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    AATCC 184-2005 染料粉尘化特性的测定1.pdf

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    AATCC 184-2005 染料粉尘化特性的测定1.pdf

    标准分享网 w w w . b z f x w . c o m 免费下载 Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 338TM 184-2005AATCC Technical Manual/2007 Developed in 1998 by AATCC Committee RA87; reaffirmed 1999, 2000, 2005. Based on and equivalent to ISO 105-Z05. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a means to assess the dusting behavior of dyes. 2. Principle 2.1 Dust is generated from a dye sam- ple by means of a dust-generating device, extracted from the dust-bearing air by vacuum and conveyed to a detection point, where the amount of dust gener- ated is estimated visually or determined quantitatively by a gravimetric or photo- metric option. 3. Terminology 3.1 dust, n.fine particles of solid material dispersed in a gas. 4. Safety Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions are ancillary to the testing proce- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. It is the users responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturers recommenda- tions. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed. 4.1 Follow good laboratory practices. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas. 4.2 An eyewash safety shower should be located nearby and a self-contained breathing apparatus should be readily available for emergency use. 5. Uses and Limitations 5.1 Dyestuff dust is formed during handling operations such as dispensing, transferring, sprinkling, etc. 5.2 The dustiness of dyestuffs is an im- portant characteristic when considering aspects of hygiene, health and safety in the dyestuff consuming industry. It is im- portant, therefore, that a reliable and re- producible method exists to measure this property. 5.3 Although other methods of dust measurements exist, the method given in this test procedure is both more represen- tative of and comparable with actual practice when handling dyestuffs. With respect to a comparison of dyestuffs or the reliability limits, it should be under- stood that the resulting value is not a spe- cific value like density. 5.4 Solid dyes are sold in different physical forms (powdered, granulated, etc.). The particle-size distribution of commercial products varies considerably. The mean particle diameter may be less than 50 µm or as much as several milli- meters. The range of particle-size distri- bution of a solid dye may also be narrow or wide. 5.5 The particle-size distribution of dyestuff dust is largely independent of the physical form of the dyestuff. Two typi- cal particle-size distributions for dyestuff dust are shown in Fig. 1. 6. Apparatus and Materials 6.1 Balance, accurate to ± 0.1 g, for weighing the dye. 6.2 Dust-generating device, with filter holder and connecting joints, and incor- porating the following additional compo- nents (see Figs. 2 and 3, and 13.1 and 13.2). 6.2.1 Filter, white, diameter 50 ± 2 mm, capable of trapping the dust quanti- tatively (pore size 5 µm), for gravimet- ric and photometric options made of cel- lulose acetate nitrate. For the visual option, suitable glass fiber filters can be used. 6.2.2 Vacuum pump with a suction ca- pacity of at least 20 L/min. 6.2.3 Regulator for adjusting the air flow rate. 6.2.4 Flowmeter capable of monitoring the air flow rate between 10-20 L/min. 6.2.5 Timer for opening the slide valve to start suction, and for timing the period of suction. 6.3 Dust assessment apparatus. 6.3.1 For visual option, Gray Scale for Staining (see 13.3 and 13.4). 6.3.2 For gravimetric option, analytical balance. 6.3.3 For photometric option, photom- eter. 6.4 Analytical balance, accurate to ± 0.01 mg, for weighing the dust collected on the filter (see 6.2.1) (gravimetric as- sessment option), and/or photometer, for extinction measurement of the dust col- lected and dissolved in a suitable solvent (photometric assessment option). 6.5 Cleaning device; e.g., brush or vac- uum cleaner, for cleaning the apparatus. 6.6 Tweezers for removing filter paper from the holder after dust generation. 7. Procedure 7.1 Place the filter holder with the filter (see 6.2.1) in the dust generating appara- tus (see 6.2) and close it to give an air- tight fit. If the gravimetric option of as- sessment is used, condition and weigh the filter before insertion into the filter holder. 7.2 Using the balance (see 6.1), care- fully weigh 10.0 ± 0.1 g of the dye and place it in the hopper at the top of the ap- paratus. Start the timer (see 6.2.5) to open the slide valve with a sudden action, al- lowing the dye to drop down through the tube into the dust chamber below. 7.3 Five seconds after the slide has opened, apply a vacuum to extract the dust from the chamber for collection on the filter (see 6.2.1) under the following conditions: 7.3.1 Air flow rate: 15 L/min. 7.3.2 Extraction time: 120 s (starting 5 s after dye has dropped). 7.3.3 Height of fall: 815 ± 5 mm. 7.4 Using tweezers (see 6.6), carefully remove the dust-laden filter from the holder and evaluate it by one of the op- tions given in Section 8. 7.5 Clean the equipment thoroughly (see 6.5) after each test. If the equipment is wet-cleaned, take particular care that it is dried thoroughly. 8. Assessment of Filter 8.1 Visual option. Compare the dust- laden filter visually with the Gray Scale for Staining (see 6.3.1) rate the filter us- ing Table I of Evaluation Procedure 2. Half-grades may be used. 8.2 Gravimetric option. Weigh the dust- laden filter on the analytical balance (see 6.4) to the nearest 0.01 mg. Since with low-dusting products the mass of dust is very small ( 1 mg), considerable errors are to be expected with the gravimetric Table IDust Assessment Rating Scale GradeDescription 5No dust 4Slightly dusty 3Moderately dusty 2Dusty 1Very dusty AATCC Test Method 184-2005 Dusting Behavior of Dyes: Determination of Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC Technical Manual/2007TM 184-2005339 option. In such cases preference should be given to photometric measurement. 8.3 Photometric option. For photomet- ric measurement of the amount of dust, dissolve the dyestuff by shaking well the dust-laden filter in a suitable solvent at room temperature. When a clear solution has formed, measure the transmission with a photometer and read the corre- sponding amount of dust off a previously prepared calibration graph (see 12.1). 9. Evaluation 9.1 The generation and detection of dust depend on a great number of param- eters. For this reason, the determination of the amount of dust yields results which are valid for the specified test conditions. This means that a direct comparison of either the visual or the quantitative results of dust behavior with results from other test methods is not possible. However, the relative order of results of a set of test specimens from one test method is likely to be comparable with that from other test methods. 9.2 Visual option. Express the results of the visual option as the Gray Scale rat- ing obtained in 8.1. 9.2.1 A quantitative determination of the amount of dust produced by a dye is not possible by the visual option. The main reasons for this are different particle size distributions, particle sizes and shades of the dust in each case. 9.2.2 Visual assessment is subjective and depends on factors such as the expe- rience of the examiner, the hue of the layer of dust and the nature of the filter surface (smooth or rough). Variations of up to half a grading unit are inherent in this system. Empirically, the total error under reproducibility conditions (same apparatus and laboratory) does not ex- ceed this value. 9.3 Gravimetric and Photometric op- tions. 9.3.1 Record the results obtained from 8.2 and 8.3 in milligrams of dyestuff dust collected. 9.3.2 In both of the quantitative options (gravimetric and photometric), the deter- mination is based on the amount of dust trapped on the filter. Because the amount of dust is measured in milligrams, in the gravimetric option, variations in the con- ditioning of the filter and electrostatic in- fluences can lead to substantial errors. If the amount of dust is determined by pho- tometry, care must be taken that the trans- mission is measured on clear solutions. According to the experience of various laboratories, a reproducibility of about 10% (coefficient of variation) can be at- tained under favorable conditions. 9.4 Scatter of results. In some cases, scattering of the results may occur. The main causes of this are: 9.4.1 Factors specific to the apparatus: The air flow rate is incorrectly adjusted. The air flow rate through the apparatus is not constant, or the vacuum is incorrectly applied. The timing control is imprecise. 9.4.2 External factors: Humidity. Electrostatic charges inside the vertical tube and the dust chamber. Inhomogeneous distribution of the dust within the sample. 10. Report 10.1 The report should include the fol- lowing information: 10.1.1 A full description of the sample tested. 10.1.2 The mass of the test specimen. Fig. 1Typical graphical representation of the amount of dust (by volume) as a function of the dust-particle diameter. Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 340TM 184-2005AATCC Technical Manual/2007 HTotal fall height1815 mm ± 5 mm hDust chamber height195 mm± 5 mm DDust chamber diameterØ 210 mm ر 5 mm dDrop tube diameterØ 47 mm ر 1 mm 1Total fall height is measured from the top side of the slide valve plate to the inside face of the dust chamber. Fig. 2Apparatus for dust determination. Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC Technical Manual/2007TM 184-2005341 10.1.3 The assessment option used and the result obtained, expressed as in 9.2 and 9.3. 10.1.4 Details of any deviation from the procedure. 11. Precision and Bias 11.1 Summary. The precision is based on data for the gravimetric option con- tained in Annex A of ISO 105-Z05:1996, Determination of the dusting behaviour of dyes. Four laboratories participated in the study, testing three dyes at two time periods at 10 determinations each period. Three laboratories were judged to be at a similar performance level. Testing at the two time periods showed no effect. All of the data from the three laboratories were included in the analysis, using analysis of variance. 11.2 Precision. Because of the limited test plan, this is included as an interim precision statement. 11.2.1 Components of variance are given as standard deviations, with units of mg/filter, and as variances, with units of (mg/filter)2, in the following table: 11.2.2 Critical Differences. A differ- ence between two averages, under the ap- propriate precision category, is statisti- cally significant at the 95% confidence level, if the difference is equal to or greater than the table value shown (see Table II). Most comparisons are likely to be un- der the single dye category. However, if comparisons are made across dyes, use the multiple dye columns which include the effect of the interaction component of variance. 11.3 Bias. This test method has no known bias. There is no referee method for determining a true value for the dust- ing behavior of dyes by which bias may be established. 12. References 12.1 AATCC Method 182, Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solution (see 13.3). 13. Notes 13.1 Available from Roaches International, Upper Hulme, Leek, Staffordshire UK; tel: 44 01538 300425; fax: 44 01538 300364. 13.2 Instead of a filter and filter holder, other dust-detection devices may be fitted to the apparatus, such as an impactor or an opti- cal particle counter. 13.3 Available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: ordersaatcc.org. 13.4 It is also possible to carry out a visual assessment of colorless solid materials. How- ever, special care has to be exercised in such cases. Black filters may be helpful, but require separate preliminary trials. It is preferable to use the gravimetric or photometric option. Components of Variance Std. DeviationVariance Between-Laboratory0.0000.000 Laboratory X Dye Interaction 0.1870.035 Within-Laboratory0.2760.076 Fig. 3Filter holder. Table II N Single Dye ComparisonsMultiple Dye Comparisons Within- Laboratory Between- Laboratory Within- Laboratory Between- Laboratory 50.340.340.620.62 Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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