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    IEEE Std 530-1978 IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Digital, Torque-Balance Accelerometer.pdf

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    IEEE Std 530-1978 IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Digital, Torque-Balance Accelerometer.pdf

    ANSI/IEEE Std 530-1978 (reaffirmed 1986) IEEE Standard Specifi cation Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Digital, Torque-Balance Accelerometer Approved March 9, 1978 IEEE Standards Board ©Copyright 1978 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ii Approved March 9, 1978 IEEE Standards Board Joseph L. Koepfinger , Chair Irvin N. Howell, Jr , Vice Chair Ivan G. Easton , Secretary William E. Andrus C. N. Berglund Edward J. Cohen Warren H. Cook David B. Dobson R. O. Duncan Charles W. Flint Jay Forster Ralph I. Hauser Loering M. Johnson Irving Kolodny William R. Kruesi Thomas J. Martin John E. May Donald T. Michael Voss A. Moore William S. Morgan Robert L. Pritchard Blair A. Rowley Ralph M. Showers B. W. Whittington Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. iii Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 530-1978, Specifi cation Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Digital, Torque-Balance Accelerometer.) This standard is provided as a guide for the preparation of a digital accelerometer specifi cation and test procedure. The accelerometer considered in this standard utilizes a linear, single-axis, nongyroscopic acceleration sensor with a permanent magnet torquer. The torquing electronics are considered part of the accelerometer. The format was prepared by the Gyro and Accelerometer Panel of the Aerospace and Electronics System Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is intended to provide a common meeting ground of terminology and practice for manufacturers and users. The user is cautioned not to overspecify ; only those parameters that are required to guarantee proper performance in the specifi c application should be controlled. In general, the specifi cation should contain only those requirements that can be verifi ed by test or inspection. Parameters in addition to those given in this format are not precluded. Appendix A presents a typical block diagram for response of the accelerometer to aid in specifying dynamic environmental effects on the pendulum of the acceleration sensor. Blank spaces permit the insertion of specifi c parameter values and their tolerances. Brackets are used to enclose alternate choices of dimensional units, signs, axes, etc. Boxed statements are included for information only and are not part of the specifi cation format. The fi gures presented are to be used as a guide for the preparation of specifi c fi gures or drawings. The terminology used conforms to ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1977, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms; and the units used conform to ANSI/IEEE Std 268-1976, Metric Practice. In this standard, the symbol g is used to denote a unit of acceleration equal in magnitude to the local value of gravity at the test site or other specifi ed value of gravity. This symbol is thus distinguished from g which is the standard symbol for gram. The accelerometer is used to provide a digital output which is a measure of acceleration or velocity, or both. An acceleration applied along the input axis of the acceleration sensor causes its proof mass to defl ect. The pickoff error signal caused by this motion is utilized in the electronics to produce a restoring torque (see Fig 1). When static equilibrium is reached, the reaction torque of the proof mass to the average acceleration is balanced by the mean value of the restoring torque. The pulse rate required to maintain this equilibrium condition, is proportional to the average acceleration and provides a digital output. The major contributors to this standard were the following: N. F. Sinnott (Chairman, 1970) M. D. Mobley (Chairman, 1971) K. W. Komb (Chairman, 1972) A. T. Campbell (Chairman, 1973) H. L. Gubbins (Chairman, 1974) G. E. S. Morrison (Chairman, 1975) G. E. S. Morrison (Chairman, 1976) C. O. Swanson (Chairman, 1977) C. E. Bosson A. M. Brady J. Claasen J. F. Conroy J. H. Crittenden H. B. Diamond H. A. Dinter J. A. Divine T. A. Fuhrman K. N. Green J. E. Hardie J. G. Hawkins C. A. Jones K. J. Klarman M. G. Koning W. G. Lane A. M. Leeking J. J. Meehan C. F. Morley G. C. Murray G. H. Neugebauer R. B. Peters T. M. Rankin R. F. Rathcke Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. iv H. Rogall B. Schwartz C. W. Spencer C. I. Thornburg R. Van Alstine M. M. Van Schoiack C. W. Wellner B. J. Wimber H. M. Ziegler In addition, there were more than 100 other individuals who attended meetings of the Gyro and Accelerometer Panel and who helped develop this standard. Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. v CLAUSEPAGE 1. Scope.1 2. Applicable Documents1 2.1 Specifications. 1 2.2 Standards 2 2.3 Drawings 2 2.4 Bulletins. 2 2.5 Other Publications 2 3. Requirements 2 3.1 General. 2 3.2 Design 3 3.3 Performance. 8 3.4 Environmental Requirements. 13 3.5 Reliability. 16 4. Quality Assurance.16 4.1 Classification of Tests 16 4.2 Acceptance Tests 16 4.3 Qualification Tests. 18 4.4 Reliability Tests . 19 4.5 Standard Test Conditions. 19 4.6 Test Equipment 20 4.7 Test Methods 20 4.8 Data Submittal 41 5. Preparation for Delivery41 6. Notes .41 6.1 Intended Use 41 6.2 Ordering Data. 41 6.3 Model Equation 43 6.4 Definitions 44 Annex A Accelerometer Dynamic Block Diagram (Informative)45 Annex B Notes on Accelerometer Static Multipoint Testing and Data Reduction (Informative)46 Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved 1 IEEE Standard Specifi cation Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Digital, Torque-Balance Accelerometer 1. Scope This specifi cation defi nes the requirements and test procedures for a digital accelerometer which utilizes a linear, single-axis, nongyroscopic acceleration sensor with a permanent magnet torquer (forcer) operated in a ternary pulse mode, pulse-width modulation mode, analog mode with voltage to frequency converter, . The electronics are considered to be part of the accelerometer which produces a digital output proportional to sensed velocity changes. The digital accelerometer is hereafter referred to as the accelerometer. With appropriate modifi cations, this specifi cation may also be applied to force balance nonpendulous accelerometers. 2. Applicable Documents The following documents of the issue in effect, on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of the specifi cation to the extent specifi ed herein. In the event of any confl ict between the requirements of this specifi cation and the listed documents, the requirements of this specifi cation shall govern. 2.1 Specifications 2.1.1 Government 2.1.2 Industry/Technical 2.1.3 Company Give identifi cation number, title, date of issue, and revision letter of each listed document. Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2 Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved IEEE Std 530-1978IEEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION FORMAT GUIDE AND TEST PROCEDURE 2.2 Standards 2.2.1 Government 2.2.2 Industry/Technical ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1977, Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms. ANSI/IEEE Std 337-1972, Specifi cation Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Accelerometer. 2.2.3 Company 2.3 Drawings 2.3.1 Government 2.3.2 Industry/Technical 2.3.3 Company 2.4 Bulletins 2.4.1 Government 2.4.2 Industry/Technical 2.4.3 Company 2.5 Other Publications 3. Requirements 3.1 General 3.1.1 Precedence In the event of confl ict among the purchase agreement, this specifi cation, and other documents referred to herein, the order of precedence shall be as follows: 1)Purchase agreement 2) This specifi cation and its applicable drawings Other applicable documents should listed under appropriate categories. Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved 3 FOR LINEAR, SINGLE-AXIS, DIGITAL, TORQUE-BALANCE ACCELEROMETERIEEE Std 530-1978 3)Other applicable documents 3.1.2 Other 3.2 Design The accelerometer shall consist of a single-axis acceleration sensor in accordance with IEEE Std 337-1972 and associated electronics, as shown in Fig 1. Figure 1Digital Accelerometer Schematic 3.2.1 Mechanical and Thermal Design The following mechanical and thermal requirements apply to accelerometer package(s) to the extent specifi ed: List other applicable documents in order of precedence; see Section 2. List other applicable general requirements. The associated electronics shall include the pulse torquing electronics or voltage to frequency converter, and may include such items as power conditioning, signal conditioning, temperature control, clock reference, and test points. The method of pendulum torquing may be specifi ed (for example, ternary pulse, binary pulse width modulation, analog). The confi guration should be specifi ed to convey the users limitations and specifi c needs. The accelerometer may consist of more than one package. Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 4 Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved IEEE Std 530-1978IEEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION FORMAT GUIDE AND TEST PROCEDURE Exterior Surfaces All exterior surfaces must withstand the environment specifi ed herein and the handling expected in the normal course of operation, testing, and maintenance without deterioration which causes nonconformance to this specifi cation. Dimensions The outline and mounting dimensions shall conform to the outline drawing No _. Identification of Product The accelerometer shall be marked as specifi ed on the outline drawing. Sensor Axes The input, pendulous, and output reference axes and their positive directions shall be defi ned by external markings and by reference mounting surface(s) on the package which contains the acceleration sensor. The positive direction of the axes shall be such that the cross product of input and pendulous axes shall be along the output axis. (See Fig 1). Weight The weight shall be _ ± _ g, kg, oz, lb. Seal The accelerometer package shall meet the following seal requirements: Additional requirements controlling surface fi nish, protective treatment, metals, dissimilar metals, workmanship, etc, may be designated. Mounting surfaces which defi ne the location of the input axis may require special consideration. The following may be specifi ed with appropriate tolerances: Center of gravity of each package Center of gravity of proof mass Effective center of mass The specifi cation may require: name of components, part number, serial number, contract number, and manufacturers name or symbol. If appropriate, maximum weight only need be specifi ed. When accessories such as cable and connector are to be included in the weight requirement, the specifi cation shall so state. When the accelerometer consists of more than one package, the weight may be specifi ed for each package. Specify either (1) or (2), below, as appropriate. If required, specify the appropriate seal requirements for the other package(s). Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved 5 FOR LINEAR, SINGLE-AXIS, DIGITAL, TORQUE-BALANCE ACCELEROMETERIEEE Std 530-1978 1) Fluid Filled. The accelerometer shall be sealed such that no fl uid leakage is detected under _ power magnifi cation after being subjected to an external vacuum at _ ± _ Pa and a temperature of _ ± _ ° C for a minimum period of _ minutes . 2) Gas Filled. The accelerometer shall be sealed such that the maximum gas leakage rate shall not exceed _ cm 3 /s of _ gas, measured at standard conditions for a minimum period of _ min while being subjected to a vacuum of _ ± _ Pa at a temperature of _ ± _ ° C . Operating Temperature The operating temperature, as indicated by a temperature sensor on, within the accelerometer shall be _ ± _ ° C. 3.2.2 Electrical and Magnetic Design The accelerometers electrical and magnetic design requirements shall be as specifi ed below. The accelerometer shall meet the performance criteria of 3.3 during all permissible variations of the inputs of Electrical Interface The electrical interface for the accelerometer consists of the signals, power, and test points listed below and illustrated in Fig 1. Power Input(s) In some cases, other procedures may be more appropriate, such as the use of fl uorescent tracers in the fl uid to facilitate leak detection. Tracer gases may be added to the fi ll gas in order to facilitate leak detection. This requirement is applicable only to an accelerometer with its own temperature control. If electronics and the acceleration sensor are separately controlled, specify operating temperature for each. In some applications, consideration should be given to the magnitude of the thermal gradients existing across the accelerometer. Specify the characteristics of the power input(s). For example: Source impedance _ ± _ +, j _ ± _ Load impedance _ ± _ +, j _ ± _ Voltage _ ± _ V ac, V dc Frequency _ ± _ Hz Nominal current _ A for _ s, min Peak current _ A for _ s, min Harmonic content _ % Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University Library. Downloaded on December 25,2010 at 10:20:55 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 6 Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved IEEE Std 530-1978IEEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION FORMAT GUIDE AND TEST PROCEDURE Output Signal(s) Command Input(s) Clock Reference Test Points Specify the type and characteristics of output signal(s) required. For example: Type: Pulses indicating positive velocity increments on one signal line and pulses indicating negative


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