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    I - E I A 540CAAB 89 m 3234600 00744b8 2 m ELECTRONIC IN DUSTRI ES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT m a a o O APPROVED: July 19, 1989 EIA SPECIFICATION Detail Specification on Relay Sockets = 5A for Balanced Armature Relay SEPTEMBER 1989 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies :; - j- 2-46 RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT' 7 7 SELF-LOCKING NUT, HEX SELF-LOCKING NUT, HEX FLAT WASHER MOUNTING PANEL OR w. SELF-LOCKING NUT, HEX R EIAY 1 ' Yi+- L MOUNTING PANEL OR C H A S S I S U A X FUT WASHER R G SELF-LOCKING NUT, HEX SELF-LOCKING NUT, HEX TOP MOUNT (TYP.) BOTTOM MOUNT (TYP.) FIGURE 3 HARDWARE AND PANEL CUTOUT NOTES : ' 1. Dimensions are in mm. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. 3. e Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are *:0.13 (.005) f o r two place and f0.3 (.01) for one place dimensions. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies B Page 8 3.3 3 . 4 4 .O 4.1 1000 M&minimum. After humidity testing the' insulation resistance measured shall be 100 MAminimum. The test $robe used during this test shall have a diameter of 1.016 - .O25 (.O40 ' .001). probe Damaae The probe to be used during the probe damage test shall have a diameter of 1.041 .O13 (.O41 . 0 0 0 5 ) . It shall be inserted for a distance of 2.54 (.loo) mini- mum. TEST METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS 'The test. methods and requirements are prescribed in section four of EIA 540COOO and are supplemented with the information given in this portion of the detail specifica- tion. and W i - Force& When tested using the mating device described below, the maximum insertion force shall be in accordance with the values specified by Table II. The withdrawal force shall be in accordance with the values specified by Table II. After incchanical operation, probe damage and/or vibration, the insertion and withdrawal forces shall be in accordance with Table II. 4.1.1 The mating devices required to perform this testing shall consist of a relay header meeting the requirements for the mating relay,with a cover or holding device to permit it to be handled. This mating device shall be inserted into the socket to a depth of 2.54 (.loo) minimum. 4.2 The relay socket shall be cycled 150 times using the mating device described by 4.1.1. The insertion depth shall be 2.54 (.loo) minimum throughout the test, Using the vibration test gage.described in 4 . 3 . 1 , the socket shall be vibrated through a frequency range for 10-3000 Hz varied logarithmically using a sweep time of 20 minutes (10 minutes up, 10 minutes down). The excursion of the vibration table shall be lifiited to .152 mm (double amplitude) . The total test time in each of the three mutually perpendicular axes shall be two hours. The socket shall be tested in all three axes for a total test time of 6 hours. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 03:05:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - . -. “ . I - - - E I A 540CAAB 89 = 3234600 0074478 5 m EIA-540CAAB Page 9 4.3.1 U r a t ion Test Gase The vibration test gage shall utilize a header for the mating relay. The circuit of the test gage shall be wired so that pins are in series. In this manner, one channel on the chatter indicator shall be able to monitor all of the contacts of an entire socket. 4.4 ShBEh Using the test gage described by 4.3.1, the socket shall be exposed to a shock test in accordance with the follow- ing : Peak acceleration value: 2009 Waveform: Half .Sine Wave Duration of Pulsr: 6 ms There shall be 18 shock ?ulses total, with six pulses in each of the three mutually perpendicular planes: 3 pulses in each direction. During the testing the contacts shall be monitored by use of a chatter indicator for an opening in excess of i ps. 5.0 MARKING Terminal identification as shown in Fig. 1 shall be print- ed or embossed on the socket. This marking shall be shown on the underside of the socket. At the manufacturer's option, the topside of the socket may indicate the same terminal identification. TABLE I I PART NUMBER SUFFIX Part Number Face Polarization No. of Active Suffix Configuration Type Contacts O001 0002 0003 0004 Fig. 1 None Fig. 2 Type II Fig. 2 Type III Fig. 2 Type 1 14 16 * 16 * 16 * * To be used for latching relay. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 03:05:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- E I A 540CAAB 89 W 3234600 0074479 7 W EI A-540CAAF3 Page 10 TABLE II INSERTION AND WITHDRAWAL FORCES Part Number' SUFFIX Maximum INITIAL INSERTION FORCE (lb) Maximum Minimum POST-TEST WITHDRAWAL INSERTION FORCE FORCE (lb) (lb) O001 . I 0002 0003 0004 16 19 19 19 18 22 22 22 .52 .60 .60 .60 /- -. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 03:05:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- E I A 54OCAAB 89 3234b00 0074480 3 EIA STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING -. STANDARD i A document that establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design criteria for material. Standards and other documents not in the specification format use only the EIA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-I 23 Original Standard EIA-I 23-1 Addendum to Original Standard EIA-123-A First Revision o f original Standard incorporating ail Addenda SPECIFICATION A document prepared specifically to facilitate procurement which clearly and accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Procedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced or included. EIA Specifications use the following system: E i A 1 j 3 Standard Prefix for all Numbers Standard or Generic Specification Sectional Specification Designator Blank Detail Specification Designator I Detail Specification Designator I EIA I230000 EIA 123A000 EIA 123AAOO EIA 123AAAA EIA 123OOAA is a Generic Specification is a Sectional Specification is a Blank Detail Specification is a Detail Specification is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specification was issued. NOTES: 1. Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. 2. See EP-1 I “Guide for the Preparation of Specification Using IECQ-System Format,“ for more detail. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 03:05:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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