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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ME)KAYHAPOjJHbIti CTAHAAPT INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. FOR STANDARDlZATlON*MEEZiYHAPOnHAII OPrAHMJAUMR fl0 CTAHAPTM3AUHH.ORGANlSATiON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Definitions of living animals for slaughter-Porcines First edition - 1976-05-01 DQfinitions des animaux vivants d abattoir - Porcins Premiere Edition - 1976-05-01 TepmnIonorm y6ofmIx 3ICMBOTHbIX - CBEIHbkI IIepnoe awume - 1976-05-01 .f:, .f : r .I J”l rr ,d$ Descriptors: agricultural products, live stock, swine, vocabulary / Descripteurs: produit agricole, cheptel, port, vocabulaire / Oncaaae: cen.coxomcsea npo,uy*, ,qoMarueati CKOT, csmm, cnosapb 0 48 Price based on 1 page / Prix base sur 1 page / I these documents are now in the process of being transformed into International Standards. As part of this process, Technical Committee ISO/TC 34 has reviewed IS0 Recommendation R 1840 and found it technically suitable for transformation. International Standard IS0 1840 therefore replaces IS0 Recommendation R 1840-1970 to which it is technically identical. IS0 Recommendation R 1840 was approved by the Member Bodies of the foIlowing countries: Australia Hungary Romania Brazil India South Africa, Rep. of Chile Iran Sweden Czechoslovakia Israel Turkey Egypt, Arab Rep. of Netherlands United Kingdom France New Zealand U.S.S.R. Germany Peru Greece Poland No Member Body expressed disapproval of the Recommendation. No Member Body disapproved the transformation of ISO/R 1840 into an International Standard. AVANT-PROPOS L ISO (Organisation Internationale de Normalisation) est une fkdkration mondiale d orga- nismes nationaux de normalisation (ComitBs Membres ISO). LWaboration des Normes Internationales est conflee aux Cornit maintenant, ces documents sont en c;: R&p. arabe d Turquie Pays-Bas U.R.S.S. Wrou G&e Pologne Aucun Comite Membre n avait d&sapprouvC la Recommandation. Aucun Cornit Membre n a d6sapprouv6 la transformation de la Recommandation ISO/R 1840 en Norme Internationale. ii Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:00:47 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- BBEAEHPIE $ ico (MeXAyHapoAHaa OpraHH3aIWI II0 CTaHAapTH3aUEEI) IIBJIReTCII BCeMHpHOii $eAepa- gs.ieii HammamHbIx OpraHOB no CTaHAapTH3aIUiEi (KOMHTeTOB-=IAeHOB IICO) . PaspaGoT- KOti MeXAyHapOAHbIX CTaHAapTOB 3aHIIMalOTCR TexmirecKEie KOMATeTbI % iCO. KaxcAbIii KOMHTeT-WeH, 3aElHTepeCOBaHHbIti B KaKoii-JIH60 TeMe, MMeeT IIpaBO COCTORTb B COOTBeT- CTByIOlqeM TeXHEireCKOM KoMEiTeTe. MeXAyHapOAHbIe IIpaBIlTeJIbCTBeHHbIe H HelIpaBHTeJIb- CTBeHHbIe OpraHH3aqHH, YCTaHOBHBmHe CBII3b C Hco, TaKXe JIpHHHMaIoT YqacTEle B pa6oTax. HpOeKTbI MeXAyHapOAHbIX CTaHAapTOB, IIpIlHRTbIe TeXHli leCKHMH KOMHTeTaMH, HaIIpaB- JIIIIOTCR Ha OAO6peHHe KOMHTeTaM-WeHaM IIepeA HX YTBepXAeHHeM COBeTOM HCO B KaWCTBe MeXAyHapOAHbIX CTaHAapTOB. a0 1972 rOAa pe3yAbTaTbI AeRTenbHOCTH TeXHIlreCKHX KOMIlTeTOB IIy6JIHKOBanHCb B BEAe PeKOMeHAaLI k3c0, 0 B HaCTOalqee BpeMR 3TH AOKyMeHTbI IIpOXOART CTaAIlrO IIepeBoAa B MeXAJJHapOAHbIe CTaHAapTbI. YWfTbIBaH 3Ty IIpOUeAypy, Texmecmt KOMIlTeT HCO/ TIC 34 IIepecMoTpen PeKoMeHAawiro EICO/P 1840 M CsiTaeT, YTO OHa MOXeT, C TeXHH- YeCKOii TOYKU 3peHEIR, CTaTb MeXAyHapOAHbIM CTaHAapTOM. TaKUM o6pa3oM, 3TOT MeXAyHapOAHbltir CTaHAapT 3aMeHReT PeKOMeHAaIJEEO I/Ice/P 1840-1970, C KOTOpOti OH TeXHWIeCKE HAeHTli IeH. PeKOMeHAaIiS kICO/P 1840 6bma OAO6peHa KOMHTeTaMIFIneHaMH cneAyKmnix CTpaH: ABCTPER EpX%iJIEiFi BeHrpm 1-epMaHm w.um EruneT, Apa6. Pi3pamb HnwI Pecn . PipaH CCCP HHAepJIaHAbI TYPW HoBaR 3enaHAua CppaHIm new YexocJIoBaKa5i llonbma %nni PyMbIHliX Iusequs COeAEHeHHOe mXHO-A+pEKaHCKaH KOpOJIeBCTBO PecnyGmma HEI OAHH KOMHTeT-WeH He OTKJIOHHA PeKOMeHAalWO. Hu OAHH KomTeT-weH He OTKJIOHIJI nepeBoA PeKOMeHAaWiH l4CO/P 1840 B MeXAY- HapOAHbIii CTaHAapT. o International Organization for Standardization, 1976 l o Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, 1976 l 0 MeXAyHapOAHaSl OpraH3aUliSl ItO CTaHAapTH3Wllr, 1976 l Printed in Switzerland / hpritk en Suisse / & isAaao B WBeiiuapIiH . . . 111 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:00:47 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1840 - 1976 (E/F/R) NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXAYHAPOAHbIfi CTAHAAPT HCO 1840 - 1976 (A/P) Definitions of living animals for slaughter - Porcines DCfinitions des animaux vivants d abattoir - Porcins SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard gives defini- tions of terms used to describe living porcine animals intended for slaughter. OBJET ET DOMAINE D APPLICATION La presente Norme Internationale donne les definitions des termes utilises pour decrire les porcins vivants destines a l abattoir. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS TERMES ET DRFINITIONS 1 sucking pig: A young porcine, male or 1 cochon de lait: Jeune porcin male ou female, weighing not more than 15 kg. femelle ne pesant pas plus de 15 kg. 2 piglet: A young porcine, male or female, weighing from 15 to 25 kg. 2 porcelet: Jeune porcin male ou femelle pesant de 15 a 25 kg. 3 young pig (or runner): A young porcine, female or castrated male, weighing 25 to 50 kg. 3 now-rain (ou coureur): Jeune porcin femelle ou male castre, pesant de 25 a 50 kg. 4 pig: 4.1 A female porcine, hysterectomized or not hysterectomized, showing no signs of pregnancy discernible by external examina- tion, and weighing more than 50 kg. 4 port charcutier : 4.1 Porcin femelle, castre ou non, ne montrant aucun signe de gestation dece- lable a I exploration externe et pesant plus de 50 kg. 4.2 A male porcine, castrated before it has begun to show boar characteristics and weighing more than 50 kg. 4.2 Porcin male, castre avant d avoir commence a montrer des caracteres de verrat et pesant plus de 50 kg. 5 sow: A female porcine which has given birth or, if it has not yet given birth, has reached a stage of pregnancy which can be ascertained by external examination. 5 truie: Porcin femelle qui a mis bas, ou qui, n ayant pas encore mis bas, a atteint un &tat de gestation decelable a l explora- tion externe. 6 hoar: An uncastrated male porcine weighing more than 25 kg. NOTES 1 A male porcine. which has been repdered sterile 2 rrozing a portmn of each testicle. 1s also classed 2 This category also includes a male porcine which has no visible testicles or testicle but clearly shows male characteristics or behaviour. 6 verrat: Porcin male non cast& pesant plus de 25 kg. NOTES 1 Les porcins miles qui ont kt& rendus st6riles par une excision part&k des deux corps testiculaires sent aussi classes wmme verrats. 2 Cette cat6gorie comprend aussi les porcins miles dont aucun testicule n est apparent, mais qui mon- trent clairement des caractkes ou un comportement de mPle. 7 castrated boar: A male porcine cas- trated after it has begun to show boar characteristics. 7 verrat cast&: Porcin male castre apres avoir commence a montrer des caracteres de male. Tepiwmonoraa y6OiiHbIX 31CnBOTHbIX - CBnHbn OWIACTb HPHMEHEHHII HacTosqd MexnyHapoAHbIti CTaHnapT COAepmiT 0npeneneHm TepMHHOB, HC- IlOnb3yeMbIX flnff OIIHcaHIISI CBHHei&IIpeH- Ha3HaYeHHbIX AJIB 60s. TEPMI4HbI I4 Ol-iPEAEJIEHkUl 1 llOpOCl?HOK MOJIO lHbIii : MOnOAbIe CaMbIHnU CaMKH BeCOM MaKCUMYMl5K.Z. 2 nopoceeoe: MononbIe CaMeu mni cam Ka BeCOM OT 15 A0 25 KE. 3 IIOACBHHOK: Mononan CaMxa mm xac- TpIlpOBaHHbIiiCaMeIJBeCOMOT 25050 KZ. 4 CBWHbR y60tiHaR: 4.1 CaMKa, KaCTpHpOBaHHaR HnFi HeKaC- TpHpOBaHHaB,BeCOM6onee 50 KZ,)'KOTO- pOii IIptf BE3yanbHOM OCMOTpe He o6na- pyxHBaeTC5I HHKaKHX CneAOB CyIIOpOC- HOCTH. 4.2 CaMeu,KaCTpHpOBaHHbliiAOrIORBne- HHRIIpH3HaKOBXpBKa,BeCOM6onee 50 KZ. 5 CBNHOMBTKB: hMKa nOCne OIIOPOCOB unu CaMKa, CynOpOCHOCTb KOTOpOZf MO- XeT 6bITb YCTaHOBneHa IIpH BH3YanbHOM OCMOTpe. 6 XpRK: CaMeII HeKaCTpllpOBaHHblii Be- COM 6onee 25 2. IIPIlMEYAHW-4 1 Caiwqb, ompwz 6mm xacpaposaa. =iamwi- HHM cceeme 060 IIUYIK, -mace CSXTBH)TCII XPIIKZSWX. 2 3ra KaTeropax BKnHxaeT TBKxv3 CSIMUOB, y KOTOPMX npn suyano ocorpe ne 06aapy- XeAO Hkt on*oro JmYKB, a0 Koropbre 06naAaEoT &X,KO sb1paXKeEEbIM Xi3paKTepOM I4 TKXWAHGWM caivrqa. 7 6OpOB:CaMeU, KaCTpIipOBaHHbItiIIOcne HacTynneHm nonoBoe 3penocTti. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:00:47 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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