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    JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STANDARD Corrugated Steel Pipes and Sections JE G 347 I -1977 i Translated and Published Japanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 12 s J I S G83471 77 = 4933b08 0048b00 2 Translation without guarantee In the event of any doubt arising, the original standard in Japanese is to be evidence JIS Ga3471 77 W 4933608 0048bOL 4 UDC 669.14-417462.2; 669.14-417: 621.882 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S Corrugated Steel Pipes and Sections G 3471- 1977 1. Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies corrugated steel pipes and sections, and bolts, nuts, washers and coupling bands for joints for the use of water channel, passageway and other various constructions. Remark: The corrugated pipes include those of the spiral type which are made in advance in the form of pipe by the manufacturer and those which are shipped as the sections from the manufacturer and assembled at the construction site. 2. Class and Symbol The classes and symbols of the corrugated pipes according to combination of sectional shapes and corrugation shapes of the pipes shall be as given in Table 1. Applicable Standards : JIS B 1180-Hexagon Head Bolts JE B 1181-Hexagon Nuts JE G 3101-Rolled Steel for General Structure JIS G 3131-Hot-Rolled Mild Steel Plates, Sheets and Strip JIS G 3302-Galvanized Sheets JIS H 0401-Methods of Test for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dipped) on Iron or JE H 2107-Zinc Metal JIS H 8610-Electroplated Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel JIS H 864i-zinc Coating (Hot-Dipped) on Iron or Steel I Steel JIS G*347L 77 m 4933b08 0048b02 b m 2 G 3471-1977 Table 1. Class and Symbol Class I Shape of section Circular type Elongation type Pipe arch type Arch type Shape of Symbol corruga- tion Type 1 SCP 1 R Type 1 S SCP 1 RS Type 2 SCP 2 R SCP 2 E Type2 I S C P 2 P Type 2 I SCP 2 A Remark Jointing of the sections is of the flange type in the axial direction and of the lap type in the circumferential direction. Spiral pipes are connected by the coupling band. Jointing of the sections is of the lap type both in the axial direction and in the circumferential direction. Spiral pipes are connected by the coupling band. Jointing of the sections is of the lap type both in the axial direction and in the circumferential direction. Remark; When the material contains copper, “Cu“ shall be suffixed to the symbol. Examples: SCP 1 RSCu, SCP 3 RSCu 3. Manufacturing Method The corrugated steel pipes and sections shall be manufactured by cold- forming steel plate or galvanized iron plate in the specified shapes and dimensions. plated by hot zinc dipping after forming unless otherwise specified. 4. Material When a steel plate is used, the pipes and sections shall be 4.1 The materials to be used for manufacturing the pipes, sections and coupling bands shall be Class 1 SPHC specified in JIS G 3131 or equivalent or superior materials or hot zinc dipped materials or the materials specified in JIS G 3302. 4.2 The strength classification of bolts, nuts and washers to be used for assembling the sections shall conform to JIS B 1180, JIS B 1181 and Class 2 SS 41 specified in JIS G 3101 and these parts shall be galvanized unless otherwise specified and the shapes and dimensions shall be appropriate for joints. Combinations and grades of the bolts and nuts shall be as given in Table 2. J I S G*347L 77 W 4733608 0048603 8 = G 3471-1977 3 Plate thickne s s of section mm Under 4.5 4.5 and over Table 2. Combinations and Grades of Bolts and Nuts Strength classification Grade Finish Grade of thread B Olt Nut Bolt Nut Bolt Nut 4 T min. 7 T min. 4 min. Ordinary Ordinary Grade 3 Grade 3 The bolts to be used for assembling the pipe with the sections shall be provided with coarse threads of nominal diameter 10 for Type 1 and nominal diameter 20 for Type 2 and the grade of thread shall be that before galva- nizing, 4.3 specified in JE H 2107 or the superior. The zinc metal to be used for hot zinc dipping shall be Class 2 . 5. Appearance and Weight of Zinc Coating 5.1 The sections, spiral pipes, bolts for jointing, nuts, washers and coupling The weight of zinc coating on the hot zinc dipped pipe and section shall bands shall be free from injurious defects in use. be as given in Table 3. 5.2 Table 3. Weight of Zinc Coating Unit: g/m2 Type Of weight Of zinc coating Minimum weight of coating I 600 I 600 900 I 900 Remarks 1. The weight of zinc coating is given as the weight of zinc coating on both sides of a product. Type 600 shall comply with JE G 3302. Type 900 shall conform to Class 2, 45 specified in JIS H 8641. The weight of zinc coating on bolts, nuts and washers shall be Class 1 The weight of zinc coating on the coupling band shall be equivalent to 2. 3. 5.3 Grade 3 specified in JIS H 8610 or the superior. Type 600 in Table 3 of 5.2. 5.4 J I S G*3471 77 W 4933b08 004Bb04 T W SCP 1 J i 4 G 3471-1977 400 600 800 1000 1200 1350 1500 1650 6. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Pipe and Section 6.1 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type. 1 6.1.1 The dimensions of the circular type 1 pipe shall be as given in Table 4. Table 4. . Dimensions of Circular Type 1 Pipe T J n i t r mm Nominal dia. D Plate thickness t 1.6 I 2.0 I 2.7 I 3.2 I 4.0 1800 Remark: The pl of the ololololo O O ite thickness indicates the thickness riginal plate before plating. Y e Effet- tive length JIS G*347L 77 N 4933b08 0048605 L W Hole Flange position length in axial direction G 3471-1977 5 612 1020 55 6.1.2 The sectional shape and dimensions of the circular type 1 section shall be as given in Table 5. 25 Symbol SCP 1 R L . 000000000 -Center line of corrugation I Table 5. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 1 Section Unit: mm Dimensions Corru- gation pitch P 68.0 II I I 13.0 1 17.5 Lap allowance in axial direction I i9 J I S G*3471 77 W 4933b08 0048bOb 3 W 6 G 3471-1977 6.1.3 The number of bolt holes of the circular type 1 section shall be as given in Table 6. Unit: mm O -1 000000000 Axial direction (before corrugation) Table 6. Number of Bolt Holes of Circular Type 1 Section Nominal Number of bolt holes Hole pitch in diamet er 1- circumferential I direcz of section D Ci r cumf e r entia1 I direction 1 direction (both sides) 400 I 600 I 1350 I 1800 1 1 - None None I - I 8 500 1 per pitch of corrugation 8 500 10 500 10 500 10 500 JIS G*347L 77 4933608 0048b07 5 Nominal Plate thickness t dia 1.6 2.0 I 2.7 3.2 E O 300 O 400 O O - - - - - 450 o 0 1 - 7 G 3471-1977 Length L 6.2 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 1 S ' 6.2.1 The sectional shape and dimensions of the circular type 1 S pipe shall be as given in Tables 7 and 8. Table 7. Dimensions of Circular Type 1 S Pipe Unit: mm Symbol SCP 1 RS 18001 O I O I O I O I The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. Remark: corrugation J I S G*3473 77 m Y933608 OOYdbO8 7 m S y-mbol 8 G 3471-1977 Corrugation Corrugation Bend radius of pitch height corrugation P H r Table 8. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular 1 S Pipe Unit: mm Dimensions I SCP 1 RS I 68.0 I 13.0 1 17.5 6.2.2 The sectional shape and dimensions of the coupling band to be used for the circular ty-pe 1 S pipe shall be as given in Table 9. D- 1 Il- 2 Upper s- 1 k - W - 2 ; i Lower s-2 I 1 'W' +-I J I S G*347L 77 Li733608 0048609 9 9 G 3471-1977 Table 9. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Coupling Band Used for Circular Type 1 S Pipe unit: mm Nominal dial 300 400 450 600 800 1000 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 Symbol - Plate 1.6 thickness Width W 270 - D- 1 Plate - 2. o 2.7 D- 2 thickness width .W - 410 1 410 1.6, 2.0, 2.7 1.6, 2.0, 2.7, 3.2 . 410 1.6, 2.0 Plate thickness Width W 410 s.l I I Plate - I 3.2 thickness - 2 Width W - 1 4 1 0 6.3 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 2 6.3.1 The dimensions of the circular type 2 shall be as given in Table 10. 10 G 3471-1977 Table 10. Dimensions of Circular Type 2 Pipe and Number of Sections Forming Pipe Unit: mm Number of sections forming pipe (example) Plate I Plate c thickness thick 2.7 3.2 4.0 D 1500 o o o 1750 O O O 2000 o o o 2500 O O . O - Symbol - I 31 1 - I 41- 21 21- o l o l o l o 41-1- o l o l o l o 2 - 4 1 : I : o l o l o l o O lololo 61-1- o l o l o l o 4 1 41- XP2R 81 41- 1 2 1 - 1 - o l o l o l o 1 6 1 - 1 - 1 6 1 41- 2 0 1 - 1 - Remark: The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. a a J I S GS3471 77 4933608 0048bLl 7 11 G 3471-1977 6.3.2 The sectional shape and dimensions of the circular type 2 section shall be as given in Table 11, t Axial direction (Figure before corrugation) Center line of corrugation J I S G*3471 77 9 4933608 0048612 9 = Bend' radius of corruga- tion 12 G 3471-1977 Effec- tive length Table 11. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 2 Section Unit: mm Symbol Corruga- tion pitch P 150. O 150. O Cor ruga - tion height EI 48.0 50.0 Dimensions 28.0 28.0 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 Lap allow- ance in axial direct ion I Lap allowance in circumferential direction Yi 92 Remarks 1. O mark indicates the positions of bolt holes. indicates the position of bolt holes to be provided in addition .when the plate thickness is 6.0 mm or 7.0 mm. 2. The distances YI and gi and the distance between holes (262 mm) in the circumferential direction shall be the dimension before corrugation. Number II shall be 3, 6 and 9 and referred to as 3 pitches, 6 pitches and 9 pitches. Dimension I I (length of chord) and dimension 6 (effective circum- ference) shall be calculated from the following formula. However, O mark 3. 4. where ti shall be as follows: Circular type: »/2 Elongation type : Pipe arch type: Arch type: 1; rl, Q, r1 ri, Y?, r, JIS G*347L 77 E 4733608 0048bL3 O E Plate thickness mm of section t 13 ' G 3471-1977 Number of bolt holes I Circumferential Axial direction direction 6.3.3 The number of bolt holes of the circular type 2 section shall be as given in Table 12. Table 12. Number of Bolt Holes of Circular Type 2 Section Not less than 2 per I corrugation pitch per 262 mm 5.3 max. Not less than 3 per corrugation pitch 6.0 min. 1 per 262 mm 6.4 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 3 S 6.4.1 The sectional shape and the dimensions of the circular type 3 S pipe shall be as given in Tables 13 and 14. 14 G 3471 - 1977 Nominal Symbol dia' D 900 Plate t Length L thickness 1.6 ' 2.0 2.7 3.2 O O O O SCP 3 RC Symbol Specified length from 4000 to 6000 incl. Corrugation Corrugation Bend radius P H r pitch height of corrugation 1800 O 2000 O O 2200 2400 . The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. Remark: Center line of corrugation Table 14. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Circular Type 3 S Pipe unit: mm Dimensions I SCP 3 RS I 76.2 1 25.4 1 17.5 e 900 G 3471-1977 15 1000 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 2000 2200 2400 6.4.2 The sectional shape and dimensions of the coupling band to be used for the circular ty-pe 3 S pipe shall be as given in Table 15. ? Plate 1.6, 2.0, 2.7, 3.2 thickness s-3 Width W 460 Plate - thickness ? Width w s-4 - J I S G*3473 77 W 4933608 004Bb35 4 - - 3.2 460 s -3 s -4 a a a Table 15. Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Coupling Band to Be Used for Circular Type 3 S Pipe Unit: mm J I S G*3473 77 M 4933b08 0048bLb b W 16 G 3471- 1977 6.5 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Elongation Type 6.5.1 The dimensions of the elongation type shall be as given in Table 16. However, the sectional shape and dimensions of the section and the number of holes of the section shall be as given in Tables 11 and 12. Symbol d'a' I ' 7 2000 - SCP 2 E Fo“ m 0 ! Table 16. Dimensions of Elongation Type and Number of Sections Forming Pipe Unit: mm S 1405 I1575 I 680 1668 I 1839 I 705 - 3333 3675 1540 -M- 3844 4200 1645 4305 I 4725 I 1925 979 1140 1385 1710 1953 - 2157 2460 - - Remark: The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. J I S G*3471 77 W 4933608 0048637 8 17 G 3471-'1977 6.6 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Pipe Arch Type 6.6.1 The dimensions of the pipe arch type shall be as given in Table 17. However, the sectional shape and dimensions of the section and the number ófr bolt holes of the section shall be as given in Tables 11 and 12. Table 17. Dimensions of Pipe Arch Type and Number of Sections Forming Pipe Unit: mm I II I I I nma2“ I Plate 1 Number o f sections -d-I I s SCP 2 P - 3189 1 1171 I 4710 1914 3684 -I- - 2312 4191 2720 I 4688 3138 1 5176 - Remark: The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. -.-, “ . J I S i8 G 3471-1977 Gu3471 0048b18 6.7 Sectional Shape and Dimensions of Arch Type 6.7.1 The dimensions of the arch type shall be as given in Table 18. However, the sectional shape and dimensions of the section and the number of bolt holes of the section shall be as given in Tables 11 and 12. I 3 Table 18. Dimensions of Arch Type and Number of Sections Forming Pipe Unit: mm - Plate Number of sections Nominal Span Rise thickness forming arch (example) Symbol dia. ns R 2.7 1 3 . 2 14.0 1 4 . 5 1 5 . 3 1 6 . 0 1 7 . 0 gpiiches.16pitche.13pircbe. -. 1 2000 2000 2500 2500 1310 3000 3000 4000 4000 4500 4500 X P % A 2 1 3 6500 6500 7000 7000 1 Remark: The plate thickness indicates the thickness of the original plate before plating. 7. Dimensional Tolerance for Pines and Sections 7.1 The dimensïonal tolerances on the circular type 1 , circular type 2, elongation type, pipe arch type and arch type sections shall be as given in Table 19. J I S G*3471 77 W 4933bOö 004öbLî 1i W G 3471-1977 19 O rc) +I . O m +I o 'I. * m !. I I M +I +I 2 4 x +I rl I I e QI iL 00 4 61 a cn +I cn +I eci O O 0 *d 00 +I 00 +I I+i O m +I O m +I O m +I d O m +I 7-4 O 1 cn ç¿ b u cn nl k id =r 4 .$ K J I S G83473 77 W 4933b08 0048b20 8 = 20. G 3471-1977 8. Test - The test for the weight of zinc coating after hot zinc dipping shall be in accordance with the weight method (direct method) specified in JE H 0401 or the three point method of the antimony chloride method (indirect method). In this case, when the hot zinc dipping is conducted after forming, the weight method shall, as a rule, apply and, when a galvanized iron plate is irsed, the three point method (mean value of three points) of the antimony chloride method shall, as a rule, apply. 9. Inspection The results of inspections on the appearance, weight of zinc coating and dimensions of the sections, spiral type pipes, and bolts for jointing, nutst washers and coupling bands shall conform'to the specifications in 4. , 5 and 7. 10. Marking inspection shall be marked with the following particulars : . Each spiral type pipe and each bundle of sections which have passed the (i) Symbol of class (2) Type of weight of zinc coating (When not galvanized, the pipes and sections shall be marked with 000,) (3) (4) Dimensions (plate thickness x nominal diameter) Manufacturer's name or its abbreviation Examples 1. SCP 1 R I 900 I 3.2 x l 1500 o T I Manufacturer' s name or its abbreviation Dimensions Type of weight of


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