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    IEEE Std No.296 IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms, Letter Symbols, and Color Code for Hall Effect Devices.pdf

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    IEEE Std No.296 IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms, Letter Symbols, and Color Code for Hall Effect Devices.pdf

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Peking University. Downloaded on December 26,2010 at 15:40:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. A ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Institute wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to those who have so freely given of their time and knowledge and have conducted experimental work on which many of the IEEE publications are based. T h i s publication was prepared by the Working Group on Hall Effect and Magnetoresistive Devices of the Magnetic Transducers Committee of the IEEE Magnetics Group. The membership of the Working Group was: S. Rubin, Chairman hi. Epstein H. Katz R. Stevens A Copyright 1969 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. This publication may be reproduced, without change, in part or in its entirety, provided that notice of its copyright by the IEEE is included. Authorized licensed use limited to: Peking University. Downloaded on December 26,2010 at 15:40:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms, Letter Symbols, and Color Code for HALL EFFECT DEVICES I. DEFINITIONS 1. Characteristic Curve (Hall Generator) A plot of Hall output voltage versus control current, magnetic flux density, or the product of magnetic flux density and control current. 2. Control Current The current through the Hall plate that by its interaction with a magnetic flux density generates the Hall voltage. 3. Control Current Sensitivity The ratio of the voltage across the Hall terminals to the control current for a given magnitude of magnetic flux density. current density vector, which, instead of being paralell to the electric field, forms an angle with it. Note 1: In conductors and semiconductors of noncubic single crystals, the current density and electric field vectors may not be parallel in the absence of an applied magnetic field. For such crystals the more general definition below should be used. In any material (including ferromagnetic and similar materials)-The change of the electric conduction caused by that component of the magnetic field vector applied normal to the current density vector, which causes the angle between the current density vector and the electric field to change from the magnitude that existed prior to the introduction of the magnetic field. 4. Control Current Terminals The terminals through which the control current flows. 5. Effective Induction Area of the Control Current h o p The effective area of the loop enclosed by the control current leads and the relevant conductive path through the Hall element. 6. Effective Induction Area of the Output Loop The effect is utilized. Note 2: For ferromagnetic and similar materials there are two effects, the “ordinary” Hall effect due to the applied external magnetic flux as described for conductors and semiconductors and the “extraordinary” Hall effect due to the magnetization in the ferromagnetic or similar material. In the absence of the “extra- ordinary” Hall effect and the effects outlined in Note 1, the current density vector and the electric field vector will be parallel when there is no external magnetic flux. 13. Hall Effect Device A device in which the Hall 14. Hall Generator A Hall plate, together with leads, and, where used, encapsulation and ferrous or nonferrous backing plate(s). effective induction area of the loop enclosed by the leads to the Hall terminals and the relevant conductive path through the Hall plate. ,_ _ _ . . 15. Hall Modulator A Hall effect device that is specifically designed for modulation purposes. 7. External Remanent Residual Voltage That portion of the zero field residual voltage which is due to remanent magnetic flux density in the external electromagnetic core. 16. Hall Multiplier A Hall effect device that contains a Hall generator together with a source of magnetic flux densitv and that has an output that is a function 8. Field Excitation Current The current producing the magnetic flux density in a Hall multiplier. 9. Hall Analog Multiplier A Hall multiplier specifically of the product of the control current and the field excita- designed for analog multiplication purposes. tion current. 10. Hall Angle The angle between the electric field 17. H d Plate A three-dimensional configuration of vector and the current density vector. any material in which the Hall effect is utilized. 11. H a l l Coefficient The coefficient of proportionaIity 18. Hall Probe A Hall effect device specifically de- R in the relation signed for measurement of magnetic flux density. En = R(J X B) where EH is the resulting transverse electric field, J is the current density, B is the magnetic flux density. Note: The sign of the majority carrier charge can usually be inferred from the sign of the Hall coefficient. 12. Hall Effect In conductors and semiconductors- The change of the electric conduction caused by that component of the magnetic field vector normal to the 19. Hall Terminals The terminals between which the Hall voltage appears. 20. Hall Voltage The voltage generated in a Hall plate due to the Hall effect. 21. Induced Control Voltage The electromotive force induced in the loop formed by the control current leads and the current path through the Hall plate by a varying magnetic flux density, when there is no control current. 22. Inductive Residual Voltage The electromotive force induced in the loop formed by the Hall voltage leads and 1 Authorized licensed use limited to: Peking University. Downloaded on December 26,2010 at 15:40:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. the conductive path through the Hall plate by a varying magnetic flux density, when there is no control current. 32. Mean Hall Plate Temperature The value of the temperature averaged over the volume of the Hall plate 23. Input Impedance (Hall Generator) The impedance between the control current terminals of the Hall gen- erator. 24. Internal Remanent Residual Voltage That portion of the zero field residual voltage which is due to the remanent magnetic flux density in the ferromagnetic encapsulation of the Hall generator. 25. Linearity Error The deviation of the actual charac- teristic curve of a Hall generator from the linear approxi- mation to this curve. 26. Linearity Error, Percent of Full Scale The maxi- mum deviation, expressed as a percent of full scale, of the actual characteristic curve of a Hall effect device from the straight-line approximation to the characteristic curve derived by minimizing and equalizing the positive and negative deviations of the curve from the straight line. 27. Linearity Error, Percent of Reading The maximum percent deviation of the actual characteristic curve of a Hall effect device from the straight-line approximation to the curve derived by minimizing and equalizing the positive and negative percent deviations of the charac- teristic curve from the straight line. 28. Magnetic Sensitivity The ratio of the voltage across the Hall terminals to the magnetic flux density for a given magnitude of control current. 29. Magnetoresistive Coefficient (of a Hall Generator) The ratio at a specified magnetic flux density B of the rate of change of resistance with magnetic flux density to the resistance RB at the specified magnetic flux density B: defined by the equation 1 dRB cyB = -. Rg dB 30. Magnetoresistive Effect The change in the re- sistance of a current-carrying Hall plate when acted upon by a magnetic field. Note 1: An increase in magnetic field may cause either an increase or a decrease in ferromagnetic and similar Hall plates, whereas there is usually an increase with Hall plates made of other material. Note 2: There are two factors affecting the changes in resistance: first, a bulk effect due to the characteristics of the Hall plate, and second, a geometric effect due to the shape of the Hall plate and to the presence or absence of shorting bars made of conducting material deliberately, as in the shorting bars plated on some mag- netoresistors or the microconductors dispersed in other magnetoresis- tors or inadvertently, as in the case of the control current electrodes in a Hall generator, added to the current-carrying Hall plate. 33. Mean Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage The arithmetic average of the percentage changes in output voltage per degree Celsius taken over a given temperature range for a given control current magnitude and a given magnetic flux density. 34. Mean Temperature Coefficient of Resistance The arithmetic mean of the percentage changes in resistance per degree Celsius taken over a given temperature range with the Hall generator open-circuited and with zero magnetic flux density. 35. Nominal Control Current (Hall Generator) That value of control current that, if exceeded, will cause the linearity error of the device to exceed a rated magni- tude. 36. Operating Temperature Range The range of am- bient temperature over which the Hall effect device may be operated with nominal control current and a specified maximum magnetic flux density. 37. Optimum Linearizing Load Resistance (Hall Gen- erator) The load resistance that produces the least linearity error. 38. Output Impedance (Hall Generator) The im- pedance between the Hall terminals. 39. Product Sensitivity The ratio of Hall voltage to the product of control current and magnetic flux density at any point on the product sensitivity characteristic curve of a Hall generator. 40. Reversibility (Hall Generator) The ratio of the change in absolute magnitude of the Hall voltage to the mean absolute magnitude of the Hall voltage, when the control current is kept constant and the magnetic field is changed from a given magnitude of one polarity to the same magnitude of the opposite polarity. 41. Self-Field (of a Hall Generator) The magnetic field caused by the flow of control current through the loop formed by the control current leads and the relevant conductive path through the Hall plate. 42. Storage Temperature Range The range of temper- atures over which the Hall generators may be stored without any voltage applied, or without exceeding a specified change in performance. 43. Thermal Residual Voltage That component of the - . . h 31. Magnetoresistive Ratio (of a Hall Generator) zero field residual voltage caused by a temperature The ratio of the resistance R, at a magnetic flux density gradient in the Hall Plate. 4 4 . Thermal Resistance (of a Hall Generator) The B, to the resistance R, at zero magnetic flux density: difference between the mean Hall plate temperature - defined by the equation R B and the temperature of an external reference point, R O divided by the power dissipation in the Hall plate. c d M = -. 2 Authorized licensed use limited to: Peking University. Downloaded on December 26,2010 at 15:40:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 45. Zero Control Current Residual Voltage The voltage across the Hall terminals that is caused by a time-varying magnetic field when there is no control current. 46. Zero Field Residual Voltage The voltage across the Hall terminals that exists when control current flows but there is zero applied magnetic field. 47. Zero Field Residual Voltage Temperature Drift (Hall Generator) The maximum change in output voltage per degree Celsius over a given temperature range when operated with zero external field and a given magnitude of control current. 48. Zero Field Resistive Residual Voltage That com- ponent of the zero field residual voltage which remains proportional to the voltage across the control current terminals of the Hall generator for a specified temperature. Thermal resistance from Hall plate to encapsulation R BP-B 45. Zero control current residual voltage V B , 46. Zero field residual voltage V h f T Zero field residual voltage temperature drift D, 48. Zero field resistive residual voltage Vhf 47. 1 1 1 . COLOR CODE AND CIRCUIT SYMBOL The circuit symbol for a Hall generator is shown in Figure 1. The enclosing circle is optional. The circuit symbol is shown in Figure 2, together with the color code 11. LETTER SYMBOLS The following letter symbols are listed according to the number of the associated definition in Part I. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. -. 10. 11. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. - 44. Control current I, Control current sensitivity Effective induction area of the control current loop Effective induction area of the output loop External remanent residual voltage Field excitation current Hall angle Hall coefficient Hall voltage Induced control voltage Inductive residual voltage Input impedance Internal remanent residual voltage Linearity error Linearity error, percent of full scale Linearity error, percent of reading Magnetic sensitivity Magnetoresistive coefficient Magnetoresistive ratio Mean Hall plate temperature Mean temperature coefficient of output voltage Mean temperature coefficient of resistance Nominal control current Operating temperature range Optimum linearizing load resistance Output impedance Product sensitivity Reversibility Self-field Storage temperature range Thermal residual voltage Thermal resistance Thermal resistance from Hall plate to ambient P T (YT Fig. 1 . Hall generator circuit symbol from Y32.2-1967, item 8.9. The enclosing circle is optional. YELLOW 3 4 BLUE ( 0 ) p-TYPE BLUE 3 2 YELLOW (b) n-TYPE IC, t o , Z, FR E, t,+, v, R I 3 Rep-“ voltage. Fig. 2. Hall generator symbol for application to individual speci- fication sheet. The standard color code for.lead wires is indicated on the diagram. The dots indicate positive polarity when the magnetic field vector is indicated by the “X“ representing the tail of an arrow that points in the magnetic field vector direction. R, io Y I B and polarity indicators for both n and p type Hall gen- erators. The control current leads, when operating as shown in Figure 2, are red for the positive and black for the negative leads to the control current source. The Hall voltage leads under the same conditions are blue for the positive and yellow for the negative Hall 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: Peking University. Downloaded on December 26,2010 at 15:40:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


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