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    CENELEC Rum do Stassrrt. 35 - B 1050 Brxollea Tót.: (+ 32 2) 519.68.71 - Fax. (+ 32 2) 519.69.19 Tmbtmx 2 0 3 6 2210097 - CENCEL - Tx 172210097 INFORMATION SHEET Issue 1 1992- i a - i: - 3404583 0046713 75b HO 384.6.61 51 October 1992 Electrical installations of buildings Part 6: Verification Chapter 61: Initial verification Installations électriques des Elektrische Anlagen von Gebauden b i timen t s Teil 6: Prüfungen Sixième partie: Vérification Hauptabschnitt 61: ErstprÜfungen Chapitre 6í: Vérification à la mise en service RD: IEC 364-6-61:1986 Related to Directive: - This Harmonization Document consists o f the following: - Title Page - Endorsement notice - Conmon modifications prepared by CENELEC Technical Comittee TC 64 date o f ratification : 1991-12-10 date of announcement : 1992-08-01 date of latest publication : 1993-03-01 date of withdrawal : 1993-03-01 LIST OF NATIONAL STANDARDS IS GIVEN OVERLEAF HARMONIZED NATIONAL STANDARDS M 3404583 OOVbïL4 692 M HO 3 8 4 . 6 . 6 1 S1:1992 AT : NR BE : NOS CH : NR (ASE 1 0 0 0 . 1 9 8 5 ) DE : NR ( D I N VDE 0 1 0 0 Teil 6 0 0 / 1 1 . 8 7 ) OK : NR ( DANISH HEAVY CURRENT REGULATIONS, SECTION 1 1 , 1 9 6 0 1 ES : F I : F R : GB : GR : NOS I E : NOS IS : IT : NR (CE1 6 4 - 8 ( 1 9 0 8 1 ) LU : Ni. : NO : NR (NS 3C21 ( 1 9 8 4 1 ) P T : NOS SE : NR ( I B L 7 7 ( 1 9 7 7 1 “ . 611.3 612.1 612.3 612.4 I n the second l i n e of the second indented text the words “(see Chapter 42)“ are replaced by “(see Section 527 and Chapter 42)“ . The third indented text i s replaced by: I'- protection by separation of circuits i n the cases of SELV and PELV and i n the case of protection by electrical separation (see Clause 612.4) ; 'I . The text of the f i r s t five lines i s replaced by: “The insulation resistance shall be measured between each l i v e conductor and earth.“ I n Table 61A, the text of the first column, l i n s 3 t o 6 (“SELV and functional . . . . . . . .411.1.3.3“), i s replaced by “SELV and PELV“ . The text of the last four lines i s replaced by 8 “When the c i r c u i t includes elctronic devices, phase and neutral conductors shall be connected together during the measurement. 'I The text of thio Clause i s replaced by: I' OLL4 PEiiQG by SSLY T h separation of l i v e parts from those of other circuits and from earth, according t o Section 411, shall be verified by a measurement of the insulation resistance. The resistance values shall be i n accordance w i t h Tablr 6lA. -,-,- Page 4 HI) 384.6.61 S1:1992 CLAUSE 612.8.1 COMMON MODIFICATIONS O12a4rZ Prnterhhon PY ELI! The separation of l i v e parts from those of other circuits, according t o Section 411, shall be verified by a measurement of the insulation resistance. The resistance valuer obtained shall be i n accordance w i t h Table 61A. b ' Z 4 L 3 P!Xt6ictLon by m!ct!2cal Z.elrlt,Lor! The separation of l i v e parts from those of other circuits and from earth, according t o Clause 413.!3, shall be verified by a measurement of the insulation resistance. The resistance values obtained shall be i n accordance w i t h Table 6lA. 'I . The text of t h i s Subclause i s replaced by: II The test i s made, on equipment b u i l t on s i t e and not type tsted, according t o the method shown i n Appendix E (under consideration) (see, for th. time being, EN 6043W.“ . 612.9 I n the t h i r d l i n e the words “of t h i s standard“ are replaced by “of the HD's of the HD 384 series“ . Appendix A I n the fourth l i n e the words “or rarth“ are introduced after the words “protectivr conductors“ . 3404583 0046739 174 CLAUSE Flnnex ZA (now) Page 5 HI) 384.6.61 S1:1992 COMMON MODIFICATIONS The following now Annex is introduced: For the purpoom of Chapter 61 the following definition. apply: WXfiSiWQQ Verification denote8 all measurr. by means of which compliance of the complete electrical installation with the HDs of the HD 384 series is chmckmd. Verification comprises visual inspection and testing. 9 h W L hBRSGkhE Visual inspection denotes the examination of electrical installation. in order to ascertain their proper erection. ISSLiQil Testinq denote8 the implementation of mrrrures in e1e;trical installations by means of which their effectiveness is proved. It includes ascertaining values by means of appropr i at e measur i ng i nstrumentr, said val ues not being detectable by vioual inspmction. I -,-,-


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