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    A N S I Kb2gbLl bb m 0724150 0007b55 7 - 13-9s IJSAS u 1 x 2 632 .!):O0 1.4 K62.64- 1966 Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical USA Administrative Sponsor 1,4-dichloro-2,5- chloroneb standard dimethoxybenzene a Approved August 16, 1966 I 1. Common Name: chloroneb 1. I The word “chloroneb“ (pronounced kk)r'- O-nëbl has been accepted as the IJSA Standard common name for the chemical I ,il-dichloro- 2.5-diiiic thoxybenzenc. 1.2 Acceptance signifies compliance with IJSA Standurd Procedure for the Acceptance of an IJSA Standard Common Name for a Pest Con- trol Chemical, KK?. I- I9M. and Addenda K(i2. I U- I95X. 2. Use of Common Name U. S. Department of Agriculture Copyright O I!)fifi by the ilnileil State# of America Stanlanls Institute 1 0 ERR( 40th Street. New York. N. Y. 1íWlfi Printed in (ISA Page' i of 2 pages chemical conforming to the description set forth in this IJSA Standard. 3. Limitations Neither the TJniietl States of America Standards Institiite nor its coirimittee giiar- antees or assumes any responsibility that rise of this name in connection wilh this or any ot her chemical or product will not infringe on or conflict with any existing proprietary naine, trademark. or trade naine. Approval as a TJSA Standard common iiaine const iliitcs recognition by the Standards Institiite that a consensus exists within a r(iprescntat ive commitlee. operating iiiitlcr t tic S(iintlartls 2.1 'I'ho common naine applies to the 100 pcr- cciil piire chemical. 2.3 The Sponsor I o f lhe common name “chlor- onc!b“ has agreed to release and permit the tise of the name “chloroneb“ with respect to any prodiict. whether or not maniifacturcd or loriniilateti by it. which cont.ains a pcst control to designate the pest control chemical de- scribed herein by all interested persons. The information concerning the chemical and phys- ical properties of the chemical is not u part of the standard but is provided solcly as an aid to identification. and the Standards In- I Niiiiiv furnishcxl upin rcqiiest. st itiite docs not giiarantee its accuracy. 8s m eqd is reproduced fr?qisc. turn t hr pagr íor the Appcmdix on physical and cheiniciil properties and proposed uses of ch1oroneb.I Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=O'Connor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 10:40:47 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- A N S I Kb2.b4 bb B 0724350 0007b5b 7 Page 2 of 2 pages Appendix (This Appendix is not a part of USA Standard K62.64-1966, but is supplied for informational purposes only.) ehloroneb Physical and Chemical Properties Systematic name ,4-dichloro-2,5-dimethoxybenzene Em pi rical form da C, H, CI, Qz C C Molecular weight 207.06 Color Form Odor Melting range Boiling point Specific gravity Solubility at 25 o C White Crystalline solid Faintly musty 133-135“ C 268“ c I .(i6 Grams chloroneb tapprox) in f00 grams solvent Met hylone chloride Dimet hyl torrnamide Aceton(! X y lenc Water 15.4 13.4 13.0 9.8 8 ppm (parts per rnillion) Stability Temperature-stable at least iip to boiling point. Stable in water, dilute aqueous acids and bases, and common organic solvents. Subject to micro- bial decomposition under moist conditions in soil. Flammability No special problcrn involved. Proposed Uses trol of sc?cdhg discascs of certain crops, including coí ton. Chloroneb is intended for use as a soil firngicide or supplemental secd treatment for the con- K62.64- 1366 Y - Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=O'Connor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 10:40:47 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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