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    BS 499-1-1991 Welding terms and symbols — Part 1 Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.pdf

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    BS 499-1-1991 Welding terms and symbols — Part 1 Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.pdf

    BRITISH STANDARD BS 499-1:1991 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Welding terms and symbols Part 1: Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting UDC 621.791:001.4 + 003.62 BS 499-1:1991 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Welding Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 28 February 1991 © BSI 03-1999 First published August 1933 Second edition June 1939 Third edition October 1952 Fourth edition October 1965 Fifth edition November 1983 Sixth edition February 1991 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference WEE/1 Drafts for comment 88/75043 DC 89/76391 DC ISBN 0 580 19093 5 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Welding Standards Policy Committee (WEE/-) to Technical Committee WEE/1 upon which the following bodies were represented: Aluminium Federation Associated Offices Technical Committee British Institute of Non-destructive Testing British Shipbuilders City and Guilds of London Institute (Advisory Committee) Institute of Metals Institution of Production Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited Welding Institute Welding Manufacturers Association (BEAMA Ltd.) Amendments issued since publication Amd. NoDate of issueComments 9227November 1996 Indicated by a sideline in the margin BS 499-1:1991 © BSI 03-1999i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Forewordvi Section 1. Terms common to more than one section3 Section 2. Terms relating to welding with pressure15 Subsection 21.Terms relating to more than one subsection15 Subsection 22.Terms relating only to resistance welding17 Subsection 23.Terms relating only to pressure welding41 Subsection 24. Terms relating only to ultrasonic welding42 Subsection 25. Terms relating only to diffusion welding42 Subsection 26. Terms relating only to explosive welding43 Subsection 27. Terms relating only to friction welding44 Subsection 28. Terms relating only to magnetically-impelled arc butt welding44 Section 3 Terms relating to fusion welding (welding without pressure)45 Subsection 31. Terms relating to more than one subsection45 Subsection 32. Terms relating only to arc welding66 Subsection 33. Terms relating only to gas welding80 Subsection 34. Terms relating only to aluminothermic welding82 Subsection 35. Terms relating only to electron beam welding84 Subsection 36. Terms relating only to electro-slag welding89 Subsection 37. Terms relating only to light radiation welding90 Section 4. Terms relating to braze welding and brazing91 Subsection 41. Terms relating to braze welding91 Subsection 42. Terms relating only to brazing92 Section 5. Terms relating to testing95 Section 6. Terms relating to weld imperfections100 Section 7. Terms relating to thermal cutting105 Subsection 71. Terms relating to more than one subsection105 Subsection 72. Terms relating only to oxygen cutting108 Subsection 73.Terms relating only to arc cutting111 Subsection 74. Terms relating only to spark erosion cutting111 Subsection 75. Terms relating only to electron beam cutting111 Subsection 76. Terms relating only to laser cutting112 Appendix A Typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for flash welding113 Appendix B Typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for spot welding113 Appendix C Typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for seam welding113 Appendix D Typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for projection welding114 Appendix E Typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for friction welding114 Appendix F Typical information to appear on welding procedure sheets for fusion welding processes114 Appendix G Typical information to appear on a cutting procedure sheet for oxygen flame cutting115 Alphabetical index116 Figure 1 Chart of derivation of welding processes1 BS 499-1:1991 ii © BSI 03-1999 Page Figure 2 Chart of derivation of brazing processes2 Figure 3 Chart of derivation of thermal cutting processes2 Figure 4 Root, fusion, penetration, weld junction and zones of typical welds4 Figure 5 Examples of series spot welding18 Figure 6 Mash weld20 Figure 7 Weld nugget20 Figure 8 Vertical centre electrode21 Figure 9 Vertical offset electrode21 Figure 10 Angle offset electrode22 Figure 11 Cranked offset electrode22 Figure 12 Time and pressure diagram for simple spot, stitch or projection welding26 Figure 13 Time and pressure diagram for pulsation spot or projection welding26 Figure 14 Time and pressure diagram for spot or projection welding, programme control27 Figure 15 Time and pressure diagram for pulsation spot or projection welding, programme control27 Figure 16 Time and pressure diagram for spot welding, programme control with dual-pressure cycle28 Figure 17 Time and pressure diagram for seam welding28 Figure 18 Time and pressure diagram for step-by-step seam welding29 Figure 19 Time and pressure diagram for roller spot welding29 Figure 20 Time and pressure diagram for step-by-step roller spot welding30 Figure 21 Time and pressure diagram for straight flash welding30 Figure 22 Generalized diagram of speed, applied force, axial movement and time for continuous drive friction welding31 Figure 23 Generalized diagram of speed, applied force, axial movement and time for stored-energy friction welding33 Figure 24 Angle centre electrode38 Figure 25 Swan-necked electrode38 Figure 26 Example of back-step sequence45 Figure 27 Example of skip sequence45 Figure 28 Examples of block sequences46 Figure 29 Sketches of types of joints, types of weld(s) and weld preparations47 Figure 30 Gap, root face, root radius, land, included angle and angle of bevel for typical weld preparations54 Figure 31 Examples of toes, legs and weld widths55 Figure 32 Roots of typical weld preparations56 Figure 33 Actual throat thickness and design throat thickness of typical welds57 Figure 34 Examples of excess weld metal58 Figure 35 Welding positions: slope (s)60 Figure 36 Schematic diagram of main welding positions60 Figure 37 Simplified view of main welding positions61 Figure 38 Comparison of UK(USA) and ISO welding positions61 BS 499-1:1991 © BSI 03-1999iii Page Figure 39 Penetration bead63 Figure 40 Weld preparation using a fusible insert64 Figure 41 Surge reignition71 Figure 42 Types of rectification73 Figure 43 Neutral oxy-acetylene flame80 Figure 44 Carburizing oxy-acetylene flame80 Figure 45 Carburizing oxy-acetylene flame for a hard surfacing application80 Figure 46 Oxidizing oxy-acetylene flame80 Figure 47 Leftward welding81 Figure 48 Rightward welding81 Figure 49 All-position rightward welding82 Figure 50 Basic equipment for aluminothermic welding83 Figure 51 Diagrammatic representation of a diode gun85 Figure 52 Diagrammatic representation of a triode gun85 Figure 53 Diagrammatic representation of a back-bombarded gun86 Figure 54 Electro-slag welding89 Figure 55 Bell butt joint91 Figure 56 Diminishing bell butt joint91 Figure 57 Short bell branch joint92 Figure 58 U-tensile test specimen96 Figure 59 Cruciform test pieces97 Figure 60 Method of obtaining cruciform test specimen97 Figure 61 Tongue-bend test specimen98 Figure 62 Shear test piece98 Figure 63 Excess penetration bead100 Figure 64 Root concavity100 Figure 65 Incompletely filled groove100 Figure 66 Shrinkage groove100 Figure 67 Undercut100 Figure 68 Lack of sidewall fusion102 Figure 69 Lack of root fusion102 Figure 70 Lack of inter-run fusion102 Figure 71 Incomplete root penetration102 Figure 72 Drag105 Figure 73 Single-cantilever cutting machine106 Figure 74 Double-cantilever cutting machine107 Figure 75 Extended boom single-cantilever cutting machine107 Figure 76 Portal cutting machine107 Figure 77 Double-portal cutting machine107 Figure 78 Portal-cantilever cutting machine108 Table 1 Terms and symbols for main welding positions59 BS 499-1:1991 vi © BSI 03-1999 Foreword This Part of BS 499 has been prepared under the direction of the Welding Standards Policy Committee. This edition introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review or revision of the standard, which will be under taken in due course. It replaces BS 499-1:1983 which is withdrawn. There is, at present, a considerable amount of activity in the field of welding terminology in both European and international standardization and it was considered necessary to allow time for this work to be established before instituting a complete revision of this glossary. In the meantime, however, some amendment was felt to be necessary to keep the glossary up to date. The chief changes made were the addition of terms associated with robotic welding, amendments to the time and pressure diagrams for some resistance welding processes, the deletion of the subsection containing terms relating to forge welding and the addition of a figure showing a comparison of the designation of welding positions in the UK and internationally. The glossary is arranged in classified sections similar to those of the previous edition. This layout makes it possible to find either a term to convey a particular meaning or, in conjunction with the alphabetical index, the meaning of a particular term. It is apparent, therefore, that considerable advantages are achieved over a purely alphabetical list of terms which presupposes knowledge of the term in question. Charts showing the derivation of welding, cutting and allied processes are given in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3. Appendix A to Appendix G give guidance on typical information to appear on a welding procedure sheet for various types of welding process the range of which having been extended from that of the previous edition. Preferred and equivalent terms are given in bold type, non-preferred terms are given in medium type and deprecated terms are given in medium type with their status indicated. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 127 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Figure 1 Chart of derivation of welding processes Figure 2 Chart of derivation of brazing processes Figure 3 Chart of derivation of thermal cutting processes BS 499-1:1991 © BSI 03-19993 Section 1. Terms common to more than one section No.TermDefinition 10 001weldingAn operation in which two or more parts are united, by means of heat or pressure or both, in such a way that there is continuity in the nature of the metal between these parts. A filler metal, the melting temperature of which is of the same order as that of the parent metal, may or may not be used. 10 002weldA union of pieces of metal made by welding. 10 003welderThe operator who performs the welding. 10 004 welding plant welder: deprecated The entire apparatus for providing and controlling energy, and movement if necessary, for making a weld. 10 005welding process A particular method of welding involving the application of certain metallurgical, electrical, physical, chemical or mechanical principles. 10 006automatic welding Welding in which all the welding parameters are controlled. Manual adjustments may be made between welding operations but not during welding. 10 007semi-automatic weldingWelding in which some of the welding parameters, such as arc length, are automatically controlled, but manual guidance is necessary. 10 008shop weld A weld made within the premises of the manufacturer of the welded assembly. 10 009 site weldA weld made at the location where the assembly is to be installed. 10 010 strength weldA weld designed to withstand stress. 10 011 parent metal base metal: deprecated Metal to be joined or surfaced by welding, braze welding or brazing. (See Figure 4.) 10 012filler metalMetal added during welding, braze welding, brazing or surfacing. 10 013filler wire welding wire Filler metal in the form of a coil of wire. 10 014 filler rod welding rod: deprecated Filler metal in the form of a rod. BS 499-1:1991 4 © BSI 03-1999 10 015covered filler rod coated filler rod: deprecated A filler rod having a covering of flux. 10 016fluxMaterial used during welding, brazing or braze welding to clean the surfaces of the joint chemically, to prevent atmospheric oxidation and to reduce impurities. In arc welding, many other substances, which perform special functions, are added. 10 017deposited metalFiller metal after it becomes part of a weld or joint. 10 018weld metal All metal melted during the making of a weld and retained in the weld. (See Figure 4.) 10 019run pass The metal melted or deposited during one passage of an electrode, torch or blowpipe. Figure 4 Root, fusion penetration, weld junction and zones of typical welds No.TermDefinition 10 020 deposition rateThe mass of metal deposited in a unit of time. 10 021weld zone The zone containing the weld metal and the heat-affected zone. (See Figure 4.) 10 022heat-affected zone (abbrev. HAZ) The part of the parent metal that is metallurgically affected by the heat of welding or thermal cutting, but not melted. (See Figure 4.) 10 023fusion zoneThe part of the parent metal that is melted into the weld metal. (See Figure 4.) BS 499-1:1991 © BSI 03-19995 No.TermDefinition 10 024 weld junctionThe boundary between the fusion zone and the heat-affected zone. (See Figure 4.) 10 025 welding techniqueThe manner in which an operator manipulates an electrode, a blowpipe or a similar appliance. 10 026welding procedure A specific course of action followed in welding, including a list of materials and, where necessary, tools to be used. (See Appendix A to Appendix G.) 10 027welding procedure testThe making and testing of a representative welded joint, in order to prove the feasibility of a welding procedure. NOTE 1This term is not usually applied to any tests that may have been made during the development of a welding procedure. NOTE 2Sometimes an additional joint of a different type is welded in order to obtain relevant test data. 10 028approved welding procedure A documented welding procedure that has been approved by an inspecting authority either by means of a welding procedure test or as a result of authentic documented experience gained with the welding of joints similar to that to which the welding procedure applies. 10 029welding seque


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