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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 149641991 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Container designation Published 2006-03-01 Test force per container (all four corners simultaneously) Superimposed mass force Test per pair Of represented by test end fittings INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION . MYHAPOflHAR OPrAHH34Hfl no CTAHflAPTH3AuHH ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION IAAA, IAA, I A and 1AX IBBB,IBB, 16 and IBX ICC, I C and 1CX I D and IDX Series I freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk 3 392 762 550 1 696 381 275 192 O00 3 392 762 550 1 696 381 275 192 O00 3 392 762 550 1 696 381 275 192 O00 896 201 600 448 100 800 50 800 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Conteneurs de ia série 1 - Spécifications et essais - Pattie 4: Conteneurs non pressurisés pour produits solides en vrac RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE I Technical Corrigendum 1 to IS0 1496-4:1991 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOTTC 104, Freight containers, Subcommittee SC 2, Specific purpose containers. Page 7 Delete the existing Table 2 and replace with the following: Table 2 - Forces to be applied in stacking test I kN I Ibf I kN I Ibf I ka I b 423 290 423 290 423 290 112 O00 ICs 55.180.10 Ref. No. IS0 1496-4:1991/Cor.l:2006(E) O IS0 2006 -All rights reserved Published in Switzerland IS0 1496 PT*4 91 4853903 O565372 883 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 First edition AMENDMENT 1 1991 -1 2-1 5 1994-07-01 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk AMENDMENT 1: IAAA and IBBB containers Conteneurs de la série 7 - Spécifications et essai - Partie 4: Conteneurs non pressurisés pour produits solides en vrac AMENDEMENT 7: Conteneurs 1AAA et IBBB Reference number IS0 1496-4:199l/Amd. 1 :1994(E) IS0 1496 PT*4 91 M 4851903 O565373 7LT IS0 1496-4:1991 /Amd.l:1994(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. I ntern ational organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with 60, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Amendment 1 to International Standard IS0 1496-4 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 104, Freight containers, Subcommittee SC 2, Specific purpose containers. O IS0 1994 All rights reserved. No pari of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Printed in Switzerland II IS0 1496 PT*4 91 = 4851903 0565374 656 IS0 1496-4:1991 /Amd.l:1994(E) Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk AMENDMENT I: IAAA and IBBB containers Page 4, subclause 5.8.2, last paragraph Replace the text 'I. designated IAA, IBB and 1CC .If with the following: “.designated IAAA, IAA, IBBB, IBB and 1CC .“ Page 5, subclause, second paragraph Replace this paragraph with the following: “Fork-lift pockets shall not be provided on IAAA, IAA, IA, lAX, IBBB, IBB, 1B and IBX containers.“ Page 5, subclause 5.10.3 Replace this subclause with the following: “Gooseneck tunnels shall be provided as mandatory features in containers IAAA, and may be provided as optional features in containers IAA, I A and IAX. The dimensions of gooseneck tunnels shall be in accordance with annex E. The base structure of containers, if any, shall be in accordance with 5.3.“ Page 7, table 2 In the column “Container designation“, replace the first and second lines with the following: “IAAA, IAA, I A and IAX IBBB, IBB, 1B and IBX“ Page 8, subclause 6.4.2, second paragraph Replace “. IAA, I A and 1AX .“ by “.IAAA, IAA, I A and 1AX .“ and “ . IBB, 1B and 1BX .“ by “. IBBB, IBB, 1B and 1BX .“ 1 -,-,- IS0 3496 PT*4 91 m 4853903 O565375 592 m IS0 1496-4:1991/Amd.l:1994(E) Page 8, subclause 6.6.2, second paragraph Replace the third and fourth lines by the following: cf. “0,4Pgfor lAAA, lAA, lA, lAX, lBBB, IBB, 1B and 1BX containers;“ Page 13, table 3 Replace “IAA, 1A and 1AX“ by “lAAA, IAA, 1A and 1AX“ and “lBB, 1B and IBX“ by “IBBB, IBB, 1B and 1BX“ Page 15, Annex A, figure A.6 Replace “. lAA, lA, lAX, lBB, lB, and 1BX .“ by “. lAAA, lAA, lA, lAX, lBBB, lBB, 1B and 1BX .“ Page 20, Annex B, subclause B.2.2, first paragraph Replace this paragraph with the following: “B.2.2 The minimum number of pairs of load transfer areas is: For lCC, 1C and 1CX containers For 1 BBB, 1 BB, 1 B and 1 BX containers For lAAA, lAA, I A and 1AX containers For lAAA, lAA, 1A and 1AX containers fitted with a non-continuous 4 5 5 gooseneck tunnel 6“ Page 22, Figure B.3 Replace the existing title of the figure with the following: If 1 BBB, 1 BB, 1B and 1 BX containers“ Page 24, Figure B.5 Replace the existing title of the figure with the following: “lAAA, lAA, 1A and 1AX containers with gooseneck tunnel (with minimum localized structure)“ Page 28, Figure D. 7 Insert “lAAA,“ before “lAA,“ in the top left-hand drawing and “lBBB,“ before “1BB“ in the second-to-top left-hand drawing. Page 30, Figure F. 7 Replace the existing title of the figure with the following: “Location of openings - Series îAAA, 1AA and 1A“ 2 -,-,- IS0 1496 PT*4 91 4õ51903 05b537b 429 IS0 1496-4:1991/Amd.l:1994(E) UDC 621.869.88 Descriptors containers, freight containers, classification, specifications, tests, performance tests. Price based on 2 pages IS0 I496 PT84 91 4853903 050I749 I W I NTE R NAT I O N AL STANDARD IS0 1496-4 First edition 1991 -12-1 5 Series I freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk Conteneurs de la série I - Spécifications et essais - Partie 4: Conteneurs non pressurisés pour produits solides en vrac Reference number IS0 1496-4:1991(E) I . so . 1496 . PT*4 ' 7 1 . 485 IS0 1496-41991 (E) Contents Page 1 Scope . 1 2 Normative references . 1 3 Definitions 2 4 Dimensions and ratings . 2 4.1 External dimensions . 2 4.2 Internal dimensions 2 4.3 Ratings . 2 5 Design requirements 2 5.1 General . : 2 5.2 Corner fittings . 3 5.3 Base structure 3 5.4 End structure . 4 5.5 Side structure 4 5.6 Walls (box type only) 4 5.7 Shell (hopper type only) . 4 5.8 Openings . 4 5.9 Construction 5 5.10 Requirements . Optional features . 5 6 Testing 6 8.1 General 6 6.2 Test No . 1 - Stacking 6 6.3 Test No . 2 - Lifîing from the four top corner fittings 7 6.4 Test No . 3 - Lifting from the four bottom corner fittings . 8 6.5 Test No . 4 - External restraint (longitudinal) 8 6.6 Test No . 5 - Strength of end walls (box type only) 8 o IS0 1991 All rights reserved . No part of this publlcatlon may be reproduced or utillzed in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. inciudlng photocopying and mlcrofiim. without permission in writing from the publisher . internatlonai Organizatlon for Standardization Case Postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Printed In Switzerland ii IS0 1496 PT*4 93 4851903 0503753 T = IS0 1496-4:1991(E) 6.7 Test N o . 6 . . Strength of side walls (box type only) . 9 6.8 Test N o . 7 .- Strength of the roof (where provided) . 9 6.9 Test No . 8 - Floor strength (box type only) . 9 6.10 Test N o . 9 - Rigidity (transverse) . 9 6.11 Test No . 10 - Rigidity (longitudinal) . 10 6.12 6.13 Test N o . 11 - Lifting from fork-lifl pockets (where provided) Test No . 12 - Lifting from the base at grappler-arm positions 10 (where provided) . 11 6.14 Test No . 13 - Weatherproofness 11 6.15 Test No . 14 - Internal longitudinal restraint (hopper type only) . 11 6.16 Test N o . 15 - Internal lateral restraint (hopper type only) 12 6.17 Test N o . 16 - Walkways (where provided) 12 6.18 Test No . 17 - Ladders (where provided) . 12 6.19 Test No . 18 - Airtightness test (type codes 23 and 83) 13 Annexes A Diagrammatic representation of capabilities appropriate to all types and sizes of dry bulk non-pressurized containers. except where otherwise stated . 14 B Details of requirements for load-transfer areas in base structures of containers 20 C Dimensions of fork-lift pockets (where provided) : 26 D Dimensions of grappler-arm lifting areas (where provided) 27 E Dimensions of gooseneck tunnels (where provided) 29 F Typical examples of the location of openings for loading of dry bulk non-pressurized box-type containers . 30 G Bibliography 31 iii IS0 1496 PTU4 91 4851903 0501752 iI IS0 1496-4:1991(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take pari in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electtotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Drafi International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 1496-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 104, Freight containers, Sub-committee SC 2, Specific purpose containers. IS0 1496 consists of the following parts, under the general title Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing: - Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes - Part 2: Thermal containers - Part 3: Tank containers for liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulk - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry Bulk - Part 5: Platform and platform-based containers - Part 6: International cargo-security devices Annexes A, 3, C, O and E form an integral pari of this part of IS0 1496. Annexes F and G are for information only. iv -,-,- IS0 3496 PT*4 93 4853903 0503753 3 IS0 1496-4:1991(E) I nt reduction The following grouping of container types is used for specification pur- poses in IS0 1496: Part 1 General purpose Specific purpose closed, ventedhentilated open top Part 2 Thermal Part 3 Tank Dry bulk, pressurized Part 4 Bulk, non-pressurized (box type) Bulk, non-pressurized (hopper type) Part 5 PI a tform (conta in er) O0 to o9 loto 19 50 to 59 30 to 49 70 to 79 85 to 89 20 to 24 80 to 84 60 Platform-based with incomplete superstructure and fixed ends Platform-based with incomplete superstructure and folding ends Platform-based with complete superstructure 61 and 62 63 and 64 65 to 69 NOTE 1 IS0 8323). Containers types 90 to 99 are reserved for air/surface containers (see V IS0 1496 PTU4 91 4851903 0501754 5 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1496-4:1991(E) Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk 1 Scope 1.1 This part of IS0 1496 specifies the basic speci- fications and testing requirements for IS0 series 1 freight containers of the dry bulk container non- pressurized type which are suitable for international exchange and for conveyance by road, rail and sea, including interchange between these forms of trans port. 1.2 As the density and flow characteristics of dry bulk cargoes vary widely, containers complying with this part of IS0 1496 are not expected to be suitable for the carriage of all such cargoes. Therefore, ex- cept where otherwise stated, the requirements of this International Standard are minimum require- ments. Containers to be used for the carriage of dangerous goods may be subject to additional international and national requirements as applied by competent authorities. 1.3 The container types covered by this part of IS0 1496 are given in table 1. 1.4 The marking requirements for these containers shall be in accordance with the principles embodied in IS0 6346. NOTE 2 Some types of freight containers constructed in accordance with IS0 1496-1 may satisfactorily be used for the transport of certain non-packed dry bulk solids. Where such containers are used for this purpose, it is essential that care be taken to ensure that the design loadings are not exceeded under operating conditions. Table 1 - Container types I Type code designation') 1 Box types Hopper types Type Dry bulk non- pressurized, closed 20 vented 21 ven til a ted 22 airtight 23 sparel 24 80 81 82 83 84 I) In accordance with IS0 6346. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of IS0 1496. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of IS0 1496 are encouraged to investi- gate the possibility of applying the most recent edi- tions of the Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid in- ternat ion al Standards. IS0 668:19R8, Series 1 freight containers - Classi- fication, dimensions and ratings. IS0 830:1981. Freight containers - Terminology, and its amendments: IS0 830:1981/Amd.l:1984 and IS0 830:1981/Arnd.2:1988. IS0 1161:1984, Series I freight containers - Corner fiffiiigs - Specification. 1 -,-,- I IS0 3496 PT*4 93 4853903 0501755 7 IS0 1496-4:1991 (E) IS0 6346:1984, Freight containers - Coding, identifi- cation and marking, and its amendment: IS0 6346:1984lAmd .I : 1988. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this part of IS0 1496, the defi- nitions given in IS0 830, together with the following, apply. However, for practical reasons, certain defi- nitions taken and adapted from IS0 830 are given below. 3.1 non-pressurized dry bulk container: Container for the transport of dry bulk solids, capable of with- standing the loads resulting from filling, transpoi-t motions and discharging of non-packaged dry bulk solids, having filling and discharge apertures and fittings and complying with the requirements of this part of IS0 1496. 3.1.1 box type: Dry bulk non-pressurized container for tipping discharge having a parallelepiped cargo space and a door opening at leas


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