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    J I S M*8L25 76 4933608 00bb395 7 UDC 669.3: 543.062: 546.56.06 I JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STANDARD Method for Determination of Copper in Blister Copper Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Printed in Jipin 4 s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S M*8L25 76 = 4933688 0866396 9 4 1 Translation without guarantee standard in Japanese is to be evidence in the event of any doubt arising, the original Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S M*8L25 7b R 4933bO8 00bb397 O ' UDC 669.3:543.062:546.56.06 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S Method for Determination of Copper in M 8125-1976 Blister Copper (Reaffirmed: 1984) 1, General 1.1 Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the method for determination of copper in blister copper. 1.2 Weighing and Manipulation of Sample 1.2.1 In order to weigh the sample, a chemical balance shall be employed. 1.2.2 After the sample in the form of chips shall be crushed in a mortar in compliance with JIS M 8102, it shall be divided into grain and powder with 420 pm sieve (equivalent to 35 meshes) of JIS Z 8801 and then the sample weight of 10 g to be used for one analytical manipulation shall be weighed out in proportion to the weight ratios of the grain and the powder. 1.3 Cautions in Analytical Manipulation 1.3.1 The chemical analysis shall be carried out two times or more for the same sample. 1.3.2 The reagents shall be of a good quality and, unless otherwise specified, shall be those specified in the Japanese Industrial Standard. 1.3.3 The glass instruments and porcelain wares for the chemical analysis, unless otherwise specified, shall be those specified in the Japanese Industrial Standard. Applicable Standards : JIS M 8102-Methods for Sampling and Determination of Moisture Content JIS M 8121-Methods for Determination of Copper in Ores JIS Z 8401-Rules for Rounding off of Numerical Values JIS Z 8801-Test Sieves of Blister Copper Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S M*8125 76 = 4933bUA 8066398 2 2 M 8125-1976 1.4 Rounding-off of Analytical Values The analytical results shall be denoted in percentage and rounded off to two places of decimals in compliance with JIS Z 8401. 2. Method for Determination 2.1 Summary Dissolve the sample in “03, remove nitrogen oxides, pre- cipitate AgCI to separation, add H2S04 after separation, evaporate to dryness and make proper acidity to electrolysis, 2.2 Manipulation Weight 10 g of the sample into a beaker (500 ml content) , add approx. 80 ml of “03 (1 + 1) to decompose slowly, when violent reaction finished heat slowly to 80 to 90°C to decompose completely and continue the slow heating to remove nitrogen oxides and such. Add warm water to that to make approx. 300 ml, while stirring add a few drops of HCl (1 + 3), warm to 80 to 90°C for about 1 h, let stand still in a warm place for one night, filter AgC1 and such and wash well with warm water. Take the filtrate and the wash water into a 500 ml measuring flask, cool to ordinary temperature with running water, make accurately 500 ml with water, shake well to uniformalization, measure accurately 50 ml into an electrolytic beaker (l) with a burette or pipette, add approx. 5 ml of H2SO4 ( 1 + 3), heat slowly, evaporate to dryness and let white fumes of H2SQ4 evolve weil (2). When cooled, add 10 to 15 ml of “03 (1 + 1) (3), add water to shake dissolve CuS04 and make 150 ml of liquid measure to electrolyze. previously weighed cylindrical platinum cathode and spiral platinum anode (4 ) for electrolyzes, cover with two semi-circular watch glasses, make the temperature within the room at 15 to 3OoC, make the current at 0.3 to 0.4 A per 1 dm2 of inner and outer gross areas of the cathode and electrolyze for one night. Judging from the disappearance of Cu ion colour, when the electrolytic separation is recognized to be finished, wash the inner surfaces of the watch glass and the beaker with water, elevate the liquid level up approx. 5 mm, further continue the electrolyzes for about 30 min and when the separation of copper is not seen on the electrode surface immersed newly in the liquid, examine the completeness of electrolyzes ( 5). finished, fish out both electrodes slowly while washing with water as the current is made, immerse last the cathode quickly into the water and separate, raise and lower several times to wash, remove moisture with absolute alcohol ( 6), dry promptly in an air bath at approx. 8OoC, let cool in a desiccator, weigh and calculate the Cu content from the following formula: Employ When the electrolyzes is Separated Cu weight (g) Sample (g) Cu (8) = Notes (l) JIS M 8121 shall apply to the electrolytic beaker. (2) ( 3 , C1 ion shall be let to evaporate completely, There shall be no C1 ion even in trace of “03. (4) JIS M 8121 shall apply to the cylindrical platinum cathode and also the spiral platinum anode. I Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 3. M 8125-1976 Measure a part (approx. 10 mi) of electrolyte into a beaker, evaporate to dryness, add 30 ml of water thereto, warm to dissolution, add 10 ml of 10 % C6H507 (NH4)3+H20 solution thereto, make alkaline with NH40H water, add 2 ml of 0.1 % sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate solution to detect Cu and examine the completeness of electrolyzes. When the existence of Cu is seen, continue further the electrolyzes. Because free acid may possible be contained in C2H50H, add small quantity of NaOH or Ba(OH)2 to neutralization, distill and use. 2.3 Tolerance When the repetition error of the same person to the same sample is beyond the range of the following tolerance, re-analysis shall be carried out: * t Tolerance 0.15 % Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S M*8125 76 W 4933608 O066400 7 W I M 8125-1976 Edition 1 Japanese Text Established by Minister of International Trade and Industry Date of Establishment: 1952-03-08 Date of Revision: 1976-03-01 Date of Reaffirmation: 1984-04-01 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: Investigated by: 1984-04-02 Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on Mining Technical Committee on Method for Determination of Ores This English translation is published by: Japanese Standards Association. 1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku , Tokyo 107 Japan 0 JSA, 1986 I . Rinteâ i n Tokyo by. Hohbumha cO.,Ud. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 19:07:05 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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