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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 3190 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDKATION .MEXC,V”APOflHM OPAHMJAWR II0 CTAHLIAPTH3AUMM.ORGANlSATlON ,NTERNAT,ONALE DE NORMALISATION Test conditions for turret and single spindle co-ordinate drilling machines with vertical spindle - Testing of the accuracy Conditions dessai des machines ii perter verticales ri coordon b) in the plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry of the machine and co- axial with the spindle axis. 0,03/300 Level and straightedge Gl a) 0,05 0.002 X up to 1000 up to 40 For each 1000 I 40 A -TABLE increase in length beyond : I Precision level or Clauses 5.322 and 5.323 Checking of flatness of the table surface. 1000 straightedges and gauge add to the preceding corresponding tolerance : blocks 0,Ol 0.0004 Maximum permissible deviation : b) 0,08 i 0.12 I Clause 5.422.21 The stylus of the dial gauge shall be placed approximately at the spindle axis. The measurement may be made on a straightedge laid parallel to the table surface. 62 Checking of parallelism of the table surface to : a) transverse movement of the table, or transverse movement of the spindle head; b) longitudinal movement of the table. 0,025 0.001 for any measuring length of : 300 I 12 Maximum permissible deviation : 0.002 0.05 Straightedges and dial gauge If the table length is greater than 1 000 mm (40 in) the inspection may be carried out by successive movements of the straightedge. If the spindle can be locked, the dial gauge may be mounted on it. If the spindle cannot be locked, then the dial gauge shall be placed on a fixed part of the machine. Spindle head and knee or beam locked. a) Table locked; 6) Cross slide locked. 3-4 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO3190-1975 (E) Measuring instruments and references code ISO/R 230 straightness of Straightedge, dial gauge or gauge blocks and Clauses 5.212, 5.212.1, 5.212.3 or 5.232 The straightedge may be placed directly on the table. Checking of parallelism of the median or reference longitudinal tee slot of the table to its longitidinal movement. Clause 5.422.21 Cross slide and knee locked. Checking of parallelism of the transverse median or reference tee slot of the table to the transverse table movement. for any measuring length of : Clause 5.422.21 Knee locked. Table locked in central position. Knee locked. Checking of squareness of the table longitudinal movement to its transverse movement or to the movement of the spindle head on the beam. 0.00 14120 a) The straightedge shall be set parallel to the longitudinal movement of the table; then the square shall be placed against the straightedge. Table locked in central position. b) Then check the table transverse move- B -SPINDLE G7 Measurement of run-out of the internal taper of the spindle : a) near the spindle nose; 6) at a distance / of 300 mm (12 in) from the spindle nose. b) 0.000 8 Dial gauge and test mandrel Clause 5.612.3 Checking shall be repeated on all spindles, in the case of turret head drilling machines. 5-6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO 3190-1975 (E) Measuring instruments Observations and references to the test code ISO/R 230 a) Measurement of periodic axial slip; b) Measurement of camming of the face A force F, specified by the manufacturer of the machine, should be exerted by pressing towards the housing for tests a) and b). 61 Clause 5.632 The distance A of dial gauge b) from Checking should be repeated on all spindles, in the case of turret head drilling machines. Checking of squareness of the spindle axis to the table surface and of straightness of the vertical slideways of the table : a) in the vertical plane of symmetry of 6) in the plane perpendicular to the vertical plane of symmetry of the A - SINGLE SPINDLE MACHINE B-TURRET MACHINE - Dial gauge, straightedge and test mandrel Clauses 5.512.1 and 5.512.42 For machines having a table of variable height, the inspection shall be carried out first with the table in the upper position 1) and then in the lower Spindle head, table, cross slide, knee or beam locked. Checking shall be repeated on all spindles, in the case of turret head drilling * Distance between the two points C -SPINDLE HEAD Checking of squareness of the table surface to the vertical movement of the spindle head or the beam on the a) in the vertical plane of symmetry of b) in the plane perpendicular to the vertical plane of symmetry of the Dial gauge and square Clause 5.522.2 Table locked in central position. Cross slide and knee locked. Spindle head or beam locked when taking measurements. 7-8 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Is0 3190-1975 (El Measuring instruments Observations and references to the test code ISO/R 230 Checking of squareness of the table surface to the vertical movement of the spindle housing or quill or the turret head on its slideways : a) in the vertical plane of symmetry of Dial gauge and square Clause 5.522.2 Table locked in central position. Spindle head, cross slide and knee locked. vertical plane of symmetry of the Clauses 5.412.1 and 6.4 For a) and b) the dial gauge support shall be set against the straightedge to place the stylus on the centre line of the test mandrel and as near as possible to the The dial gauge shall be adjusted to give D -MULTI-SPINDLE TURRET HEAD Measurement of the accuracy of the positioning of the axes of the internal mounting surface of the spindles and checking of the repeatability of these a) in a vertical plane perpendicular with a vertical plane passing through the axis of rotation of the turret; 6) in a vertical plane passing through the axis of rotation of the turret. 0,025 The turret shall be rotated one complete revolution. If it is not possible to rotate one complete revolution, the turret shall Straightedge, dial gau- ges, and test mandrel be revolved through the largest possible fraction of a revolution first in one direction, then in the opposite direction, so as to bring it back to its original position. The turret shall then be indexed and locked and the deviation observed. The turret shall then be indexed to the next position and the test mandrel transferred from the reference spindle. Similarly but without the dial gauge being re-zeroed, the spindle shall be rotated to the mean runout and the deviation observed before and after one complete (or partial) revolution of the turret. Repeat for all spindles. All slides locked except drilling feed slide. 9-10 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4.2 Practical test Is0 3190-1975 (E) No. PI Diagram a) b) Special equipment (Alternative) A / e-F M v B Nature of test Measurement of deflection of the spindle axis from its position square with the table under an axial force applied to the spindle : a) in the plane of symmetry of the machine; b) in the plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry of the machine. Permissible deviation mm l/l 000 in 0.04140 Measuring instruments Special equipment Dial gauge and force measuring instrument Observations and references to the test code ISO/R 230 It is unnecessary to follow the test code ISO/R 230. A drilling test shall not be carried out but an axial force F shall be exerted on the spindle nose, using the table surface as a support. The application of force F and the measurement of the deflection under load of the axis of the spindle in relation to the table surface shall be made directly on the spindle nose with the aid of special equipment A mounted directly in the spindle nose. The base B of the load cell shall be of sufficient area and rigidity to eliminate any deformation of the table. The value of force F to be exerted shall be specified by the manufacturer. In the absence of a specified load, reference shall be made to the graph given in the Annex to determine the load as a function of the drilling capacity of the machine. Spindle retracted. Spindle head or drilling feed slide, table, cross slide, knee or beam shall be placed and locked in mid-position on their respective slideways. A calibration sheet of the test instrument M shall be supplied. 11-12 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 3190-1975 (E) ANNEX GRAPH GIVING THE AXIAL FORCE F AS A FUNCTION OF THE DRILLING CAPACITY q5 OF THE MACHINE * Provisional value : R = 55 to 65 hbar. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 02:26:11 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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