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    CORRIGENDA 5 COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS PAGE 1 OF 40 Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers, January 2006 Corrigenda 5 Rule Editorials (Corrigenda/Editorials 2 June 2008 to the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels) Notes: (1) These Rule Corrigenda enter into force on 1 April 2006 (2) This document contains a copy of the affected rule along with the editorial change or clarification noted as applicable. (3) Users are reminded that the formula in Chapter 5, Appendix 1, 2.2.8, was corrected by Rule Change Notice No.1, November 2007. Details about the IACS CSR Knowledge Centre (KC) ID Numbers can be found on the IACS CSR web site (www.iacs.org.uk) under the headings of Questions and Answers and Common Interpretations. Copyright in these Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers is owned by: American Bureau of Shipping Bureau Veritas China Classification Society Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd Korean Register of Shipping Lloyd's Register Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Registro Italiano Navale Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Indian Register of Shipping Copyright © 2006 The IACS members, their affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as the IACS Members. The IACS Members, individually and collectively, assume no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant IACS Member entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS CORRIGENDA 5 PAGE 2 OF 40 CHAPTER 1 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES SECTION 4 SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS 2. Symbols 2.1 Ships main data 2.1.1 V : Maximum ahead service speed, in knots, means the greatest speed which the ship is designed to maintain in service at her deepest seagoing draught at the maximum propeller RPM and corresponding engine MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating). Reason for the Rule Clarification: This editorial correction is made to be in line with the definition in the IACS Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers. (Refer to KC ID 514) Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CORRIGENDA 5 COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS PAGE 3 OF 40 CHAPTER 2 2 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DESIGN SECTION 3 ACCESS ARRANGEMENT 2. Technical provisions for means of access 2.3 Construction of ladders 2.3.2 Inclined ladders Ref. IMO Technical Provisions, 3.6 (Resolution MSC.158(78) The width of inclined ladders between stringers is to be not less than 400 mm. The treads are to be equally spaced at a distance apart, measured vertically, of between 200 mm and 300 mm. When steel is used, the treads are to be formed of two square bars of not less that than 22 mm by 22 mm in section, fitted to form a horizontal step with the edges pointing upward. The treads are to be carried through the side stringers and attached thereto by double continuous welding. All inclined ladders are to be provided with handrails of substantial construction on both sides, fitted at a convenient distance above the treads. Reason for the Rule Clarification: Editorial correction. Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS CORRIGENDA 5 PAGE 4 OF 40 CHAPTER 3 STRUCTURAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES SECTION 1 MATERIAL 2. Hull structural steel 2.3 Grades of steel 2.3.7 In specific cases, such as 2.3.6 2.3.8, with regard to stress distribution along the hull girder, the classes required within 0.4L amidships may be extended beyond that zone, on a case by case basis. Reason for the Rule Clarification: Editorial correction. Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CORRIGENDA 5 COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS PAGE 5 OF 40 Table 4 Application of material classes and grades Material class Structural member category Within 0.4L amidship Outside 0.4L amidship SECONDARY Longitudinal bulkhead strakes, other than that belonging to the Primary category Deck Plating exposed to weather, other than that belonging to the Primary or Special category Side plating (7) I A/AH PRIMARY Bottom plating, including keel plate Strength deck plating, excluding that belonging to the Special category Continuous longitudinal members above strength deck, excluding hatch coamings Uppermost strake in longitudinal bulkhead Vertical strake (hatch side girder) and uppermost sloped strake in top wing tank II A/AH SPECIAL Sheer strake at strength deck (1), (6) Stringer plate in strength deck (1), (6) Deck strake at longitudinal bulkhead (6) Strength deck plating at corners of cargo hatch openings in bulk carriers, ore carriers, combination carriers and other ships with similar hatch openings configuration (2) Bilge strake (3), (4), (6) Longitudinal hatch coamings of length greater than 0.15L (5) Web of lower bracket of side frame of single side bulk carriers having additional service feature BC-A or BC-B (5) End brackets and deck house transition of longitudinal cargo hatch coamings (5) III II (I outside 0.6L amidships) Notes: (1) Not to be less than grade E/EH within 0.4L amidships in ships with length exceeding 250 m. (2) Not to be less than class III within 0.6L amidships and class II within the remaining length of the cargo region. (3) May be of class II in ships with a double bottom over the full breadth and with length less than 150 m. (4) Not to be less than grade D/DH within 0.4L amidships in ships with length exceeding 250 m. (5) Not to be less than grade D/DH. (6) Single strakes required to be of class III or of grade E/EH and within 0.4L amidships are to have breadths, in m, not less than 0.8 + 0.005L, need not be greater than 1.8 m, unless limited by the geometry of the ship's design. (7) For BC-A and BC-B ships with single side skin structures, side shell strakes included totally or partially between the two points located to 0.125l above and below the intersection of side shell and bilge hopper sloping plate are not to be less than grade D/DH, l being the frame span. Reason for the Rule Clarification: The editorial correction is made to clarify the application of structural members. (Refer to KC ID 502) Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS CORRIGENDA 5 PAGE 6 OF 40 SECTION 6 STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENT PRINCIPLES 8. Single side structure 8.3 Side frames 8.3.1 General Frames are to be built-up symmetrical sections with integral upper and lower brackets and are to be arranged with soft toes. The side frame flange is to be curved (not knuckled) at the connection with the end brackets. The radius of curvature is not to be less than r, in mm, given by: Cf f tt b r + = 2 3 . 0 Cf f tt b r + = 2 4 . 0 where: tC : Corrosion addition, in mm, specified in Ch 3, Sec 3 bf and tf : Flange width and net thickness of the curved flange, in mm. The end of the flange is to be sniped. In ships less than 190 m in length, mild steel frames may be asymmetric and fitted with separate brackets. The face plate or flange of the bracket is to be sniped at both ends. Brackets are to be arranged with soft toes. The dimensions of side frames are defined in Fig 19. Reason for the Rule Clarification: This correction is made to be in line with IACS UR S12. (Refer to KC ID 564) 10. Bulkhead structure 10.4 Corrugated bulkhead 10.4.4 Span of corrugations The span lC of the corrugations is to be taken as the distance shown in Fig 29. For the definition of lC, the height of the upper and lower stools may not be taken smaller than the values specified in 10.4.7 and 10.4.8 the internal end of the upper stool is not to be taken more than a distance from the deck at the centre line equal to: - 3 times the depth of corrugation, in general - 2 times the depth of corrugation, for rectangular stool Reason for the Rule Clarification: This correction is made to be in line with IACS UR S18. (Refer to KC ID 424 & 445) 10.4.7 Lower stool The lower stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general not less than 3 times the depth of the corrugations. Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CORRIGENDA 5 COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS PAGE 7 OF 40 The net thickness and material of the stool top plate are to be not less than those required for the bulkhead plating above. The thickness and material properties of the upper portion of vertical or sloping stool side plating within the depth equal to the corrugation flange width from the stool top are to be not less than the required flange plate thickness and material to meet the bulkhead stiffness requirement at the lower end of the corrugation. The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners, when fitted in a vertical plane, are to be attached to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool. The distance d from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange is to be in accordance with Fig 30. The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bottom floors or girders as the case may be, and is to have a width not less than 2.5 times the mean depth of the corrugation. The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with the longitudinal double bottom girders or floors as the case may be, for effective support of the corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in way of the connections to the stool top plate are to be avoided. Where corrugations are cut at the lower stool, corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the stool top plate by full penetration welds. The stool side plating is to be connected to the stool top plate and the inner bottom plating by either full penetration or deep penetration welds. The supporting floors are to be connected to the inner bottom by either full penetration or deep penetration weld. The weld of corrugations and stool side plating to the stool top plate are to be full penetration one. The weld of stool side plating and supporting floors to the inner bottom plating are to be full penetration or deep penetration welds. Reason for the Rule Clarification: This correction is made to be in line with IACS UR S18. (Refer to KC ID 337) Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS CORRIGENDA 5 PAGE 8 OF 40 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN LOADS SECTION 5 EXTERNAL PRESSURES AND FORCES 3. External pressures on superstructures and deckhouses 3.2 Exposed wheel house tops 3.2.1 The lateral pressure for exposed wheel house tops, in kN/m2, is not to be taken less than: 5 . 2=p 5 .12=p Reason for the Rule Clarification: Editorial correction regarding the minimum pressure for superstructures, etc. is made because it is a typo (Refer to KC ID 478). 3.4 End Superstructure end bulkheads of superstructure and deckhouse 3.4.1 The lateral pressure, in kN/m2, for determining the scantlings is to be obtained from the greater of the following formulae: )(TzbCncpA= minAA pp= where: n : Coefficient defined in Tab 7, depending on the tier level. The lowest tier is normally that tier which is directly situated above the uppermost continuous deck to which the depth D is to be measured. However, where the actual distance (D-T) exceeds the minimum non-corrected tabular freeboard according to ILLC as amended by at least one standard superstructure height as defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, 3.18.1, this tier may be defined as the 2nd tier and the tier above as the 3rd tier c : Coefficient taken equal to: 1 1 7 . 03 . 0 B b c+= For exposed parts of machinery casings, c is not to be taken less than 1.0 1 b : Breadth of deckhouse at the position considered 1 B : Actual maximum breadth of ship on the exposed weather deck at the position considered. 11 Bb is not to be taken less than 0.25 b : Coefficient defined in Tab 8 x : X co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point for the bulkhead considered. When determining sides of a deckhouse, the deckhouse is to be subdivided into parts of approximately equal length, not exceeding L15. 0 each, and x is to be taken as the X co-ordinate of the centre of each part considered. z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the midpoint of stiffener span, or to the middle of the plate field Copyright American Bureau of Shipping Provided by IHS under license with ABS Licensee=Boeing Co/5910770001 Not for Resale, 08/07/2008 19:28:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CORRIGENDA 5 COMMON STRUCTURAL RULES FOR BULK CARRIERS PAGE 9 OF 40 l : Span, in m, to be taken as the superstructure height or deckhouse height respectively, and not less than 2.0 m pAmin : Minimum lateral pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Tab 9. Table 7 : Coefficient n (Note: Change in title only, no change in Tab 7) Table 8 : Coefficient b (Note: Change in title only, no change in Tab 8) Table 9 : Minimum lateral pressure pAmin pAmin, in kN/m2 L Lowest tier of unprotected fronts Elsewhere (1) 25090L 50 25 (1) For the 4th tier and above, minA p is to be taken equal to 2.5 12.5kN/m2. Reason for the Rule Clarification: Editorial correction (Refer to KC ID 478 and 479) 4. PRESSURE IN BOW AREA 4.1Bow flare area pressure 4.1.1 The bow pressure, in kN/m2, to be considered for t


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