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    Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- JIS JAPANESE I ND USTRIAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Performance improvement of management systems- Guidelines for procedures and methodology for continual i m provement ICs 03.100.01 Reference number : JIS Q 9024 : 2003 (E) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 23 S Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Q 9024 : 2003 Foreword This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard established by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law: Date of Establishment: 2003-02-20 Date of Public Notice in Offlcial Gazette: 2003-02-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Conformity Assessment Board JIS Q 9024 : 2003, First English edition published in 2003-10 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA2003 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Q 9024 : 2003 Contents Page O 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 6.2 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Introduction Scope Normative reference Definitions Fundamental concepts Principles of continual improvement . Role of top management . Continual improvement process Management of continual improvement Issues in continual improvement Formation of organisation for continual improvement . Environment for continual improvement Procedure of continual improvement . General Procedure Techniques for continual improvement . Techniques for numerical data . Techniques for language data . Process mapping Benchmarking 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 11 19 19 27 37 40 (i) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS Q 9024 : 2003 Performance improvement of management systems- Guidelines for procedures and methodology for continual improvement O Introduction 0.1 General For an organisation to fulfill its mission, maintain competitiveness and realise sustainable growth, it is necessary to enhance the significance of its ex- istence by gaining satisfaction of customers and other interested parties in the value of the products that the organisation offers. For that purpose, the organisation must adapt swiftly to changes in the environment, enhance overall performances both ef- fectively and efficiently, and create high customer value in response to needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties. Continual enhancement of the ability to meet requirements in response to changes in environment and diversification of customer needs is vitally important. Growth in differential product development inevitably requires the need to enhance the ca- pability that makes this possible. Hence, the importance of methodology for enhancing this capability is rising. The methodology for enhancing the capability to adapt swiftly to changes in the environment and to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and other inter- ested parties affect: - Customer satisfaction, - Simultaneous improvement of quality, cost and cycle time, and - Performance improvement such as earnings and market share. 0.2 Consistency with other standards This Standard has been prepared to be used independently of JIS Q 9023 and JIS Q 9025. However, it may be used in complementary form as harmonised standards. Also, this Standard has been devel- oped in consideration of the use as supporting technique pertaining to items described in TR Q 0005 and TR Q 0006. 0.3 Relationship with JIS Q 9000 (IS0 9000) family This Standard has been prepared in consideration of the use as supporting technique for effective and effi- cient management system administration and operation by an organisation based on JIS Q 9001 (IS0 9001) and JIS Q 9004 (IS0 9004). 0.4 Compatibility with other management systems This Standard has not been prepared as supporting technique specifically for environmental management, occupational health and safety management, financial management, risk manage- ment or other management systems. However, it may be applicable to any organi- sation as methodology to support performance improvement of related management systems. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2 Q 9024 : 2003 1 Scope This Standard establishes guidelines related to procedures and techniques for continual improvement to support effective and efficient performance improve- ment of management systems of an organisation, and provides methodologies for effective and efficient problem-solving to achieve the issues. This Standard is in- tended for use by any organisations that wished to: - identify problems in products provided to customers and solve them by following consistent procedure; - implement and manage breakthrough projects requiring the change in existing process or introduction of new process apart from daily business administration; and - develop resources necessary in the future, apart from day-to-day business ad- ministration. This Standard is intended to be applied to any organisation which, regardless of the type of business, form, scale, or product, aims at performance improvement of management systems of the organisation through effective and efficient implemen- tation of continual improvement. 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through references in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. If the indication of the year of coming into effect is given to this referred standard, only the edition of the indicated year constitutes the provision of this Standard but the revision and amendment made thereafter do not apply. JIS Q 9000 (IS0 9000) : 2000 Quality management systems-Fundamentals and vocabulary 3 Definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions in JIS Q 9000 (IS0 9000) : 2000 and the following terms and definitions apply. However, in case of difference from those defined in JIS Q 9000 : 2000 (IS0 9000 : ZOOO), definitions given in this Standard apply. Terms used in definition or information that are defined in clause 3 of this Stan- dard are indicated in boldface. Terms defined in JIS Q 9000 (IS0 9000) are indi- cated in boldface, and JIS Q 9000 in parentheses subsequent to it. Terms shown in boldface can be replaced by full definition of the term. Throughout the text of this Standard, wherever the term “product” occurs, it can also mean “service.” 3.1 continual improvement Improvement in which problem solving or issue achieving is repeated through identification of problem or issue. 3.2 problem Gap between reality and established objectives that must be ad- dressed and overcome. 3 . 3 cause An item that is likely to induce a phenomenon. 3.4 root cause One cause among causes that is identified to trigger a phenomenon. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 3 Q 9024 : 2003 3.5 problem solving Activity to identify the root cause of a problem and imple- ment measure, confirm, and take required action. 3.6 issue Gap between reality and objectives to be established that requires ac- tion. Information : Issue may be referred to as important issue, priority action item, important action item, challenging issue, etc., under policy. 3.7 issue achieving Activity conducted to achieve an objective in an issue through effort and skill. 3.8 hypothesis An assumption established to identify the root cause. 3.9 recurrence preventation Action taken to remove the root cause of a problem or the impact of the root cause in order to prevent recurrence. Information : The recurrence preventation includes corrective action and preventive measures. 3.10 cross-functional team Team organised by members from different divisions and departments to assemble all the knowledge and technology that can be utilised in addressing issues that are difficult to resolve by a single division alone. Information : A cross-functional team includes members representing design, manufacturing, technology, quality, production, and other relevant areas of the organisation. It may also include customers (JIS Q 9000) or business partners. 3.11 that engages in improvement of product (JIS Q 9000) or process (JIS Q 9000). small group A small group of people working in front line of the organisation, Information : This small group may be referred to on occasions as QC (qual- ity control) circle. 3.12 improvement opportunities Condition in which more effective and efficient production of product (JIS Q 9000) or process (JIS Q 9000) is feasible. 3.13 policy General intention and direction of the organisation (JIS Q 9000), regarding the mission, philosophy, and management vision, as well as achievement of the medium-range and long-range business plan, announced officially by the top management (JIS Q 9000). Information : 1 Policy provides the framework for critical issues, objectives, and means. 2 Policy may include the following, depending on the organi- sation (JIS Q 9000). a) Critical issues b) Objectives and means c) Critical issues, objectives, and means PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 Q 9024 : 2003 3 Policy may refer to direction announced by responsible per- sons in charge inside the organisation in response to policy of the top management (JIS Q 9000). Example : Division manager policy, branch manager policy, or site manager policy. 4 Modifiers may be added to suggest that the policy is for a spe- cific management area. Example : Quality policy, environmental policy. 5 Policy development, implementation, and administration may be collectively called “policy management”. 3.14 objectives Point of achievement to be pursued and attained through efforts directed toward the achievement of policy or critical issue. Information : The objectives may often be defined in measurable form. 3.15 means Means selected to achieve the objectives. 3.16 monitoring item Item selected as performance indicator for managing the level of objectives achievement. Information: 1 Item selected as performance indicator for management of the level of achievement for means may be called inspection item or cause management item. 2 Monitoring items may be established for business operation for which a business division or individual is responsible to determine whether objective or action is being implemented as planned and take necessary actions. 4 Fundamental concepts 4.1 Principles of continual improvement The aim of an organisation is to gain satisfaction of customers and other interested parties through value of the products it offers and to realise continual growth. To achieve this, it is necessary for the organisation to improve continually its products and performance of the system that produces the products. The guidelines for continual improvement provided in this Standard are based on the following basic principles. a) Approach to product, process and system The targets for continual im- provement are the products that are created as a result of all activities inside the organisation and the processes and system that produce them. b) Factual approach Improvement activities are not dependent on experience or intuitive inspiration alone but through quantitative assessment of facts as data and conversion of subjective decision to objective evidence. Consistency in logical thinking The following scientific and rational ap- proach in consistent and logical thinking is adopted for effectiveness and effi- ciency in improvement activity: c) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:28:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 5 Q 9024 : 2003 1) Comprehension of current conditions; 2) 3) Planning of corrective measures; 4) Action; 5) Evaluation. d) Pursuit of improvement opportunities Make effort to explore opportuni- ties for better performance, rather than waiting for problems to become chronic and improvement opportunities to emerge. e) Gradual improvement and breakthrough Breakthrough is realised in fol- lowing items by addressing changes in environment based on the fundamentals of gradual improvement, rather than as extension of existing action: Identification of problems and root causes; i) 2) Formulation of new process; 3) Development of new products and new technologies; Expansion into new business areas. 4.2 Role of top management For effective and efficient management of continual improvement, it is recommended that top management should express that they are deeply committed to the improvement by assuring the following: a) Availability of environment for continual improvement; b) Development of policy with regard to fut


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