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    磁粉II级规范考试试卷 磁粉II级规范考试试卷 MT Level II Specific Examination 姓名: 答卷时间: 地点: Name Time Location 得分: 评卷人: 时间: Marks Examiner Date 1. 采用触头法探测厚度为40mm的焊缝时,磁化电流的选择应为: ( A ) A) 45A/mm B) 3.64.4A/mm C) 68A/mm D) 上述均可 For MT of 40mm thick material with prod technique, the magnetization current shall be : A) 45A/mm B) 3.64.4A/mm C) 68A/mm D) all of the above 2. 采用触头法探伤,触头间距不应超过_mm,但小于_mm的触头间距通常 是不适宜的。 ( A ) A) 200mm, 75mm B) 150mm, 75mm C) 200mm, 50mm D) 150mm, 50mm For the prod technique, prod spacing shall not exceeds _mm, but prod spacing of less than _mm are usually not practical. A) 200mm, 75mm B) 150mm, 75mm C) 200mm, 50mm D) 150mm, 50mm 3. 对磁轭法,直流和交流磁轭的提升力在最大磁极间距时各不得小于多少公斤? ( C ) A) 直流磁轭为25kg,交流磁轭为10kg B) 直流磁轭为10kg,交流磁轭为2kg C) 直流磁轭为18kg,交流磁轭为4.5kg D) 直流磁轭为100kg,交流磁轭为50kg For yoke technique, alternating or direct current electromagnetic yokes shall have a minimum lifting power at the maximum pole spacing. They are: A) direct current electromagnetic yokes 25kg, AC yoke 10kg B) direct current electromagnetic yokes 10kg, AC yoke 2kg C) direct current electromagnetic yokes 18kg, AC yoke 4.5kg D) direct current electromagnetic yokes 100kg, AC yoke 50kg 4. 采用纵向磁化时,当工件长度L与工件外径D之比小于4,但不小于2,则磁化安匝数应按下列 哪个公式计算: ( C ) A) DL/ 4500 =匝安 B) 2/ 35000 + = DL 匝安 C) DL/ 45000 =匝安 D) DL/ 35000 =匝安 For MT of parts, which L/D ratios is less than 4 but not less than 2, with longitudinal magnetization technique, the magnetizing ampere-turns shall be determined as follows: (L-the length of the part, D-the diameter of the part) A) DL turnsAmpere / 4500 = B) 2/ 35000 + = DL turnsAmpere C) DL turnsAmpere / 45000 = D) DL turnsAmpere / 35000 = 5. 对外径100mm,壁厚10mm,长度50mm的管状工件进行外表面纵向缺陷磁粉检测时,下列哪 种磁化方法最合适? ( A ) A) 轴向通电法 B) 线圈磁化法 C) 中心导体法 D) 触头法 Which magnetization technique is best suited to detect surface defects along its length for tubular product with outer diameter 100mm, thickness 10mm, and length 50mm. A)direct contact technique B)magnetization is produced by passing a current through a multiturn coil C)central conductor induced magnetization technique D)prod technique 6. 磁场指示器: ( D ) A) 用作磁场强度及其分布的一种定量指示 B) 仅仅反映了零件试验区域表面上的磁场强度和方向 C) 用作零件磁化是否合适及指示磁化方向的一种方便但是粗略的核查 D) 以上B和C Magnetic particle field indicator: A) is intended as a quantitative indicator of field strength or distribution B) reflects only field strength and direction at the surface and in the area of the part under test C) may be used as a convenient rough check of the adequacy and direction of part magnetization D) b and c 7. 荧光磁粉磁悬液浓度为: ( B ) A) 0.51ml/100ml B) 0.10.5ml/100ml C) 0.10.5ml/100ml D) 0.21ml/100ml Concentration of fluorescent magnetic particle suspensions is: A) 0.51ml/100ml B) 0.10.5ml/100ml C) 0.10.5ml/100ml D) 0.21ml/100ml 8. 进行荧光磁粉检验时,被检物体表面处的黑光强度在用适当的黑光计测定时应不小于: ( B ) A) 2000W/cm2 B) 1000W/cm2 C) 800W/cm2 D) 500W/cm2 When measured with a suitable black-light meter, the black light intensity at the examination surface should not be less than: A) 2000W/cm2 B) 1000W/cm2 C) 800W/cm2 D) 500W/cm2 9. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁粉检验前,被检区域和邻近区域至少 范围内必须干燥并 且不得有任何灰尘、油脂、纤维、氧化皮、焊渣、飞溅、油或其它会影响检验的外来物质。 ( D ) A) 10mm B) 15mm C) 20mm D) 25mm According to the procedure MR/QP005, prior to magnetic examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least shall be dry and free of any dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, spatter, oil or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination. A) 10mm B) 15mm C) 20mm D) 25mm 10. 在我公司使用哪一种技术来进行磁化? ( D ) A) 触头法 B) 磁轭法 C) 线圈法 D) 上述全部 In our company, which technique is used for magnetization? A) prod B) yoke C) coil D) all of the above 11. 在我公司哪种设备用于磁粉探伤? ( C ) A) WC-6 B) 230B C)B310S D) A或B In our company, which equipment will be used for magnetic particle examination? A) WC-6 B) 230B C) B310S D) A or B 12. 非荧光磁粉检验使用可见光,在检验和评定显示时,为了保证足够的灵敏度,需要的最小 光强是: ( B ) A) 500Lx B) 1000Lx C) 1500Lx D) 2000Lx In MT with nonfluorescent particles, the examination is performed using visible light. A minimum light intensity of is required to ensure adequate sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications. A) 500Lx B) 1000Lx C) 1500Lx D) 2000Lx w w w . b z f x w . c o m 13. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,工件被检表面不得存在: ( B ) A) 小于2mm的圆形显示 B) 相关的线状显示 C) 小于1.6mm的圆形显示 D) 大于1.6mm的圆形显示 According to the procedure MR/QP005, all surfaces to be examined shall be free of: A) rounded indications less than 2mm B) relevant linear indications C) rounded indications less than 1.6mm D) rounded indications greater than 1.6mm 14. 为了验证磁场强度是否足以检测缺陷,下列哪一种指示器最适宜用于湿磁粉检测?( B ) A) 磁场指示器 B) 人工缺陷试片 C) 上述A和B D) 以上都不是 To verify the adequacy of magnetic field strength, which following indicator is best used with wet particle procedures? A) magnetic particle field indicator B) artificial flaw shims C) both A and B D) none of the above 15. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,对非荧光磁粉湿磁悬液的浓度为 ( B ) A) 0.51.0ml/100ml B) 1.22.4ml/100ml C) 1.02.0ml/100ml D) 1.52.5ml/100ml According to the procedure MR/QP005, the concentration of wet magnetic suspension for nonfluorescent particles shall be A) 0.51.0ml/100ml B) 1.22.4ml/100ml C) 1.02.0ml/100ml D) 1.52.5ml/100ml 16. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁粉检测时操作者至少应为 级人员。 ( A ) A) I B) II C) III D) IV According to the procedure MR/QP005, the operator performing magnetic particle testing shall be qualified to at least A) I B) II C) III D) IV 17. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁粉检测时湿磁悬液和工件表面的温度不应超过 ( D ) A) 20 B) 30 C) 50 D) 57 According to the procedure MR/QP005, in magnetic particle testing the temperature of the wet particle suspension and the surface of the part shall not exceed . A) 20 B) 30 C) 50 D) 57 18. 按照规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁粉检测时在每一被检部位至少应分别进行几次检测?( B ) A) 一次 B) 二次 C) 三次 D) 四次 According to the procedure MR/QP005, how many examinations shall be conducted at least on each area inspected in magnetic particle testing A) once B) twice C) thrice D) four 19. 规程CXZJ-NDE07-04可适用于 ( D ) A) 铁磁材料的表面不连续检测 B) 镍基材料的表面不连续检测 C) 铁磁材料的近表面不连续检测 D) 以上A和C The procedure MR/QP005 may be apply to: A) detect discontinuities on the surface of ferromagnetic material B) detect discontinuities open to the surface of nickel base material C) detect discontinuities on the subsurface of ferromagnetic material D) A and B above 20. 规程CXZJ-NDE07-04可适用于 ( B ) A) 干磁粉连续法 B) 湿磁粉连续法 C) 干磁粉剩磁法 D) 湿磁粉剩磁法 The procedure MR/QP005 may be apply to: A) dry particle continous magnetization technique B) wet particle continous magnetization technique C) dry particle residual magnetization technique w w w . b z f x w . c o m D) wet particle residual magnetization technique 21. 根据规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,检测结果的评定要由 人员完成 ( D ) A) I级 B) II级 C) III级 D) B或C According to the procedure MR/QP005, interpretation of results shall only be performed by: A) Level I B) Level II C) Level III D) B or C 22. 根据规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁粉应 ( D ) A) 具有高磁导率 B) 具有低剩磁 C) 颗粒度为200300目 D) 以上都对 According to the procedure MR/QP005, magnetic partied shall A) have high permeability B) have low retentivity C) have the graininess between 200 and 300 mesh D) all of above 23. 根据规程CXZJ-NDE07-04,磁悬液的施加应 ( D ) A) 在磁化电流存在期间 B) 在磁场撤离之前先断开磁悬液的施加 C) 采用喷洒的方式,在工件上自上往下施加 D) 以上都对 According to the procedure MR/QP005, the wet magnetic particle fluid shall be applied: A) during the application of the magnetizing current B) and cut off the bath application prior to removing the magnetic field C) by spraying to the surface of the part to be inspected from the top and working down D) all of above 24. 根据ASME规范第V卷第七章,长形工件应分段检测,每段长度应不超过 ( D ) A) 6in B) 10in C) 15in D) 18in According to the ASME Code, Section V, Article 7, long parts shall be examined in sections not exceed: A) 6in B) 10in C) 15in D) 18in 25. 根据ASME规范第V卷第七章,磁化区域超出线圈任一端 时,磁化有效性应用磁场 指示器或人工缺陷试片验证 ( A ) A) 6in B) 9in C) 12in D) 15in According to the ASME Code, Section V, Article 7, if the area to be magnetized extends beyond on either side of the coils center, field adequacy shall be demonstrated using a magnetic field indicator or artifical flaw shims. A) 6in B) 9in C) 12in D) 15in 磁粉II级基础理论试卷 磁粉II级基础理论试卷 MT Level II General Examination 姓名: 答卷时间: 地点: Name Time Location 得分: 评卷人: 时间: Marks Examiner Date 1. 每平方厘米一根磁感应线的度量单位为: ( C ) A) 一奥斯特 B) 一欧姆 C) 一高斯 D) 一安培 The unit of measure of one line of flux per square centimeter of area is one: A) Oersted B) Ohm C) Gauss D) Ampere 2. 围绕零件的线圈产生: ( B ) A) 周向磁场 B) 纵向磁场 C) 依电流类型可能为A,也可能为B D) 间隙磁场 A coil around the part produces: A) a circular field B) a longitudinal field C) either A and B depending on the type of current applied D) an intermittent field 3. 能被强烈地吸引到磁铁上的材料叫做: ( C ) A) 被磁化的材料 B) 非磁性材料 C) 铁磁性材料 D) 被极化的材料 Materials which are strongly attracted to a magnet are called: A) magnetized B) nonmagnetic C) ferromagnetic D) polarized 4. 受磁场吸引微弱的材料叫做: ( A ) A) 顺磁性材料 B) 抗磁性材料 C) 铁磁性材料 D) 非磁性材料 Materials which are weakly attracted magnetically are called. A) paramagnetic B) diamagnetic C) ferromagnetic D) nonmagnetic 5. 被磁场排斥的材料叫做: ( B ) A) 顺磁性材料 B) 抗磁性材料 C) 铁磁性材料 D) 非磁性材料 Materials which are repelled magnetically are called. A) paramagnetic B) diamagnetic C) ferromagnetic D) nonmagnetic 6. 磁铁上,磁力线进入的一端叫做: ( B ) A) 北极 B) 南极 C) 北极和南极 D) 以上都不是 The end of a magnet at which the lines of flux are entering is: A) the north pole B) the south pole C) both north and south poles D) none of the above 7. 将铁粉撒在一根磁棒上的纸上,由铁粉形成的图案叫做: ( C ) A) 磁场测量图 B) 磁强计 C) 磁图 D) 磁通计 The pattern of iron powder sprinkled on a paper placed over bar magnet is called: A) field survey B) magnetometer C) magnetograph D) flux meter 8. 在环形磁铁上围绕一个裂纹形成的磁力线叫做: ( B ) A) 磁力线 B) 漏磁通 C) 磁场强度 D) 纵向磁场 The lines of force that form a path around a crack in a ring magnet are called: A) magnetic line of force B) leakage flux C) field strength D) longitudinal field 9. 棒形磁铁内的磁力线沿磁铁的长度方向,这个磁棒的磁化叫做? ( D ) A) 随机磁化 B) 永久磁化 C) 周向磁化 D) 纵向磁化 Since the magnetic lines of force within a bar magnet run the length of the bar, it is said to be: A) randomly magnetized B) permanently magnetized C) circularly magnetized D) longitudinally magnetized 10. 下列哪种方法可使试样退磁? ( D ) A) 高于居里温度的热处理 B) 交流线圈 C) 可反向的直流磁场 D) 以上方法均可以 A specimen may be demagnetized by which of the following methods? A) heat treatment above curie temperature B) AC coil C) reversing DC fields D) all of the above 11. 零件中磁性均匀性的间断与什么参数的急剧变化有关? ( D ) A) 电感 B) 电阻率 C) 电容 D) 磁导率 A break in the magnetic uniformity of a part that is called a magnetic discontinuity is related to a sudden change in? A) inductance B) resistivity C) capacitance D) permeability 12. 直径为1英寸和2英寸的棒材通过相同的电流进行磁化,其表面磁场: ( D ) A) 两根棒的磁场相同 B) 直径为2英寸的棒材磁场较强 C) 直径为1英寸的棒材磁场较弱 D) 直径为1英寸的棒材磁场较强 If one-inch and two-inch diameter bars were magnetized by passing the same current through them, the magnetic fields would be: A) the same for both B) stronger in the two-inch diameter bar C) weaker in the one-inch diameter bar D) stronger in the one-inch diameter bar 13. 同样大小的电流通过两根尺寸相同的导体时,如果一根是磁性的,另一根是非磁性的,则 围绕导体的磁场: ( D ) A) 磁性导体周围的磁场较强 B) 非磁性导体周围的磁场较强 C) 随磁导率变化 D) 两根导体一样 If a current of the same amperage is passed through two conductors with the same dimensions one of which is magnetic and one of which is nonmagnetic, the magnetic field surrounding the conductors will: A) be stringer for the magnetic conductor B) be stronger for the nomagnetic conductor C) vary with the permeability D) be the same for both conductors 14. 下面哪种铸造的缺陷是由于冷却不均匀产生的应力使金属表面断裂而引起的? ( B ) A) 缩松 B) 热裂 C) 气孔 D) 夹渣 Which of the following casting defects is caused by non-uniform cooling resulting in stresses which rupture the surface of the metal? A) shrink B) hot tears C) porosity D) dross 15. 表示电路中电阻、电压和电容的综合效应对电流总阻力的术语是: ( B ) A) 感抗 B) 阻抗 C) 磁阻 D) 衰减 The term used to refer to the total opposition to flow of currentre presented by the combined effect of resistance, inductance, and capacitance of a circuit is: A) inductive reactance B) impedance C) reluctance D) decay 16. 对一个未经加工的坯件进行磁粉检验时,发现一个向各个方向延伸的显示。显示看起来垂 直于表面,延伸至零件深处,显示非常清晰,该显示可能是哪种缺陷? ( A ) A) 锻裂 B) 折叠 C) 白点 D) 缝隙 A rough forging that has received no further processing is magnetic particle tested. An indication w w w . b z f x w . c o m is observed to run in every direction. It appears to extend deeply into the part and perpendicular to the surface. It is very sharp. What is the probable identity of the indication? A) forging burst B) lap C) flake D) seam 17. 半波整流交流电用来检测: ( C ) A) 表面缺陷 B) 近表面缺陷 C) 表面和近表面缺陷 D) 以上都不是 Half wave rectified AC(HWDC) is used for detection of: A) surface defects only B) subsurface defects only C) surface and subsurface defects D) none of the above 18. 下面哪种缺陷不是滚轧产品中常见的缺陷: ( C ) A) 缝隙 B) 分层 C) 冷隔 D) 裂纹 Which one of the following is not a discontinuity common to rolled products? A) Seams B) Laminations C) Cold shuts D) Cracks 19. 下面哪种缺陷不是锻造产品中常见的缺陷? ( B ) A) 折叠 B) 缩孔 C) 裂纹 D) 白点 Which one of the following is not a discontinuity common to forged products A) laps B) shrinkage C) bursts D) flakes 20. 下列缺陷中,哪种缺陷被认为是对零件使用寿命最有害的? ( C ) A) 近表面夹杂 B) 近表面气孔和孔穴 C) 露出表面的裂纹 D) 以上都是 Of the following discontinuity categories, which one is considered most detrimental to the service life of an item? A) subsurface inclusions B) subsurface porosity and voids C) cracks open to the surface D) all of the above 21. 电流从正到负流过线圈时, 建立一个纵向磁场, 下面哪种法则可用来确定磁场的方向?( B ) A) 左手定则 B) 右手定则 C) 欧姆定律 D) 没有相关的定律 With current flowing from + to - in a coil, a longitudinal field is created. Which of the following may be used to establish the direction of the magnetic field? A) left hand rule B) right hand rule C) ohms law D) there is no relevant law 22. 电流通过导体时,围绕导体的是: ( C ) A) 涡流场 B) 电流 C) 磁场 D) 剩磁场 If a current is passed through an electrical conduc


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