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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE MEt(AYHAPOP,HbI1?1 CTAHAAPT IS0 5247-2 First edition Premiere Edition Ilepeoe MsAanMe 1989-07-15 Textile machinery and accessories - Weaving machines - Part 2 : Accessories - Vocabulary Materiel pour Iindustrie textile - Metiers et machines Zi tisser - Partie 2 : Accessoires - Vocabulaire TeKCTMJlbHble MaUlMHbl # BCnOMOraTWlbHOe 060pyOBaHW3 - MaWIHbl TKaqKHe - %CTb 2 : t-klHafleXHOCTM - CnOBapb Reference number Numkro de reference tioMep CCblflKM IS0 5247.2:1989 (E/F/R) klC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/P) Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 06:01:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5247-2 : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/0/P) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard IS0 5247-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and allied machinery and accessories. Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. 0 IS0 1989 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher./Droits de reproduction ri tisser - 060pyOBaHMe - i!iaUWlHbl Part 2 : Partie 2 : TKaqKkle Accessories - Vocabulary Accessoires - Vocabuiaire %CTb 2: npklHaflWKHOCTM - CJlOBapb Scope and field of application This part of IS0 5247 defines the basic La presente partie de IISO 5247 definit les terms for accessories of weaving termes de base des accessoires des metiers machines. These terms are subdivided et machines a tisser. Ces termes sont into five categories (see figure 1) as repartis dans cinq categories (voir figure 1) follows. comme suit: 1 Shed-forming devices 2 Parts for guiding the warp and for beating-up the weft 3 Devices for maintaining the fabric width 1 Dispositifs de formation de la foule 2 5lements de guidage de la chaine et pour la frappe de la duite 3 Dispositifs de maintien en largeur de letoffe 4 Devices for weft insertion 5 Installations for detecting broken warp ends 4 Dispositifs pour Iinsertion de la duite 5 Installations pour la detection des casses en chaine Objet et domaine dapplication HasHarleHwe H 06inacTb IlpMMeHeHHFl B tiacrofluteti qacTM MC0 5247 OnpeAene- Hbl OCHOElHble TePMHHbl II0 BCnOMOraTf?i-ib- HblM YCTpOfiCTBaM TKBUKMX MBUIMH. TepMW Hbl pacnpeAenetibi no cneAyrotqclu KaTe- I-OPMRM (CM. pklCyHOK 1): 1 3eBOO6pa3yIOUpW MeXaHM3Mbl 2 3JleMZHTbl, tianpaenerou+te riMTM OCHOBbl M BBOAFiHe YTOqHYD HMTb 3 YCTpOtiCTBa Allfl COXpaHeHHR UIMPW Hbl TKaHM 4 YCTpOtiCTBa AFlfl npOKJlaAKkl YTOA- HOLil HMTM 6 YCTpOhCTBa Ailfl 06HapyxeHWi 06pblBOB HklTdl OCHOBbl Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 06:01:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5247-2 : 1989 (E/F/R) MC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/P) Figure 1 PUCYHOK 1 NOTE - In addition to terms used in the three official IS0 languages (English, French and Russian), this International Standard gives in an annex the equivalent terms in the German language; these have been included at the request of ISO/TC 72 and are pub- lished under the responsibility of the member body for Germany, F.R. (DIN). However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms and definitions. The annex, which contains the equiv- alent basic terms in the German lan- guage, does not form an integral part of this International Standard. NOTE - Terms in italics in the definitions are themselves defined elsewhere in this part of IS0 5247. NOTE - En supplement aux termes donnes dans les trois langues officielles de IISO (anglais, francais, russe), la presente Norme internationale donne, en annexe, les termes equivalents en allemand; ces termes ont Bte inclus a la demande du comite technique ISO/TC 72, et sont publies sous la responsabi- lite du comite membre de IAllemagne, R.F. (DIN). Toutefois, seuls les termes et definitions donnes dans les langues officielles peuvent etre consider lisse de KoM6unposannoe raneso: raneao, co- of several parts, comprising two lifting tour: Lisse comportant plusieurs Gments CTORU(ee M3 HeCKOllbKMX COCTaBHblX -la- healds and one doup heald, which is et composbe de deux lisses de levee et une meti, BKnwiafl flea ranesa Anfl noflbetda used for leno weaving (see figure 3). demi-lisse, ou culotte, utilisbe pour le tis- m oAHor0 nonyraneea ,rqw rasoeoh TKa- sage de gaze (voir figure 3). HM (CM. PMCyHOK 3). Figure 3 PHCYHOK 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 06:01:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5247-2 : 1989 (E/F/R) MC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/O/P) 1.1.3 tensioning heald : Heald, lisse de tension; (tendeurl: Lisse sans without thread eye, which maintains (fausse-lissel: without thread eye, placed close to the Petite lisse sans aSllet separant les fils de sley, which separates the warp ends chaine lun de Iautre. from each other. 1 .I .5 harness regulator: Adjustable regulateur de harnais: Piece de liaison peMw3Hblti peryllflTOp: COCTaBHaR -laCTb connecting piece between the heald placee entre le cadre de lisses et le systeme TKaqKOL? MalllMHbl )$lR BblpaBHMBaHMR pe- frame and the driving system, used for de commande pour aligner les cadres de /is- MU3HblX pl. 6yMara: npOrpaMMOHOCMTenb, COCTOFlMti M3 6eCKOHerHOti 6yMaXHOl7 MnM nnac-r- MaCCOBOl? neHTbl, OTBepCTMR KOTOpOlil 06- pa3yDT 3neMeHTbl ynpaBneHtifl. BblXt?HUe HGtTl C I7U- connected with the Jacquard weaving ment connect6 avec la lisse Jacquard pour qeii Xamapda 3neMeHT flnfl 0nycKawfl heald, for pulling down the warp ends abaisser les fils de chaine (voir figure 5, (see figure 5, details Y, to Ys). HMTelil OCHOBbl (CM. pMCyHOK 5, AeTanH Y, details Y, a Ys). RO Y,). 1.2.2 Jacquard card : Device for con- carton Jacquard: Dispositif de com- trolling the Jacquard mechanism. mande de la mecanique Jacquard. 2 Parts for guiding the warp l%ments de guidage de la and for beating-up the weft chaine et pour la frappe de la duite 2.1 reed: Part, composed of reed peigne: Piece comportant des dents pour dents fixed to baulks, which guides the assurer le guidage des fils de chaine, la warp ends, beats up the weft and, in frappe de la duite et egalement, dans cer- certain cases, guides the weft yarn car- tains cas, la conduite du support du fil de rier. The number of reed dents per trame. Le nombre de dents aux 100 mm 100 mm is the metric measure unit. constitue Iunite de mesure. 2.1.1 reed dent: Piece of strip steel dent de peigne: Piece en acier feuillard, wire, vertically fixed into the reed. fixee verticalement au peigne. 2.1.2 end rod: Lateral rod of the dent de garde: Bord lateral du peigne. reed. 2.1.3 interlacing rod: Wooden rod, baguette de liage: Baguette de bois of semi-circular cross-section, for demi-ronde servant au serrage des dents fastening the reed dents in the pitch dun peigne poisse. baulk. COeLlHLlTenbHblL-4 IlpyTOK: nOnyKpyrnblti AepeBflHHbti npy0, cnymaulMA Anfl 3a- mMMa 3y6bee cMonflHoro 6epda. 2.1.4 half-round rod: Steel rod, of baguette demi-ronde: Baguette dacier semi-circular cross-section, for fasten- demi-ronde servant au serrage des dents ing the reed dents in a double-spring dun peigne 5 ligature double, ligature par baulk, a flat-band baulk or a plastics bande ou ligature plastique. baulk. tlflaHKa ilpO6OpKLl apKaTHOil llO/4BR3Li: CO- CTaBHaR qaCTb MeXaHM3MaaKKapAaAnf-4 HanpaaneHua M pa3Meu(eHw=i aprtamubrx WHypOE i-IO BCeti IUMpMHe OCHOElbl. CBR3b MeKAy apKaTHblM UlHyPOM W IlLlqefi Xaxxapfia: CM. pcy0 5, AeranH X1 M X2. KaPTOH X(aKKBpflOBOrO MeXaHH3Ma: flpO- rpaMMOHOCMTenb ABM)KeHMR %aKKapAO- 8oro MexaHM3Ma. 3neMeHTb1, HanpaanfttoqHe HHTH OCHOBbl H BBOARqClle YTOr(HYKl HMTb Bepqo: COCTaBHaR qaCTb TKaqKOh MalUH- H.bl c 3y6bflw Ann pacnpeAeneHr4fi HMTH OCHOBbl fl0 Ull4pl4He TKaHL4. %lCnO 3y6beB 6epda Ha 100 MM - eAMHMga M3Mepewn. 36 6BpAB: AeTanb 143 nonocoeofi CTanM, BepTMKanbHO 3aKpenneHHblfi K 6epdy. cxynxa Bepda: KpalilHMA 36 6epda. nonyxpyrnbiir npyox: CTanbHoti nony- Kpyrnblti YTOK AnR 3awIMa 3ydbeB 6ep- da c dBoholKy ti OCTaHaBnM- BaK)T MaUlMHy 3sMblKsHMeM 3IleKTpMre- coA qenw MnM npepbleatiMeh4 Mexaiitiqe- CKOrO ABWKeHMR 3y6CleTblX IlJlsHOK. drop wire: Metallic piece, lamelle : Piece mr5tallique retenue par le fil nardenb: MeTannMrecKafl nnacTMiia, noA- suspended on a warp end, which falls de chaine et tombant sur la tringle de con- BeWeHtiafl x HMTM 0cHosbl M onycKaDuan- onto the electrical contact bar or the tact ou la tringle crfkelee aprl naMenbK3. wire. guide bar: Auxiliary bar used barre de guidage : Barre auxiliaire utilisee HanpaenRtoqafl nnaHKa: BcnoMoraTenb- to separate the drop wire rows on the pour separer les rangees de lamelles sur le iiafl nnatiKa Anfl pa3aeneHMf4 pfloe nanne- warp-stop motion. casse-chaine. neii Ha HUrnRX OCHOBbl. 5.1.2 harness warp-stop motion : casse-chaine de harnais : Voir figure 6. PeMW3H bl iI OCHOBOHa6IllOaTenb : CM. pm- See figure 6. CyHOK 6. 5i21 Figure 6 PWCHOK 6 9 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 06:01:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5247-2 : 1989 (E/F/R) MC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/P) heald for warp-stop mo- lisse de casse-chaine : Lisse qui arrete la raneao octroeoHa6nroflarenfl: raneao, KO- tion: Heald which stops the weaving machine a tisser quand elle tombe en posi- Topoe 0cTanaanMaaer TkaukMG4 cranox 3a- machine, by closing the electrical circuit tion basse apres une casse de fil de chaine, MblKaHMeM qenM npM nafleHm4 B HwKHee when in the lower shed position, when par fermeture dun circuit Blectrique. nonoXeHwe nocne 06pblBa HMTM. warp end breakage occurs. heald frame with integrated cadre de lisses avec casse-cha7ne intb peMH3HElR PaMa C BHyTpeHHblM OCHOBOHB- warp-stop motion : Heald frame, with gr6 : Cadre de lisses, avec une barre supe- 6nmateneM: PeMu3tiaR pahta c i3epxHeti an upper hea/d carrying rod, which rieure de guidage des lisses, qui sert en lIiIaHKO, KOTOpaR ClQ0WT OfiHOBpeMeHHO serves as an electrical contact bar and mgme temps de contact dlectrique et qui 3tleKTpOKOHTaKTOM M OCTaHaBilMBaeT Ma- which stops the weaving machine after arrete la machine SI tisser apres une casse UJMHY llpl4 06pblBe HMTM 3aMblKaHMeM warp end breakage by closing an elec- de fil de chaine par fermeture dun circuit aneKTpoqenn. trical circuit. Blectrique. 5.1.3 other warp-stop motions : autres casse-chaines : Autres dispositifs ApyrHe ocriosoHa6ntoaTen: llpowe on- Other devices for the optical or elec- comme, par exemple, les detecteurs opti- TM-ieCKMe WlM WleKTpOHHble AeTeKTOpbl tronic detection of broken warp ends. ques ou Blectroniques de casse de fil de 06pblBa HMTM OCHOBbl. chaine. 10 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 06:01:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5247-2 : 1989 IE/F/R) MC0 5247-2 : 1989 (A/P) Annex Equivalent German vocabulary (This annex does not form an integral part of the standard.1 Annexe Vocabulaire kquivalent en allemand (Cette annexe ne fait pas partie integrante de la norme.) llpkrnoxeHb4e 3KBMBaJleHTHble TePMHHbl Ha HeMeqKOM F13blKe (ST0 FlpMl-lOXeHMe He RBllReTCR HeOTW3MileMOti 4aCTbD CTElHAapTa.) 1 Organe zur Fachbildung 1.1 Bewegen der Kettfaden durch Webschtifte 1.1.1 Webschaft : Rahmen, in dem die Webliken eingehangt sind und der mit den Litzen zusammen eine Bewegung zur Bildung des Webfaches ausfijhrt (siehe Bild 2). 1 .I .I.1 Schaftstab : Oberes bzw. unteres Langsprofil des Webschaftes. 1 .l .I.2 Schaft-Seitenstiitze : Seitliche Verbindung der Schaftsfgbe, die gleichzeitig zum Fijhren des Webschaftes dient. 1.1 .I .3 Tragschienenhalter : Einrichtung zum Aufhangen der Likentragschienen am Schaftstab. 1 .I .I .4 Litzentragschiene : Schiene zum Tragen der Weblitzen. 1.1 .I .5 Schaftanschlul3 : Einrichtung zum Verbinden des Webschaftes mit den Antriebsorganen. Ftihrungsaufsatz: Aufsatz auf dem Schaftstab zum zusatzlichen Fiihren des Webschaftes. 1.1.2 Weblitze: Teil mit geschlossenen oder seitlich offenen End Spattenlitze: Kurze Weblitze ohne Fadenauge, an der Weblade angeordnet, urn die Kettftiden voneinander zu trennen. 1.1.5 Schaftregler : Einstellbares Verbindungsglied zwischen Webschaft und Antriebsorgan zum Einstellen der Lage des Webschaftes zur Kette. 1.1.6 Schaftkarte: Organ zum Steuern der Schaftmaschine, das in geeigneter Form iiber Fiihlelemente Anweisungen fur die Steu- erung der Webschsfte zur Erreichung der Gewebebindung erteilt. Rollenkarte: Karte, als Gelenkkette ausgebildet, auf deren Sttiben Rollen zum Heben der Fijhlelemente aufgesteckt sind. Pflockkarte: Karte aus Stgben, auf die PflGcke zum Heben der Fiihlelemente aufgesteckt sind. 8lattlochkarte : Karte aus Streifen, in die L Chorbrett: Einrichtung zum Fiihren der Harnischschniire auf Gewebebreite. Verbindung von Harnischschnur zur Jacquard-Weblitze: Siehe Bild 5, Einzelheiten Xt und X2. Jacquard-Weblitze: Web/ (Riet) : Ein


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