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    IS0 529 93 m Y851903 0527181 1Ob m INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 529 Second edition 1993-01 -1 5 Short machine taps and hand taps Tarauds courts à machine et à main Reference number IS0 529: 1993( E) Contents Page Section 1 General 1 1.1 scope 1 1.2 Normative references 1 Section 2 IS0 metric threads . 3 2.1 Threads up to M25 . 3 2.1.1 Full-diameter shank taps with plain connecting porlion 3 2.1.2 Full-diameter shank taps with recess 4 2.1.3 Relieved-shank taps 5 2.2 Threads above M25 . 7 2.2.1 Relieved-shank taps for coarse pitch metric thread 7 2.2.2 Relieved-shank taps for fine pitch metric thread . 8 Section 3 IS0 inch threads. “Unified coarse“ (UNC) and “Unified fine“ (UNQ series 11 3.1 “Unified“ series threads up to 25. 4 rnm 11 3.1.1 Full-diameter shank taps with plain connecting porlion I1 3.1.2 Full-diameter shank taps with recess 12 3.1.3 Relieved-shank taps 13 3.2 “Unified“ series threads above 25. 4 mrn . 14 3.2.1 Relieved-shank taps for “Unified coarse“ series threads 14 3.2.2 Relieved-shank taps for “Unified fine“ series threads 15 Section 4 Non=recommended inch threads . 16 4.1 “British Standard Whitworth“ (BSW) and “British Standard Fine“ (BSF) threads 16 4.1.1 Full-diameter shank taps with recess 16 4.1.2 Relieved-shank taps 17 4.2 “British Association“ (BA) threads . 19 Q IS0 1993 All rights reserved . No part of this publicallon may be reproduced or utilized In any form or by any means. electronlc or mechanical. Includlng photocopying and microfilm. wlthout permlsslon In writlng from the publisher . Internatlonal Organlzation for Standardization Case Postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Printed In Switzerland ii COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 4053903 0527383 TA9 IS0 529:1993(E) 4.2.1 Full-diameter shank taps with plain connecting portion 19 4.2.2 Full-diameter shank taps with recess 20 4.2.3 Relieved-shank taps 21 Annexes A Shank diameter, overall length and thread length as a function of range of diameters and pitches 22 Shank diameters and size of driving squares (Extract from IS0 237) . 24 C Bibliography 25 B iii COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 4ô5L903 052ïLSY 955 IS0 529:1993(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 529 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, Sub-Committee SC 4, Screwing taps and dies. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 529:1975), of which it constitutes a technical revision. Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes B and C are for information only. iv COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 m 4851903 0527185 851 m I b) IS0 inch threads - “ U n ifi e d Coarse ” se ri e s (U NC) and “ U n ifi e d F in e ” se r ies (U N F). INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 5291993(E) Short machine taps and hand taps Section I: General 1.1 Scope This International Standard specifies the general dimensions of short machine taps and hand taps. These di- mensions, established as functions of the thread diameter and pitch, are the following: - length of thread (maximum); - overall length; - shank diameter and dimensions of driving square; - dimensions of the connecting portion between the shank and threaded part. This International Standard is applicable to taps intended for cutting the following threads: a) IS0 metric threads - coarse pitch: - fine pitch. c) Inch threads, non-recommended - “British Standard Whitworth” (BSW) and “British Standard Fine” (BSF); - “British Association” (BA). NOTES I tables are given in table A.I. 2 Annex B gives an abstract from IS0 237 for shank diameters and size of driving squares, for information. The overall length, thread length and diameters of shank for taps whose thread diameter and pitch are not listed in Technical specifications for taps covered by this International Standard (including marking) are given in IS0 8830. 1.2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject 1 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 485L903 i352718b 'i98 IS0 529:1993(E) to revision, and parties to agreements based on this international Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 237:1975, Rotating tools with parallel shanks - Diameters of shanks and sizes of driving squares. IS0 2857:1973, Ground thread taps for IS0 metric threads of tolerances 4H to 8H and 4G to 6G coarse and fine pitches - Manufacturing tolerances on the threaded portion. IS0 8830:1991, High-speed steel machine taps with ground threads - Technical specifications. 2 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services - _. _ _ - . - IS0 529 93 4853903 0527387 624 Designation IS0 529:1993(E) d Pitch Section 2: IS0 metric threads 2.1 Threads up to M25 2.1 .I Full-diameter shank taps with plain connecting portion A - A Dimensions in millimetres Fine pitch I Coarse pitch III M1 I Ml xO,2 M1,B x 0,2 M1,B x 0,2 41 M2,2 x 0,25 0,45 M2,5 x 0 , s fine 0,25 0 8 % dl hg2) 1 i-+ 4 5 1) Manufacturers, If they wish, may increase the thread length to 1+2 5-1 2) In accordance with IS0 237, tolerance h9 applies to preclslon shanks; for non-preclslon shanks, the tolerance is hll. 3) In accordance with IS0 237, the tolerance is enlarged to h12 when including errors of form of the square and of its position In re- lation to the shank. 3 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529:1993(E) 2.1.2 Full-diameter shank taps with recess A - A Dlmenslons In miillmetres Designation I d I Pitch I dl M3,5 M3,5 x 0,35 3,5 0,6 M4,5 x 0,6 M5 M5 x 0,5 M5,5 x 0,s -i+LL+- M7 M7 x 0,75 7 ME Mi3 x 1 8 M9 M B x 1 9 MIO x I M10 x 126 MlO I O - I ” max 11 13 i e 17 19 22 24 1) The recess of full diameter shank taps with recess Is optional at the manufacturers dlscretion. If the recess is not required such taps shall have a thread length equal to 2) In accordance with IS0 237, tolerance h9 applies to precision shank: for non-precision shanks, the tolerance is hll. 3) In accordance with IS0 237, the tolerance Is enlarged to hl2 when iricilding errors of form of the square and of its position In re- lation to the shank. 4 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services Pitch fine dl 1 h9') max. Coarse pitch Fine pitch 0 , s 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 - 1,25 1 1 5 2,24 11 2,5 3,15 13 3,55 16 4 17 4 3 5 5,6 6,3 - 19 22 7,1 24 8 25 9 29 M4 M4,5 M5 - M6 M7 M O M4 x 0,5 M4,5 x 0,5 M5 x 0,5 M5,5 x 0,5 M6 x 0,75 M7 x 0,75 Mû x 1 IS0 527 93 = 4851903 0527387 4 T ï IS0 529:1993(E) 2.1.3 Relieved-shank taps A - A Dimensions in millimetres Designation d nom. I Square coarse M3 I M3x0,35 3 4 M3,5 I M3,5 x 0,35 3,5 4 5 4,5 0,75 5 6 595 6 I I 335 66 7 7 a 1.25 8 MO I MOxl 9 MIO x 1 MIO x 1,25 MIO - MI 1 MI2 x 1,25 MI2 x 1,5 Ml2 10 9 11 12 89 I 7'1 10 1,75 5 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 Si9 93 4851903 05S71i90 $19 W IS0 529:1993(E) Designalion d Pitch M25 x 1,5 M25 x 2 - I max 30 32 37 38 45 L hl6 95 102 112 110 130 a h i 121 9 10 11,2 12,5 14 12 f 08 12 13 14 16 18 1) In accordance wlth IS0 237, tolerance h9 applies to precision shanks: for non-precislon shanks, the tolerance is hll. 2) In accordance wlth IS0 237, the tolerance is enlarged to h12 when including errors of form of the square and of Its position in re- lation to the shank. 6 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services 28 31 M68 6% IS0 529 93 4451903 0527191 055 = IS0 529:1993(E) 2.2 Threads above M25 2.2.1 Relieved-shank taps for coarse pitch metric thread A - A Dimensions in millimetres I max. L h16 Square I I d Designation I Pitch a 4 h1I2) I f I nom. I 45 135 M27 27 M30 30 M33 33 M36 36 M39 39 M42 42 16 20 48 138 51 151 18 I 22 57 162 I 60 170 224 I 26 4,5 31,5 5 35,5 535 40 6 45 67 I a7 25 2a I 52 M52 I 70 200 0 M64 76 221 224 79 234 1) In accordance with IS0 237, tolerance h9 applies to precision shanks; for non-precision shanks, the tolerance is hll. 2) In accordance with IS0 237, the tolerance is enlarged to h12 when including errors of form of the square and of its position to the shank. 7 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 W Liô51903 0527192 T95 W IS0 529:1993(E) d nom. 2.2.2 Relieved-shank taps for fine pitch metric thread Pltêh Dimensions in mllllmetres M2û x 1,5 M28x2 U30 x 1,5 M a x 2 M3ûx3 M32 x 1,5 M a x 2 M33 x 1,5 M33 x 2 M33 x 3 M35 x 1,5 M36 x 1,5 M36x2 M a x 3 A - A 1 3 2 1,s 2% 30 2 3 $15 2 13 32 33 2 3 35 lb5 36 2 3 Designation I M27 x 1,5 I 27 I 2 M27 x 2 dl h91) 20 22.4 25 I max. 37 40 37 51 39 57 L h16 i 27 138 137 151 i44 162 Square U hl121 16 18 20 Ir f 1.6 20 22 24 8 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 9 Li851903 0527193 928 IS0 529:1993(E) dl h91) I max. L h16 Square d Pitch Designation nom. M39 x 1,5 1,5 a hll*) 149 39 u 39 2 M39x3 I l3 170 I M40 x 1,5 I 149 39 M4ûx2 40 2 M4ûx3 3 Y42 x 1,5 1,5 M42 x 2 2 42 26 28 22,4 60 170 39 149 170 M42 x 3 I 60 I l4 M42 x 4 I 45 M45 x 1,5 M45 x 3 45 165 67 I a7 M45 x 4 A 1 1 4 8 x 1'5 M48 x 2 M48 x 3 M4ûx4 1,5 2 3 4 45 165 25 2a 31,5 4a 67 I a7 Y50 x 1,5 50 M5ûx3 45 165 67 I a7 9 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 IS0 5291 993(E) M75 x 6 M76 x 6 75 76 d nom. Designation M52 x 1,s M52 x 2 M52 x 3 U52 x 4 M55 x 1,5 M55x2 M55x3 52 55 Pitch Square dl h91) I max. L hl 6 U h i 12) 45 175 2 3 70 200 45 175 2 28 35,5 45 3 70 200 I M55x4 4 M58 x 1,5 56 175 45 70 79 a3 86 200 I M58x4 234 M70 x 6 M72 x 6 35,5 38 6 258 281 50 40 - 45 42 M85 x 6 M M x 6 M95 x 6 Ml00 x 6 56 279 89 46 1) In accordance with IS0 237, tolerance h9 appiles to precision shanks: for non-preclslon shanks, the tolerance Is hlî. 2) In accordance with IS0 237, lhe tolerance I s enlarged to h12 when including errors of form of lhe square and of its position to lhe shank. 10 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 W 4853903 0527395 7T0 IS0 529:1993(E) dl 11) h9*) max. 23 0 218 9,5 Section 3: IS0 inch threads, “Unified coarse” (UNC) and “Unified fine” (UNF) series L h16 41 44,5 3.1 3.1 .I “Unified” series threads up to 25,4 mm Full-diameter shank taps with plain connecting portion Designation L Pitch d x 13 133 15,5 UNF UNF UNC I a 4 h113) f 0,8 2 4 2,24 5 - NO.l-64-UNC No.2-56-UNC I N0.2-64-UNF I 2,184 I 0,454 I 0,397 No.O-80-UNF 1,524 - 0,318 No.1-72-UNF 1,854 0,397 0,353 No.3-48-UNC I No.3-56-UNF I 2,515 I 0,529 I 0,454 Dimensions in millimetres -l- Square h l 1) Manufacturers if they wish may increase the thread length to l3 - I 1+2 2) In accordance with IS0 237, tolerance h9 applies to precision shanks; for non-precision shanks, the tolerance is hll. 3) in accordance with IS0 237, the tolerance Is enlarged to h12 when Including errors of form of the square and of its position in re- lation to the shank. 11 COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services IS0 529 93 M 4855903 0527596 b37 W IS0 529:1993(E) 3.1.2 Full-diameter shank taps wlth recess A - A Dimensions In mlllimetres Pitch Square Designation d x dl I') L 41) 5 UNC UNP UNC UNF a 1 , nom. hg) max. hl6 mln. hi131 f 0,8 No.4-40-UNC NO.4-48-UNF 2,845 0,529 2,12 No.5-40-UNC No.5-44-UNF 3,175 0,577 233 5 No.6-3Z-UNC No.6-40-UNF 3,505 0,635 335 50 2 3 20 2,8 0,635 3.15 11 48 18 23 . 0,794 . 13 - No.832-UNC No.838-UNF 4,166 0,706 4,5 53 3,15 21 3 s 6 NO.lO-24-UNC NO.10-32-UNF 4,826 0,794 5 16 58 335 25 4 No.12-24-UNC No.12-28-UNF 5,486 5,s .17 62 4,25 26 45 . 1,058 1 7 . 0,907 114-20-UNC 114-28-UNF 635 I ,27 6-3 I 9 66 4,5 30 5 8 5116-18-UNC 5118-24-UNF 7,938 1,411 8 22 72 6 35 63 9 318-1 6-U NC 318-24-UNF 9,525 1,588 10 24 80 785 39 8 Il 1,058 . 1) The recess o f full-diameter shank taps with recess is optlonal at the manufacturer's dlscretlon. if the recess is not required such taps shall have a thread length equal to I, - I 1+2 2) in accorda


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