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    a UDC 621.31 JAPAN ESE IN DUSTRIAL STAN DARD High voltage power capacitors Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 9s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- In the event of any doubt arising, the original Standard in Japanese is to be final authority. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- e a e a UDC 621.319.4.027.3/.7:621.316.727 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S High Volt age Po wer Capacitors C 4902-1990 1, Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies high voltage power capacitors which are used in the circuits of transmission and distribution systems of a.c. 3300 V or higher, being connected in parallel to the load, for the purpose of power factor improvement, voltage regulation , etc. (hereafter referred to as “capacitorst1). Remarks 1. This Standard may be used as practical for capacitors used in circuits of over a.c. 600 V but less than 3300 V. 2. The capacitors referred here mean the capacitors employing metal foil or metalized film as the electrodes and impregnated paper, plastic film and compound thereof, or non-impregnated plastic film as the dielectric. 3. The applicable Standards are shown below. JIS C 2302-Capacitor Tissue Papers JIS C 2306-High Tension Capacitor Papers JIS C 2320-Electrical Insulating Oils JIS C 2330-Polypropylene Films for Electrical Purposes JIS H 4160-Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Forgings 4, The International Corresponding Standard is given below. IEC 871-1-1987-Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 660 V. Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation 2. Definitions For the purpose of this Standard the following principal definitions apply: (i) capacitor element or element is composed of electrodes and the dielectric that insulates the electrodes. The smallest element of capacitor which (2) capacitor unit or unit An assembly of capacitor elements of adequate number in the same container. (3) single capacitor An assembly of one or more capacitor units in a container equipped with line terminals. ._ L Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*4902 90 D 4933608 0082751 b D 2 C 4902-1990 (4) capacitor bank Such an assembly that single capacitors of adequate number are contained in a container or frame so that it can be handled as a single capacitor. (5) capacitor (6) metal-foil capacitor The generic name for single capacitor and capacitor bank. A capacitor of such construction that metal foil is used as the electrodes and either of capacitor paper or plastic film, or compoundthereof is used as the dielectric. It looses its function when a part of the dielectric breaks down and is not self-healing( ) . The self-healing means such a phenomenon that the function of capacitor is instantaneously restored, when a part of the dielectric breaks down, due to disappearance of small area of electrode adjacent to the broken point. Note () metalized capacitor metalized films and the dielectric consists of either capacitor paper or plastic film, or the compound thereof, and which is self-healing( ). A capacitor in which the electrodes consist of oil-immersed capacitor A capacitor the interior of which is filled with a liquid impregnant which has fluidity at 8OOC. dry capacitor impregnant which has no fluidity at 8OoC or a gas. A capacitor the interior of which is filled with a solid capacitor incorporating safety device incorporates a device that isolates the abnormal element or unit to avoid A metalized capacitor which application of voltage when abnormarities occur inside the capacitor, for increasing safety of the capacitor. capacitor with protective contact which detects abnormalities, if occurred inside the capacitor, and A capacitor equipped with a contact operates for increasing safety of the capacitor. discharge device A device which is connected across the line terminals or buses, or incorporated in a capacitor, to reduce the residual charge effectively to zero, after the capacitor has been disconnected from the line. line terminals with lines which is led out from the electrodes of capacitor elements. Terminals provided on outside of enclosure for connection grounding terminal A terminal provided on the enclosure for grounding or fixing the potential of the enclosure which is insulated from the electrodes of capacitor elements. enclosure terminal A terminal provided on the enclosure of a capacitor of such construction that one of the electrodes of capacitor element and the enclosure are in the same potential, for the purpose of connecting the electrode to external circuits. circuit voltage connected. The voltage of the circuit to which a capacitor is Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*4702 70 M 4733608 0082752 8 M 3 C 4902-1990 (17) rated voltage The r.m.s. value of sinusoidal voltage between lines to which a capacitor is able to withstand continuously. (18) rated capacity The designed reactive power of a capacitor at the rated voltage and the rated frequency. (19) rated current The r.m.s. value of the current which flows through one line terminal at the rated capacity. This is obtained from the following formulae : rated capacity (kvar) x103 rated voltage (vj Single-phase capacitor: rated current (A) = rated capacity (kvar) x lo3 rx rated voltage (V) Three-phase capacitor: rated current (A) = (20) relative capacitor loss expressed in percentage of the rated capacity a The active power consumed in a capacitor (21) highest ambient temperature The higher side limit of ambient temperatures( 2 , at which capacitors are capable of being used without any trouble. Note (2) The ambient temperature means the temperature of air at the location of the capacitor measured at a point about 0,5 m apart from the capacitor container and at Lof its height above the bottom. 3 (22) lowest ambient temperature tures( 2, below which capacitors will cause trouble. The lower side limit of ambient tempera- (23) maximum permissible voltage( 3, at the rated frequency which can be applied continuously across the terminals of a capacitor without any practical trouble( 4 , and does not include an instantaneous overvoltage. This means the limit of the voltage Notes ( 3, The maximum permissible voltage includes the following over- voltages : (a) Overvoltage due to supply voltage fluctuation. (b) Overvoltage due to the characteristics of the equipment on which the capacitor is mounted. ( 4 , Without any practical trouble“ means that the life of capacitor is not remarkably shortened, and the performance values are not necessarily comply with the specified values under the rated conditions. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*4902 90 4933608 0082753 T W Temperature I Highest ambient cat e gory temperature 4 C 4902-1990 Highest mean over 24 h Highest jtear mean over (24) maximum permissible current( 5 , The limit of r. m. s. value of the resultant current which does not cause practical trouble when conti- nuously passed through the terminals of a capacitor. A B Note (5) The maximum permissible current includes the following over- current s : 40 35 25 50 45 35 (a) The current increased by the higher-harmonic current from the circuit. (b) The current increased by a tempolary overvoltage not exceeding the permissible overvoltage. (c) The current increased by the error of plus side in the capacity. 3. Standard Service Conditions The standard service conditions shall be as stated below, and capacitors shall be used under the said conditions unless otherwise specified. ( 1) Highest Ambient Temperature The highest ambient temperature shall be as given in Table 1. Table 1. Highest Ambient Temperature Unit: OC Remarks 1. Temperature category A is mainly applied to capacitors used outdoors, and category B is applicable to capacitors used in an enclosed switchboard. 2. If installation of the capacitor influences the ambient temper- ature, the cooling air temperature( 6 , shall not exceed the value specified in Table 1 by more than 5OC. Note ( 6 , The cooling air temperature is the air temperature during operation measured at a poipt about 0.1 m apart from the capacitor container and at 7 of its height above the bottom. However, if capacitors are installed in parallel at an interval of O. 2 m or less, it means the air temperature during operation measured in the middle of the spacing. (2) Lowest Ambient Temperature The lowest ambient temperature shall be -2OOC or -5OC. Remark: The lowest ambient temperature of -5OC is mainly applicable for capacitors used indoors. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- e a a a Voltage factor 1.10 1.15 4. Permissible duration of application Within 12 h per 24 h Within 30 min per 24 h 5 C 4902-1990 1.20 1.30 (3) Relative Humidity The relative humidity when capacitors are used indoors shall not exceed 85 %. Not more than twice and within 5 min every month Not more than twice and within 1 min every month (4) Altitude The altitude shall not exceed 1000 m. Met al- foil capacitor NH . Overload Service Conditions Met ali ze d capacitor SH (i) Maximum Permissible Voltage The maximum permissible voltage shall be as given in Table 2. Table 2. Maximum Permissible Voltage and Its Duration (2) Maximum Permissible Current The maximum permissible current shall be 130 % of the rated current. However, if the actually measured capacitance of a capacitor falls on the plus side within the tolerance, further increase of overcurrent corresponding to the increase of capacitance is allowed for the above capacitor. 5. Classification Capacitors are classified according to the element, construction, number of phases, and existense or nonexistense of safety device or protective contact, as given in Table 3. Table 3. Classification of Capacitors element Symbol Single or banked Kind of ¡type struction Oil immersed or Number of phases CO11 - dry type Safety device or protective contact Single capacitor, capacitor bank Oil immersed capacitor, dry capacitor Single- phase capacitor, three-phase capacitor Safety device incorporated, with protective contact Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*4702 70 4733608 0082755 3 Circuit voltage kV 3.3 Rated voltage of capacitor V 1900. 6 C 4902-1990 6.6 11 22 33 66 77 3800 6350 12700 19000 38000 . 44600 6. Ratings 11 3175 6 . 1 Rated Voltages The rated voltages shall be as follows: 22 33 66 77 6350 9500 19000 22300 (i) The rated voltages of three-phase capacitors shall be as given in Table 4. Table 4. Rated Voltage of Three-phase Capacitor Unit: V Rated voltage 3300, 6600, 11000, 22000, 33000, 66000, 77000 . (2) The rated voltages of capacitors to be connected in star shall be as given in Table 5. Table 5. Rated Voltage for Star Connection Connection Connection Circuit voltage kV Rated voltage- of capacitor V Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*4902 90 = 4933608 0082756 5 -. Insulation level I . Power frequency voltage Impulse voltage 7 C 4902-1990 No. 60 No. 70 (3) The rated voltages of a capacitor which serve under voltage of two 14 O 350 16 O 400 or more kinds shall be selected from the rated voltages given in (i) and (2) (4) Capacitors used in the tertiary circuit of a transformer or the like are not necessary to follow Table 5, if the circuit voltage is different from those given in the said table. The rated voltage of a capacitor to be used in a circuit where the circuit voltage is exceeding 77 kV is subjected to agreement between I the parties concerned with acceptance. (5) (6) The rated voltage of a capacitor which employs a series reactor of a reactance exceeding 6 % is not necessary to follow Tables 4 and 5. Remarks 1. The insulation levels of the number suffixed with B are mainly applicable for capacitors used indoors. I 2. The insulation levels not determined in e Table 6 are subjected to agreement between the parties concerned with acceptance. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 20:56:22 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- JIS C*4902 90 = 4933608 0082757 7 W 8 C 4902-1990 6.3 Number of Phases As for the number of phases , single phase or three phases shall be employed. 6.4 Rated Frequency The rated frequency shall be 50 Hz , 60 Hz or 50160 Hz . 6.5 Rated Capacities The rated capacities shall be as follows: (1) The rated capacities of three-phase capacitors shall be as given in Table 7. Table 7. Rated Capacities of Three-phase Capacitors Rated voltage V High 3300, 6600 volt age Extra- 11000, high 22000, voltage 33000, 66000, 77000 Rated capacity kvar ( 7, 10112, 15118, 20124, 25130, 30136, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000 Note ( 7, The indication of 10112 and the like denote 10 kvar (for 50 Hz) I 12 kva


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