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    SAE J1589-1998 Internal Combustion Engines.Piston Rings—Inspection Measuring Principles.pdf

    SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243 TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790 SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.org Copyright 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. SURFACE VEHICLE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 STANDARD Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard J1589 REAF. APR1998 Issued1990-01 Reaffirmed1998-04 Superseding J1589 OCT92 Internal Combustion EnginesPiston RingsInspection Measuring Principles 1.ScopeDifferences, where they exist, are shown in Appendix A. This SAE Standard defines the measuring principles to be used for measuring piston rings. It applies to piston rings up to and including 200 mm diameter for reciprocating combustion engines. These inspection measuring principles may also be used for piston rings for compressors working under analogous conditions. 2.References SAEISO1 DESIGNATION EQUIVALENT INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGS SAE J15886621-1Vocabulary SAE J15896621-2Measuring principles SAE J15906621-3Material specifications SAE J15916621-4General specifications SAE J19966621-5Quality requirements INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGS SAE J19976621-1Rectangular rings SAE J19986622-2 TR Rectangular rings with narrow ring width SAE J19996623INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGSSCRAPER RINGS INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGS SAE J20006624-1Keystone rings SAE J20016624-2 TR Half keystone rings 1.TR refers to Technical Report SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -2- SAE J20026625INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGSOIL CONTROL RINGS SAE J20036625INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGSCOIL SPRING LOADED OIL CONTROL RINGS SAE J20046627 TRINTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGSEXPANDER/ SEGMENT OIL CONTROL RINGS SAE J2226INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINESPISTON RINGSSTEEL RECTANGULAR RINGS ISO 286ISO SYSTEM OF LIMITS AND FITS 3.Measuring Principles 3.1General Measuring ConditionsThe following general notes are applicable to all measuring principles unless otherwise specified: a.The ring shall rest on the datum surface in the free or open condition. No additional force shall be applied to load the ring on the datum surface. b.Certain measurements are made with the ring in the closed condition in a gauge of nominal cylinder bore diameter. When orientated rings are measured in this way, they shall be so placed that the top is towards the datum surface. c.Measurements shall be made using instruments with a resolution not to exceed 10% of the tolerance of the dimension being measured SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -3- 3.2Characteristics and Measuring Principles TABLE 1CHARACTERISTICS SubclauseCharacteristics of the RingRing Width Principal characteristics of the ring 3.2.1Ring Width a) parallel sided ringsh1 b) keystone ringsh3, a6 3.2.2Radial wall thicknessa1 3.2.3Total free gapm, p 3.2.4Closed gaps1 3.2.5Tangential forceFt 3.2.6Diametral forceFd Characteristics of ring shape 3.2.7Ovality or circularityU 3.2.8Point deflectionW 3.2.9Light tightness Associated with peripheral surface 3.2.10Taper on periphery 3.2.11Barrel on peripheryt2, t3, h8 3.2.12Land widthh4, h5 3.2.13Land offset 3.1.14Coating/inlay thickness Associated with sides 3.2.15Keystone angle 3.2.16Obliqueness 3.2.17Twist 3.2.18UnevennessTer, Teu Other 3.2.19Helix (axial displacement of butt ends) 3.2.20Free flatness 3.2.21Surface roughnessRa, Rz SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -4- TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles 3.2.1 Ring width (in millimeters) a) Parallel sided rings, h1The distance between the sides, at any particular point perpendicular to the datum surface (see Figures 1 and 2). Measure with spherical measuring probes each of radius 1,5 ± 0,05 mm, exerting a measuring force of approximately 1 N (see Figure 3). In the case of slotted oil rings, the measurement shall be made between the slots and not across them (see Figure 2). FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -5- b) Keystone rings, h3 The distance between the sides at a specified distance a6 from the peripheral surface (see Figure 4). a) Method A This method determines h3 (see Figure 4) for a specified value of a6. Measure with speherical measuring probes each of radius 1,5 ± 0,05 mm exerting a measuring force of approximately 1 N (see Figure 5). If the measuring equipment is set up with parallel gauges instead of keystone gauges the use of spherical measuring probes will give rise to an error as follows: for 6° keystone angle: 0,004 mm for 15° keystone angle: 0,026 mm. To obtain the correct measured width of the keystone ring the above values shall be deducted from the measured values. Values of a6 are given in ISO 6624/1. b) Method B This method determines a6 for a specified width h3 (see Figure 4). Measure with a flat face probe exerting a measuring force of approximately 1 N. The ring shall be placed between two sharp edged circular discs which are spaced apart at the specified gauge width h3 (see Figure 6). Values of h3 are given in ISO 6624/1. FIGURE 4h3 AND a6 FIGURE 5SPHERICAL MEASURING PROBES FIGURE 6FLAT FACE MEASURING PROBE TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -6- 3.2.2 Radial wall thickness, a1 (in millimeters) The radial distance between the periphery and the inside surface of the ring (see Figure 7). a) Measure radially between a flat measuring surface on the periphery and a spherical measuring surface of radius approximately 4 mm on the inside surface, and using a measuring force of 3 to 10 N (see Figure 8). b) Measure radially between cylindrical inserts or rollers of radius approximately 4 mm and with a measuring force of 3 to 10 N. The length of the rollers shall be greater than the ring width (see Figure 9). FIGURE 7a1 FIGURE 8METHOD a FIGURE 9METHOD b TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -7- 3.2.3 Total free gap m, p (in millimeters) The chordal distance between the butt ends of the ring in a free, unstressed state, measured at the centerline of the radial wall thickness (see Figure 10). For rings with an internal notch for a peg, the total free gap is defined by the chordal distance marked as p in Figure 11. Measure with a steel rule to the nearest 0,25 mm. FIGURE 10m AND a1 FIGURE 11p AND a1 3.2.4 Closed gap, s1 (in millimeters) The gap at the butt ends of the ring, measured at the narrowest point of the gap, which the ring would have when fitted in a gauge of nominal cylinder bore size (see Figure 12). The closed gap s1 is related to the nominal diameter d1. Measure in a bore gauge of nominal diameter using a wedge gauge or feeler gauges and using a measuring force of approximately 1 N (see Figure 12). The diameter of the bore gauge shall comply with the following deviations from the nominal ring diameter: Tolerance: Correction shall be made for any deviation of the bore gauge from the nominal ring diameter FIGURE 12s1 AND d TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles +0,001 0 d1 SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -8- 3.2.5 Tangential force, Ft (in Newtons) a) For single-piece rings The force necessary to maintain the ring at the closed gap condition by means of a tangential pull on the ends of a circumferential metal tape or hoop (see Figure 13). a) Tape method (see Figure 14) The encircling steel tape of thickness 0,08 to 0,10 mm is carried round 10 mm diameter rollers set 20 mm apart (see Figure 14). In tightening the tape, the ring is closed to the point where the butt ends touch and the opened to the closed gap dimension previously measured. The ring force is then read of from the precision measuring scale. The gap of the ring shall be symmetrically disposed between the rollers. b) Hoop method (see Figure 15) The ring is placed in a correctly sized hoop with its gap aligned to the gap of the hoop. The hoop is then closed in a precision loading machine until the loading pins are at a predetermined distance apart at which point the hoop is precisely at the cylinder bore diameter appropriate to the ring (see Figure 15). The force is then read off from the display. FIGURE 13Ft FIGURE 14TAPE METHOD FIGURE 15HOOP METHOD TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -9- b) For multi-piece ringsThe force which is necessary to maintain the ring at the closed gap condition by means of a tangential pull on the ends of a circumferential metal tape of hoop whilst vibrating the butt ends of the ring (see Figure 13a). For the measurement of coil spring loaded rings or similar rings where the spring is supported in the inside grooved surface of the ring, the gap of the spring shall be positioned at 180 degrees to the gap of the cast iron part. For the measurement of multi-piece steel rail oil control rings, the ring assembly shall be mounted in a carrier simulating the ring groove. The gap of the spring element is placed at 180 degrees to the gap of the rails, both of which shall be in line. For the measurement of a ring provided with a wavy spring or other spring which is groove root supported, the ring assembly shall be mounted in a carrier simulating the groove, the root diameter of which is equal to the mean diameter of the piston ring groove in which the ring will be used. Tolerance on carrier root diameter ±0,02 mm. The gap of the wavy spring shall be at 180° to the gap of the cast iron part. a) Tape method Identical procedures are used as for single piece rings but an appropriate vibration shall be applied to the tape loading mechanism to relieve forces of friction (see Figure 14a). A suitable level is 40 to 50 Hz at an amplitude of 0,15 mm. FIGURE 13a)Ft (MULTI-PIECE) FIGURE 14a)TAPE METHOD (MULTI-PIECE) TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -10- b) Hoop method Identical procedures are used as for single-piece rings but an appropriate vibration shall be applied to the hoop loading mechanism to relieve all forces of friction (see Figure 15a). NOTES: 1. Before tangential force measurements are made, rings must be degreased and lightly coated with thin machine oil. 2. It is recommended that closed gap measurements be made immediately prior to measuring tangential force. 3. In order to improve consistency of measurement and particularly with coil spring loaded rings which have been oxided or phosphated it is permissible to rotate the spring forwards and backwards to smooth the surface before carrying out measurements. 4. The reproducibility of tangential force measurements has not been high in the past but current machines using tape and hoop methods give an overall reproducibility of the order of 6,5%. It is recommended that customer and supplier agree on a suitable factor to take account of different machines, different locations and different operators. FIGURE 15a)HOOP METHOD (MULTI-PIECE) TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -11- 3.2.6 Diametral force, Fd (in Newtons) NOTEThis method is only applicable to single- piece rings. The force, acting diametrically at 90 degrees to the gap, necessary to maintain the ring at the nominal diameter condition measured in the direction of the force (see Figure 16). Diametral force is measured in purpose built machines which incorporate flat plates for closing the rings (see Figure 16). FIGURE 16Fd AND d1 3.2.7 Ovality or circularity, U (in millimeters) NOTEThis method is only applicable to single- piece rings. The difference between the mutually perpendicular diameters d3 and d4 when the ring is drawn to closed gap within a flexible tape. It may be either positive (d3 d4) or negative d3 80 mm diameter: 5,0 N. FIGURE 41CIRCUMFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT FIGURE 42MEASUREMENT POINTS 3.2.19 Helix (axial displacement of butt ends) (in millimeters) The displacement of the butt ends perpendicular to the datum surface (see Figure 43). The butt end of the ring already in contact with the datum surface shall be loaded or clamped with a force, F, approximately 10 N. Measure the displacement of the adjacent butt end with a measuring microscope or magnifier. The loading device or clamp shall be confined to within 15 degrees of arc from the appropriate butt end. FIGURE 43HELIX TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -22- PREPARED BY THE SAE PISTON RING STANDARDS COMMITTEE 7 3.2.20 Free flatnessThe relationship between the ring in the free state and a plane parallel to its datum surface. The clean and dry ring shall drop freely of its own weight between vertical plates (see Figure 44). The distance apart of the plates shall be equal to the maximum ring width plus the out-of-plane allowance shown below. Ring DiameterOut-of-plane allowance Below 1000,050 100 to 1250,075 125 to above0,100 NOTEFor rings 1,5 mm wide or less, add 0,025 mm to the out-of-plane allowance. Surface plates: Size: equal to or greater than the largest free diameter of the ring Flatness: ±0,002 5 mm Roughness: Ra = 0,25 µm Tolerance on spacing of plates to be mm FIGURE 44DROP TEST 3.2.21 Surface roughness, Ra, Rz (in micrometers) In accordance with ISO 468.Measure in accordance with ISO 468 using any suitable profile measuring machine. NOTEFor indications on drawings, see ISO 1302. TABLE 2MEASURING PRINCIPLES (CONTINUED) TermDefinitionMeasuring PrinciplesIlustration of measuring principles + 0,01 0 SAE J1589 Reaffirmed APR1998 -23- APPENDIX A A.1This SAE Standard has been established to harmonize the ISO and SAE piston ring standards. The U.S. Technical Advisory Group, with the support of the National Engine Parts Manufacturers Association, has worked with other national organizations on this worldwide standard. Some of the wording and phrasing may differ slightly from U.S. terminology for translation purposes. In preparing this SAE document, the Introduction, Scope and Field of Application, and Reference sections of the ISO 6621/2 have been editor


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