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    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 8909-2 First edition 1994-03-15 Forage harvesters - Part 2: Specification of characteristics and performance R b) moisture content of the crop, expressed as a per- centage of wet and dry material; c) the average width and height between adjacent rows of crop collected and the average distance between adjacent rows, in metres to the nearest tenth. For crops planted in rows such as corn or sorghum, the row spacing (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 6.5) and the kernel/stalk ratio or grain stalk ratio (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 6.6); d) other relevant crop characteristics, as defined in IS0 8909-3:1994, clause 6; e) theoretical length of cut (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.24); f) length distribution of particles in the chopped crop, determined using known mechanical sep- aration means, capable of repetition or manual sorting, recorded in terms of average geometrical length and geometrical deviation, in accordance with IS0 8909-3; g) if necessary, means of particle size reduction used (see IS0 8909-1:1994, definitions 4.6 to 4.9). 3.2 Forage harvester characteristics 3.2.1 The mass (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.1) of a self-propelled forage harvester shall be determined with a full fuel tank and a mass of 75 kg simulating the driver. If the transport mass is also to be indicated, the fuel tank shall contain 5 I of fuel at most. If the complete machine includes certain optional equipment which influences its total mass, and/or elements such as tyre weights for self-propelled forage harvesters, these shall be specified. 3.2.2 If certain accessories or optional equipment influence the length of the forage harvester 2 . Q IS0 (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.21, these, and their dimensions, shall be specified. 3.2.3 If certain optional equipment and/or tyre dimensions and position of axles influence the width of the forage harvester (IS0 8909-1:1994, defi- nition 5.3), these, and their dimensions, shall be specified. 3.2.4 The height of the forage harvester (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.41, determined when the fuel tank contains 5 I at most, shall only be given for self-propelled forage harvesters, with all components in the transport position and in the working position. The type of head mounted during measurements shall be indicated. If certain optional equipment influences machine height, this equip- ment, and its dimensions, shall be specified. 3.2.5 When the forage harvester spout discharge height (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.5) is adjustable, the minimum and maximum heights shall be speci- fied. The type of head mounted during measure- ments shall be indicated. For self-propelled forage harvesters, the fuel tank shall contain 5 I at most of fuel and the spout dis- charge height shall be in accordance with IS0 5715. For towed forage harvesters, the tractor towbar height at the attachment point shall also be indi- cated, in millimetres. 32.6 The engine net power of self-propelled forage harvesters shall be determined in accordance with IS0 2288, at engine nominal speed. Where commercial requirements indicate use of a different test code to determine engine power, this test code shall be indicated. 3.2.7 The engine capacity of self-propelled forage harvesters shall be given, in litres to the nearest hundredth. 3.2.8 The turning diameter of self-propelled forage harvesters shall be determined, on a hard and level surface, in accordance with IS0 789-3, without applying the brakes. It shall be expressed in metres to the nearest hundredth. The wheelbase and the steered-wheels track width shall be indicated. 3.2.9 The clearance diameter of self-propelled for- age harvesters shall be determined in accordance with IS0 789-3, without applying the brakes, with the harvesting head completely raised, and with the same wheelbase and the steered-wheels track width indicated in 3.2.8. The clearance diameter shall be expressed in metres, to the nearest hundredth. If . I I t , i ! i ! i 1 1 1 I i I. , I I c i- L; I: j i 1 i. I 1. i , 1 I I. I 1 1 i L / I I i I I ! ; 1, / I i Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 03:37:44 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Q IS0 IS0 8909-2: 1994(E) certain optional equipment influences this machine dimension, this equipment, and its dimensions, shall be specified. 3.2.10 For tractor-mounted or towed forage harvesters, the PTO drive-shaft class and the PTO type shall be specified in accordance with IS0 5673 and IS0 500 respectively. The PTO rotational frequency (540 min-1 or 1 000 min-1) shall be given together with an indication of nominal power rating (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.12). The category of the tractor three-point hitch needed to raise and operate the machine shall be given in accordance with IS0 730-1, IS0 730-2 or IS0 730-3. 3.2.11 The number of harvesting rows shall be indicated with the effective head harvesting width for row crops or maize heads (IS0 8909-1:1994, defi- nition 5.13). Where the width between harvesting heads is adjustable, the minimum and maximum distances between row axes shall be indicated, in millimetres. In this case, the effective minimum and maximum cutting widths shall be indicated. 3.2.12 The head theoretical cutting height (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.14) shall be deter- mined, to the nearest 5 mm, for the minimum and maximum working heights, at the lowest and high- est working points to which the cutting means may be raised or lowered by means of the normal lift mechanism, in accordance with the manufacturer s instructions. The head type fitted at the time of measurement shall be indicated. For towed forage harvesters, the tractor towbar height at the attachment point shall be indicated, in millimetres. 3.2.13 If optional equipment influences the mass of the head (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.151, it shall be indicated. 3.2.14 Cutterbar frequency and stroke of oscillating scissor knives, determined at the furthest forward cutting edge in accordance with IS0 8909-1:1994, definitions 5.16 and 5.17 respectively, shall be speci- fied. 3.2.15 For cylindrical rotors, the following charac- teristics shall be indicated: - number of knives passing a given point per cycle; - rotational frequency, in minutes to the power minus one; - rotor width and diameter, expressed in milli; metres. 3.2.16 For flywheel cutterheads, the following characteristics shall be indicated: - - - - - - number of knives; number of blower paddles to throw the crop, if so equipped; rotational frequency, in minutes to the power minus one; effective inside and outside cutting diameters of the knives around the axis of rotation, expressed in millimetres; tip diameter and effective width of blower paddles, in millimetres, if so equipped; internal width of blower, in millimetres. 3.2.17 The recutter screen opening dimensions shall be given, in millimetres. 3.2.18 For random-cut flail chopping rotors, the following characteristics shall be indicated: - - - - number of rows of flails passing a given point in one cycle; total number of flails; rotational frequency of rotor, in minutes to the power minus one; width of rotor, in metres to the nearest hun- dredth. 3.2.19 For cylinder impeller blowers, the following characteristics shall be indicated: - number of rows of paddles; - total number of paddles; - rotational frequency, in minutes to the power minus one; - diameter and width of rotor, in millimetres. 3.2.20 For flywheel impeller blowers, the following characteristics shall be indicated: - number of paddles; - rotational frequency, in minutes to the power minus one; - blower diameter and inside width of the blower housing, in millimetres. 3.2.21 In the case of forage harvesters for which the crop mat velocity of the cut mechanism consists of feedrolls, the theoretical length of cut (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.241, TLOC, in metres, is calculated using the following equation. 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 03:37:44 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 8909-2: 1994(E) NOTE 1 It is assumed that no crop fragments get through the feedrolls and that stalks are cut perpendicular to their longitudinal axis. TLOC = ND, Nq + WV Nkz where Dl D2 4 is the effective diameter of the upper rear feedroll, in millimetres; is the effective diameter of the lower rear feedroll if used, in millimetres; is the rotational frequency of the upper rear feedroll, in minutes to the power minus one; N2 is the rotational frequency of the lower rear feedroll if used, in minutes to the power minus one; N k is the rotational frequency of the rotor, in minutes to the power minus one; is the number of feedrolls, or, in the case of a rotor with multiple knives, the total number of knives in each unit; Z corresponds to the number of feedrolls: z = 1, if the machine has one feedroll and z = 2 in other cases. If the Forage harvester does not use feedrol,ls as a means of supplying the cutting mechanism, the following requirements apply. a) For forage harvesters where the feeding auger is positioned substantially parallel to the cutter- head, the numerator shall be replaced by the lin- ear speed of the auger flights multiplied by a combined slip and compaction factor of 0,7, and z shall be taken equal to 1. Where the manufac- turer(s) specify a different factor, this shall be used. 4 Q IS0 b) For forage harvesters where the feeding auger is positioned substantially perpendicular to the cutterhead, the numerator shall be replaced by the,linear speed of the auger flights multiplied by a combined slip and compaction factor of 0,85, and z shall be taken equal to 1. Where the manu- facturer(s) specify a different factor, this shall be used. c) For forage harvesters with a different feed mechanism, the manufacturer s crop mat velocity data (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 5.25) at the feed- on point of the cutterhead may be used in the numerator, and z shall be taken equal to 1. d) For random-cut (flail-type) forage harvesters gathering precut crop, there is no reliable method to calculate the theoretical length of cut. When the crop is cut directly, the numerator shall be taken equal to the forward speed of the machine, k shall be taken equal to the ratio of the sum of the cutting widths of all the flails to the effective width of the rotor, and z shall be taken equal to 1. 3.3 Performance 3.3.1 The crop throw distance (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 7.3) shall be indicated, in addition to the information specified in 3.2.5. 3.3.2 The whole grain or maize fraction (IS0 8909-1:1994, definition 7.4) shall ,be expressed as the ratio, to the nearest half-percent, of the mass of whole grain or maize to the total mass yield, or, as an alternative, as the total grain or maize yield of the crop, as a mass. The calculation method used shall be indicated. Dye penetrants may be used to detect broken grain or maize. I 1 I ; 1 i 1 ; I I. i I 1: I 1 i: 1 /. i I , 1 1 I 1 / I i ! I I I / j I , 1 1 / / I I- Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 03:37:44 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 8909-2:1994(E) . l - Q IS0 ICS 65060.50 / Descriptors: agricultural machinery, harvest equipment, fodders, harvesters, vocabulary. Price based on 4 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 03:37:44 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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