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    - J I S C*9bL5 96 m 4933688 0039948 B m UDC 628.511.4:697.946 , Y J-IS JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STANDARD Air Cleaners JIS C 96 I 5 - 1 9 7 6 Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 11 s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Translation without guarantee In the event of any doubt arising, the original standard in Japanese is to be evidence Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*ïb15 7b m 4733608 c1837750 b m UDC 628.511.4:697.946 - JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Air Cleaners . Scope J I S C 961 5-1 976 This Japanese Industrial Standard speciAr2s air cleaners wrL- built-in blowers designed for operation at a rated frequency of either 50 Hz o r 60 Hz, o r for 50/60 HZ combined used, and maximum rated voltage of 300 V, which are installed chiefly in homes, offices, etc. and used either for catching dust particles suspended in the atmosphere o r for simultaneously catching dust particles and eliminating gas. Units and numerical values indicated in are based on the International System of Units (SI) and are given for reference Remark: in this standard 2. Definitions For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply. e (1) Electric Air Cleaner An air cleaning device which principally operates using the phenomenon of static electricity to electrically charge and catch dust particles. etc. It consists of a dust collector, blower, power supply, (2) Mechanical A i r Cleaner An air cleaning device which uses a filter material to trap dust particles consists of a dust collector and blower. Applicable Standards : JIS B 8330-Testing Methods for Fans and Blowers JIS C I 302-Insulation Resistance Testers (Battery Operated) JIS C 1502-Sound Level Meters J E C 3302-Rubber Sheathed Portable Power Cables (Cabtyre Cable) JIS C 331 2-Polyvinyl Chloride Cabtyre Cables SIS C 3322-Cabtyre Cords JIS C 9603-Ventilating Fans JIS K O1 03-Method for Determination of Total Sulphur .Oxides and Sulphur JIS K 0104-Methods for Determination of Oxides of Nitrogen in Exhaust JIS K 2243-Air Filter Oil JIS P 3801-Filter Paper (for Chemical Analysis) JIS Z 8731-Methods for Measurement of Sound Level JIS Z 8901-Dusts and Aerosols for Industrial Testing Dioxide in Flue Gas Gases Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- L C 961.5-1 976 J I S C*îbL5 76 W 4933608 8039953 B Dust Collector In the case of an electric air cleaner, an integrated unit consisting of an ionizer for electrically charging dust particles, a dust collecting unit for catching the dust particles and associated equipment. In the case of a mechanical cleaner, an integrated unit consisting of a filter material to trap dust particles and associated equipment. Power Supply Unit electrical powerto the dust collector, blower, etc. and a controller. A unit consisting of a power supply to provide Rated Voltage minals of the air cleaner. The rated value of the voltage across the input ter- Input Current The current flowing through the input terminals of the air cleaner when it is operating under the rated frequency and voltage at the rated dust collecting rate, Rated Power Consumption when it is operating under the rated frequency and voltage at'the rated The power consumed by the air cleaner dust Collecting rate. Rated Airflow The rate at which air flows through the air cleaner when the cleaner is operating at the rated frequency and voltage. In the case of an air cleaner which has an airflow adjustment device it is the maximum airflow through the air cleaner. Rated Dust Collecting Rate of the difference in the concentration of dust contained in the air both entering and leaving the air cleaner to the concentration of dust in the air entering the air cleaner, when the air cleaner is operating at the rated airflow. Rated Dust Holding Capacity of dust collected by the filter material of an electrical or mechanical air cleaner until such time as either the rate of airflowing through the cleaner falls to 80 % of the rated airflow or the dust collecting rate falls to 85 % of the maximum dust collecting rate, whichever is the lesser amount. The ratio , expressed as a percentage , The total amount , expressed in grammes This does not apply to regenerative type air cleaners. Rated Gas Elimination Rate The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the difference in the concentration of gas contained in the air both entering and leaving the air cleaner to the concentration of .gas in the air entering the air cleaner when the air cleaner is operating at the rated airflow. Rated Gas Elimination Capacity The total amount of gas , expressed in millilitres, absorbed by the air cleaner until such time as the gas elimination rate falls to 85 % of the rated gas elimination rate. Primary Circuit the air cleaner-to the terminals on the primary side of a high tension or extra high tension transformer. The electrical circuit -from the input terminals of Secondary Circuit The electrical circuit from the terminals on the secondary side of a high tension or extra high tension transformer to the high tension or extra high tension part of the dust collector. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - Dust catching Dust catching and gas elimination Mechanical air cleaner cleaner I Dust catching and gas elimination 4. Supply Voltage Variation An electric air cleaner shall be capable of functioning without hindrance with respect to the rated voltage. despite a supply voltage variation of - + 10 5. Performance 5 1 Starting When tested according to the method of 7.2 the motor shall start irrespective of the position of the rotor. 5.2 Temperature Rise When tested according to the method of 7.3 the temperature rise shall be no greater than the values shown in Table 2. Table 2 Measuring point Temperature rise O C Class A insulated 70 Windings of motor, transformer , etc Class E insulated 85 Class B insulated 90 Selenium type 45 Rectifiers Silicon type .I05 Branchouts on movable cable 60 Handles used during operation 25 Knobs and buttons for flashers , etc. 25 25 External parts which can easily come into human . contact Surface of wooden test bench 25 Remark: The standard ambient temperature limit shall be 30 OC. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 J I S C*ïb15 76 m 4933608 0039953 I m C 9615-1976 5.3 Insulation An air cleaner shall conform to the following items in respect of electrical insulation. (I) Insulation Resistance When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.4.1 the insulation resistance shall be at least I MQ. (2) Withstand Voltage The air cleaner shall not break down when tested according to the method of 7.4.2. (3) Leakage Current When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.4.3 the leakage current shall be no greater than 1 mA. 5.4 Switches Switches shall conform to the following items. (I) Make and Break There shall be no faults arising in any part of a switch when tested according to the method of 7.5 (I ). (2) Temperature Rise When a switch is tested according to the method of 7.5 (2) the temperature rise at contacting parts shall be no greater than the value indicated in Table 3. Table 3 Unit: O C Contact material I Temperature rise Rated airflow m3/min Noise power level dB 5 max. 50 Copper or copper alloy 40 Silver or silver alloy 65 Remark: The standard ambient temperature limit shall be 3OoC. 5.5 Power Consumption When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.6 the power consumption shall be within + 20 % pf the rated value in the case of an air cleaner whose rated power consumrtion is no greater than 100 W, within + I 5 % in the case of an air cleaner rated in excess of 100 W and within + 10 $ Tn the case of an air cleaner rated in excess of 1000 W. 5.6 Airflow When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.7 the airflow shall be within - + 10 % of the rated airflow. 5.7 - Noise When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.8 the noise power level shall be no greater than the value shown in Table 4. Table 4 Over 5 to 20 incl. 55 Over 20 60 Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - -1 J I S C*îb15 - 7b M 4933k08 - 0039954 3 5 C 961 5-1976 5.8 Dust Collecting Rate When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.9 the dust collecting rate shall be at least 70 % in the case of a . mechanical air cleaner and at least 85 % in the case of an .electrical air cleaner, 5.9 Dust Holding Capacity When the air cleaner is tested according to the method of 7.1 O the dust holding capacity shall be at least 6 g per 1 m3/min at the rated airflow; 5. I O Gas- Elimination Rate When an air cleaner which is capable of gas elimination is tested according to the method of 7. I 1 the gas elimination rate shall be at least 60 %. 5. I 1 Gas Elimination Capac% When an air cleaner which is capable of gas elimination is tested according to the method of 7.12 the gas elimination capacity shall be at least 500 ml per I m3/min at the rated airflow. 6 e Construction 6.1 General Construction The construction of an air cleaner shall conform to the following items. (3) (4) (5) (7) There shall be no possibility of danger arising under normal condi- tions of use. of the individual components shall be satisfactory. smooth. The shape shall be correct and the assembly and finish Operation shall be The main parts of the air cleaner shall be robustly constructed from suitable materials such as metal, and shall be of high durability. Farts of the air cleaner which use water or oil shall be either water- proof or oil-proof in construction. Paint on the outside of the air cleaner shall not easily peel off. The interior of the air cleaner shall be constructed so as to enable inspection and maintenance to be carried out. The air cleaner shall not easily break down mechanically or electri- cally either in transit or during operation. The hole through which movable cable or lead wire passes shall be chamfered or otherwise suitably treated so as to protect the movable cable or lead wire from damage, except in the case where a protect- ing spring, protecting bushing or other suitable pr,otecting device is used . High voltage areas such as the dust collecting part and ionization part of an electric air cleaner shall be suitably covered to prevent easy access. The filter material shall eliminate dust particles in the air while per- mitting air to pass freely through it. shall not easily deteriorate or corrode. Under normal air conditions it When a viscous agent is employed on the filter material it shall be either Class 1 as specified in JIS K 2243 or at least the equivalent thereof e Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*ïb15 7b m Li933608 0039955 5 m 6 C 961 5-1 976 (1 1 ) The dust collecting unit shall be constructed so that it can be either easily removed or easily replaced, (12) An electric air cleaner shall incorporate a device to remove any residual electric charge and shall be constructed so that the power supply is cut off when either the door used for removing the dust collector or other parts of the air cleaner are opened. (13) A grounding terminal or grounding lead wire shall be attached to easily visible parts of the exterior of an electric air cleaner and a mechanical air cleaner having a rated voltage in excess of 150 V. Indication shall be made on the grounding terminal and lead themselves or in the vicinity of same to the effect that they are for grounding use. The above need not apply to air cleaners with no externally exposed metallic parts or those which can be grounded by means of a ground- ing pin on the power supply plug. Movable cable shall be Class 2 cabtyre cable specified in JIS C 3302 a cabtyre cable specified in JIS C 3312 or cable of at least equivalent quality and shall have a nominal cross sectional area of at least 0.75 mm2. For an input power of not greater than 300 W, however, it is permissible to use cord specified in JIS C 3322. (I 4) 6.2 Insulation Clearance The insulation clearance (space clearance and creeping clearance) between live parts of different polarity non-live metallic parts and between live parts and non-metallic parts which are liable to come into human contact shall be not less than the values indi- cated in Table 5. between live and 6.3 Secondary Circuit The secondary circuit of an electric air cleaner shall conform to the following items. (1 ) The electrical insulating material employed shall have sufficient insulation strength and shall be non-combustible and humidity re- sistant. Connecting parts of the high tension and extra high tension circuit shall be adequately insulated having regard for the presence of dust and humidity. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/16/2007 00:21:59 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*7bL5 7b 4733bOA 0039956 7 ' 7 C 9615-1976 Table 5 Unit: mm Classifi- cation Line voltage or voltage to ground V 50 max. Over 50 to 150 incl. Over 150 to 300 incl. Between terminals 3.0 4 . O Power connection parts supply Between terminals and non-live metallic parts liable to become grounded or non-metallic parts likely to com


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