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    E I A IS-43AA 88 m 3234600 0002400 4 m EIA SPECIFICATION Cable For LAN Twisted Pair Data Communications - Detail Specif ¡cation For Type I, Outdoor Cable NQ-EIA/ IS-43AA SEPTEMBER 1988 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies ' I - 112 to 20 HHz 1 -40;' I I l I ; The specification must be met over the entire frequency range specified. 3.2.2 IMPEDANCE IMPEDANCE - OHHS i (10% TOLERAKCE) I - I I A I P Frequency I DG?I 1 9 . 6 kHz 1 270 1 38.4 kHz 1 185 1 3 to 20 ?lHz 1 150n 1 * The specification must be met over the entire frequency range specified. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies the Crystalline propylene/ethylene copolymer material shall be tested at -YO Ie l 0 C with the mandrel diameter equal to the outside diameter of the insulated conductor. Shrin kback: A minimum of one sample of each insulated wire from the cable shall be tested. Immediately prior to testing, specimens 70 cm (8 in.) long shall be cut from the center of a 1.5 m (5 ft) length and then reduced to 15 cm (6 in.) by trimming each end of the specimen. The 15 cm ( 6 in.) specimens shall be placed in a convection type circulating.air oven for 4 hours at the temperatures indicated. Shrinkback is defined as a total shrinkage of the insulation from both ends of the specimen. Material Temperature polyethylene 115 f l0C crystalline propylene/ethylene 130 f l0C copolymer 3.3.3 ANTIOXIDANT TESTS Test for residual antioxidant activity after processing conduct using the following cable conditioning and insulation test procedures. A short length section, approximately 30 cm (i ft), of cable shall be sealed at the ends And placed in an oven at a temperature of 68 f l 0 C for 8 hours for conditioning. The sample will then be allowed to equilibrate to room temperature for a total of 24 hours. After w - Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies allowed t o equilibrate 24 hours, and tested again according for bonding strength as described in 1.5.8. The peel strength t o metal shall not show any decrease from the value in 1.5.8. -7 /-7 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies the depth of the controlled imperfection shall be proportional t o the jacket thickness, and the stress cracking reagent shall be a 10 percent solution (by volume) of “Igepal“ CO-630. Shrinkback: Slab specimens shall be cut from the jackets 50 mm (2 in.) long, 13 mm (0.5 in.) wide, and the same thickness as the jacket. The slab specimens shall be placed i n a convection type circulating air oven operating a t a temperature of 100 k l 0 C for a 4 hour period. Impact: A jacketed cable of approximately 40 c m (15 in.) in length is secured across t h e bottom of a tube 32 mm (1.25 in.) in diameter. This assembly is placed on a firm surface in a cold chamber a t a temperature of -20 2 2OC for 4 1 hours after which a weight is released a t the top of the tube. The length of the tube and the weight that'.is used shall be such that a 4 n-m (3 ft;+lb) impact is delivered to the jacketed 7 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies I JI I min max I I c m I I I I i 13 i 15 i 444 i para i 444 para 4.5 i l I I I 3.4.2 I 1 3.4.2 I I I ! ! I l I I I Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies straightened, bent lSOo in the opposite direction, completing one cycle. The specimen shall be straightened, rotated go', and a second cycle of bending performed. The rate of bend shall be such that the test is completed within one minute. The specimen shall have been conditioned for a minimum of four hours a t -20' k 2 ' C and shall be bent a t t h i s temperature, or immediately upon removal from the cold chamber where the sample has been conditioned, providing that the mandrel is a nonconducting surface such as wood. The cable may be allowed t o come up t o room temperature before inspection. The bent area of the cable shall show no visible evidence of fracture of the jacket. After removal of the jacket the shield shall show no visible evidence of fracture. 3.5 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS NOTES: The following symbols are used in the table below: D = Destructive Test L = Lot by lot. So less frequent ND = Nondestrucive Test than every 50,000 f t . p = Period i n Months A = A l l Cable - 100°, of n = Sample Size Finished Cable c = Number of Defects Allowed (O) = Designates paragraph no. from the Omnibus Spec. No designation indicates Detail Spec. paragraph no. Group A inspection (Lot by Lot) I I (SECTION NO. ECTION NO. & 1 D OR I CONDITIOXS OF I p I n I c ( PERFORMANCE I I III I III I l I I . 2.1 Crosstalk I I I (I I ! I I i / / i ! I A 1-101 9.6kHz - t i 0 I I I 4.15(0) I I 1 (38.4kHz - 165 I 3.2.2 Impedance 1 ND 1 Stated i n I I I 1 1 1 3 - I I I 1 I! l I I I 1 I 20?1Hz - 150 1 I ,I I I I I I i i / / I A 1-10) 9.6kHz - -3dB 1 I 1 I I 4YHz - -22dB I 3.2.3 Attenuation I ND I Stated i n I 4.14(0) I 1 i (38.4kKz - -5dB i I I I I 20?1Hz - -LSdB 1 I l I I I I i i i l l i l I I III 1 I I I II! I Capacitance 1 ND i Stated i n I A 1-1011500 pF/km max. 1 Unbalance I I 4.16(0) l I l l I l I I I I I I I !I! I I I I i i i i I 3.2.4 DC Resistance I ND 1 Manual ?leas. IA 1-10157.1 ohms/km I I I I I I I I Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 23:03:16 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- c E I A IS-43AA 88 m 3234b00 0002422 3 m NQ-EIA/IS-43AA Page 19 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 23:03:16 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- E I A IS-43AA 88 = 3234600 0002423 5 NQ-EIA/IS- 4 3AA Page 20 Group C (Periodic - continued) i i SECTION NO. ID OR IEQU I REMENT - 1 ND 4 I ND 3.4.1 Compressive. Strength I I i 3.4.1 Flex I D I i 3.4.1 Impact Resistance! ND I I Humidity I D Cycle I I I i Temperature D I I I Cycle i 3.3.12 Operating ID Temperature I I I I I III 1 I I I I CONDITIONS OF I p I n I c I PERFORMANCE I I I I 1 1 I Compress of 444N(1211/01 Stated in I Stated in I I I I 3.7.12(0) i ! 4.12(0) l I I I I I I I I TE ST I I I IREQUIRENENTS I I II! I III i I!l I Stated i n 3.4.2 11211(0) Stated in 3.4.21 i / i / i I I I I I i I i ¡ i l Stated i n 4.7(0)1 I I 2.7.17(0) I I III I i i / ¡ i I I I I of 2,7.12(0) & I I III I Impact of 4.55 11211101 Stated in I I!' I Stated i n 4.8(0)11211)01 ?lust meet req. ! 1 I I ,I i ! i / I Stated i n 4.9(0)11211101 ?lust meet req. ! I I I I of 2.7.17(0) & I I I I I I l'III I ! II' 4 I I i / ¡ i Stated i n 3.3.12 I 12 I 1 I O 1 Stated in i i i i 3.3.12 I I I I I III I Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 23:03:16 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- f E I A IS-43AA 88 = 3234600 0002424 7 e 2- 7 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 23:03:16 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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