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    BRITISH STANDARD BS 5224:1995 Specification for Masonry cement UDC 615.468.2:62-408.62 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 July 1995 © BSI 02-1999 First published July 1976 Second edition July 1995 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/516/10 Draft for comment 93/106580 DC ISBN 0 580 23637 4 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee B/516, Cement and lime, to Subcommittee B/516/10, Masonry cement, upon which the following bodies were represented: Brick Development Association British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries British Cement Association British Lime Association British Precast Concrete Federation Cementitious Slag Makers Association Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Mortar Producers Association Quality Ash Association Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.DateComments Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 © BSI 02-1999i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii 1Scope1 2References1 3Definitions1 4Masonry cement2 5Composition and manufacture2 6Physical and chemical properties2 Annex A (informative) Conformity criteria (cement manufacturers autocontrol)5 Annex B (informative) Sampling plans for cement manufacturers autocontrol6 Annex C (informative) Sampling and testing for acceptance inspection at delivery6 Annex D (informative) Information to be provided7 Annex E (informative) Workability7 Annex F (informative) Product guidance8 Table 1 Composition of masonry cements2 Table 2 Classes of masonry cement3 Table 3 Fresh mortar properties3 Table 4 Compressive strength3 Table 5 Chemical properties4 Table A.1 Minimum testing frequencies5 Table B.1 Acceptable number of non-conformities at 5 % consumers risk6 Table B.2 Acceptability constant kA6 Table C.1 Acceptance inspection limit values7 List of referencesInside back cover Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 ii © BSI 02-1999 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee B/516. It is a revision of BS 5224:1976 to align closely with developments in the work of Technical Committee 51, Cement and building limes, of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), which has prepared a European Standard for masonry cements in two Parts; ENV 413-1 which is a specification and EN 413-2 which covers test methods. The UK is obliged to implement EN 413-2 by the withdrawal of test methods in BS 5224. As a consequence, this British Standard specifies requirements based on tests in BS EN 413-2 and Parts of BS EN 196. It supersedes BS 5224:1976 which is withdrawn. This revision is based on ENV 413-1 in the same way as the 1991 revision of BS 12 was based on ENV 197-1. This will prepare the way for the future implementation of EN 413-1 as a replacement for BS 5224. This revision covers a wider range of types and compositions of masonry cements than BS 5224:1976. Significant changes in the manner in which they are specified are introduced. Three strength classes are defined on the basis of 28-day mortar strength. Non air-entrained masonry cements are included for the first time in the UK for two of the three strength classes. The strength class in this standard equivalent to BS 5224:1976 is MC 12.5 (with air-entraining agent). There is no experience in the UK of other strength classes or of non air-entrained masonry cements which have not previously been manufactured in this country. Under UK climatic conditions class MC 5 would be considered unsuitable for external masonry and non air-entrained classes MC 12.5X and MC 22.5X would be considered to be more susceptible to the action of freezing and thawing. This revision uses the concept of characteristic values for the various specified requirements. These are related to a defined sampling and testing procedure by the cement manufacturer (autocontrol). The conformity criteria for the autocontrol system are given in Annex A. The sampling plan sets out the minimum testing frequencies and results of these tests are used to assess conformity. This serves to define the quality and characteristics of the masonry cement. In addition to characteristic values, an additional series of limiting values is defined. Sampling plans for cement manufacturers autocontrol are given in Annex B and acceptance inspection recommendations are given in Annex C. This revision introduces the following changes. a) It is a specification only and supporting test methods are described in BS EN 413-2 and Parts of BS EN 196. b) The masonry cement is still based on Portland cement clinker but with lower permitted clinker contents which are related to strength class rather than to type of addition i.e. minimum 40 % clinker for classes MC 12.5, MC 12.5X and MC 22.5X and minimum 25 % clinker for class MC 5. These compositional changes may affect durability and, in the absence of long term experience in the UK, a test for durability, based on sulfate attack and freeze/thaw, is being developed within CEN. c) A 90 4m sieve residue has been introduced as a fineness limit. d) The test for setting times is essentially unchanged but their minimum values have been increased. e) Fresh mortar properties are still measured on test mortars of standard consistence. The penetration value of (35 ± 3) mm by the reference plunger method is equivalent to a dropping ball value of (10.0 ± 0.5) mm. f) The air content and water retention of the test mortar are more tightly defined. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 © BSI 02-1999iii g) There is no specified requirement for workability but Annex E suggests suitable values for workability (cohesiveness at standard consistence). The test is based on flow times measured by the workability meter described in BS EN 413-2. In view of the limited experience with this method an alternative method using the flow table as in BS 5224:1976 is being developed. h) The sulfate limit of not more than 3.0 % of the total cement for classes MC 12.5 and MC 22.5 has the same value as in BS 5224:1976 but is now based on autocontrol. However, a limit of 3.5 % is permitted if the clinker content is greater than 55 %. There is a 2.0 % limit for class MC 5. i) A chloride limit has been introduced for classes MC 12.5, MC 12.5X and MC 22.5X. j) Standard 28-day compressive strength is now measured on prisms made from mortar in accordance with BS EN 196-1 and this defines the strength classes. There is a 7-day strength requirement for classes MC 12.5, MC 12.5X and MC 22.5X. k) The cement test certificate, available on request, is now to include results of tests on strength, initial setting time, soundness, sulfate content, chloride content, air content and water retention (see Annex D). l) Guidance on the use of masonry cement and safety precautions have been introduced in Annex F. Product certification. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider the desirability of third party certification of product conformity with this British Standard based on testing and continuing surveillance which may be coupled with assessment of a suppliers quality systems against the appropriate Part of BS EN ISO 9000. Enquiries as to the availability of third party certification schemes are forwarded by BSI to the Association of British Certification Bodies. If a third party certification scheme does not already exist, users should consider approaching an appropriate body from the list of Association members. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI iv blank Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 © BSI 02-19991 1 Scope This British Standard for masonry cements specifies the requirements for composition and manufacture, for the strength, physical and chemical properties as characteristic values and for marking. Recommendations for a manufacturers autocontrol system for conformity, conformity sampling plans, sampling and testing for acceptance at delivery, provision of information, workability and product guidance are given in Annex A to Annex F. 2 References 2.1 Normative references This British Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. The normative references are made at the appropriate places in the text and the cited publications are listed on the inside back cover. For dated references only the edition cited applies; any subsequent amendments to or revisions of the cited publication apply to this British Standard only when incorporated in the reference by updating or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the cited publication applies, together with any amendments. 2.2 Informative references This British Standard refers to other publications that provide information or guidance. Editions of these publications current at the time of issue of this standard are listed on the inside back cover, but reference should be made to the latest editions. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the definitions given in BS 6110-6.1 apply, together with the following. 3.1 inspection process of testing samples of masonry cement in order to compare them with the specification 3.2 statistical quality control quality control using statistical methods (such as control charts and sampling plans) 3.3 autocontrol continuous statistical quality control of the masonry cement, carried out by the manufacturer 3.4 lot definite quantity of masonry cement produced during the inspection period. After specified tests, this quantity is regarded as a whole “conforming” or “not conforming” to the autocontrol requirements 3.5 spot sample sample taken at the same time and from one and the same place relating to the intended tests (see BS EN 196-7) 3.6 consumers risk risk to the consumer that a lot will be declared as conforming to the standard when in reality the percentage of non-conformities will be higher than the acceptable percentage of non-conformities, Pa. It is characterized as that point on the operating characteristic curve (OC curve) corresponding to a predetermined low probability of acceptance (in this standard 5 %) 3.7 characteristic value value of a property corresponding to an acceptable percentage of non-conformities NOTENumerical values are given in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5. 3.8 non-conformity the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement for a characteristic value in clause 6 3.9 probability of acceptance probability that a lot with a given percentage of non-conformities will result in acceptance under a given sampling plan 3.10 inspection by attributes comparison between the counted number of non-conformities and an estimated number of non-conformities, calculated from the number of tests and the specified acceptable overall percentage of non-conformities 3.11 inspection by variables estimation from the test results of the overall percentage of non-conformities in the lot from which the samples are taken Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Mon Dec 04 16:18:36 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 5224:1995 2 © BSI 02-1999 3.12 limit value maximum and/or minimum value of a property required for conformity to the standard NOTENumerical values are given in Table B.1. 4 Masonry cement Masonry cement is a dry, finely powdered hydraulic binder which shall contain Portland cement clinker as the primary strength developing constituent. When mixed with sand and water only and without the addition of further materials it shall produce a workable mortar suitable for use in masonry construction, rendering and plastering. Masonry cement conforming to this standard consists of individual small grains of different materials, but shall be statistically homogenous in composition. 5 Composition and manufacture Masonry cements shall consist of Portland cement clinker, inorganic materials and, where appropriate, organic material, as given in Table 1. Table 1 Composition of masonry cements Constituents shall not promote corrosion of embedded metal such as reinforcement and wall ties or impair the properties, including behaviour in fire, of the mortar made from masonry cement. 6 Physical and chemical properties 6.1 General The physical and chemical properties of masonry cements shall be measured by the test methods described in the relevant Part of BS EN 196 and in BS EN 413-2. These standards give alternative methods for some properties but in the event of a dispute, only the reference methods shall be used. All requirements for physical and chemical properties are specified as characteristic values and shall define the quality and classification of the masonry cements, which are entitled to the designation “MC” (masonry cement). NOTEConformity to the requirements for physical and chemical properties may be ensured by the manufacturer by the operation of a statistical quality control scheme based on the conformity criteria described in Annex A. 6.2 Classification and notation Classes defined on the basis of the 28-day compressive strength determined in accordance with BS EN 196-1 shall be those in Table 2. 6.3 Physical properties 6.3.1 Sieve residue The residue on a test sieve of 90 4m mesh aperture conforming to BS 410 shall be not more than 15 % when determined in accordance with BS EN 196-6. 6.3.2 Initial setting time The initial setting time shall be not less than 60 min when determined in accordance with BS EN 196-3. 6.3.3 Final setting time The final setting time shall be not more than 15 h when determined in accordance with BS EN 196-3. 6.3.4 Soundness The expansion shall be not more than 10 mm when determined in accordance with BS EN 196-3. 6.3.5 Fresh mortar properties Properties of fresh mortar shall be meas


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