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    J IS JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STA N DA R D Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association (TISF/ JSA) Dimensions, mass and permissible variations of hot rolled steel bars and bar in coil ICs 77.140.60 Reference number : JIS G 3191 : 2002 (E) 5s G 3191 : 2002 Foreword T h i s translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, as the result of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF)/the Japanese Standards Association (JSA) with the draft being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law. Consequently JIS G 3191 : 1966 is replaced with this Standard. Date of Establishment: 1954-07-30 Date of Revision: 2002-01-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2002-01-21 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Standards Board Technical Committee on Iron and Steel JIS G 3191 : 2002, First English edition published in 2002-05 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA 2002 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan -,-,- JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS G 3191 : 2002 Dimensions, mass and permissible variations of hot rolled steel bars and bar in coil 1 Scope This Standard specifies dimensions, mass and tolerances thereon as well as appearance, shape, and allowable limits thereto of steel bars and bar in coil which are manufactured by hot rolling. In addition, the application of this Standard shall be stated in respective product standards. 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent edition of the standard (including amendments) indicated below shall be applied. Guide to the rounding of numbers JIS Z 8401 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions shall apply. 3.1 steel bars The steel which is hot rolled into a bar form and supplied by be- ing cut into a prescribed length. There are types of round bars, square bars and hexagonal bars. 3.1.1 round bars sectional shape is round. The steel which is rolled into a bar form and of which cross 3.1.2 square bars The steel which is rolled into a bar form and of which cross sectional shape is square. It also includes a type of steel with the corner of cross sectional shape rounded. 3.1.3 hexagonal bars The steel which is rolled into a bar form and of which cross sectional shape is hexagonal. 3.2 bar in coil The steel which is hot rolled into a bar form and supplied by being wound into a coil shape. 4 Expression of dimensions The expression of dimensions shall be as follows. 4.1 side or width across flats and in meters for length. The dimensions of steel bars shall be expressed in millimeters for diameter, 4.2 or width across flats. The dimension of bar in coil shall be expressed in millimeters for diameter, side 5 Standard dimensions The standard dimensions shall be as follows. 5.1 dance with Table 1. The standard diameter of round bar (including bar in coil) shall be in accor- 2 G 3191 : 2002 Diameter, side or width across flats Under 16 Table 1 Standard diameter of round bar Unit: mm Tolerance Diametrical deviation P) k 0.4 Not more than 70 % of total 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (14) 16 (18) 19 20 22 24 25 (27) 28 30 32 (33) 36 38 (39) 42 (45) 46 48 50 (52) 55 56 60 64 65 (68) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 (120) 130 140 150 160 180 200 Remarks 1 It is preferable that the standard diameters other than those being enclosed in parenthe- ses should apply thereto. 2 The standard diameter shall apply to the round steel not less than 9 mm therein and to the bar in coil not more than 50 mm therein. 5.2 The standard length of steel bars shall be in accordance with Table 2. Table 2 Standard length of steel bars Unit: m 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 I Remarks : In the case of bar in coil, the total mass on order and coil unit mass shall be designated, when required. 6 Dimensional tolerances The dimensional tolerances shall be as follows. 6.1 deviation of the steel bar and bar in coil shall be as given in Table 3. The dimensional tolerances on diameter, side or width across flats and diametrical Table 3 Dimensional tolerance on diameter, side or width across flats and diametrical deviation of steel bar and bar in coil Unit: mm I tolerance range of diameter, side or width across flats I I 16 or over to and excl. 28 1 k0.5 I 28orover I k1.8% I I Note (1) The diametrical deviation denotes the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the diameter, side or width across flats in the same sectional area. That is used for tolerance on diameter for round bar, side for square bar, and width across flats for hexagonal bar. 6.2 The tolerance on length of steel bar shall be as given in Table 4. -,-,- 3 G 3191 : 2002 Length 7 m and under Over 7 m Table 4 Tolerance on length of steel bar Tolerance +40 mm O Add 5 mm to the tolerance on the + side above for every increment of 1 m length or the fractions. Basic mass kg/cm2/m Sectional area mm2 7 Mass The mass shall be as follows. 7 . 1 kirograms. In case of bar in coil, the mass shall be the actual mass. 7 . 2 Table 5. The dimension in this case shall be of the expressed dimension. 7 . 3 which was found in accordance with 7 . 2 shall be as given in Attached Table 1. The mass of steel bar, in general, shall be the arithmetic mass in the units of The calculating method for the mass of steel bar shall be in accordance with The sectional area and unit mass to the standard diameter of the round bar Table 5 Calculating method of mass of steel bar Calculating method 7.85 x 10-3 (sectional area of 1 mm2, mass of 1 m in length) Sequence of calculation Number of result figures Round bar Unit mass kg/m D2 x 0.785 4 where D : diameter (mm) Round off in numerical value to 4 places of significant figures. Squarebar A2 where A : side (mm) Hexagonal bar B2 X 0.866 O where B : width across flats (mm) Basic mass (kg/cm2/m) X sectional area (mm2) Round off in numerical value to 3 places of significant figures, provided that round off those exceeding 1 O00 kg in the integer value of kg. Round off in numerical value to 3 places of sigiiificant figures. Gross mass Mass per piece (kg) x total number I ka I of pieces of the same dimension Round off in integer value of kg. Remarks 1 The calculating method for the sectional area of steel bar which is not specified in Table 5 shall be in accordance with the agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 2 The rounding of the numerical value shall be in accordance with JIS Z 8401. -,-,- 4 G 3191 : 2002 Diameter, side or width across flats Under 10 mm 10 mm 01- over to and excl. 16 mm 16 mm or over to and excl. 28 mm 28 mm or over 8 Tolerance on mass The tolerance on mass of steel bar when designated by the purchaser shall be as given Table 6. In such case, the calculating method for toler- ance shall be denoted in percentage of dividing the difference between arithmetic mass and actual mass by arithmetic mass. Tolerance Application t 7 % f 5 f 4 % not sufficing f3.5 % Applicable to each unit (i O00 kg min.) of the same dimension, provided that applicable to each unit of 10 pieces or more in case of number of pieces corresponding to 1 O00 kg Table 6 Tolerance on mass 9 Appearance The appearance shall be as follows. 9.1 The steel bar and bar in coil shall be free from detrimental defects to use. However, the bar in coil may possibly have some defects, because it is generally no occasion to remove the portion including the defect through the inspection. 9.2 In case of the steel bar having the injurious surface defect, the manufacturer may remove the defect by chipping or grinding and the like, provided that the fol- lowing conditions satisfy. a) The dimension (diameter, side or width across flats) of steel bar after being re- paired shall be not less than 95 % of the expressed dimension. b) , The repaired portion of steel bar shall be cleanly finished and smoothed on the boundary with the surface as it is rolled. -,-,- 5. G 3191 : 2002 23.76 28.27 38.48 50.27 63.62 78.54 95.03 Attached Table 1 Sectional area and unit mass of round bar 0.186 0.222 0.302 0.395 0.499 0.617 0.746 8 D: diameter 254.5 283.3 314.2 380.1 liameter mm 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 2.00 2.23 2.47 2.98 11 12 13 (14) 16 (18) 19 20 22 24 25 (27) 28 30 32 1018 1134 1195 1385 (33) 36 38 (39) 42 7.99 8.90 9.38 10.9 Iiametei (45) 111111 46 48 50 (52) .5 3 .56 60 64 65 (08) 70 - 13 80 85 90 o3 1 O0 1 IO 120 130 140 150 I 60 180 200 1 662 13.0 14.2 1 964 15.4 2 124 16.7 2 376 18.7 2 463 19.3 I827 3 217 25.3 26.0 28.5 30.2 - 3632 I 3 848 4418 34.7 .5 o 2 7 ! 39.5 5 67.5 I 44.5 63U2 1 40.9 I 7 088 1 53.6 7854 I 74.6 O 303 I I 310 13 270 1 04 121 I39 158 15 390 17 670 20 Il0 2.5450 1 200 31420 i I 1: I 247 Remarks : It is preferable that the standard diameter other than those being enclosed in parentheses should apply thereto. -,-,- Enata for JIS (English edition) are printed in Standardization Journal, published monthly by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of n S (English edition) in Monthly Information. Errata will be provided upon request, please contact: Standardization Promotion Department, Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN TEL. 03-3583-8002 FAX. 03-3583-0462 100% Recycled paper


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