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    MANUAL SYMBOLS AND IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM - MECHANICAL DEP December 1998 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE This document is confidential. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell International Oil Products B.V. and Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in these companies. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owners. PREFACE DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of: Shell International Oil Products B.V. (SIOP) and Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP) and Shell International Chemicals B.V. (SIC) The Hague, The Netherlands, and other Service Companies. They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Group Operating companies. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, national and international standards and codes of practice. The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Group companies operating an oil refinery, gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization. The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual operating companies to adapt the information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements. When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor. The right to use DEPs is granted by SIOP, SIEP or SIC, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group and other companies receiving technical advice and services from SIOP, SIEP or SIC. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished: 1)Operating companies having a Service Agreement with SIOP, SIEP, SIC or other Service Company. The use of DEPs by these Operating companies is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement. 2)Other parties who are authorized to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements. 3)Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards. Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, SIOP, SIEP and SIC disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part thereof. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to SIOP, SIEP, SIC and/or any company affiliated to these companies that may issue DEPs or require the use of DEPs. Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall not, without the prior written consent of SIOP and SIEP, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of SIOP and SIEP. The copyright of DEPs vests in SIOP and SIEP. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and SIOP or SIEP may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement. All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in SIOP. NOTE: In addition to DEP publications there are Standard Specifications and Draft DEPs for Development (DDDs). DDDs generally introduce new procedures or techniques that will probably need updating as further experience develops during their use. The above requirements for distribution and use of DEPs are also applicable to Standard Specifications and DDDs. Standard Specifications and DDDs will gradually be replaced by DEPs. DEP December 1998 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION.4 1.1SCOPE 4 1.2DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS4 1.3DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS.4 1.4CROSS-REFERENCES5 1.5SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES5 2.GENERAL. 6 3.IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT.7 3.1GENERAL 7 3.2LETTER CODE IDENTIFICATION “a“7 3.3PROCESS UNIT IDENTIFICATION “xx“.7 3.4SERIAL NUMBER “yy“.7 3.5LETTER CODE IDENTIFICATION “z“7 3.6EXAMPLES USING THE LETTER CODES OF TABLE 1 9 3.7EQUIPMENT NUMBERING OF PARALLEL TRAINS.9 3.8EQUIPMENT NUMBERING OF PACKAGE UNITS9 4.IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING.10 4.1GENERAL 10 4.2LINE NUMBERING10 4.3EXAMPLES OF LINE NUMBER AND PIPING CLASS IDENTIFICATION.11 5.REFERENCES12 DEP December 1998 Page 3 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1SCOPE This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for: -Symbols for the graphical presentation of equipment and piping used in Process Flow Schemes (PFS) and Process Engineering Flow Schemes (PEFS). -Identification numbering system for equipment and piping, which is used on PFS, PEFS and other documents. This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated May 1992; a summary of the main changes is given in (1.5). 1.2DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorised by SIOP and SIEP, the distribution of this DEP is confined to companies forming part of the Royal Dutch/“Shell“ Group or managed by a Group company, and to Contractors nominated by them (i.e. the distribution code is “C“, as described in DEP This DEP is intended for use in oil refineries, chemical plants, gas plants, exploration and production facilities and supply/marketing installations. If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in this DEP the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned with the object of obtaining agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible. 1.3DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.3.1General definitions The Contractor is the party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party which manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor. The Principal is the party which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant, authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal. The word shall indicates a requirement. The word should indicates a recommendation. DEP December 1998 Page 4 1.3.2Abbreviations CVControl valve DDrain ETrElectrical tracing FOFlushing-out FORFlushing-out, return FOSFlushing-out, supply GOGear-operated HCHose connection LCLocked-closed LOLocked-open LubLubricated MOVMotor-operated valve NCNormally closed NNFNormally no flow NONormally open PVVPressure vacuum valve RORestriction orifice ROVRemote-operated valve RVRelief valve SCSample connection ScrScrewed SOSteaming out SPSet pressure StTrSteam tracing SWSocket weld TSOTight shut off TWThermowell UCUtility connection VVent 1.4CROSS-REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section number is shown in brackets. Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (6). 1.5SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated May 1992. This has been mainly an editorial revision, the main change being the transfer of symbols from this DEP to a new Standard Drawing, S 02.002. DEP December 1998 Page 5 2.GENERAL Mechanical symbols for use on Proces Flow sheets (PFS) and for use on Process Engineering Flow Sheets (PEFS) shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 02.002. These symbols may also be used on other documents where required. Standard Drawing S 02.002 is made in such that the symbols may easily be copied in electronic form. For equipment not shown in this DEP, a simple outline should be drawn, together with a short description of its function. For very complicated equipment hook-ups a rectangle (dot- and-dash line) should be drawn with a reference to a separate scheme. In a number of cases, basic symbols have been included for use only on PFS. The other symbols may be applied for all documents mentioned above. Where a symbol is not adequate to indicate the type or function of a piece of equipment, additional notes should be located next to the symbol. For symbols not shown on standard drawing S 02.002, the symbols in BS 1553-1 shall be used. For coal handling and preparation plants, the symbols in ISO 561 shall be used. For instrument symbols and identification, and valve actuating methods, reference is made to Standard Drawing S 37.000 For electrical symbols, reference is made to IEC 60617 and Standard Drawing S 64.000. DEP December 1998 Page 6 3.IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT 3.1GENERAL All equipment shall be identified by a tag number of the format:a-xxyyz,in which “a“is a one or two-letter code identifying the device function in accordance with Table 1; “xx“ is a one or two-digit number used to identify the process unit; “yy“ is a two-digit serial number; and “z“this one-letter shall only be applied to denote identical equipment when this is used for the same purpose. 3.2LETTER CODE IDENTIFICATION “a“ The letter code shall be arranged as follows: 1.The first letter shall indicate the process function, in accordance with column 1 of Table 1 2.The optional second letter shall indicate the supporting function in accordance with column 2 of Table 1 3.3PROCESS UNIT IDENTIFICATION “xx“ Examples: for unit1100,xx is 11 for unit100,xx is 1 for unit7400,xx is 74 3.4SERIAL NUMBER “yy“ Serial numbers shall run consecutively from 01 for each group of equipment. 3.5LETTER CODE IDENTIFICATION “z“ This code is used to denote identical equipment for the same purpose, and shall be one of the letters : “A“, “B“, “C“, “D“, etc. The letter “S“ is to be used with common spare equipment. Example of equipment numbering: P-7004A P-7004B P-7008S in which P=equipment letter code of a pump 7004=equipment number of pump 4 of unit 7000 A and B =are the letters indicating two identical pieces of equipment (either working in parallel or in series or equipment with single spare) S=common spare (e.g. for P-7008 and P-7009) DEP December 1998 Page 7 TABLE 1Letter code identification LetterColumn 1Column 2 APackaged units and miscellaneous equipment, e.g. extruders, crushers, cutters, kneaders, crystallisers, pelletisers CColumns : tray columnsChamber packed columns rotating disc contactors DDrying equipmentDiesel engine EUnfired heat transfer equipment: -heat exchangers -condensers -air-cooled heat exchangers -reboilers FFired furnaces, heaters, steam boilersFan GGeneratorGearbox JJets (ejectors, injectors and eductors) KCompressors, blowers, fans MMixers, stirrers, mixing nozzles, blenders, steamElectric motor desuperheaters PPumps (centrifugal, reciprocating, rotary) SGravity and mechanical separators, e.g. thickeners, cyclones, expellers, centrifuges, filters, dust collectors, sieves TAtmospheric storage tanks, interceptors, neutralisingTurbine pits(steam or gas) VVessels, incl. pressure storage vessels, silos and hoppers WWeighing equipment XStationary transport equipment ZBulk loading arms NOTE:Where a choice has to be made between two or more letters, the most important function of the equipment shall prevail. If, for example, a jet is used for mixing purposes, M is preferred to J. DEP December 1998 Page 8 3.6EXAMPLES USING THE LETTER CODES OF TABLE 1 EGGearbox of heat transfer equipment (e.g. fin-fans) GTTurbine of generator KTTurbine of compressor PDDiesel engine of pump PGGearbox of pump PMElectric motor of pump EMElectric motor of air-cooled heat exchanger 3.7EQUIPMENT NUMBERING OF PARALLEL TRAINS Identical equipment of identical parallel trains shall be given identical equipment numbers. PEFS's shall be applicable to each of the identical trains. The equipment number shall be preceded by the number of the train on the requisition sheets of the equipment only. Example: 1V-4205 for train 1 and 2V-4205 for train 2. 3.8EQUIPMENT NUMBERING OF PACKAGE UNITS The package unit shall be given a number as described above. The first digit of the serial number “yy“ should be allocated such that this digit is identical for all equipment in the package unit. Example: Equipment in package unit A-4350 S-4351, P-4351, V-4351 and V-4352 DEP December 1998 Page 9 4.IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING 4.1GENERAL All piping on PEFS and piping plan drawings shall be identified by the nominal size followed by the line number and piping class identification. Example: 100-P3001-31011 NominalLinePiping class identification pipe sizenumberin accordance with (DN)see (4.2)DEP DEP 4.2LINE NUMBERING To indicate


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