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    SAE J2461-1998 Vehicle Electronic Programming Stations (VEPS) System Specification for Win32(TM).pdf

    SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243 TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790 SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.org Copyright 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. SURFACE VEHICLE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard J2461 ISSUED NOV1998 Issued1998-11 Vehicle Electronic Programming Stations (VEPS) System Specification for Win32 1.Scope 1.1Identification This system specification, SAE J2461, revises the requirements for Vehicle Electronics Programming Stations (VEPS) set forth in SAE J2214, Vehicle Electronics Programming Stations (VEPS) System Specification for Programming Components at OEM Assembly Plants. SAE J2461 specifies the recommended practices for a Win32 environment while maintaining the core VEPS architecture specified in SAE J2214. 1.2Introduction SAE J2461 describes the application of the Win32 environment to the customization of programmable components assembled in OEM vehicles, where components provide a communication API such as TMC RP1210. Because the customization is performed using both OEM-provided and vendor- provided software, the roles and responsibilities of the vendor and OEM elements must be defined to permit the development of common vendor software elements for all Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). SAE J2461 identifies the system resources of a Win32 computer between OEM and vendor components, the required elements comprising VEPS, and specifies the software interfaces needed between the OEM- supplied elements and the vendor-supplied elements. By maintaining many common elements with SAE J2214, an orderly transition from a MS-DOS based VEPS to a Win32 VEPS can be achieved. SAE J2286 is the software interface element of SAE J2214 that specifies the Vendor Component Program Data File Interface for OEM Assembly Operations. SAE J2286 will still be the Data File Interface used for the Win32 VEPS. TMC RP1210 describes the communication API used by the vendor programs. 1.3Background The OEMs typically are horizontally integrated. Each major vehicle component has multiple vendors who compete for component sales in OEM markets. Customer orders determine a set of components from this variety to meet the vehicle s desired performance requirements. Customization and calibration of these components for the vehicle s application necessitates the need for a standard method to perform this programming without causing the OEM to install special VEPS for each vendor component. Hence the existence of MS-DOS SAE J2214. As the need for more applications grow at OEM VEPS, a more flexible solution to the current RP is needed. Win32 SAE J2461 provides such a solution. 1.3.1WIN32 VEPS SAE J2461 VEPS System Specification for Win32 SAE J2286 Vendor Component Program Data File Interface for OEM Assembly Operations TMC RP1210 Windows Communications API SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -2- 1.3.2DOS VEPS SAE J2214 VEPS System Specification for Programming J1708-capable Components at OEM Assembly Plants SAE J2286 Vendor component Program Data File Interface for OEM Assembly Operations SAE J1683 MS-DOS Interface for J1708 Communications SAE J1924 OEM/Vendor Interface specification for Vehicle Electronic Programming Stations 1.3.3ELECTRONICS IMPACT The introduction of electronic control systems for OEM vehicles such as diesel engines, transmissions, anti-lock brakes, etc. Coincided with the introduction of new product features that were integrated within the system s controllers. As an example, features such as cruise control and road speed limiting require that controllers be calibrated with specific information related to the equipment installed on the vehicle such as tire size, rear axle ratio, and desired operating speeds. Programmable parameters identify the information items needed to calibrate the controllers. Parameter programming is accomplished through the use of the controller s data link. This programming function customizes controller performance to comply with the customer s specified parameter changes. 1.3.4SAE J2214 FEATURES AND SAE J2461 CHANGE SUMMARY SAE J2286 specifies a common interface format within an MS-DOS environment. Each parameter s requirement for an assembly job is entered as a record in an ASCII file specified as a parameter file. The parameter file is interpreted by a Vendor Component Program (VCP) that performs the specified programming via a common communication interface. The programming result for each parameter is reported as a record in the verification file. The definition and remarks files document the parameters that can be programmed in the Vendor Component. SAE J2461 retains the core architecture defined by SAE J2286, including the four defined files. Adhering to this architecture will allow for a prudent migration from the current MS-DOS environment to an environment in which the OEM and vendor programs are developed to take advantage of the Win32 operating system. Like SAE J2214, SAE J2461 defines that a common communication utility be used by the VCP to prevent the proliferation of Vendor Interface Tools required to support each programmable component under SAE J2214. Also, this eliminates the need to use multiple RS-232 communications ports for Vendor Interface Tools. The common communication interface used by SAE J2214 is SAE J1683, MS-DOS Interface for SAE J1708 Communications. TMC RP1210, Windows Communication API, will replace this interface for SAE J2461. 2.References 2.1Applicable Publications The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1SAE PUBLICATIONS Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J1683 MS-DOS Interface for J1708 Communications SAE J1924 OEM/Vendor Interface Specification of Vehicle Electronic Programming Stations. SAE J2214 Vehicle Electronic Programming Stations (VEPS) System Specification for Programming Components at OEM Assembly Plants SAE J2286 Vendor Component Program Data File Interface for OEM Assembly Operations. 2.1.2TMC PUBLICATIONS Available from American Trucking Association, 2200 Mill Road, Alexandria, VA 22314. TMC RP1210 Windows Communication API SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -3- 3.Acronyms ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange APIApplication Program Interface DIData Item ECUElectronic Control Unit GUIGraphical User Interface MISManagement Information Systems OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer PCPersonal Computer RPRecommended Practice SAESociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SWSoftware STDStandard TMCThe Maintenance Council VCPVendor Component Program VEPSVehicle Electronics Programming Station Win3232 bit Windows 4.Trademark Acknowledgments MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Win32 is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc. 5.System Overview The requirements for Vehicle Electronics Programming Stations (VEPS) are discussed from a functional perspective in this section. 5.1System Objectives SAE J2461 provides the system specification for the programming station illustrated in Figure 1. Objectives to be met by VEPS include: a.Customize electronically controlled components to the customer s desires at vehicle OEM assembly plants. b.Provide positive indications of programming results. c.Simplify communications with the vehicle network. d.Define Vendor Component Programs in such a manner that all component vendors can provide them to OEMs. Figure 1 illustrates the process of programming the electronic components of a vehicle at an OEM assembly plant. The figure shows four assembly jobs progressing down the assembly line. Jobs 1 and 2 have been programmed. Job 3 is being programmed, and job 4 will be presented to the programming station. The station has identified that job 3 was presented to it for programming and initiated the programming process. FIGURE 1 TYPICAL VEPS USAGE SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -4- 5.2VEPS Components Figure 2 illustrates the computer programs and interfaces that comprise a typical VEPS. FIGURE 2 VEPS COMPONENTS AND INTERFACES 5.2.1OEM SHOP FLOOR PROGRAM The main purpose of the OEM Shop Floor Program is to identify the assembly job, extract parameter information (usually from the OEM Manufacturing System), format the parameter file, and invoke the VCP. The preceding steps represent the minimum requirements to support the execution of the VCP. The methods associated for supporting the VCP execution is left to each individual OEM to implement. 5.2.2VCP The VCP is responsible for auditing the parameter values, programming the values into the vendor s vehicle electronics, and reporting the programming results. The VCP only needs to support one component or family of components produced by an individual vendor. 5.2.3TMC RP1210 This document describes a standardized interface TMC s RP1210 Windows Communication Application Program Interface (API) for personal computer (PC) to on-vehicle data link communications under the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems (Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, and Windows NT). See Figure 3. The Maintenance Council (TMC) established this Recommended Practice for vehicle ECU communication and control under the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. Anyone is welcome to employ this RP in implementing software systems for ECU reprogramming and communication. SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -5- FIGURE 3 ARCHIETECTURAL OVERVIEW POTENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE/HARDWARE INTERFACES 5.2.4PARAMETER FILE The parameter file is produced by the OEM Shop Floor program. It contains all the particular vendor s parameters that the OEM wishes to program for the immediate programming session. The parameter file format is defined by SAE J2286. 5.2.5VERIFICATION FILE The verification file is produced by the VCP. It contains records identifying the status of the VCP programming session. The verification file format is defined by SAE J2286. 5.2.6DEFINITION FILE The definition file is provided by the vendor. It contains records which describe the parameters supported by the VCP, including default value, lower limit, upper limit, etc. The definition file format is defined by SAE J2286. The use of the definition file is optional to both the OEM shop floor program and the VCP. SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -6- 5.3Process Overview a.STEP 1 The OEM shop floor program generates the parameter file to provide VCP with parameter programming information. See Figure 4. FIGURE 4 OEM CREATES PARAMETER FILE b.STEP 2 The OEM shop floor program invokes the VPC with optional command line arguments. The VCP runs as a separate Windows application. See Figure 5. FIGURE 5 OEM STARTS THE VCP c.STEP 3 The VCP parses the parameter files. The VCP locates the parameter file using the rules found in SAE J2286. See Figure 6. FIGURE 6 VCP RETRIEVES INFORMATION FROM PARAMETER FILE d.STEP 4 The VCP begins the communication session with the vendor component electronics via the TMC RP1210 Windows Communication API. Here the VCP reads, writes, and validates ECU data. If the OEM has enabled the VCP GUI, then the VCP gives visual feedback of the VEPS communication session. See Figure 7. FIGURE 7 VCP PROGRAMS VEHICLE ELECTRONICS SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -7- e.STEP 5 The VCP creates a verification file based on the path/name information. The status of the VEPS communications session, as well as the programming status of each parameter is written to the verification file. If the OEM has enabled the VCP GUI, then the VCP displays the VEPS communications results. See Figure 8. FIGURE 8 VCP SIGNALS PROGRAMMING RESULTS f.STEP 6 The VCP terminates. Upon termination, the VCP supplies an exit code. See Figure 9 and 6.2.2. FIGURE 9 VCP RETURNS EXIT CODE g.STEP 7 The OEM shop floor program reads the exit code to determine the status of the VEPS communications session. Optionally, the OEM shop floor program can read the verification file to determine the status. See Figure 10. FIGURE 10 OEM PROGRAM READS EXIT CODE SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -8- h.STEP 8 If the exit code indicates that an error has occurred during the programming session, the OEM shop floor program can read and parse the verification file to determine the cause of the error. See Figure 11. FIGURE 11 OEM PROGRAM RETRIEVES INFORMATION FROM VERIFICATION FILE 6.Vendor Component Program (VCP) 6.1Configuration 6.1.1SETUP The vendor will make use of a commercially available installation program to install and configure the VCP on the OEM s VEPS PC. This installation program should also allow the OEM to cleanly uninstall the VCP from the OEM s VEPS PC. The installation program allows the OEM to select setting such as enabling/disabling the VCP GUI interface, and selecting timeouts values. 6.1.2HOME DIRECTORY All VCP executables and support files must reside in a vendor home directory. This directory will be created and named by the OEM. The vendor s install program should prompt the user for the location of the vendor home directory. 6.1.3HOME DIRECTORY EXAMPLE The OEM has created the home directory for vendor3 name “vendor3” in a directory named “vendors.” All files necessary for vendor3 are located in the vendor s home directory. vendorsvendor3vendor3.exe vend31.dll vend32.dll vend33.dll readme.txt 6.2Interfaces 6.2.1COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS See SAE J2286 for details on the command line parameters. 6.2.2EXIT CODES The VCP must return an exit code when the VCP has terminated. The exit codes are defined by the following Component Error Code table (see Table 1): 6.3User Interface The VCP is required to provide real-time programming feedback to the operator. The OEM must be able to inhibit this feature if desired. The vendor also has the option of providing immediate, graphical feedback to the OEM when a critical error is encountered by the VCP. The feedback should be done with a simple message box. The OEM must be able to inhibit this feature if desired. TABLE 1 VCP EXIT CODES Exit CodeDescription 0000No errors; the VEPS session was a success 001Error SAE J2461 Issued NOV1998 -9- Figure 12 shows an example screenshot of a vendor user interface. FIGURE 12 VCP STATUS DIALOG BOXES PREPARED BY THE SAE TRUCK AND BUS ELECTRONIC COMPONENT PROGRAMMING


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