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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 10747: 1994 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 I Published 1996-1 2-1 5 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKlYHAPOflHPSI OPiAHM3ALIMR Il0 CTAHjlAPTM3AUMM ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE OE NORMALISATION INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION MEKlYHAPOflHPJI 3JlEKTPOTEXHMECKM KOMMCCMR COMMISSION ÉLECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE Information techno logy - Tel eco m m u n ¡cat i o ns and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Technologies de linformation - Télécommunications et échange dinformation entre systèmes - Protocole pour échange dinformation inter-domaine de routage parmi les systèmes intermédiaires supportant la transmission de PDUs de IISO 8473 RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Technical Corrigendum 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 10747:1994 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. This material i s reproduced from IS0 documents under international Organization for Standardization (iS0) Copyright License number IHSIICCIl996. Not for resale. No part of these IS0 documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or othenivise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written consent of IS0 (Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22 734 10 79), IHS or the IS0 Licensors members. Page I I Clause 6 Second paragraph, beginning of third sentence, delete “When” and insert “Except as specified otherwise (annex B), when”. Page 52 Subclause 7.17.2 Add the following new paragraph at the end of 7.17.2: An UPDATE PDU shall not advertise to another RD any route that either a) contains that other RDs RDI in its path or b) contains the RDI of a confederation which is being entered when the route is advertised to that other RD. ICs 35.100.30 Descriptors: data processing, information interchange, telecommunications, network interconnection, open systems interconnection, network layer, d a t a transmission, communication procedure, protocols O ISO/IEC 1996 Printed in Switzerland Ref. No. ISO/IEC 10747:1994/Cor.l:1996(E) COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services EO/IEC 10747:1994/Cor.l:1996(E) o ISO/IEC I Page 52 Subclause Delete the second sentence of the third paragraph (“TO avoid . . . PDU”), and insert the following new (fourth) paragraph: To avoid long-lived black holes, the procedure does not apply to a) the explicit withdrawal of unfeasible routes (that is, routes whose ROUTE-ID is listed in the Withdrawn Routes field of b) routes with a Security path attribute where under the applicable security policy a change in the security information an UPDATE PDU); contained in the path attribute implies a lowering of protection or otherwise results in a strong policy requirement no longer being met; or c) routes on which the Quality of Service has been reduced. Page 87 Annex B Add a new subclause B.3 as follows: B.3 Representation in BISPDUs Each of the 32-bit values A, B, C, and D computed as in B.2 shall be represented as a sequence of four octets in which the lowest octet number has the least significant value. The values A, B, C, and D shall appear in that order, with increasing octet numbers. NOTE -This octet ordering for each 32-bit value is the opposite of that specified in clause 6 for other PDU fields used to represent numbers as multiple octets. The difference preserves the octet order specified in RFC 1186. 2 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services 10747 94 W 4853903 0669607 202 I NTE R NATI O NAL ISO/IEC STANDARD 10747 First edition AMENDMENT 1 1994-1 0-01 1996-07-1 5 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs AMENDMENT 1 : Implementation conformance statement proformas Technologies de l'information - Télécommunications et échange d'informa tion entre systèmes - Protocole pour échange d'information inter-domaine de routage parmi les systèmes intermédiaires supportant la transmission de PDUs de I'ISO 8473 AMENDEMENT 7 : Proformec de déclaration de conformité de mise en uvre Reference number ISO/IEC 10747:1994/Arnd.l:1996(E) COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services - 30747 94 4851903 Obb9608 149 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1 9 9 6 ( E ) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Siandardkation) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. D r a International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. Amendment 1 to International Standard ISOAEC 10747 : 1994 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, information technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. O ISO/íEC 1996 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/iEC Copyright Office * Case postale 56 * CH-121 1 Genève - Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services LO747 94 W 4851903 Obbïb09 085 W ISOIIEC 10747 : 1994IAmd. 1 : 1996(E) Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs AMENDMENT 1: Implementation conformance statement proformas Page 1 Add the,following as the last paragraph o f Clause I “Scope ”. II Annexes L, M, N and O, which are integral parts of this International Standard provide ICs proformas associated with iDRP management information. II Add the following references to clause 2 “Normative References”: II ISODEC 8825: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specijcation of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1). ISOAEC 9646- 1 : 1994, In formation technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts. ISODEC 9646-2: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and,fiamework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specr9cation. NOTE - ISOAEC 9646-1 : 1994 and ISOAEC 9646-2: 1994 supersede ISOAEC 9646-1 : 1991 and ISOAEC 9646-2:1991 respectively. However, when this international Siandard was under development, the previous editions were valid and this international Standard is therefore based on these editions, which are listed below. ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts. ISO/IEC 9646-2: 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and fmmework - Part 2: Abstract test suite specification. ISOLEC 9646-7: 1995, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation ConJormance Statements. ISOLEC 10165-6: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management in formation: Requirements and guidelines for implementation conformance statement pro formas associated with OSI management. II 1 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services LO747 94 m 4853903 Obb9bLO 8T7 m ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Page 5 Add the following abbreviations to subclause 4.3 “Other Abbreviations”: Il MCS management conformance summary MTCS management information conformance statement MOCS managed object conformance statement MRCS managed relationship conformance statement II Page 74 Add the following after the title “12 Conformance ”: II 12.1 Conformance for protocol implementation This subclause specifies the conformance for protocol implementation of DRP. The supplier of implementation for protocol implementation shall support the following specification. NOTE - The conformance for protocol implementation is independent of the conformance for management information implementation specified in subclause 12.2. II Replace title number o f “12.1”, “12.2”, “12.2.1”, “12.2.2”, “12.2.3” and “12.2.4” with “12.1.1 ”, “12.1.2”, “”, “”, “” and “”, respectively. Delete “,)” of subclause 12.1.1 ”Static conformance for all BISS” Add the following a#er subclause II 12.2 This subclause specifies the conformance for management information implementation of IDRP. The supplier of implementation for management information implementation shall support the following specincation. NOTE - The confomce for management information implementation is independent of the conformance for protocol implementation specified in subclause 12.1. Conformance for management information implementation 12.2.1 Static conformance The implementation shall conform to the requirements of this International Standard in the manager role, the agent role, or both roles. A claim of conformance to at least one role shall be made in Table L. 1 of this International Standard. If a claim of conformance is made for support in the manager role, the implementation shall support at least one management operation or notifcation or action of the managed objects specified by this International Standard. The conformance requirements in the manager role for those management operations, notifications and actions are idenüñed in Table L.2 and further tables referenced by Annex L. Ifa claim of codormance is made for support in the agent role, the implementation shall support one or more instances of the IDRP confíg managed object class and the Adjacent BIS managed object class identified in Table L.3 of this International Standard and further tables referenced by Annex L. Ifa claim of conformance is made for support in the agent role, the implementation shall support at least one name binding identifíed in Table L.6 of this International Standard for each supported managed object. 2 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services LOïqï 94 Y851903 0bb9b31 733 OISOJIEC ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) The implementation shall support the transfer syntax derived from the encoding rules specified in CCIïT Rec. X.209 I ISOhEC 8825 named cjoint-iso-ccitt a d ( 1) basicEncoding( i) for the abstract data types referenced by the definitions for which support is claimed. 1 2 . 2 . 2 Dynamic conformance Implementations claiming to conform to this International Standard shall support the elements of procedure and definitions of semantics corresponding to the definitions for which support is claimed. 1 2 . 2 . 2 . 1 Management implementation conformance statement requirements Any MCS proforma, MICS proforma, MOCS proforma, and MRCS proforma which conform to this International Standard shall be technically identical to the proformas specified in Annexes L, M, N, and O preserving table numbering and the index numbers of items, and differing oniy in pagination and page headers. The supplier of an implementation which is claimed to conform to this International Standard shall complete a copy of the management conformance summary (MCS) provided in Annex L as part of the conformance requirements together with any other ICs proformas referenced as applicable from that MCS. Any MCS, MICS, MOCS and MRCS which conform to this International Standard shall: - - describe an implementation which conforms to this International Standard; have been completed in accordance with the instructions for completion given in ITü-T Rec. X.724 I ISOAEC 10165-6; include the information necessary to uniquely idenm both the supplier and the implementation. An implementation claming conformance to this International Standard in the agent role as a managed implementation shall: - - support the IDRP config MO and the Adjacent BIS MO. It Page 109 Add the following Annexes after Annex K. 3 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services LO743 94 D 485L903 0669632 b7T ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Annex L (normative) MCS proforma' ) L.l Introduction L.l.l Purpose and structure The management conformance summary (MCS) is a statement by a supplier that identifies an implementation and provides information on whether the implementation claims conformance to any of the listed set of documents that spece conformance requirements to OS1 management. The MCS proforma i s a document, in the form of a questionnaire that when completed by the supplier of an implementation becomes the MCS. L . 1 . 2 The supplier of the implementation shall enter an explicit statement in each of the boxes provided. Specific instruction is provided in the text which precedes each table. Instructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MCS' ) L.1.3 Symbols, abbreviations and terms For all annexes of this International Standard, the following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 I ISO/IEC 9646


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