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    BRITISH STANDARD BS 4727-3: Group 06:1971 Glossary of Electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms Part 3: Terms particular to telecommunications and electronics Group 06: Radio location and navigation terminology Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 This British Standard, having been approved by the Electrical Industry Standards Committee and the Telecommunication Industry Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive Board on 25 August 1971 © BSI 10-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee references ELE/TLE/1, ELE/TLE/1/6 ISBN 580 06764 5 Co-operating organizations The Electrical Industry Standards Committee and the Telecommunication Industry Standards Committee under whose supervision this British Standard was prepared consists of representatives from the following Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations: The Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard: Associated Offices Technical CommitteeEngineering Equipment Users Association Association of Consulting Engineers*Institution of Electrical Engineers* Association of Manufacturers of DomesticInstitution of Electronic and Radio Engineers* Electrical AppliancesInstitution of Production Engineers Association of Mining Electrical andLighting Industry Federation Limited* Mechanical EngineersMinistry of Defence* Association of Supervisory and ExecutiveMinistry of Defence, Army Department EngineersMinistry of Defence, Navy Department* British Broadcasting Corporation*Ministry of Public Building and Works* British Electrical and Allied ManufacturersMinistry of Technology* Association*Municipal Passenger Transport Association British Radio Equipment Manufacturers(Incorporated) Association*National Inspection Council for Electrical British Radio Valve ManufacturersInstallation Contracting Association*National Physical Laboratory (Ministry of British Railways Board*Technology) Cable and Wireless LimitedOil Companies Materials Association Crown Agents for Oversea Governments andPost Office* AdministrationsPublic Transport Association (Incorporated) Department of Employment and ProductivityRadio and Electronic Component Electric Cable Makers ConfederationManufacturers Federation Electrical Contractors AssociationRelay Services Association of Great Britain (Incorporated)Science Research Council Radio and Space Electrical Contractors Association of ScotlandResearch Station* Electrical Research AssociationScientific Instrument Manufacturers Electricity Council, the Central ElectricityAssociation Generating Board and the Area Boards inSociety of British Aerospace Companies England and Wales*South of Scotland Electricity Board Electronic Engineering Association*Telecommunication Engineering and Electronic Valve and Semi-conductorManufacturing Association* Manufacturers Association* Institute of Physics and the Physical SocietyTelephone Manufacturers Technical Radio and Electronics Technical PressDevelopment Committee Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.DateComments Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 © BSI 10-1999i Contents Page Co-operating organizationsInside front cover Forewordii Guide to the glossaryiv 306 1General1 306 2Direction finding1 306 3Radar7 306-31Radar, general7 306-32Radar display11 306 4Radio navigation13 Alphabetical index19 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 ii © BSI 10-1999 Foreword This Group of Part 3 of this British Standard Glossary, prepared under the authority of the Electrical Industry Standards Committee and the Telecommunication Industry Standards Committee, contains terms and definitions relating to radio location and navigation and supersedes Subsection 77, “Radiolocation and radio-navigation”, of BS 2041). The terms and definitions are in close agreement with the corresponding terms in the latest edition of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary prepared by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In this new glossary a number of significant changes have been introduced. It has been decided to combine into one glossary the subjects previously covered by BS 204, BS 2052), BS 2333), and BS 16114) glossaries. The glossary is divided into four main Parts, each of which is further subdivided into groups. Each group will comprise the terms and definitions used in a particular branch of electrical engineering and will be issued individually as soon as it is completed. This arrangement makes it possible to add new groups, or revise existing groups, at any time without affecting the remainder of the glossary. The four main Parts of the glossary are as follows: Part 1: Terms common to power, telecommunications and electronics; Part 2: Terms particular to power engineering; Part 3: Terms particular to telecommunications and electronics; Part 4: Terms particular to lighting and colour. As groups of terms within the new framework are published, the corresponding parts of the British Standard glossaries mentioned above will be withdrawn. Ultimately the new glossary will replace these standards completely and they will then be withdrawn. Fundamental and general terms common to power, telecommunications and electronics, respectively form the first two groups of Part 1. General terms particular to Part 2 and Part 3 similarly form the first groups of their respective Parts. The specialist groups contain only the terms and definitions relating to their subject. As far as has been practicable all terms and definitions established in current usage and falling within the scope of this glossary have been included. Experience has shown that it is rarely possible to replace, or even to modify, a well-established term no matter what the logical or aesthetic shortcomings of that term may be. Current usage has therefore been accepted as the authority for terms and their meanings except where there has been a very good reason for doing otherwise, as, for example, where terms have been considered to be fundamentally wrong, ambiguous, superfluous or in need of standardization. Where two or more synonymous terms are in use those which are deprecated are omitted from the body of the text but are entered in the alphabetical index with a cross reference to the standard term. In cases where it was felt that the time was not yet right to deprecate a synonym, preferred terms are given first and other terms are printed in less prominent type to indicate the intention to deprecate them in the course of time. Where synonyms are considered of equal value they are shown in the same type. Where terms are used with somewhat different meanings in different branches of electrical engineering, appropriate definitions are given in the groups of the glossary corresponding to these branches. Such a definition, when taken out of the context of its group, should always be quoted with a preamble indicating its proper context. 1) BS 204, “Glossary of terms used in telecommunication (including radio) and electronics”. 2) BS 205, “Glossary of terms used in electrical engineering”. 3) BS 233, “Glossary of terms used in illumination and photometry”. 4) BS 1611, “Glossary of colour terms used in science and industry”. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 © BSI 10-1999iii It is to be noted that the given definition of a term represents the generally accepted meaning of that term. Under no circumstances should it be regarded as taking the place of a specification. An effort has been made to arrange the terms in a logical order proceeding from the general to the specific and from the whole to the part and placing allied terms in proximity within a subsection or section of the group. Each term has assigned to it a Part number (one digit) and a Group number of two digits followed by a space and four digits, the first digit of which represents the section, the second digit the subsection and the last two digits the place within the subsection. A general view of the arrangement of the group in the glossary can be obtained from the Guide to the Glossary. An alphabetical index of the terms of the group is provided at the end to facilitate reference to particular terms. For simplicity, only the last four digits of a terms number are quoted in the index. It is recommended that the user of any group of the glossary should consider the group in association with the groups covering general or fundamental terms within the Part, for Parts 2 and 3, and also together with Groups 01 and 02 of Part 1. In this glossary round brackets ( ) enclose words or phrases which are not part of the term or definition and can be omitted without affecting the meaning. Square brackets enclose words which may replace a preceding part of an expression. The limiting signindicates, if necessary, how many of the preceding words are replaced. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 22 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 iv © BSI 10-1999 Guide to the glossary Part 1. Terms common to power, telecommunications and electronics Group 01. Fundamental concepts Group 02. General technological terminology Group 03. Relay terminology Group. Measurement terminologya Group. Semiconductor terminologya Group. Electronic tube terminologya Group. Magnetism terminologya Group. Radiological terminologya Group. Radio interference terminologya Group. Integrated electronic circuit terminologya Titles to any further groups will be added in due course. Part 2. Terms particular to power engineering Group 01. General power terminology Group 02. Static convertor terminology Group 03. Rotating machinery terminology Group 04. Transformer terminologya Group 05. Voltage fluctuation terminologya Group. Power switchgear terminologya Group. Power systems terminologya Group. Systems operation terminologya Group. Traction terminologya Group. Tariffs terminologya Titles to any further groups will be added in due course. Part 3. Terms particular to telecommunications and electronics Group 01. General telecommunication and electronics terminology Group 02. Telephony terminology Group 03. Telegraphy, including facsimile, terminology Group 04. Broadcasting, radio and television terminology Group 05. Propagation and media terminology Group06. Radio location and navigation terminology Group 07. Radiocommunication terminology Titles to any further groups will be added in due course. Part 4. Terms particular to lighting and colour Group 01. Radiation and photometry terminology Group 02. Vision and colour terminology Group 03. Lighting technology terminologya a Not yet published, as at August, 1971. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:55:38 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 4727-3:Group 06:1971 © BSI 10-19991 306 1 General 306 2 Direction finding No.TermDefinition 306 1001radiolocationDetermination of relative direction, position or motion of an object, or its detection, by means of the propagation characteristics of radio waves. NOTEThe characteristics generally employed are those of approximate constant velocity and/or rectilinearity. 306 1002radio warning; radio detection The detection of the presence of an object by radiolocation without precise determination of its position. NOTEThis function of radio is rarely used apart from others but must be separately defined. 306 1003radio-DopplerThe direct determination of the radial component of the relative velocity of an object by an observed radio-frequency change due to such velocity. 306 1004radio-goniometryRadiolocation in which the direction of a distant object is determined by means of it radio emissions, whether independent, reflected, or automatically retransmitted on the same or other wavelengths. 306 1005direction findingThe operation of determining the bearing of a transmitter, or its angle of elevation, or both, by observation of its own independent transmissions. 306 1006radio range-findingRadiolocation in which the distance of an object is determined by means of its radio emissions, whether independent, reflected, or automatically retransmitted on the same or other wavelengths. 306 1007angular resolutionOf a direction finder or radar equipment. The ability to distinguish between two objects solely by the measurement of angles; generally expressed in terms of the minimum angle by which the objects must be spaced to be separately distinguishable. 306 1008range resolution; range discrimination In radar. As between specified objects in the same direction. The range-separation between them necessary to ensure that the echo from one is distinguishable from that from the other. 306 1009volumetric coverage; volume coverage; coverage In the air. That region of space within which a radio-navigation equipment, or group of such equipments, provides a usable signal. 306 1010coverage areaThe area of intersection of a given horizontal plane with the volumetric coverage. 306 1011vertical coverageIn a given vertical plane. The area over which the navigation aid provides a usable signal. 306 1012coverage diagramThe contour enclosing the vertical coverage or coverage area. 306 2001relative bearing; direct bearing; bearing Of a given point P from the point of observation O (or of a directed straight line OP). The angle between a reference direction in the horizontal plane at O and the projection of OP on this plane. NOTE 1The sign convention should be specified, i.e. whether clockwise is positive as in normal navigational usage. NOTE 2In navigational usage, the term “relative bearing” is limited to bearings related to the ships head. 306 2002true bearing; azimuth The bearing for which the reference direction at the point of observation is true north. It is measured in degrees (0 to 360) clockwise from true north. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Thu Nov 30 05:


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