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    2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 选修7 Unit 2 单元知识检测 .ppt

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    2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 选修7 Unit 2 单元知识检测 .ppt

    单元知识检测,教材回扣,.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.Jamie could hardly wait to (试用) his new bike. 2.When she saw him,she (发出) a cry of horror. 3.A lot of people (同意) these theories. 4.Memories of the homeland (逐渐消失)after many years. 5.Youd better walk around,or your feet will (肿胀).,答案:1.try out 2.let out 3.subscribe to 4.faded away 5.swell up,.课文缩写填空 If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world,it is 1. that you will find aspirin and penicillin.Both of these medicines have proved 2. (benefit) to mankind since they were invented.Aspirin was invented in 1897.The first trials took place in 1899.In 1900 aspirin was sold in shops 3. the form of tablets.Not only has aspirin proved 4. (vitality) for reducing fever and helping stop pain,but there are also other things 5. aspirin can help with.In 1977 a study carried out in the USA showed that aspirin could prevent strokes.Another drug that has helped increase the standard of peoples health is penicillin.It was 6. (discover) by a,Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming in 1928.In 1940,two other scientists managed to make and test the new drug in large 7. (quantity).Since the new drug was needed for World War ,the government 8. (approve) process for penicillin was 9. (accelerate).Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 20th century,10. (save) millions of lives.,答案:1.likely 2.beneficial 3.in 4.vital 5.that/which 6.discovered 7.quantities 8.approval 9.accelerated 10.saving,语境活用,.单句语法填空 1.Its vital that new compulsory age-appropriate relationship and sex education lessons in England (help) equip children to deal with the growing demands of social media. (2018江苏,阅读理解D) 2.I had to change my attitude about their ability and . (potentially).(2018天津,完形填空),答案:1.(should)help 2.potential,3.Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and (astonish)ways. 4.A balanced diet and proper exercise are (benefit) to your health. 5.The cheaper drugs are just as (effect) in treating headaches. 6.Can I still (application) for the vacant position?,答案:3.astonishing 4.beneficial 5.effective 6.apply,7.Peoples health is closely (relate) to climate change. 8.He gave me a painting with his name (subscribe). 9.Exercise is very important as it keeps the (circulate) moving and warms the extremities(人体的末端). 10.They are rock music (addict).,答案:7.related 8.subscribed 9.circulation 10.addicts,.单句语法改错 1.Her father will never approve her marrying such a lazy fellow. 2.A successful arts neighborhood creates a ripple effective throughout a community.(2018江苏卷) 3.However,addicted to cell phones does a lot of harm to the owners. 4.She gave me an astonishing look. 5.With repeated application of weedkiller,the weeds were overcome.,答案:1.approve后加of 2.将effective改为effect 3.addicted前加being 4.将astonishing改为astonished 5.将application改为 applications,6.The boy will go madly if his mother doesnt allow him to play computer games. 7.With temperature rising,we can feel the climate is getting normal. 8.Over 50 boys came to try out on the football team. 9.It is vital that every piece of equipment checks before the experiment. 10.The wounded man let out of a cry of pain.,答案:6.将madly改为mad 7.将normal改为abnormal 8.将on改为for 9.将checks改为(should) be checked 10.去掉第一个of,微写作(借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5个句子连接成一篇小短文),1.很多青少年对电脑游戏上瘾。 2.他们的表现不正常了。,答案:1.Many teenagers are addicted to the computer games. 2.Their behavior is abnormal.,答案:3.The phenomenon is astonishing. 4.Some teenagers think the lessons are dull and wear them out.,3.这种现象令人吃惊。 4.有些青少年认为课堂乏味,使他们厌烦。,答案:5.Parents and teachers should be aware of the seriousness of the problem;it is vital that they should take effective action to help these teenagers.,5.家长和老师应意识到问题的严重性,采取有效措施来帮助这些青少年是非常 重要的。,点击进入 能力提升题组训练,


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