumped. C. They paddled. 2.How did they get on it ? A. They jumped B. They climbed C. They crawled 3. What did Jim do when they heard someone was going to kill another? A. He was curious and wanted to take a look. B. He panicked and ran back to the raft. C. He was frightened but still wanted to know what was happening.,23,Paragraphs 7-9 the situation in the steamboat,What did the two men on the steamboat do with another man?,The tall man threatened to _ the man on the floor .,The short man suggested leaving the man on the steamboat which will _ in a couple of hours.,sink,shoot,24,Paragraphs 10-11 leave the steamboat,1.what did Huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat? 2.Why did Huck feel bad about what he had done?,He decided to find their boat and _,He didnt want _.,take it away,all three men to die,Test your memory,There was a big storm after midnight and the rain_ down. Huck and Jim stayed inside the_and let the raft _ down the river. Suddenly they saw a steamboat. They decided to _ on to the steamboat. When they heard a mans angry voice,Jim_and ran back to the raft. Huck saw three men in a _.The tall man was _a gun at the man on the floor. The short man suggested _the man on the floor. Huck had a plan. They found the mens boat _to the other side of the steamboat and _ away to a safe distance.,Part4 post-reading,shelter,sail,climb,panicked,cabin,pointing,leaving,tied,poured,paddled,高考链接,课文原句:we stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft sail down the river.,The moment I got home, I found I my jacket on the playground.,A. had left,B. left,C. have left,D. was leaving,A,(2012年陕西卷),past perfect tense,(2012年北京卷) The hotel wasnt particularly good, but I in many worse hotels. A . was staying B. stayed C. would stay D. had stayed,D,Requirements: Prepare in pairs. Try to read with real feelings according to the understanding of the two characters.,Part 5 Practice and enjoy. (给对话配音),激情投入 快乐学习,The dialogue,Jim: I hate the bad weather. It drives me crazy. Huck: Me too. Oh, lightning! Huck: Hey, whats that? Shouting to Jim Jim: A house? Why is there a house on the river? Huck: Mm, anyway, we are sailing towards it! Oh, a steamboat it is! Astonished Jim: And it looks as if itll go under soon! Terrified Huck: Lets go and have a look! Excited Jim: No! I dont want to board a sinking ship! Worried Huck: Come on, friend! Maybe something useful is there! Anxious,Boys and girls, You will- Become fond of reading Fall in love with reading Use your imagination and Take the boat of diligence Sailing in the ocean of literature To enjoy the pleasure of literature To explore the mystery of literature,After this class,Learn more about the culture of different countries ,even cities.,Learn to respect the differences in culture!,2.Imagine what will happen next, and add an ending to the story in your own words.,Homework,1.DO activity 5 on page 25.,Thank you! Wish you a good time!,


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