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    UDC 614.84:006.354 Group T58 INTERSTATE STANDARD Occupational Safety Standards System FIRE SAFETY General requirements OKSTU (All-Union Classification Code of Standards and Specifications) 0012 GOST 12.1.004-91 Date of Introduction 01.07.92 This Standard establishes the general fire safety requirements for protection objects of various assignment at all stages of their life cycle: research, creation of normative documents, design, development, manufacturing, building, fulfillment of services (work), testing, import product purchasing, sale of products (including export sale), storage, transportation, installation, mounting, setup, engineering service, repair (refurbishing), operation (use) and utilization. For objects not appropriate to effective norms, this Standard establishes the requirements for project development of compensating appliances and fire safety supporting systems at the stages of building, refurbishing and operation of the objects. The terms of this Standard are obligatory. The terms of this Standard and their definitions are given in Appendix 1. (Amended Wording, Amendment No. 1). 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The fire safety of the object shall be provided by systems of fire prevention and fire protection, including technical-organizational measures. Fire safety systems shall be characterized by the degree of fire protection for personnel and stocks of materials and capital equipment hereinafter: wealth, by the economic criteria of the efficiency of these systems in terms of wealth, taking into account all stages (scientific development, design, building, operation) of the object life cycle, and shall fulfil one of the following tasks: to eliminate outbreak of fire; to provide people with fire safety; to provide wealth with fire safety; to provide people and wealth with fire safety simultaneously. 1.2. The objects shall have fire safety systems to protect people from the effect of dangerous fire factors, including their secondary effects, at the demanded standard. The demanded standard of people fire prevention with aid of these systems shall be no less than 0.999999 of prevention of the dangerous factor effect in a year per person. The allowable level of fire risk for people shall be no more than 10-6 of the fire danger factor effect that exceeds the maximum allowed values for every person in a year. Official Edition Reprinting is prohibited © Standards Publishing House, 1991 © Standards Publishing House, 1999 Revised Edition with Amendments GOST 12.1.004-91 p. 2 The method for determining the level of fire prevention for people is given in Appendix 2*. 1.3. Objects where a fire can provoke mass harm to people, places and surroundings with dangerous and harmful manufacturing factors (in accordance with GOST 12.0.003), and fire danger factors, including their secondary effects, shall have fire safety systems preventing the minimum probability of fire outbreak. Specific values of minimum probability of fire outbreak shall be determined by the designers and production engineers during certification of these objects in accordance with the established procedure. A list of these objects shall be developed in the appropriate ministries (departments and so on) in accordance with the established procedure. The method of defining the probability of fire outbreak (explosion) in the fire risk object is given in Appendix 3. 1.4. Objects that are categorized as fire risk objects according to the norms of technology design for defining fire and explosion-proof categories of premises and buildings, shall have economically- effective fire safety systems. The method for cost efficiency evaluation of the fire safety systems is given in Appendix 4. 1.5. The dangerous factors that effect people and wealth are the following: flame and sparks; increased temperature of the environment; toxic combustion and thermal decomposition products; smoke; low oxygen concentration. The secondary effects of fire danger factors that effect people and wealth are the following: debris, fragments of destroyed devices, units, plants and constructions; radioactive and toxic substances and materials of destroyed devices and plants; electric current, originating as a result of high voltage in conducting parts of constructions, devices and units; dangerous explosion factors according to GOST 12.1.010, that result from a fire; fire extinguishing materials. 1.6. The objects shall be classified according to their fire and explosion risk, taking into account their fire risk permitted value (demanded standard of fire safety). Calculation of the criteria and indicators of fire safety estimation, including probability of fire (explosion) shall be carried out taking into account the amount of combustible and hard combustible substances in the object, fire and explosion zones resulting from emergency conditions, and possible damage to people and wealth. 1.7. The probability of fire origination in electrical or other single technological units or equipment during their developing and manufacturing shall not exceed the value of 10-6 a year. The value of permitted probability of fire during use of the production in the objects shall be calculated, taking into account the requirements of clause 1.2 of this Standard. The method of defining the probability of fire outbreak in (because of) the fire electric articles is given in Appendix 5. 1.8. The methods in the Standards and other specifications and technical documentation, designed to determine the fire risk indicators for building constructions, their coating and facing, substances, materials and goods (including work-in-process) shall sufficiently simulate real fire conditions. 1.9.A list of requirements for efficiency of the parts of particular fire safety systems shall be established in specifications and technical documentation for the appropriate types of objects. Examples of calculation of efficiency factors according to clauses 1.2, 1.3, 1.7 are given in Appendix 6. * The methods that are given in Appendixes 2, 3 and 5 of this Standard may be changed with the permission of the Fire Safety Head Department - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fire Safety under the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. -,-,- p. 3 GOST 12.1.004-91 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE SAFETY METHODS OF THE FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEM 2.1. The prevention of a fire shall be reached by prevention of combustible medium origination and (or) prevention of origination of fire sources in a combustible medium (or additions into it). 2.2. Prevention of combustible medium origination shall be provided in one of the following ways or their combinations: maximum possible use of non-combustible and hard combustible substances and materials; maximum possible (under technology and building conditions) limitation of mass and (or) volume of combustibles and the most safe way of their disposition; isolation of combustible medium (use of isolated compartments, chambers, cabins, etc.); maintenance of safe concentrations of medium according to the standards, regulations, other specifications, technical documentation and safety rules; sufficient concentration of retardant in the air of a defended volume (its constituent part); maintenance of medium temperature and pressure, where flame spread is eliminated; maximum mechanization and automation of production processes, where combustibles are used; installation of fire risk equipment whenever possible in isolated rooms or outdoors; use of protective systems for manufacturing equipment with combustibles from damage and breakdown; installation of disconnecting, isolating and other devices. 2.3. Prevention of fire source origination in a combustible medium shall be reached in one of the following ways or their combination: use of machines, mechanisms, equipment, and devices that do not originate fire sources during operation; use of electric equipment appropriate to the fire risk and explosive zones, and to the group and category of explosive mixture in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.011 and Electrical Equipment Construction Rules; use of instantaneous means in a design to protect from possible fire source cut-out; use of production process and equipment that meet the requirements of electrostatic spark protection in accordance with GOST 12.1.018; installation of lightning protection on buildings, structures and the equipment; hold the surface heating temperature of machines, mechanisms, equipment, devices, substances and materials that may contact with combustible medium below marginal. This temperature shall be 80 % of the lowest self-ignition point of a combustible; avoid any opportunity for a spark discharge to appear in a combustible medium with a power that is equal and higher than the minimum power of spark; use of non-sparking tools when working with flammable fluids and combustible gases; eliminate the conditions for thermal, chemical and (or) microbiological spontaneous combustion of transforming substances, materials, articles and constructions. The order of joint storage of substances and materials shall be in accordance with Appendix 7; avoid any contact of pyrophoric substances with air; reduce the determining volume of combustible medium below marginal in combustibility; fulfil the effective building codes, regulations and standards. 2.4. Limitation of mass and (or) volume of combustibles, and also the safest way of their disposition, shall be achieved using one of the following methods or their combination: reduce the mass and (or) volume of combustibles located simultaneously in a premise or outdoors; install dumping equipment for fire risk liquids and an emergency release of combustible gases on equipment; GOST 12.1.004-91 p. 4 install explosion-proof systems in production equipment. The method of defining the safe area of equipment depressurization is given in Appendix 8; periodically clean the territory of the object, rooms, services lines, and instrumentation of combustible waste products, dust, lint, etc.; remove fire risk waste products; replace highly inflammable () and combustible () liquids with non-combustible technical cleaning agents. (Amended Wording, Amendment No. 1). 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE-SAFE METHODS OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 3.1. Fire protection shall be provided by one of the following methods or their combination: use of fire-extinguishing means and appropriate types of fire engineering; use of automatic systems for fire alarms and fire-fighting; use of basic building constructions and materials, including those used for construction lining, which have normalized reliability; impregnate object constructions with fire retardant and overcoat their surfaces with fire-proof mixtures; use of devices ensuring fire spread limitation; use of different types of equipment (including automatic) to warn and evacuate people; use of personal and collective protective equipment to protect people from dangerous fire factors; use of smoke protection equipment. 3.2. Fire spread outside the seat of fire shall be limited by one of following methods or their combination: install fire-prevention barriers; establish maximum allowable areas of fire-prevention compartments, sections and the number of stories in buildings and constructions according to technical and economic calculations, but no more than determined in the standards; install emergency outage and switching devices and services lines; use means to prevent or limit spillage of liquids during a fire; use fire-resistant devices and equipment. 3.3. Every object shall have such a volumetric design and technical construction so that the evacuation of people may be finished before maximum fire risk. When evacuation is inexpedient, personal safety shall be provided in the object. The following shall be necessary for evacuation: ascertain the quantity, dimensions and appropriate design for emergency evacuation exits; provide unimpeded motion of people along the evacuation ways; organize, if necessary, control of people moving along the evacuation ways (light cursors, sound and voice warnings, etc.) 3.4. The collective and personal protection equipment shall provide personal safety during the whole period of fire danger factor effect. Collective protection shall be provided with aid of fire-safe zones and other design solutions. Personal protection equipment shall also be used by the fire-brigade participating in fire extinguishing. 3.5. The system of object smoke protection shall prevent smoke formation, provide temperature reduction, remove combustion products and thermal decomposition along the evacuation ways during time, sufficient for evacuation of personnel, and (or) collective protection of people according to the requirements of clause 3.6 and (or) protection of wealth. 3.6. Every object of the national economy shall be provided with technical or organizational means to warn people and (or) to signalize about a fire in its initial stage. -,-,- p. 5 GOST 12.1.004-91 The list and justification for sufficiency of warning and (or) signaling system in the objects shall be approved in accordance with the established procedure. 3.7. Engineered safety features shall be provided in the buildings and constructions (stairwells, fire-resistant walls, lifts, outer fire-escape, escape hatches, etc.). Their flame resistance shall be not less than the time necessary to save people during a fire and the estimated time of fire extinguishing. 3.8. The following requirements shall be determined for fire engineering: operation speed and intensity of extinguishing substance supply; allowable extinguishing substance (including those that meet the requirements of ecology and compatibility with combustible substances and materials); sources and means of extinguishing substance supply for fire extinguishing; normative (calculated) stock of special extinguishing substances (powder, gas, foam and combined); necessary speed to increase the extinguishing substance supply with aid of the fire fighting vehicles; requirements for resistance to the effect of the fire danger factors and their secondary effect; requirements for safety procedures. 4. TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES TO PROVIDE FIRE- SAFETY Technical-organizational measures shall include the following: organization of fire prevention, organization of departmental fire safety services in accordance with the legislation of the USSR, Union Republics and the Decree of Local Committees of Deputies of the Working People; certification of substances, materials, articles, production processes, buildings and structures of the objects regarding fire safety guarantees; public involvement in the problems of fire safety; organization of teaching Fire Safety Rules to plant workers, and teaching the population in accordance with the procedure established in Fire Safety Rules for appropriate object


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