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    International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANlZATlON FOR STANDARDIZATlONW4EYHAPOHAfi OPrAHHJAl all these considerations are, however, ignored by the machine performing the function. The adoption of this International Standard for international communication leaves every country free to adopt for its own use a national standard which may be different, on condition that it be compatible with this International Standard. The system proposed herein should make this possible; and be acceptable for international use if the graphisms it creates are such that they may be converted automatically into the graphisms used in any strict national system. This International Standard may be used by anyone who has a clear understanding of the system and is certain that it can be applied without ambiguity. The result obtained will not give a correct pronunciation of the original text in a persons own language; but it will serve as a means of finding automatically the original graphism and thus allow any one who has a knowledge of the original language to pronounce it correctly. Similarly one can only pronounce correctly a text written in for example, English or Polish, if one has a knowledge of English or Polish. The adoption of national standards compatible with this Inter- national Standard will permit the representation, in an interna- tional publication, of the morphemes of each language accord- ing to the customs of the country where it is spoken. It will be ppssible to simplify this representation in order to take into account the number of the character sets available on different kinds of machines. 0.2 General principles of conversion of writing systems 0.2.1 Definitions and methods The words in a language, which are written according to a given script (the converted system), sometimes have to be rendered according to a different system (the conversion system), normally used for a different language. This operation is often followed for historical or geographical texts, car- tographical documents and in particular for bibliographical work in every case where it is necessary to write words supplied in various alphabets in a manner that allows intercalation with other words in a single alphabet so as to enable a uniform alphabetization to be made in bibliographies, catalogues, indices, toponymic lists, etc. It is indispensable in that it permits the univocal transmission of a written message between two countries using different writing systems or exchanging a message the writing of which is different from their own. It thereby permitting transmission by manual, mechanical, as well as electronic means. The two basic methods of conversion of a system of writing are transliteration and transcription. Transliteration is the operation which consists of representing the characterst) of an entirely alphabetical system of writing by the characters of the conversion alphabet. In principle, this conversion should be made character by character: each character of the alphabet converted is rendered by one character, and one only, of the conversion alphabet, this being the easiest way to ensure the complete and unambiguous reversibility of the conversion alphabet in the converted alphabet. When the number of characters used in the conversion system is smaller than the number of characters of the converted system, it is necessary to use digraph or diacritical marks. In this case one must avoid as far as possible arbitrary choice and the use of purely conventional marks, and try to maintain a cer- tain phonetic logic in order to give the system a wide accep- tance. 1 I A character is an element of a system of writing, whether or not alphabetical, that represents a phoneme, a syllable, the word or even prosodical characteristics of the language by using graphical symbols (letters, diacritical marks, syllabic signs, punctuation marks, prosodical accents, etc.) or a combination of these signs (a letter having an accent or a diacritical mark, for example 3. b, 6, is therefore a character in the same way as a basic letter). 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 259-1984 (E) However, it must be accepted that the graphism obtained may not always be correctly pronounced according to the phonetic habits of the language (or of all the languages) which usually use(s) the conversion alphabet. On the other hand this graphism must be such that the reader who has a knowledge of the converted language may mentally restore unequivocally the original graphism and thus pronounce it correctly. Retransliteration is the operation which consists of converting the characters of an alphabet of conversion to those of the alphabet converted. This operation is the exact opposite of transliteration; it is carried out by applying the rules of a system of transliteration in reverse order so as to reconstitute the transliterated word to its original form. Transcription is the operation which consists of representing the characters of a language, whatever the original system of writing, by the phonetic system of letters or signs of the conversion language. A transcription system is of necessity based on the ortho- graphical conventions of a conversion language and its alphabet. The users of a transcription system must therefore have a knowledge of the conversion language to be able to pro- nounce the characters correctly. Transcription is not strictly reversible. Transcription may be used for the conversion of all writing systems. It is the only method that can be used for systems that are not entirely alphabetical and for all ideophonographical systems of writing (Chinese, Japanese, etc.). To carry out romanization (the conversion of non- Latin writing systems to the Latin alphabet) it is possible to use either transliteration or transcription or a combination of these two methods, according to the nature of the system converted. 0.2.2 A conversion system proposed for international use may call for compromise and the sacrifice of certain national customs. It is therefore necessary for each community of users to accept concessions, fully abstaining in every case from im- posing as a matter of course solutions that are actually justified only by national practice (for example as regards pronuncia- tion, orthography, etc.). When a country uses two systems univocally convertible one into the other to write its own language, the system of transliteration thus implemented must be taken a priori as a basis for the international standardized system, as far as it is compatible with the other principles exposed hereafter. 0.2.3 Where necesary, the conversion systems should specify an equivalent for each character, not only the letters but also the punctuation marks, numbers, etc. They should similarly take into account the arrangement of the sequence of characters that make up the text, for example the direction of the script, and specify the way of distinguishing words and of using separation signs and capital letters, following as closely as possible the customs of the language(s) which use the con- verted writing system. 0.3 Principles of conversion for alphabetical writing systems 0.3.1. The conversion may be made at various levels. The first level is that of completely reversible stringent con- version which is necessary to attain in full the aims given in clause 1. This conversion applies all principles of conversion without exception. It does not permit variants. The conven- tional systems of stringent conversion should be applied as such without any change to meet national or regional customs as regards pronunciation or orthography. They are the only ones permitting the univocal international transmission of messages by mechanical or electronic means. The second level is that of simplified conversion. This simplification may be made necessary, for example, by the use of machines that do not accept all the alphabet characters required for stringent conversion. This method of conversion may allow national or regional variants, which may not permit complete reversrbrlrty. The simplified conversion may be the subject of international agreements. The third level is that of popular conversion which, for exam- ple, should enable the same foreign names to be written in a uniform manner in the newspapers of a given country. It is obliged to take into account, for example, phonetic practice, and therefore can only be national. To permit an internationally unequivocal communication, Inter- national Standards on transliteration must apply the principles of stringent conversion. They, then, can be used as a basis for the establishment of rules for simplified conversion and for preparation of national standards. 0.3.2 In cases where the same characters are used in different languages, these characters should be transliterated in the same way, irrespective of the language they belong to. 0.3.3 If the converted alphabet gives a different form to the same character according to its place in the word (as is the case for example in the Arabic, Hebrew and Greek alphabets), the conversion alphabet will use only one character of constant form. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard establishes a system for the transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters following the principles of stringent conversion in order to per- mit international information exchange. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2 Transliteration tables 2.1 Tables (See also the notes to the tables in 2.2) Table 1 - Consonants No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hebrew character N 3 1 . 3 x . 7 7 . 7 I Fl 1 3 t . t n Transliteration into Latin character 1 b t; 9 ii d ii h ii W v; z ; h . No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Hebrew character . b 9 9 3 3 . . t9 79 . 3 . 3 b . b Y Transliteration into Letin character i . Y i k I; I i m ril n li S i f 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 259-1994 (I3 Table 1 - Consonants (concluded) No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Hebrew Transliteration into character Latin character 5 . x I 7 I 7 . 1 Iv r; S . i . 9 No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Hebrew Transliteration into character Latin character . tt? . ID n n . I I s . 6 4 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 259-1984 (El No. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Hebrew Transliteration into character Latin character - T . . . . . . . 0. 9 . . . Table 2 - Vowels 9 e i 0 U BY No. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Hebrew Transliteration into character Win character . . L, . . 1 1 . -. . . . . . . T: w iv G vt 0 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 266-1964 (El 2.2 Notes to tables 1 and 2 Note Hebrew character Transliteration Examples 1 Non-hebrew phonemes 1.1 3 (= j English) 9 7i.x - Givn 1 (= j French) 2 7 1 - Zan 3 I = ch English) S 5 s? * 3 - $er”+iyl 1.2 Foreign words transcribed or transliterated into It is recommended to transliterate these letters Hebrew by means of other Hebrew letters by the corresponding Latin letters given in having diacritical marks, particularly the table 1 and marked with the same diacritical apostrophe. mark as the original. 2 Abbreviation symbols 2.1 Single quotation mark (ger$) as abbreviation Transliterated by a single quotation mark at 'DlX - prwp symbol. the end of the abbreviation. 2.2 Double quotation mark (g+gayim) as Transliterated by a double quotation mark tl I, abbreviation symbol. between last two letters. gvy - ram”ba”m 2°F - q”m 2.3 Period as abbreviation symbol. Transliterated by a period as in the Hebrew. .t - d. 6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO m-1984 (El Annex A Diacritical signs used (This annex does not form pat-t of this standard.) The diacritical signs used in this International Standard are taken from the code table of IS0 6426. The following table indicates their position in the code table. Table No. Position in the code table 1 3/l 3 417 5 417 7 417 9 417 11 417 13 4/7 14 516 15 516 16 417 and 516 18 417 20 417 22 417 24 4/7 26 417 28 417 29 3/o 31 417 No. Position in the code table 32 516 33 4/7 and 516 35 417 37 4/l 38 4115 39 417 and 4115 40 412 41 412 and 417 43 417 45 4110 46 5/o 51 5/o 54 413 55 417 56 4110 57 4/6 58 5/O and 4/6 59 416 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 00:40:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IsO259-1984 (E) Annex B Modification of transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters (This annex does not form part of this standard.) The system proposed is intended to be dealt with by computer and aims at complete reversibility. For certain special usages (library catalogues, transmission of information), this transliteration will have to be adapted in future, as it is of necessity cumbersome. The doubling of consonants and the occlusive character of b g d k p t, marked by the dagesh (dzgeg), will be transcribed above the Latin letter by a period. The spirant character of b g d k p t will not be transcribed by the horizontal line (b g d k 6 1) unless it is indicated in the Hebrew text by the rafe (r iyr, town. For 1 and 1 , we propose ti and w (as for 1 consonant) : wr, leather; wr, to wake up; iwer, blind. The maqqef (maqe$ is rendered by the hyphen. The patah, when furtive, is not to be specifically dealt with, so it is transcribed after the gut


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